/** * Logging facility for debug/info messages. * _EGL_FATAL messages are printed to stderr * The EGL_LOG_LEVEL var controls the output of other warning/info/debug msgs. */ #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "egllog.h" #include "eglstring.h" #include "eglmutex.h" #define MAXSTRING 1000 #define FALLBACK_LOG_LEVEL _EGL_WARNING static struct { _EGLMutex mutex; EGLBoolean initialized; EGLint level; _EGLLogProc logger; EGLint num_messages; } logging = { _EGL_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, EGL_FALSE, FALLBACK_LOG_LEVEL, NULL, 0 }; static const char *level_strings[] = { /* the order is important */ "fatal", "warning", "info", "debug", NULL }; /** * Set the function to be called when there is a message to log. * Note that the function will be called with an internal lock held. * Recursive logging is not allowed. */ void _eglSetLogProc(_EGLLogProc logger) { EGLint num_messages = 0; _eglLockMutex(&logging.mutex); if (logging.logger != logger) { logging.logger = logger; num_messages = logging.num_messages; logging.num_messages = 0; } _eglUnlockMutex(&logging.mutex); if (num_messages) _eglLog(_EGL_DEBUG, "New logger installed. " "Messages before the new logger might not be available."); } /** * Set the log reporting level. */ void _eglSetLogLevel(EGLint level) { switch (level) { case _EGL_FATAL: case _EGL_WARNING: case _EGL_INFO: case _EGL_DEBUG: _eglLockMutex(&logging.mutex); logging.level = level; _eglUnlockMutex(&logging.mutex); break; default: break; } } /** * The default logger. It prints the message to stderr. */ static void _eglDefaultLogger(EGLint level, const char *msg) { fprintf(stderr, "libEGL %s: %s\n", level_strings[level], msg); } /** * Initialize the logging facility. */ static void _eglInitLogger(void) { const char *log_env; EGLint i, level = -1; if (logging.initialized) return; log_env = getenv("EGL_LOG_LEVEL"); if (log_env) { for (i = 0; level_strings[i]; i++) { if (_eglstrcasecmp(log_env, level_strings[i]) == 0) { level = i; break; } } } else { level = FALLBACK_LOG_LEVEL; } logging.logger = _eglDefaultLogger; logging.level = (level >= 0) ? level : FALLBACK_LOG_LEVEL; logging.initialized = EGL_TRUE; /* it is fine to call _eglLog now */ if (log_env && level < 0) { _eglLog(_EGL_WARNING, "Unrecognized EGL_LOG_LEVEL environment variable value. " "Expected one of \"fatal\", \"warning\", \"info\", \"debug\". " "Got \"%s\". Falling back to \"%s\".", log_env, level_strings[FALLBACK_LOG_LEVEL]); } } /** * Log a message with message logger. * \param level one of _EGL_FATAL, _EGL_WARNING, _EGL_INFO, _EGL_DEBUG. */ void _eglLog(EGLint level, const char *fmtStr, ...) { va_list args; char msg[MAXSTRING]; /* one-time initialization; a little race here is fine */ if (!logging.initialized) _eglInitLogger(); if (level > logging.level || level < 0) return; _eglLockMutex(&logging.mutex); if (logging.logger) { va_start(args, fmtStr); vsnprintf(msg, MAXSTRING, fmtStr, args); va_end(args); logging.logger(level, msg); logging.num_messages++; } _eglUnlockMutex(&logging.mutex); if (level == _EGL_FATAL) exit(1); /* or abort()? */ }