path: root/src/mesa/shader/slang_vertex_builtin.gc
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authorMichal Krol <>2005-01-28 18:39:26 +0000
committerMichal Krol <>2005-01-28 18:39:26 +0000
commit8d27148bbd13fbc8192f9c5aeeb9b39b92f1045d (patch)
treeb202c8abed3f6fbfe96be4d2ba03364577e9a2ee /src/mesa/shader/slang_vertex_builtin.gc
parent54584df8cc0e663d931de0576a967ffec7fd3ce4 (diff)
move file
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mesa/shader/slang_vertex_builtin.gc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 262 deletions
diff --git a/src/mesa/shader/slang_vertex_builtin.gc b/src/mesa/shader/slang_vertex_builtin.gc
deleted file mode 100755
index cb04362386..0000000000
--- a/src/mesa/shader/slang_vertex_builtin.gc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-// TODO:
-// - what to do with ftransform? can it stay in the current form?
-// - implement texture1DLod, texture2DLod, texture3DLod, textureCubeLod,
-// - implement shadow1DLod, shadow2DLod,
-// From Shader Spec, ver. 1.10, rev. 59
-// Some OpenGL operations still continue to occur in fixed functionality in between the vertex
-// processor and the fragment processor. Other OpenGL operations continue to occur in fixed
-// functionality after the fragment processor. Shaders communicate with the fixed functionality
-// of OpenGL through the use of built-in variables.
-// The variable gl_Position is available only in the vertex language and is intended for writing
-// the homogeneous vertex position. All executions of a well-formed vertex shader must write
-// a value into this variable. It can be written at any time during shader execution. It may also
-// be read back by the shader after being written. This value will be used by primitive assembly,
-// clipping, culling, and other fixed functionality operations that operate on primitives after
-// vertex processing has occurred. Compilers may generate a diagnostic message if they detect
-// gl_Position is not written, or read before being written, but not all such cases are detectable.
-// Results are undefined if a vertex shader is executed and does not write gl_Position.
-// The variable gl_PointSize is available only in the vertex language and is intended for a vertex
-// shader to write the size of the point to be rasterized. It is measured in pixels.
-// The variable gl_ClipVertex is available only in the vertex language and provides a place for
-// vertex shaders to write the coordinate to be used with the user clipping planes. The user must
-// ensure the clip vertex and user clipping planes are defined in the same coordinate space. User
-// clip planes work properly only under linear transform. It is undefined what happens under
-// non-linear transform.
-// These built-in vertex shader variables for communicating with fixed functionality are
-// intrinsically declared with the following types:
-vec4 gl_Position; // must be written to
-float gl_PointSize; // may be written to
-vec4 gl_ClipVertex; // may be written to
-// If gl_PointSize or gl_ClipVertex are not written to, their values are undefined. Any of these
-// variables can be read back by the shader after writing to them, to retrieve what was written.
-// Reading them before writing them results in undefined behavior. If they are written more than
-// once, it is the last value written that is consumed by the subsequent operations.
-// These built-in variables have global scope.
-// The following attribute names are built into the OpenGL vertex language and can be used from
-// within a vertex shader to access the current values of attributes declared by OpenGL. All page
-// numbers and notations are references to the OpenGL 1.4 specification.
-// Vertex Attributes, p. 19.
-attribute vec4 gl_Color;
-attribute vec4 gl_SecondaryColor;
-attribute vec3 gl_Normal;
-attribute vec4 gl_Vertex;
-attribute vec4 gl_MultiTexCoord0;
-attribute vec4 gl_MultiTexCoord1;
-attribute vec4 gl_MultiTexCoord2;
-attribute vec4 gl_MultiTexCoord3;
-attribute vec4 gl_MultiTexCoord4;
-attribute vec4 gl_MultiTexCoord5;
-attribute vec4 gl_MultiTexCoord6;
-attribute vec4 gl_MultiTexCoord7;
-attribute float gl_FogCoord;
-// Unlike user-defined varying variables, the built-in varying variables don’t have a strict
-// one-to-one correspondence between the vertex language and the fragment language. Two sets are
-// provided, one for each language. Their relationship is described below.
