/** * Utilities for OpenGL shading language * * Brian Paul * 9 April 2008 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <GL/glut.h> #include "extfuncs.h" #include "shaderutil.h" static void Init(void) { static GLboolean firstCall = GL_TRUE; if (firstCall) { GetExtensionFuncs(); firstCall = GL_FALSE; } } GLboolean ShadersSupported(void) { const char *version = (const char *) glGetString(GL_VERSION); if (version[0] == '2' && version[1] == '.') { return GL_TRUE; } else if (glutExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_vertex_shader") && glutExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_fragment_shader") && glutExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_shader_objects")) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Trying ARB GLSL instead of OpenGL 2.x. This may not work.\n"); return GL_TRUE; } return GL_TRUE; } GLuint CompileShaderText(GLenum shaderType, const char *text) { GLuint shader; GLint stat; Init(); shader = glCreateShader_func(shaderType); glShaderSource_func(shader, 1, (const GLchar **) &text, NULL); glCompileShader_func(shader); glGetShaderiv_func(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &stat); if (!stat) { GLchar log[1000]; GLsizei len; glGetShaderInfoLog_func(shader, 1000, &len, log); fprintf(stderr, "Error: problem compiling shader: %s\n", log); exit(1); } else { /*printf("Shader compiled OK\n");*/ } return shader; } /** * Read a shader from a file. */ GLuint CompileShaderFile(GLenum shaderType, const char *filename) { const int max = 100*1000; int n; char *buffer = (char*) malloc(max); GLuint shader; FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!f) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open shader file %s\n", filename); return 0; } n = fread(buffer, 1, max, f); /*printf("read %d bytes from shader file %s\n", n, filename);*/ if (n > 0) { buffer[n] = 0; shader = CompileShaderText(shaderType, buffer); } else { return 0; } fclose(f); free(buffer); return shader; } GLuint LinkShaders(GLuint vertShader, GLuint fragShader) { GLuint program = glCreateProgram_func(); glAttachShader_func(program, fragShader); glAttachShader_func(program, vertShader); glLinkProgram_func(program); /* check link */ { GLint stat; glGetProgramiv_func(program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &stat); if (!stat) { GLchar log[1000]; GLsizei len; glGetProgramInfoLog_func(program, 1000, &len, log); fprintf(stderr, "Shader link error:\n%s\n", log); return 0; } } return program; } void InitUniforms(GLuint program, struct uniform_info uniforms[]) { GLuint i; for (i = 0; uniforms[i].name; i++) { uniforms[i].location = glGetUniformLocation_func(program, uniforms[i].name); printf("Uniform %s location: %d\n", uniforms[i].name, uniforms[i].location); switch (uniforms[i].size) { case 1: if (uniforms[i].type == GL_INT) glUniform1i_func(uniforms[i].location, (GLint) uniforms[i].value[0]); else glUniform1fv_func(uniforms[i].location, 1, uniforms[i].value); break; case 2: glUniform2fv_func(uniforms[i].location, 1, uniforms[i].value); break; case 3: glUniform3fv_func(uniforms[i].location, 1, uniforms[i].value); break; case 4: glUniform4fv_func(uniforms[i].location, 1, uniforms[i].value); break; default: abort(); } } }