# Mesa 3-D graphics library # Version: 6.5 # Copyright (C) 1995-2006 Brian Paul # Makefile for GLUT-based demo programs for Windows # Build the Mesa and GLUT libraries by using the Visual Studio # Workspaces in this distribution before running this Makefile. # Invocation: nmake -f Makefile.win NODEBUG=1 !include <win32.mak> ##### MACROS ##### TOP = ..\.. INCDIR = ..\..\include LIBDIR = ..\..\lib LIBS = GLUT32.LIB OPENGL32.LIB all: OPENGL32.DLL GLU32.DLL GLUT32.DLL \ readtex.h readtex.c showbuffer.h showbuffer.c \ extfuncs.h trackball.h trackball.c \ arbfplight.exe arbfslight.exe arbocclude.exe bounce.exe \ clearspd.exe cubemap.exe drawpix.exe engine.exe \ fire.exe fogcoord.exe \ fplight.exe fslight.exe gamma.exe gearbox.exe \ gears.exe geartrain.exe gloss.exe \ glinfo.exe glslnoise.exe \ gltestperf.exe glutfx.exe ipers.exe isosurf.exe lodbias.exe \ morph3d.exe multiarb.exe occlude.exe paltex.exe pointblast.exe \ ray.exe readpix.exe reflect.exe renormal.exe \ shadowtex.exe singlebuffer.exe spectex.exe spriteblast.exe \ stex3d.exe teapot.exe terrain.exe tessdemo.exe texcyl.exe \ texdown.exe texenv.exe texobj.exe trispd.exe tunnel.exe tunnel2.exe \ winpos.exe arbfplight.exe: arbfplight.obj arbfslight.exe: arbfslight.obj arbocclude.exe: arbocclude.obj bounce.exe: bounce.obj clearspd.exe: clearspd.obj cubemap.exe: cubemap.obj readtex.obj drawpix.exe: drawpix.obj readtex.obj engine.exe: engine.obj readtex.obj trackball.obj fire.exe: fire.obj readtex.obj fogcoord.exe: fogcoord.obj readtex.obj fplight.exe: fplight.obj fslight.exe: fslight.obj gamma.exe: gamma.obj gearbox.exe: gearbox.obj gears.exe: gears.obj geartrain.exe: geartrain.obj gloss.exe: gloss.obj readtex.obj trackball.obj glinfo.exe: glinfo.obj glslnoise.exe: glslnoise.obj gltestperf.exe: gltestperf.obj glutfx.exe: glutfx.obj ipers.exe: ipers.obj readtex.obj isosurf.exe: isosurf.obj readtex.obj lodbias.exe: lodbias.obj readtex.obj morph3d.exe: morph3d.obj multiarb.exe: multiarb.obj readtex.obj occlude.exe: occlude.obj paltex.exe: paltex.obj pointblast.exe: pointblast.obj ray.exe: ray.obj readpix.exe: readpix.obj readtex.obj reflect.exe: reflect.obj readtex.obj showbuffer.obj renormal.exe: renormal.obj shadowtex.exe: shadowtex.obj showbuffer.obj singlebuffer.exe: singlebuffer.obj spectex.exe: spectex.obj spriteblast.exe: spriteblast.obj stex3d.exe: stex3d.obj teapot.exe: teapot.obj readtex.obj terrain.exe: terrain.obj tessdemo.exe: tessdemo.obj texcyl.exe: texcyl.obj readtex.obj texdown.exe: texdown.obj texenv.exe: texenv.obj texobj.exe: texobj.obj trispd.exe: trispd.obj tunnel.exe: tunnel.obj readtex.obj tunnel2.exe: tunnel2.obj readtex.obj winpos.exe: winpos.obj readtex.obj OPENGL32.DLL: $(LIBDIR)\OPENGL32.DLL copy $? . GLU32.DLL: $(LIBDIR)\GLU32.DLL copy $? . GLUT32.DLL: $(LIBDIR)\GLUT32.DLL copy $? . readtex.c: $(TOP)\progs\util\readtex.c copy $** . readtex.h: $(TOP)\progs\util\readtex.h copy $** . showbuffer.c: $(TOP)\progs\util\showbuffer.c copy $** . showbuffer.h: $(TOP)\progs\util\showbuffer.h copy $** . trackball.c: $(TOP)\progs\util\trackball.c copy $** . trackball.h: $(TOP)\progs\util\trackball.h copy $** . extfuncs.h: $(TOP)\progs\util\extfuncs.h copy $** . .obj.exe: $(link) $(ldebug) -out:$@ $** /LIBPATH:$(LIBDIR) $(LIBS) .c.obj: $(cc) $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(cvars) -D_USE_MATH_DEFINES /I$(INCDIR) $*.c clean:: del *.obj *.exe readtex.* showbuffer.* trackball.* clobber::