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1 files changed, 19 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/ast_to_hir.cpp b/ast_to_hir.cpp
index c059abbff6..61e0d01a90 100644
--- a/ast_to_hir.cpp
+++ b/ast_to_hir.cpp
@@ -509,10 +509,26 @@ do_assignment(exec_list *instructions, struct _mesa_glsl_parse_state *state,
- ir_instruction *tmp = new ir_assignment(lhs, rhs, NULL);
- instructions->push_tail(tmp);
+ /* Most callers of do_assignment (assign, add_assign, pre_inc/dec,
+ * but not post_inc) need the converted assigned value as an rvalue
+ * to handle things like:
+ *
+ * i = j += 1;
+ *
+ * So we always just store the computed value being assigned to a
+ * temporary and return a deref of that temporary. If the rvalue
+ * ends up not being used, the temp will get copy-propagated out.
+ */
+ ir_variable *var = new ir_variable(rhs->type, "assignment_tmp");
+ instructions->push_tail(new ir_assignment(new ir_dereference_variable(var),
+ rhs,
+ NULL));
+ instructions->push_tail(new ir_assignment(lhs,
+ new ir_dereference_variable(var),
+ NULL));
- return rhs;
+ return new ir_dereference_variable(var);