-// The following built-in varying variables are available to write to in a vertex shader.
-// A particular one should be written to if any functionality in a corresponding fragment shader
-// or fixed pipeline uses it or state derived from it. Otherwise, behavior is undefined.
-varying vec4 gl_FrontColor;
-varying vec4 gl_BackColor;
-varying vec4 gl_FrontSecondaryColor;
-varying vec4 gl_BackSecondaryColor;
-varying vec4 gl_TexCoord[]; // at most will be gl_MaxTextureCoords
-varying float gl_FogFragCoord;
-// For gl_FogFragCoord, the value written will be used as the “c” value on page 160 of the
-// OpenGL 1.4 Specification by the fixed functionality pipeline. For example, if the z-coordinate
-// of the fragment in eye space is desired as “c”, then that's what the vertex shader should write
-// into gl_FogFragCoord.
-// As with all arrays, indices used to subscript gl_TexCoord must either be an integral constant
-// expressions, or this array must be re-declared by the shader with a size. The size can be
-// at most gl_MaxTextureCoords. Using indexes close to 0 may aid the implementation
-// in preserving varying resources.
-// The OpenGL Shading Language defines an assortment of built-in convenience functions for scalar
-// and vector operations. Many of these built-in functions can be used in more than one type
-// of shader, but some are intended to provide a direct mapping to hardware and so are available
-// only for a specific type of shader.
-// The built-in functions basically fall into three categories:
-// • They expose some necessary hardware functionality in a convenient way such as accessing
-// a texture map. There is no way in the language for these functions to be emulated by a shader.
-// • They represent a trivial operation (clamp, mix, etc.) that is very simple for the user
-// to write, but they are very common and may have direct hardware support. It is a very hard
-// problem for the compiler to map expressions to complex assembler instructions.
-// • They represent an operation graphics hardware is likely to accelerate at some point. The
-// trigonometry functions fall into this category.
-// Many of the functions are similar to the same named ones in common C libraries, but they support
-// vector input as well as the more traditional scalar input.
-// Applications should be encouraged to use the built-in functions rather than do the equivalent
-// computations in their own shader code since the built-in functions are assumed to be optimal
-// (e.g., perhaps supported directly in hardware).
-// User code can replace built-in functions with their own if they choose, by simply re-declaring
-// and defining the same name and argument list.
-// Geometric Functions
-// These operate on vectors as vectors, not component-wise.
-// For vertex shaders only. This function will ensure that the incoming vertex value will be
-// transformed in a way that produces exactly the same result as would be produced by OpenGL’s
-// fixed functionality transform. It is intended to be used to compute gl_Position, e.g.,
-// gl_Position = ftransform()
-// This function should be used, for example, when an application is rendering the same geometry in
-// separate passes, and one pass uses the fixed functionality path to render and another pass uses
-// programmable shaders.
-vec4 ftransform () {
- return gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;
-// 8.7 Texture Lookup Functions
-// Texture lookup functions are available to both vertex and fragment shaders. However, level
-// of detail is not computed by fixed functionality for vertex shaders, so there are some
-// differences in operation between vertex and fragment texture lookups. The functions in the table
-// below provide access to textures through samplers, as set up through the OpenGL API. Texture
-// properties such as size, pixel format, number of dimensions, filtering method, number of mip-map
-// levels, depth comparison, and so on are also defined by OpenGL API calls. Such properties are
-// taken into account as the texture is accessed via the built-in functions defined below.
-// If a non-shadow texture call is made to a sampler that represents a depth texture with depth
-// comparisons turned on, then results are undefined. If a shadow texture call is made to a sampler
-// that represents a depth texture with depth comparisions turned off, the results are undefined.
-// If a shadow texture call is made to a sampler that does not represent a depth texture, then
-// results are undefined.
