#!/usr/bin/env python # Helper for the getprocaddress.c test. glapi_xml_path = "../../src/mapi/glapi/gen/" import sys, getopt, re sys.path.append(glapi_xml_path) import gl_XML import license def FindTestFunctions(): """Scan getprocaddress.c for lines that start with "test_" to find extension function tests. Return a list of names found.""" functions = [] f = open("getprocaddress.c") if not f: return functions for line in f.readlines(): v = re.search("^test_([a-zA-Z0-9]+)", line) if v: func = v.group(1) functions.append(func) f.close return functions class PrintExports(gl_XML.gl_print_base): def __init__(self): gl_XML.gl_print_base.__init__(self) self.name = "getprocaddress.py (from Mesa)" self.license = license.bsd_license_template % ( \ """Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved. (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004""", "BRIAN PAUL, IBM") self.tests = FindTestFunctions() self.prevCategory = "" return def printRealHeader(self): print """ struct name_test_pair { const char *name; GLboolean (*test)(generic_func); }; static struct name_test_pair functions[] = {""" def printBody(self, api): prev_category = None for f in api.functionIterateByCategory(): [category, num] = api.get_category_for_name( f.name ) if category != prev_category: print ' { "-%s", NULL},' % category prev_category = category test = "NULL" for name in f.entry_points: if name in self.tests: test = "test_%s" % name break print ' { "gl%s", %s },' % (f.name, test) print '' print ' { NULL, NULL }' print '};' print '' return if __name__ == '__main__': file_name = glapi_xml_path + "gl_API.xml" try: (args, trail) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "f:") except Exception,e: show_usage() for (arg,val) in args: if arg == "-f": file_name = val printer = PrintExports() api = gl_XML.parse_GL_API( file_name, gl_XML.gl_item_factory() ) printer.Print( api )