####################################################################### # Top-level SConstruct import os import os.path import sys ####################################################################### # Configuration options # # For example, invoke scons as # # scons debug=1 dri=0 machine=x86 # # to set configuration variables. Or you can write those options to a file # named config.py: # # # config.py # debug=1 # dri=0 # machine='x86' # # Invoke # # scons -h # # to get the full list of options. See scons manpage for more info. # platform_map = { 'linux2': 'linux', 'win32': 'winddk', } default_platform = platform_map.get(sys.platform, sys.platform) if default_platform in ('linux', 'freebsd', 'darwin'): default_statetrackers = 'mesa' default_drivers = 'softpipe,failover,i915simple,i965simple' default_winsys = 'xlib' default_dri = 'yes' elif default_platform in ('winddk',): default_statetrackers = 'none' default_drivers = 'softpipe,i915simple' default_winsys = 'none' default_dri = 'no' else: default_drivers = 'all' default_winsys = 'all' default_dri = 'no' # TODO: auto-detect defaults opts = Options('config.py') opts.Add(BoolOption('debug', 'build debug version', False)) opts.Add(EnumOption('machine', 'use machine-specific assembly code', 'x86', allowed_values=('generic', 'x86', 'x86-64'))) opts.Add(EnumOption('platform', 'target platform', default_platform, allowed_values=('linux', 'cell', 'winddk'))) opts.Add(ListOption('statetrackers', 'state_trackers to build', default_statetrackers, [ 'mesa', ], )) opts.Add(ListOption('drivers', 'pipe drivers to build', default_drivers, [ 'softpipe', 'failover', 'i915simple', 'i965simple', 'cell', ], )) opts.Add(ListOption('winsys', 'winsys drivers to build', default_winsys, [ 'xlib', 'intel', ], )) opts.Add(BoolOption('llvm', 'use LLVM', 'no')) opts.Add(BoolOption('dri', 'build DRI drivers', default_dri)) env = Environment( options = opts, ENV = os.environ) Help(opts.GenerateHelpText(env)) # for debugging #print env.Dump() # replicate options values in local variables debug = env['debug'] dri = env['dri'] llvm = env['llvm'] machine = env['machine'] platform = env['platform'] # derived options x86 = machine == 'x86' gcc = platform in ('linux', 'freebsd', 'darwin') msvc = platform in ('win32', 'winddk') Export([ 'debug', 'x86', 'dri', 'llvm', 'platform', 'gcc', 'msvc', ]) ####################################################################### # Environment setup # # TODO: put the compiler specific settings in separate files # TODO: auto-detect as much as possible if platform == 'winddk': env.Tool('winddk', ['.']) env.Append(CPPPATH = [ env['SDK_INC_PATH'], env['DDK_INC_PATH'], env['WDM_INC_PATH'], env['CRT_INC_PATH'], ]) # Optimization flags if gcc: if debug: env.Append(CFLAGS = '-O0 -g3') env.Append(CXXFLAGS = '-O0 -g3') else: env.Append(CFLAGS = '-O3 -g3') env.Append(CXXFLAGS = '-O3 -g3') env.Append(CFLAGS = '-Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wno-long-long -ffast-math -pedantic') env.Append(CXXFLAGS = '-Wall -pedantic') # Be nice to Eclipse env.Append(CFLAGS = '-fmessage-length=0') env.Append(CXXFLAGS = '-fmessage-length=0') if msvc: # Force msvc 7.1 (visual studio 2003) for windows builds. # Eventually a way to override this would be nice. # See also http://www.scons.org/wiki/MsvsMultipleVersions env["MSVS"] = {"VERSION": "7.1"} env["MSVS_VERSION"] = "7.1" Tool("msvc")(env) env.Append(CFLAGS = '/W3') if debug: cflags = [ '/Od', # disable optimizations '/Oy-', # disable frame pointer omission ] else: cflags = [ '/Ox', # maximum optimizations '/Os', # favor code space ] env.Append(CFLAGS = cflags) env.Append(CXXFLAGS = cflags) # Put debugging information in a separate .pdb file for each object file as # descrived in the scons manpage env['CCPDBFLAGS'] = '/Zi /Fd${TARGET}.pdb' # Defines if debug: if gcc: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['DEBUG']) if msvc: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = [ ('DBG', '1'), ('DEBUG', '1'), ('_DEBUG', '1'), ]) else: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['NDEBUG']) # Includes env.Append(CPPPATH = [ '#/include', '#/src/gallium/include', '#/src/gallium/auxiliary', '#/src/gallium/drivers', ]) # x86 assembly if x86: env.Append(CPPDEFINES = [ 'USE_X86_ASM', 'USE_MMX_ASM', 'USE_3DNOW_ASM', 'USE_SSE_ASM', ]) if gcc: env.Append(CFLAGS = '-m32') env.Append(CXXFLAGS = '-m32') # Posix if platform in ('posix', 'linux', 'freebsd', 'darwin'): env.Append(CPPDEFINES = [ '_POSIX_SOURCE', ('_POSIX_C_SOURCE', '199309L'), '_SVID_SOURCE', '_BSD_SOURCE', '_GNU_SOURCE', 'PTHREADS', 'HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN', ]) env.Append(CPPPATH = ['/usr/X11R6/include']) env.Append(LIBPATH = ['/usr/X11R6/lib']) env.Append(LIBS = [ 'm', 'pthread', 'expat', 'dl', ]) # DRI if dri: env.ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs libdrm') env.Append(CPPDEFINES = [ ('USE_EXTERNAL_DXTN_LIB', '1'), 'IN_DRI_DRIVER', 'GLX_DIRECT_RENDERING', 'GLX_INDIRECT_RENDERING', ]) # LLVM if llvm: # See also http://www.scons.org/wiki/UsingPkgConfig env.ParseConfig('llvm-config --cflags --ldflags --libs') env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['MESA_LLVM']) env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-Wno-long-long']) # libGL if platform not in ('winddk',): env.Append(LIBS = [ 'X11', 'Xext', 'Xxf86vm', 'Xdamage', 'Xfixes', ]) Export('env') ####################################################################### # Convenience Library Builder # based on the stock StaticLibrary and SharedLibrary builders def createConvenienceLibBuilder(env): """This is a utility function that creates the ConvenienceLibrary Builder in an Environment if it is not there already. If it is already there, we return the existing one. """ try: convenience_lib = env['BUILDERS']['ConvenienceLibrary'] except KeyError: action_list = [ Action("$ARCOM", "$ARCOMSTR") ] if env.Detect('ranlib'): ranlib_action = Action("$RANLIBCOM", "$RANLIBCOMSTR") action_list.append(ranlib_action) convenience_lib = Builder(action = action_list, emitter = '$LIBEMITTER', prefix = '$LIBPREFIX', suffix = '$LIBSUFFIX', src_suffix = '$SHOBJSUFFIX', src_builder = 'SharedObject') env['BUILDERS']['ConvenienceLibrary'] = convenience_lib env['BUILDERS']['Library'] = convenience_lib return convenience_lib createConvenienceLibBuilder(env) ####################################################################### # Invoke SConscripts # Put build output in a separate dir, which depends on the current configuration # See also http://www.scons.org/wiki/AdvancedBuildExample build_topdir = 'build' build_subdir = platform if dri: build_subdir += "-dri" if llvm: build_subdir += "-llvm" if x86: build_subdir += "-x86" if debug: build_subdir += "-debug" build_dir = os.path.join(build_topdir, build_subdir) # TODO: Build several variants at the same time? # http://www.scons.org/wiki/SimultaneousVariantBuilds SConscript( 'src/SConscript', build_dir = build_dir, duplicate = 0 # http://www.scons.org/doc/0.97/HTML/scons-user/x2261.html )