> 16) & 0xff; break; case "g": return ($code >> 8) & 0xff; break; case "b": return ($code >> 0) & 0xff; break; } } header("Content-Type: image/png"); if ( ! is_file($Stats) ||(filemtime($Stats) + CACHE < $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'])) { system("wget --no-cache http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/1.0/user/".rawurlencode($username)."/profile.xml -O $Stats.tmp 2>/dev/null"); system("mv $Stats.tmp $Stats 2>/dev/null"); } if ( is_file($Cache) && is_file($Stats) &&(filemtime($Cache) > filemtime($Stats)) ) { $fd=fopen($Cache, "r"); echo fread($fd, filesize($Cache)); fclose($fd); exit; } class Text { var $width = 0; var $height = 0; var $x = 0; var $y = 0; var $font = ""; var $size = 150; // High values to better quality var $angle = 0; var $color = 0; var $value = ""; function initiate($size) { $this->width = abs( max($size[0], $size[2], $size[4], $size[6]) - min(0, $size[0], $size[2], $size[4], $size[6]) ); $this->height= abs( max($size[1], $size[3], $size[5], $size[7]) - min(0, $size[1], $size[3], $size[5], $size[7]) ); $ratio = WIDTH / $this->width; $this->width *= WIDTH; $this->height *= $ratio; $this->size *= $ratio; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------- Ok, now we are ready. The idea of this version is to let the Last.fm user decide exactly what she/he does wants the badge to show up. I should offer the way to compute stats values, and get their result into a string. To get stats, we should limit to one user. So we get the username first. Then we propose to the user a bunch of results, such as, for example, -----------------------------------------------------------*/ $Line1 = new Text; $Line2 = new Text; $feed=new XMLReader(); if ($feed->open($Stats)) while ($feed->read()) { switch ($feed->name) { case "playcount": $feed->read(); $playcount=$feed->value; $feed->read(); break; case "registered": case "statsreset": $statsstart=$feed->getAttribute("unixtime"); $feed->read(); $feed->read(); break; case "profile": $username=$feed->getAttribute("username"); break; } } if (! $playcount) { $Line1->value="Sorry, $username is not"; $Line2->value="a valid Last.fm account"; $Line1->angle=2; $Line2->angle=1; //define(HEIGHT, 50); $Cache=""; } else { $duration = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - $statsstart; $months = $duration / (60*60*24*30); $weeks = $duration / (60*60*24*7); $days = $duration / (60*60*24); $permonth = floor($playcount / $months); $perweek = floor($playcount / $weeks); $perday = floor($playcount / $days); switch($type) { case "PerDay": $Line1->value = "$perday tracks per Day"; $Line1->angle = 2; $Line2->value = ""; break; case "PerWeek": $Line1->value = "$perweek tracks per Week"; $Line1->angle = 2; $Line2->value = ""; break; case "PerMonth": $Line1->value = "$permonth tracks per Month"; $Line1->angle = 2; $Line2->value = ""; break; case "Trueness": $Line1->value = "is "; $Line1->value .= ($permonth > TRUENESS ? "an" : "a"); $Line1->angle = 3; //define(HEIGHT, 50); $Line2->value = ($permonth > TRUENESS ? "untrue" : "true"); $Line2->value .= " listener"; $Line2->angle = 2; if (strlen($username." ".$Line1->value) >= strlen($Line2->value)) { $Line2->value = $Line1->value." ".$Line2->value; $Line1->value = $UserName; } else { $Line1->value = $UserName." ".$Line1->value; } break; case "Listens": $Line1->value = $UserName . " listens to"; $Line1->angle = 2; break; case "Since": $Line1->value = strftime("since %B %Y", $statsstart); $Line1->angle = 1; break; case "Total": $Line1->value = "$playcount tracks played"; $Line1->angle = 1; //define(HEIGHT, 40); break; default: $Line1->value = "Sorry, unavailable !"; break; } $Line1->font = "import/" . $Styles[$style]; $Line2->font = $Line1->font; } $size=imageftbbox($Line1->size, $Line1->angle, $Line1->font, $Line1->value); $Line1->initiate($size); $Line1->x=0; $Line1->y=$Line1->height - 1; if ($Line2->value != "") { $size=imageftbbox($Line2->size, $Line2->angle, $Line2->font, $Line2->value); $Line2->initiate($size); $Line2->x=0; $Line2->y=$Line1->height + $Line2->height - 1; $Line1->size = min($Line1->size, $Line2->size); $Line2->size = $Line1->size; } $Image = new Text; $Image->width = WIDTH; $Image->height = $Line1->height; $Image->height += $Line2->height; $Image->height += $Image->height * 0.3; $Line1->x = max(0, floor(($Image->width - $Line1->width) / 2)); $Line1->y = 0; $Line2->x = max(0, floor(($Image->width - $Line2->width) / 2)); $Line2->y = $Line1->height + 1; $img=imagecreatetruecolor($Image->width, $Image->height); imagealphablending($img, FALSE); imagesavealpha($img, TRUE); $Line1->color=imagecolorallocate($img, GetColor("r", $Colors[$color]), GetColor("g", $Colors[$color]), Getcolor("b", $Colors[$color])); $Line2->color=$Line1->color; $transparent=imagecolorallocatealpha($img, 255, 255, 255, 127); imagefilledrectangle($img, 0, 0, $Image->width, $Image->height, $transparent); imagettftext($img, $Line1->size, $Line1->angle, $Line1->x, $Line1->y + $Line1->height - 1, $Line1->color, $Line1->font, $Line1->value); if ($Line2->value != "") imagettftext($img, $Line2->size, $Line2->angle, $Line2->x, $Line2->y + $Line2->height - 1, $Line2->color, $Line2->font, $Line2->value); imagepng($img); if ($Cache != "") imagepng($img, $Cache); imagedestroy($img); ?>