/** * Functions related to EGLDisplay. */ #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "eglcontext.h" #include "eglsurface.h" #include "egldisplay.h" #include "egldriver.h" #include "eglglobals.h" #include "eglmutex.h" #include "egllog.h" /** * Return the native platform by parsing EGL_PLATFORM. */ static _EGLPlatformType _eglGetNativePlatformFromEnv(void) { /* map --with-egl-platforms names to platform types */ static const struct { _EGLPlatformType platform; const char *name; } egl_platforms[_EGL_NUM_PLATFORMS] = { { _EGL_PLATFORM_WINDOWS, "gdi" }, { _EGL_PLATFORM_X11, "x11" }, { _EGL_PLATFORM_DRM, "kms" }, { _EGL_PLATFORM_FBDEV, "fbdev" } }; _EGLPlatformType plat = _EGL_INVALID_PLATFORM; const char *plat_name; EGLint i; plat_name = getenv("EGL_PLATFORM"); /* try deprecated env variable */ if (!plat_name || !plat_name[0]) plat_name = getenv("EGL_DISPLAY"); if (!plat_name || !plat_name[0]) return _EGL_INVALID_PLATFORM; for (i = 0; i < _EGL_NUM_PLATFORMS; i++) { if (strcmp(egl_platforms[i].name, plat_name) == 0) { plat = egl_platforms[i].platform; break; } } return plat; } /** * Return the native platform. It is the platform of the EGL native types. */ _EGLPlatformType _eglGetNativePlatform(void) { static _EGLPlatformType native_platform = _EGL_INVALID_PLATFORM; if (native_platform == _EGL_INVALID_PLATFORM) { native_platform = _eglGetNativePlatformFromEnv(); if (native_platform == _EGL_INVALID_PLATFORM) native_platform = _EGL_NATIVE_PLATFORM; } return native_platform; } /** * Finish display management. */ void _eglFiniDisplay(void) { _EGLDisplay *dpyList, *dpy; /* atexit function is called with global mutex locked */ dpyList = _eglGlobal.DisplayList; while (dpyList) { EGLint i; /* pop list head */ dpy = dpyList; dpyList = dpyList->Next; for (i = 0; i < _EGL_NUM_RESOURCES; i++) { if (dpy->ResourceLists[i]) { _eglLog(_EGL_DEBUG, "Display %p is destroyed with resources", dpy); break; } } free(dpy); } _eglGlobal.DisplayList = NULL; } /** * Find the display corresponding to the specified native display, or create a * new one. */ _EGLDisplay * _eglFindDisplay(_EGLPlatformType plat, void *plat_dpy) { _EGLDisplay *dpy; if (plat == _EGL_INVALID_PLATFORM) return NULL; _eglLockMutex(_eglGlobal.Mutex); /* search the display list first */ dpy = _eglGlobal.DisplayList; while (dpy) { if (dpy->Platform == plat && dpy->PlatformDisplay == plat_dpy) break; dpy = dpy->Next; } /* create a new display */ if (!dpy) { dpy = (_EGLDisplay *) calloc(1, sizeof(_EGLDisplay)); if (dpy) { _eglInitMutex(&dpy->Mutex); dpy->Platform = plat; dpy->PlatformDisplay = plat_dpy; /* add to the display list */ dpy->Next = _eglGlobal.DisplayList; _eglGlobal.DisplayList = dpy; } } _eglUnlockMutex(_eglGlobal.Mutex); return dpy; } /** * Destroy the contexts and surfaces that are linked to the display. */ void _eglReleaseDisplayResources(_EGLDriver *drv, _EGLDisplay *display) { _EGLResource *list; list = display->ResourceLists[_EGL_RESOURCE_CONTEXT]; while (list) { _EGLContext *ctx = (_EGLContext *) list; list = list->Next; _eglUnlinkContext(ctx); drv->API.DestroyContext(drv, display, ctx); } assert(!display->ResourceLists[_EGL_RESOURCE_CONTEXT]); list = display->ResourceLists[_EGL_RESOURCE_SURFACE]; while (list) { _EGLSurface *surf = (_EGLSurface *) list; list = list->Next; _eglUnlinkSurface(surf); drv->API.DestroySurface(drv, display, surf); } assert(!display->ResourceLists[_EGL_RESOURCE_SURFACE]); } /** * Free all the data hanging of an _EGLDisplay object, but not * the object itself. */ void _eglCleanupDisplay(_EGLDisplay *disp) { if (disp->Configs) { _eglDestroyArray(disp->Configs, free); disp->Configs = NULL; } /* XXX incomplete */ } /** * Return EGL_TRUE if the given handle is a valid handle to a display. */ EGLBoolean _eglCheckDisplayHandle(EGLDisplay dpy) { _EGLDisplay *cur; _eglLockMutex(_eglGlobal.Mutex); cur = _eglGlobal.DisplayList; while (cur) { if (cur == (_EGLDisplay *) dpy) break; cur = cur->Next; } _eglUnlockMutex(_eglGlobal.Mutex); return (cur != NULL); } /** * Return EGL_TRUE if the given resource is valid. That is, the display does * own the resource. */ EGLBoolean _eglCheckResource(void *res, _EGLResourceType type, _EGLDisplay *dpy) { _EGLResource *list = dpy->ResourceLists[type]; if (!res) return EGL_FALSE; while (list) { if (res == (void *) list) { assert(list->Display == dpy); break; } list = list->Next; } return (list != NULL); } /** * Link a resource to a display. */ void _eglLinkResource(_EGLResource *res, _EGLResourceType type, _EGLDisplay *dpy) { assert(!res->Display || res->Display == dpy); res->Display = dpy; res->IsLinked = EGL_TRUE; res->Next = dpy->ResourceLists[type]; dpy->ResourceLists[type] = res; } /** * Unlink a linked resource from its display. */ void _eglUnlinkResource(_EGLResource *res, _EGLResourceType type) { _EGLResource *prev; prev = res->Display->ResourceLists[type]; if (prev != res) { while (prev) { if (prev->Next == res) break; prev = prev->Next; } assert(prev); prev->Next = res->Next; } else { res->Display->ResourceLists[type] = res->Next; } res->Next = NULL; /* do not reset res->Display */ res->IsLinked = EGL_FALSE; }