path: root/mesa_codegen.brg
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-06-24ir_to_mesa: Fix up array indexing.Eric Anholt
2010-06-24ir_to_mesa: Add support for variable indexing of temporary arrays.Eric Anholt
2010-06-24ir_to_mesa: Add support for ir_if.Eric Anholt
2010-06-24ir_to_mesa: Add support for comparison operations.Eric Anholt
2010-06-24ir_to_mesa: Introduce shorthand for common Mesa IR emit patterns.Eric Anholt
2010-06-24ir_to_mesa: Add ir_unop_f2i -> OPCODE_TRUNC.Eric Anholt
2010-06-24ir_to_mesa: Add codegen for rsq expression operation.Eric Anholt
2010-06-24ir_to_mesa: Add exp/log expression operations.Eric Anholt
2010-06-24ir_to_mesa: Fix copy'n'paste bug where divide multiplied left by 1/left.Eric Anholt
2010-06-24ir_to_mesa: Handle swizzles on LHS of assignment (writemasks).Eric Anholt
2010-06-24ir_to_mesa: Produce multiple scalar ops when required to produce vec4s.Eric Anholt
2010-06-24ir_to_mesa: Get temps allocated at the right times.Eric Anholt
2010-06-24ir_to_mesa: Fix up the assign rule to use left and right correctly.Eric Anholt
2010-06-24ir_to_mesa: Do my best to explain how the codegen rules work.Eric Anholt
2010-06-24ir_to_mesa: Start building GLSL IR to Mesa IR conversion.Eric Anholt