<TITLE>Mesa Release Notes</TITLE>

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<H1>Mesa 7.5.1 Release Notes / (date TBD)</H1>

Mesa 7.5.1 is a bug-fix release fixing issues found since the 7.5 release.
The main new feature of Mesa 7.5.x is the
<a href="http://wiki.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/gallium"
target="_parent">Gallium3D</a> infrastructure.
Mesa 7.5.1 implements the OpenGL 2.1 API, but the version reported by
glGetString(GL_VERSION) depends on the particular driver being used.
Some drivers don't support all the features required in OpenGL 2.1.
See the <a href="install.html">Compiling/Installing page</a> for prerequisites
for DRI hardware acceleration.

<h2>MD5 checksums</h2>

<h2>New features</h2>

<h2>Bug fixes</h2>
<li>Added missing GLEW library to MesaDemos tarballs.
<li>Fixed swapbuffers jerkiness in Doom3/etc in Intel drivers.
<li>Fixed front buffer rendering bug in Intel drivers.
<li>Fixed minor GLX memory leaks.
<li>Fixed some texture env / fragment program state bugs.
<li>Fixed some Gallium glBlitFramebuffer() bugs

