#!/usr/bin/env python # $Id: getprocaddress.py,v 1.1 2002/11/08 15:35:47 brianp Exp $ # Helper for the getprocaddress.c test. import re, string def PrintHead(): print """ struct name_test_pair { const char *name; GLboolean (*test)(void *); }; static struct name_test_pair functions[] = {""" def PrintTail(): print""" { NULL, NULL } }; """ def HaveTest(function): testFuncs = [ "glActiveTextureARB", "glSampleCoverageARB" ] if function in testFuncs: return 1 else: return 0 def FindTestFunctions(): """Scan getprocaddress.c for lines that start with "test_" to find extension function tests. Return a list of names found.""" functions = [] f = open("getprocaddress.c") if not f: return functions for line in f.readlines(): v = re.search("^test_([a-zA-Z0-9]+)", line) if v: func = v.group(1) #print "Found -%s-" % func functions.append(func) f.close return functions def PrintFunctions(specFile, tests): # init some vars prevCategory = '' funcName = '' f = open(specFile) for line in f.readlines(): # split line into tokens tokens = string.split(line) if len(tokens) > 0 and line[0] != '#': if tokens[0] == 'name': if funcName != '': if category != prevCategory: print ' { "-%s", NULL},' % category prevCategory = category # if HaveTest("gl" + funcName): if funcName in tests: test = "test_%s" % funcName else: test = "NULL" print ' { "gl%s", %s },' % (funcName, test) funcName = tokens[1] elif tokens[0] == 'category': category = tokens[1] #endif #endif #endfor #enddef tests = FindTestFunctions() PrintHead() PrintFunctions("../bin/APIspec", tests) PrintTail()