Mesa 3.5 release notes Month ??, 2000 PLEASE READ!!!! Introduction ------------ Mesa uses an even/odd version number scheme like the Linux kernel. Odd numbered versions (such as 3.3) designate new developmental releases. Even numbered versions (such as 3.4) designate stable releases. The internal structure of Mesa 3.5 is (will be) changed so that it is more modular. The motivation is better support of 3D hardware such as T&L hardware in which much of core Mesa isn't needed. Details to come... New Extensions -------------- GL_EXT_convolution Adds image convolution to glRead/Copy/DrawPixels/TexImage. GL_ARB_imaging This is the optional imaging subset of OpenGL 1.2. It's the GL_EXT_convolution, GL_HP_convolution_border_modes, GL_EXT_histogram, GL_EXT_color_table, GL_EXT_color_subtable GL_EXT_blend_color, GL_EXT_blend_minmax, GL_EXT_blend_subtract and GL_SGI_color_matrix extensions all rolled together. This is supported in all software renderers but not in all hardware drivers (3dfx for example). GL_ARB_texture_compression This is supported in Mesa but only used by the 3dfx DRI drivers for Voodoo4 and later. GL_NV_blend_square Adds extra blend source and dest factors which allow squaring of color values. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $Id: RELNOTES-3.5,v 1.2 2000/08/31 23:04:17 brianp Exp $