path: root/src/mesa/pipe/p_defines.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2007-07-12Added colormask, dither, multisample state. Implement colormasking stage.Brian
2007-07-10Checkpoint: stencil roughly working, some bugs to fix...Brian
2007-06-29added texture types and mapping typesBrian
2007-06-22initial texture object, texture format codeBrian
2007-06-22Assorted token renaming/removal, minor state changes, etc.Brian
2007-06-19add point/line/polygon stateBrian
2007-06-18Define just one set of PIPE_FUNC_LESS, GREATER, EQUAL, etc tokens.Brian
2007-06-14Rename directories again?!Keith Whitwell
2007-06-14Renamed softpipe directories and files to something less confusing.Keith Whitwell