path: root/src/mesa/drivers/x11/xm_surface.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2007-07-30Lots of improvements to the surface-related code.Brian
2007-07-30added map/unmap() stubsBrian
2007-07-13minor renameBrian
2007-07-11need to clamp floats to [0,1] in write functionsBrian
2007-07-10Checkpoint: stencil roughly working, some bugs to fix...Brian
2007-07-10Do depth testing with integer values.Brian
2007-06-25code for functional Z buffer surfaceBrian
2007-06-20checkpoint: implement z/depth testingBrian
2007-06-20plug in write_mono_row_ubBrian
2007-06-19Re-org of surface/framebuffer state.Brian