#ifndef EGLDRI_INCLUDED #define EGLDRI_INCLUDED #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdint.h> #include "egldisplay.h" #include "eglscreen.h" #include "eglsurface.h" #include "eglcontext.h" #include "dri_util.h" #include "drm_sarea.h" /** * dri display-specific driver class derived from _EGLDisplay */ typedef struct dri_display { _EGLDisplay Base; /**< base class */ void *pFB; int drmFD; /**< \brief DRM device file descriptor */ int minor; unsigned long hFrameBuffer; int virtualWidth; int virtualHeight; int fbSize; int bpp; int cpp; int card_type; int SAREASize; drm_sarea_t *pSAREA; unsigned int serverContext; /**< \brief DRM context only active on server */ unsigned long FBStart; /**< \brief physical address of the framebuffer */ void *driverClientMsg; int driverClientMsgSize; unsigned chipset; void *driverPrivate; drm_magic_t magic; __DRIscreen driScreen; } driDisplay; /** * dri driver-specific screen class derived from _EGLScreen */ typedef struct dri_screen { _EGLScreen Base; char fb[NAME_MAX]; /** the screen name, like "fb0" */ } driScreen; /** * dri driver-specific surface class derived from _EGLSurface */ typedef struct dri_surface { _EGLSurface Base; /* base class/object */ __DRIdrawable drawable; } driSurface; /** * dri driver-specific context class derived from _EGLContext */ typedef struct dri_context { _EGLContext Base; /* base class/object */ __DRIcontext driContext; /**< \brief context dependent methods */ } driContext; static inline driDisplay * Lookup_driDisplay(EGLDisplay dpy) { _EGLDisplay *d = _eglLookupDisplay(dpy); return (driDisplay *) d; } static inline driScreen * Lookup_driScreen(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLScreenMESA screen) { _EGLScreen *s = _eglLookupScreen(dpy, screen); return (driScreen *) s; } static inline driContext * Lookup_driContext(EGLContext ctx) { _EGLContext *c = _eglLookupContext(ctx); return (driContext *) c; } static inline driSurface * Lookup_driSurface(EGLSurface surf) { _EGLSurface *s = _eglLookupSurface(surf); return (driSurface *) s; } extern void _eglDRIInitDriverFallbacks(_EGLDriver *drv); extern EGLBoolean _eglDRIShowScreenSurfaceMESA(_EGLDriver *drv, EGLDisplay dpy, EGLScreenMESA screen, EGLSurface surface, EGLModeMESA m); extern EGLBoolean _eglDRIInitialize(_EGLDriver *drv, EGLDisplay dpy, EGLint *major, EGLint *minor); extern EGLBoolean _eglDRIGetDisplayInfo(driDisplay *dpy); extern EGLBoolean _eglDRICreateDisplay(driDisplay *dpy, __DRIframebuffer *framebuffer); extern EGLBoolean _eglDRICreateScreens(driDisplay *dpy); #endif /* EGLDRI_INCLUDED */