#!/usr/bin/env python # $Id: functions.py,v 1.1 2001/11/18 23:16:56 brianp Exp $ # Helper for the getprocaddress.c test. import string def PrintHead(): print """ static const char *functions[] = {""" def PrintTail(): print""" NULL }; """ def PrintFunctions(specFile): # init some vars prevCategory = '' funcName = '' f = open(specFile) for line in f.readlines(): # split line into tokens tokens = string.split(line) if len(tokens) > 0 and line[0] != '#': if tokens[0] == 'name': if funcName != '': if category != prevCategory: print ' "-%s",' % category prevCategory = category print ' "gl%s",' % funcName funcName = tokens[1] elif tokens[0] == 'category': category = tokens[1] #endif #endif #endfor #enddef PrintHead() PrintFunctions("../bin/APIspec") PrintTail()