/* * Copyright © 2008, 2009 Intel Corporation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ast.h" #include "glsl_parser_extras.h" #include "glsl_parser.h" #include "ir_optimization.h" #include "ir_print_visitor.h" #include "ir_reader.h" const char * _mesa_glsl_shader_target_name(enum _mesa_glsl_parser_targets target) { switch (target) { case vertex_shader: return "vertex"; case fragment_shader: return "fragment"; case geometry_shader: return "geometry"; case ir_shader: break; } assert(!"Should not get here."); } void _mesa_glsl_error(YYLTYPE *locp, _mesa_glsl_parse_state *state, const char *fmt, ...) { char buf[1024]; int len; va_list ap; state->error = true; len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u:%u(%u): error: ", locp->source, locp->first_line, locp->first_column); va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); printf("%s\n", buf); if (state->info_log) free(state->info_log); state->info_log = strdup(buf); } void _mesa_glsl_warning(const YYLTYPE *locp, _mesa_glsl_parse_state *state, const char *fmt, ...) { char buf[1024]; int len; va_list ap; len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u:%u(%u): warning: ", locp->source, locp->first_line, locp->first_column); va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); printf("%s\n", buf); if (!state->info_log) { state->info_log = strdup(buf); } } bool _mesa_glsl_process_extension(const char *name, YYLTYPE *name_locp, const char *behavior, YYLTYPE *behavior_locp, _mesa_glsl_parse_state *state) { enum { extension_disable, extension_enable, extension_require, extension_warn } ext_mode; if (strcmp(behavior, "warn") == 0) { ext_mode = extension_warn; } else if (strcmp(behavior, "require") == 0) { ext_mode = extension_require; } else if (strcmp(behavior, "enable") == 0) { ext_mode = extension_enable; } else if (strcmp(behavior, "disable") == 0) { ext_mode = extension_disable; } else { _mesa_glsl_error(behavior_locp, state, "Unknown extension behavior `%s'", behavior); return false; } bool unsupported = false; if (strcmp(name, "all") == 0) { if ((ext_mode == extension_enable) || (ext_mode == extension_require)) { _mesa_glsl_error(name_locp, state, "Cannot %s all extensions", (ext_mode == extension_enable) ? "enable" : "require"); return false; } } else if (strcmp(name, "GL_ARB_draw_buffers") == 0) { /* This extension is only supported in fragment shaders. */ if (state->target != fragment_shader) { unsupported = true; } else { state->ARB_draw_buffers_enable = (ext_mode != extension_disable); state->ARB_draw_buffers_warn = (ext_mode == extension_warn); } } else if (strcmp(name, "GL_ARB_texture_rectangle") == 0) { state->ARB_texture_rectangle_enable = (ext_mode != extension_disable); state->ARB_texture_rectangle_warn = (ext_mode == extension_warn); } else { unsupported = true; } if (unsupported) { static const char *const fmt = "extension `%s' unsupported in %s shader"; if (ext_mode == extension_require) { _mesa_glsl_error(name_locp, state, fmt, name, _mesa_glsl_shader_target_name(state->target)); return false; } else { _mesa_glsl_warning(name_locp, state, fmt, name, _mesa_glsl_shader_target_name(state->target)); } } return true; } ast_node::~ast_node() { /* empty */ } void _mesa_ast_type_qualifier_print(const struct ast_type_qualifier *q) { if (q->constant) printf("const "); if (q->invariant) printf("invariant "); if (q->attribute) printf("attribute "); if (q->varying) printf("varying "); if (q->in && q->out) printf("inout "); else { if (q->in) printf("in "); if (q->out) printf("out "); } if (q->centroid) printf("centroid "); if (q->uniform) printf("uniform "); if (q->smooth) printf("smooth "); if (q->flat) printf("flat "); if (q->noperspective) printf("noperspective "); } void ast_node::print(void) const { printf("unhandled node "); } ast_node::ast_node(void) { /* empty */ } static void ast_opt_array_size_print(bool is_array, const ast_expression *array_size) { if (is_array) { printf("[ "); if (array_size) array_size->print(); printf("] "); } } void ast_compound_statement::print(void) const { printf("{\n"); foreach_list_const(n, &this->statements) { ast_node *ast = exec_node_data(ast_node, n, link); ast->print(); } printf("}\n"); } ast_compound_statement::ast_compound_statement(int new_scope, ast_node *statements) { this->new_scope = new_scope; if (statements != NULL) { this->statements.push_degenerate_list_at_head(&statements->link); } } void