Mesa 4.1 release notes , , 2002 PLEASE READ!!!! Introduction ------------ Mesa uses an even/odd version number scheme like the Linux kernel. Even numbered versions (such as 4.0) designate stable releases. Odd numbered versions (such as 4.1) designate new developmental releases. New Features in Mesa 4.1 ------------------------ New extensions. Docs at GL_NV_vertex_program NVIDIA's vertex programming extension GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 A few features built on top of GL_NV_vertex_program GL_ARB_window_pos This is the ARB-approved version of GL_MESA_window_pos GL_ARB_depth_texture This is the ARB-approved version of GL_SGIX_depth_texture. It allows depth (Z buffer) data to be stored in textures. This is used by GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_shadow Shadow mapping with depth textures. This is the ARB-approved version of GL_SGIX_shadow. GL_ARB_shadow_ambient Allows one to specify the luminance of shadowed pixels. This is the ARB-approved version of GL_SGIX_shadow_ambient. GL_EXT_shadow_funcs Extends the set of GL_ARB_shadow texture comparision functions to include all eight of standard OpenGL dept-test functions. GL_ARB_point_parameters This is basically the same as GL_EXT_point_parameters. Device Driver Status -------------------- A number of Mesa's software drivers haven't been actively maintained for some time. We rely on volunteers to maintain many of these drivers. Here's the current status of all included drivers: Driver Status ---------------------- --------------------- XMesa (Xlib) implements OpenGL 1.3 OSMesa (off-screen) implements OpenGL 1.3 FX (3dfx Voodoo1/2) implements OpenGL 1.3 SVGA implements OpenGL 1.3 Wind River UGL implements OpenGL 1.3 Windows/Win32 implements OpenGL 1.3 DOS/DJGPP implements OpenGL 1.3 GGI needs updating BeOS needs updating Allegro needs updating D3D needs updating DOS needs updating XXX Things To Do Yet XXXX ------------------------- Verify x86 code for normal transformation works with new 4-element normal vector arrays. Pretty sure the SSE code is wrong. Finish up NV_vertex_program support for evaluators. Vertex arrays seem to work as of 4/21/2002. Move sw_span struct into swrast context instead of allocating it on the stack. Allow multiple points to be rendered into one sw_span. Investigate the normal transformation bug when using non-uniform scale matrices. _tnl_end() has flushing forced on. improve point/line rendering speed. readpixels from stencil/z should respect ctx->ReadBuffer glVertexAttrib*NV(index>15) should cause an error. GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar: Allows any texture combine stage to reference any texture source unit ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $Id: RELNOTES-4.1,v 1.7 2002/04/21 21:12:49 brianp Exp $