<TITLE>Mesa Release Notes</TITLE>

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<H1>Mesa 7.1 Release Notes / (<em>in progress</em>)</H1>

Mesa 7.1 is a new development release.

<h2>MD5 checksums</h2>

<h2>New features</h2>
<li>GL_EXT_texture_from_pixmap extension for Xlib driver
<li>Support for the GL shading language with i965 driver (implemented by Intel)

<h2>Bug fixes</h2>

<h2>Internal code changes</h2>

<h2>To Do (someday) items</h2>
<li>Remove the MEMCPY() and _mesa_memcpy() wrappers and just use memcpy().
Probably do the same for malloc, calloc, etc.
The wrappers were useful in the past for memory debugging but now we
have valgrind.  Not worried about SunOS 4 support anymore either...
<li>Switch to freeglut
<li>Fix linux-glide target/driver.
<li>Improved lambda and derivative calculation for frag progs.

<h2>Driver Status</h2>

Driver			Status
----------------------	----------------------
DRI drivers		varies with the driver
XMesa/GLX (on Xlib)	implements OpenGL 2.1
OSMesa (off-screen)	implements OpenGL 2.1
Windows/Win32		implements OpenGL 2.1
Glide (3dfx Voodoo1/2)	implements OpenGL 1.3
SVGA			unsupported
Wind River UGL		unsupported
DJGPP			unsupported
GGI			unsupported
BeOS			unsupported
Allegro			unsupported
D3D			unsupported
