/* readtex.c */

 * Read an SGI .rgb image file and generate a mipmap texture set.
 * Much of this code was borrowed from SGI's tk OpenGL toolkit.

#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <string.h>
#include "readtex.h"

#ifndef SEEK_SET
#  define SEEK_SET 0

** RGB Image Structure

typedef struct _TK_RGBImageRec {
   GLint sizeX, sizeY;
   GLint components;
   unsigned char *data;
} TK_RGBImageRec;


typedef struct _rawImageRec {
    unsigned short imagic;
    unsigned short type;
    unsigned short dim;
    unsigned short sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ;
    unsigned long min, max;
    unsigned long wasteBytes;
    char name[80];
    unsigned long colorMap;
    FILE *file;
    unsigned char *tmp, *tmpR, *tmpG, *tmpB, *tmpA;
    unsigned long rleEnd;
    GLuint *rowStart;
    GLint *rowSize;
} rawImageRec;


static void ConvertShort(unsigned short *array, long length)
   unsigned long b1, b2;
   unsigned char *ptr;

   ptr = (unsigned char *)array;
   while (length--) {
      b1 = *ptr++;
      b2 = *ptr++;
      *array++ = (unsigned short) ((b1 << 8) | (b2));

static void ConvertLong(GLuint *array, long length)
   unsigned long b1, b2, b3, b4;
   unsigned char *ptr;

   ptr = (unsigned char *)array;
   while (length--) {
      b1 = *ptr++;
      b2 = *ptr++;
      b3 = *ptr++;
      b4 = *ptr++;
      *array++ = (b1 << 24) | (b2 << 16) | (b3 << 8) | (b4);

static rawImageRec *RawImageOpen(const char *fileName)
   union {
      int testWord;
      char testByte[4];
   } endianTest;
   rawImageRec *raw;
   GLenum swapFlag;
   int x;

   endianTest.testWord = 1;
   if (endianTest.testByte[0] == 1) {
      swapFlag = GL_TRUE;
   } else {
      swapFlag = GL_FALSE;

   raw = (rawImageRec *)calloc(1, sizeof(rawImageRec));
   if (raw == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory!\n");
      return NULL;
   if ((raw->file = fopen(fileName, "rb")) == NULL) {
      return NULL;

   fread(raw, 1, 12, raw->file);

   if (swapFlag) {
      ConvertShort(&raw->imagic, 6);

   raw->tmp = (unsigned char *)malloc(raw->sizeX*256);
   raw->tmpR = (unsigned char *)malloc(raw->sizeX*256);
   raw->tmpG = (unsigned char *)malloc(raw->sizeX*256);
   raw->tmpB = (unsigned char *)malloc(raw->sizeX*256);
   if (raw->sizeZ==4) {
      raw->tmpA = (unsigned char *)malloc(raw->sizeX*256);
   if (raw->tmp == NULL || raw->tmpR == NULL || raw->tmpG == NULL ||
       raw->tmpB == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory!\n");
      return NULL;

   if ((raw->type & 0xFF00) == 0x0100) {
      x = raw->sizeY * raw->sizeZ * sizeof(GLuint);
      raw->rowStart = (GLuint *)malloc(x);
      raw->rowSize = (GLint *)malloc(x);
      if (raw->rowStart == NULL || raw->rowSize == NULL) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory!\n");
         return NULL;
      raw->rleEnd = 512 + (2 * x);
      fseek(raw->file, 512, SEEK_SET);
      fread(raw->rowStart, 1, x, raw->file);
      fread(raw->rowSize, 1, x, raw->file);
      if (swapFlag) {
         ConvertLong(raw->rowStart, (long) (x/sizeof(GLuint)));
         ConvertLong((GLuint *)raw->rowSize, (long) (x/sizeof(GLint)));
   return raw;

static void RawImageClose(rawImageRec *raw)
   if (raw->rowStart)
   if (raw->rowSize)
   if (raw->sizeZ>3) {

static void RawImageGetRow(rawImageRec *raw, unsigned char *buf, int y, int z)
   unsigned char *iPtr, *oPtr, pixel;
   int count, done = 0;

   if ((raw->type & 0xFF00) == 0x0100) {
      fseek(raw->file, (long) raw->rowStart[y+z*raw->sizeY], SEEK_SET);
      fread(raw->tmp, 1, (unsigned int)raw->rowSize[y+z*raw->sizeY],
      iPtr = raw->tmp;
      oPtr = buf;
      while (!done) {
         pixel = *iPtr++;
         count = (int)(pixel & 0x7F);
         if (!count) {
			 done = 1;
         if (pixel & 0x80) {
            while (count--) {
               *oPtr++ = *iPtr++;
         } else {
            pixel = *iPtr++;
            while (count--) {
               *oPtr++ = pixel;
   } else {
      fseek(raw->file, 512+(y*raw->sizeX)+(z*raw->sizeX*raw->sizeY),
      fread(buf, 1, raw->sizeX, raw->file);

static void RawImageGetData(rawImageRec *raw, TK_RGBImageRec *final)
   unsigned char *ptr;
   int i, j;

   final->data = (unsigned char *)malloc((raw->sizeX+1)*(raw->sizeY+1)*4);
   if (final->data == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory!\n");

   ptr = final->data;
   for (i = 0; i < (int)(raw->sizeY); i++) {
      RawImageGetRow(raw, raw->tmpR, i, 0);
      RawImageGetRow(raw, raw->tmpG, i, 1);
      RawImageGetRow(raw, raw->tmpB, i, 2);
      if (raw->sizeZ>3) {
         RawImageGetRow(raw, raw->tmpA, i, 3);
      for (j = 0; j < (int)(raw->sizeX); j++) {
         *ptr++ = *(raw->tmpR + j);
         *ptr++ = *(raw->tmpG + j);
         *ptr++ = *(raw->tmpB + j);
         if (raw->sizeZ>3) {
            *ptr++ = *(raw->tmpA + j);

