# $Id: Makefile.BeOS-R4,v 1.2 1999/09/17 00:08:31 brianp Exp $

# Makefile for OpenGL Programming Guide programs for BeOS R4
# This file is in the public domain.

# $Log: Makefile.BeOS-R4,v $
# Revision 1.2  1999/09/17 00:08:31  brianp
# link with -lGLU -lGL instead of -lMesaGLU -lMesaGL
# Revision  1999/08/19 00:55:40  jtg
# Imported sources
# Revision 1.1  1999/02/25 02:13:06  brianp
# initial check-in

##### MACROS #####

INCDIR = ../include
LIBDIR = ../lib

GL_LIBS = -L$(LIBDIR) -L/boot/home/config/lib -Xlinker -rpath $(LIBDIR) -lbe -lglut -lGLU -lGL $(XLIBS)


PROGS =  aaindex aapoly aargb accanti accpersp alpha alpha3D anti \
	bezcurve bezmesh checker clip colormat cube depthcue dof \
	double drawf feedback fog fogindex font hello image light \
	lines list material mipmap model movelight nurbs pickdepth \
	picksquare plane planet polyoff polys  robot sccolorlight \
	scene scenebamb sceneflat select smooth stencil stroke surface \
	teaambient teapots tess tesswind texbind texgen texprox texsub \
	texturesurf torus unproject varray wrap        

##### RULES #####


.c: $(LIB_DEP)
	$(CC) -I$(INCDIR) $(CFLAGS) $< $(GL_LIBS) -o $@

##### TARGETS #####

	@echo "Specify a target configuration"

	-rm *.o *~

	-rm $(PROGS)
	-rm *.o *~

targets: $(PROGS)

# execute all programs
exec: $(PROGS)
	@for prog in $(PROGS) ;			\
	do					\
		echo -n "Running $$prog ..." ;	\
		$$prog ;			\
		echo ;				\

include ../Make-config