ast_expression::print(void) const { switch (oper) { case ast_assign: case ast_mul_assign: case ast_div_assign: case ast_mod_assign: case ast_add_assign: case ast_sub_assign: case ast_ls_assign: case ast_rs_assign: case ast_and_assign: case ast_xor_assign: case ast_or_assign: subexpressions[0]->print(); printf("%s ", operator_string(oper)); subexpressions[1]->print(); break; case ast_field_selection: subexpressions[0]->print(); printf(". %s ", primary_expression.identifier); break; case ast_plus: case ast_neg: case ast_bit_not: case ast_logic_not: case ast_pre_inc: case ast_pre_dec: printf("%s ", operator_string(oper)); subexpressions[0]->print(); break; case ast_post_inc: case ast_post_dec: subexpressions[0]->print(); printf("%s ", operator_string(oper)); break; case ast_conditional: subexpressions[0]->print(); printf("? "); subexpressions[1]->print(); printf(": "); subexpressions[1]->print(); break; case ast_array_index: subexpressions[0]->print(); printf("[ "); subexpressions[1]->print(); printf("] "); break; case ast_function_call: { subexpressions[0]->print(); printf("( "); foreach_list_const (n, &this->expressions) { if (n != this->expressions.get_head()) printf(", "); ast_node *ast = exec_node_data(ast_node, n, link); ast->print(); } printf(") "); break; } case ast_identifier: printf("%s ", primary_expression.identifier); break; case ast_int_constant: printf("%d ", primary_expression.int_constant); break; case ast_uint_constant: printf("%u ", primary_expression.uint_constant); break; case ast_float_constant: printf("%f ", primary_expression.float_constant); break; case ast_bool_constant: printf("%s ", primary_expression.bool_constant ? "true" : "false"); break; case ast_sequence: { printf("( "); foreach_list_const(n, & this->expressions) { if (n != this->expressions.get_head()) printf(", "); ast_node *ast = exec_node_data(ast_node, n, link); ast->print(); } printf(") "); break; } default: assert(0); break; } } ast_expression::ast_expression(int oper, ast_expression *ex0, ast_expression *ex1, ast_expression *ex2) { this->oper = ast_operators(oper); this->subexpressions[0] = ex0; this->subexpressions[1] = ex1; this->subexpressions[2] = ex2; } void ast_expression_statement::print(void) const { if (expression) expression->print(); printf("; "); } ast_expression_statement::ast_expression_statement(ast_expression *ex) : expression(ex) { /* empty */ } void ast_function::print(void) const { return_type->print(); printf(" %s (", identifier); foreach_list_const(n, & this->parameters) { ast_node *ast = exec_node_data(ast_node, n, link); ast->print(); } printf(")"); } ast_function::ast_function(void) : is_definition(false), signature(NULL) { /* empty */ } void ast_fully_specified_type::print(void) const { _mesa_ast_type_qualifier_print(& qualifier); specifier->print(); } void ast_parameter_declarator::print(void) const { type->print(); if (identifier) printf("%s ", identifier); ast_opt_array_size_print(is_array, array_size); } void ast_function_definition::print(void) const { prototype->print(); body->print(); } void ast_declaration::print(void) const { printf("%s ", identifier); ast_opt_array_size_print(is_array, array_size); if (initializer) { printf("= "); initializer->print(); } } ast_declaration::ast_declaration(char *identifier, int is_array, ast_expression *array_size, ast_expression *initializer) { this->identifier = identifier; this->is_array = is_array; this->array_size = array_size; this->initializer = initializer; } void ast_declarator_list::print(void) const { assert(type || invariant); if (type) type->print(); else printf("invariant "); foreach_list_const (ptr, & this->declarations) { if (ptr != this->declarations.get_head()) printf(", "); ast_node *ast = exec_node_data(ast_node, ptr, link); ast->print(); } printf("; "); } ast_declarator_list::ast_declarator_list(ast_fully_specified_type *type) { this->type = type; } void ast_jump_statement::print(void) const { switch (mode) { case ast_continue: printf("continue; "); break; case ast_break: printf("break; "); break; case ast_return: printf("return "); if (opt_return_value) opt_return_value->print(); printf("; "); break; case ast_discard: printf("discard; "); break; } } ast_jump_statement::ast_jump_statement(int mode, ast_expression *return_value) { this->mode = ast_jump_modes(mode); if (mode == ast_return) opt_return_value = return_value; } void ast_selection_statement::print(void) const { printf("if ( "); condition->print(); printf(") "); then_statement->print(); if (else_statement) { printf("else "); else_statement->print(); } } ast_selection_statement::ast_selection_statement(ast_expression *condition, ast_node *then_statement, ast_node *else_statement) { this->condition = condition; this->then_statement = then_statement; this->else_statement = else_statement; } void ast_iteration_statement::print(void) const { switch (mode) { case ast_for: printf("for( "); if (init_statement) init_statement->print(); printf("; "); if (condition) condition->print(); printf("; "); if (rest_expression) rest_expression->print(); printf(") "); body->print(); break; case ast_while: printf("while ( "); if (condition) condition->print(); printf(") "); body->print(); break; case ast_do_while: printf("do "); body->print(); printf("while ( "); if (condition) condition->print(); printf("); "); break; } } ast_iteration_statement::ast_iteration_statement(int mode, ast_node *init, ast_node *condition, ast_expression *rest_expression, ast_node *body) { this->mode = ast_iteration_modes(mode); this->init_statement = init; this->condition = condition; this->rest_expression = rest_expression; this->body = body; } void ast_struct_specifier::print(void) const { printf("struct %s { ", name); foreach_list_const(n, &this->declarations) { ast_node *ast = exec_node_data(ast_node, n, link); ast->print(); } printf("} "); } ast_struct_specifier::ast_struct_specifier(char *identifier, ast_node *declarator_list) { name = identifier; this->declarations.push_degenerate_list_at_head(&declarator_list->link); } static char * load_text_file(const char *file_name, size_t *size) { char *text = NULL; struct stat st; ssize_t total_read = 0; int fd = open(file_name, O_RDONLY); *size = 0; if (fd < 0) { return NULL; } if (fstat(fd, & st) == 0) { text = (char *) malloc(st.st_size + 1); if (text != NULL) { do { ssize_t bytes = read(fd, text + total_read, st.st_size - total_read); if (bytes < 0) { free(text); text = NULL; break; } if (bytes == 0) { break; } total_read += bytes; } while (total_read < st.st_size); text[total_read] = '\0'; *size = total_read; } } close(fd); return text; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct _mesa_glsl_parse_state state; char *shader; size_t shader_len; exec_list instructions; if (argc < 3) { printf("Usage: %s [v|g|f|i] \n", argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } memset(& state, 0, sizeof(state)); switch (argv[1][0]) { case 'v': state.target = vertex_shader; break; case 'g': state.target = geometry_shader; break; case 'f': state.target = fragment_shader; break; case 'i': state.target = ir_shader; break; default: printf("Usage: %s [v|g|f|i] \n", argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } shader = load_text_file(argv[2], & shader_len); state.scanner = NULL; state.translation_unit.make_empty(); state.symbols = new glsl_symbol_table; state.error = false; state.temp_index = 0; state.loop_or_switch_nesting = NULL; state.ARB_texture_rectangle_enable = true; if (state.target != ir_shader) { _mesa_glsl_lexer_ctor(& state, shader, shader_len); _mesa_glsl_parse(& state); _mesa_glsl_lexer_dtor(& state); foreach_list_const(n, &state.translation_unit) { ast_node *ast = exec_node_data(ast_node, n, link); ast->print(); } _mesa_ast_to_hir(&instructions, &state); } else { /* FINISHME: We should initialize this to the max GLSL version supported * FINISHME: by the driver. At the moment, we don't know what that is. */ state.language_version = 130; _mesa_glsl_read_ir(&state, &instructions, shader); } /* Optimization passes */ if (!state.error) { bool progress; do { progress = false; progress = do_function_inlining(&instructions) || progress; progress = do_if_simplification(&instructions) || progress; progress = do_copy_propagation(&instructions) || progress; progress = do_dead_code_local(&instructions) || progress; progress = do_dead_code_unlinked(&instructions) || progress; progress = do_constant_folding(&instructions) || progress; progress = do_vec_index_to_swizzle(&instructions) || progress; progress = do_swizzle_swizzle(&instructions) || progress; } while (progress); } /* Print out the resulting IR */ printf("\n\n"); if (!state.error) { _mesa_print_ir(&instructions, &state); } delete state.symbols; return state.error != 0; }