-// In all functions below, the bias parameter is optional for fragment shaders. The bias parameter
-// is not accepted in a vertex shader. For a fragment shader, if bias is present, it is added to
-// the calculated level of detail prior to performing the texture access operation. If the bias
-// parameter is not provided, then the implementation automatically selects level of detail:
-// For a texture that is not mip-mapped, the texture is used directly. If it is mip-mapped and
-// running in a fragment shader, the LOD computed by the implementation is used to do the texture
-// lookup. If it is mip-mapped and running on the vertex shader, then the base texture is used.
-// The built-ins suffixed with “Lod” are allowed only in a vertex shader. For the “Lod” functions,
-// lod is directly used as the level of detail.
-// Use the texture coordinate coord to do a texture lookup in the 1D texture currently bound
-// to sampler. For the projective (“Proj”) versions, the texture coordinate coord.s is divided by
-// the last component of coord.
-// XXX
-vec4 texture1DLod (sampler1D sampler, float coord, float lod) {
- return vec4 (0.0);
-vec4 texture1DProjLod (sampler1D sampler, vec2 coord, float lod) {
- return texture1DLod (sampler, coord.s / coord.t, lod);
-vec4 texture1DProjLod (sampler1D sampler, vec4 coord, float lod) {
- return texture1DLod (sampler, coord.s / coord.q, lod);
-// Use the texture coordinate coord to do a texture lookup in the 2D texture currently bound
-// to sampler. For the projective (“Proj”) versions, the texture coordinate (coord.s, coord.t) is
-// divided by the last component of coord. The third component of coord is ignored for the vec4
-// coord variant.
-// XXX
-vec4 texture2DLod (sampler2D sampler, vec2 coord, float lod) {
- return vec4 (0.0);
-vec4 texture2DProjLod (sampler2D sampler, vec3 coord, float lod) {
- return texture2DLod (sampler, vec2 (coord.s / coord.p, coord.t / coord.p), lod);
-vec4 texture2DProjLod (sampler2D sampler, vec4 coord, float lod) {
- return texture2DLod (sampler, vec2 (coord.s / coord.q, coord.t / coord.q), lod);
-// Use the texture coordinate coord to do a texture lookup in the 3D texture currently bound
-// to sampler. For the projective (“Proj”) versions, the texture coordinate is divided by coord.q.
-// XXX
-vec4 texture3DLod (sampler3D sampler, vec3 coord, float lod) {
- return vec4 (0.0);
-vec4 texture3DProjLod (sampler3D sampler, vec4 coord, float lod) {
- return texture3DLod (sampler, vec3 (coord.s / coord.q, coord.t / coord.q, coord.s / coord.q),
- lod);
-// Use the texture coordinate coord to do a texture lookup in the cube map texture currently bound
-// to sampler. The direction of coord is used to select which face to do a 2-dimensional texture
-// lookup in, as described in section 3.8.6 in version 1.4 of the OpenGL specification.
-// XXX
-vec4 textureCubeLod (samplerCube sampler, vec3 coord, float lod) {
- return vec4 (0.0);
-// Use texture coordinate coord to do a depth comparison lookup on the depth texture bound
-// to sampler, as described in section 3.8.14 of version 1.4 of the OpenGL specification. The 3rd
-// component of coord (coord.p) is used as the R value. The texture bound to sampler must be a
-// depth texture, or results are undefined. For the projective (“Proj”) version of each built-in,
-// the texture coordinate is divide by coord.q, giving a depth value R of coord.p/coord.q. The
-// second component of coord is ignored for the “1D” variants.
-// XXX
-vec4 shadow1DLod (sampler1DShadow sampler, vec3 coord, float lod) {
- return vec4 (0.0);
-// XXX
-vec4 shadow2DLod (sampler2DShadow sampler, vec3 coord, float lod) {
- return vec4 (0.0);
-vec4 shadow1DProjLod(sampler1DShadow sampler, vec4 coord, float lod) {
- return shadow1DLod (sampler, vec3 (coord.s / coord.q, 0.0, coord.p / coord.q), lod);
-vec4 shadow2DProjLod(sampler2DShadow sampler, vec4 coord, float lod) {
- return shadow2DLod (sampler, vec3 (coord.s / coord.q, coord.t / coord.q, coord.p / coord.q),
- lod);