static TK_RGBImageRec *tkRGBImageLoad(const char *fileName)
   rawImageRec *raw;
   TK_RGBImageRec *final;

   raw = RawImageOpen(fileName);
   if (!raw) {
      fprintf(stderr, "File not found\n");
      return NULL;
   final = (TK_RGBImageRec *)malloc(sizeof(TK_RGBImageRec));
   if (final == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory!\n");
      return NULL;
   final->sizeX = raw->sizeX;
   final->sizeY = raw->sizeY;
   final->components = raw->sizeZ;
   RawImageGetData(raw, final);
   return final;

static void FreeImage( TK_RGBImageRec *image )

 * Load an SGI .rgb file and generate a set of 2-D mipmaps from it.
 * Input:  imageFile - name of .rgb to read
 *         intFormat - internal texture format to use, or number of components
 * Return:  GL_TRUE if success, GL_FALSE if error.
GLboolean LoadRGBMipmaps( const char *imageFile, GLint intFormat )
   GLint w, h;
   return LoadRGBMipmaps2( imageFile, GL_TEXTURE_2D, intFormat, &w, &h );

GLboolean LoadRGBMipmaps2( const char *imageFile, GLenum target,
                           GLint intFormat, GLint *width, GLint *height )
   GLint error;
   GLenum format;
   TK_RGBImageRec *image;

   image = tkRGBImageLoad( imageFile );
   if (!image) {
      return GL_FALSE;

   if (image->components==3) {
      format = GL_RGB;
   else if (image->components==4) {
      format = GL_RGBA;
   else {
      /* not implemented */
              "Error in LoadRGBMipmaps %d-component images not implemented\n",
              image->components );
      return GL_FALSE;

   error = gluBuild2DMipmaps( target,
                              image->sizeX, image->sizeY,
                              image->data );

   *width = image->sizeX;
   *height = image->sizeY;


   return error ? GL_FALSE : GL_TRUE;

 * Load an SGI .rgb file and return a pointer to the image data.
 * Input:  imageFile - name of .rgb to read
 * Output:  width - width of image
 *          height - height of image
 *          format - format of image (GL_RGB or GL_RGBA)
 * Return:  pointer to image data or NULL if error
GLubyte *LoadRGBImage( const char *imageFile, GLint *width, GLint *height,
                       GLenum *format )
   TK_RGBImageRec *image;
   GLint bytes;
   GLubyte *buffer;

   image = tkRGBImageLoad( imageFile );
   if (!image) {
      return NULL;

   if (image->components==3) {
      *format = GL_RGB;
   else if (image->components==4) {
      *format = GL_RGBA;
   else {
      /* not implemented */
              "Error in LoadRGBImage %d-component images not implemented\n",
              image->components );
      return NULL;

   *width = image->sizeX;
   *height = image->sizeY;

   bytes = image->sizeX * image->sizeY * image->components;
   buffer = (GLubyte *) malloc(bytes);
   if (!buffer)
      return NULL;

   memcpy( (void *) buffer, (void *) image->data, bytes );


   return buffer;

#define CLAMP( X, MIN, MAX )  ( (X)<(MIN) ? (MIN) : ((X)>(MAX) ? (MAX) : (X)) )

static void ConvertRGBtoYUV(GLint w, GLint h, GLint texel_bytes,
			    const GLubyte *src,
                            GLushort *dest)
   GLint i, j;

   for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
      for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
         const GLfloat r = (src[0]) / 255.0;
         const GLfloat g = (src[1]) / 255.0;
         const GLfloat b = (src[2]) / 255.0;
         GLfloat y, cr, cb;
         GLint iy, icr, icb;

         y  = r * 65.481 + g * 128.553 + b * 24.966 + 16;
         cb = r * -37.797 + g * -74.203 + b * 112.0 + 128;
         cr = r * 112.0 + g * -93.786 + b * -18.214 + 128;
         /*printf("%f %f %f -> %f %f %f\n", r, g, b, y, cb, cr);*/
         iy  = (GLint) CLAMP(y,  0, 254);
         icb = (GLint) CLAMP(cb, 0, 254);
         icr = (GLint) CLAMP(cr, 0, 254);

         if (j & 1) {
            /* odd */
            *dest = (iy << 8) | icr;
         else {
            /* even */
            *dest = (iy << 8) | icb;
	 src += texel_bytes;

 * Load an SGI .rgb file and return a pointer to the image data, converted
 * to 422 yuv.
 * Input:  imageFile - name of .rgb to read
 * Output:  width - width of image
 *          height - height of image
 * Return:  pointer to image data or NULL if error
GLushort *LoadYUVImage( const char *imageFile, GLint *width, GLint *height )
   TK_RGBImageRec *image;
   GLushort *buffer;

   image = tkRGBImageLoad( imageFile );
   if (!image) {
      return NULL;

   if (image->components != 3 && image->components !=4 ) {
      /* not implemented */
              "Error in LoadYUVImage %d-component images not implemented\n",
              image->components );
      return NULL;

   *width = image->sizeX;
   *height = image->sizeY;

   buffer = (GLushort *) malloc( image->sizeX * image->sizeY * 2 );

   if (buffer)
      ConvertRGBtoYUV( image->sizeX, 
		       buffer );

   return buffer;