VMS support contributed by Jouk Jansen (joukj@hrem.stm.tudelft.nl) The latest version was tested on a VMSAlpha7.2 system using DECC6.0, but probably also works for other versions. At the moment only the libraries LIBMESGL.EXE/LIBMESGL.OLB, LIBMESAGLU.OLB and LIBGLUT.OLB and the demos of the directory [.DEMOS] can be build. However, feel free to create the missing "decrip.mms-files" in the other directories. The make files were tested using the DIGITAL make utility called MMS. There is also a public domain clone available (MMK) and I think, but it is not tested, that this utility will give (hardly) any problem. To make everything just type MMS (or MMK) in the main directory of mesagl. For MMS the deafult makefile is called descrip.mms, and that is what I have called it. I included alse some config files, all having mms somewhere in the name which all the makefiles need (just as your unix makefiles). On Alpha platforms at default a sharable image is created for LIBMESAGL.EXE. To get a static library make it by typing MMS/MACRO=(NOSHARE=1). On VAX platforms only static libraries can be build.