/************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2008 Tungsten Graphics, Inc., Cedar Park, Texas. * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions * of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL TUNGSTEN GRAPHICS AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * **************************************************************************/ #include "pipe/p_config.h" #include #ifdef PIPE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_DISPLAY #include #include #elif defined(PIPE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CE) #include #include #include #include #elif defined(PIPE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_USER) #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers #endif #include #else #include #include #endif #include "pipe/p_compiler.h" #include "pipe/p_debug.h" #include "pipe/p_format.h" #include "pipe/p_state.h" #include "pipe/p_inlines.h" #include "util/u_memory.h" #include "util/u_string.h" #include "util/u_stream.h" #include "util/u_math.h" #include "util/u_tile.h" #ifdef PIPE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_DISPLAY static INLINE void _EngDebugPrint(const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); EngDebugPrint("", (PCHAR)format, ap); va_end(ap); } #endif void _debug_vprintf(const char *format, va_list ap) { #if defined(PIPE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_DISPLAY) /* EngDebugPrint does not handle float point arguments, so we need to use * our own vsnprintf implementation. It is also very slow, so buffer until * we find a newline. */ static char buf[512] = {'\0'}; size_t len = strlen(buf); int ret = util_vsnprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, format, ap); if(ret > (int)(sizeof(buf) - len - 1) || util_strchr(buf + len, '\n')) { _EngDebugPrint("%s", buf); buf[0] = '\0'; } #elif defined(PIPE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_USER) /* EngDebugPrint does not handle float point arguments, so we need to use * our own vsnprintf implementation. It is also very slow, so buffer until * we find a newline. */ static char buf[512 + 1] = {'\0'}; size_t len = strlen(buf); int ret = util_vsnprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, format, ap); if(ret > (int)(sizeof(buf) - len - 1) || util_strchr(buf + len, '\n')) { OutputDebugStringA(buf); buf[0] = '\0'; } #elif defined(PIPE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CE) wchar_t *wide_format; long wide_str_len; char buf[512]; int ret; #if (_WIN32_WCE < 600) ret = vsprintf(buf, format, ap); if(ret < 0){ sprintf(buf, "Cant handle debug print!"); ret = 25; } #else ret = vsprintf_s(buf, 512, format, ap); if(ret < 0){ sprintf_s(buf, 512, "Cant handle debug print!"); ret = 25; } #endif buf[ret] = '\0'; /* Format is ascii - needs to be converted to wchar_t for printing */ wide_str_len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (const char *) buf, -1, NULL, 0); wide_format = (wchar_t *) malloc((wide_str_len+1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (wide_format) { MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (const char *) buf, -1, wide_format, wide_str_len); NKDbgPrintfW(wide_format, wide_format); free(wide_format); } #elif defined(PIPE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_MINIPORT) /* TODO */ #else /* !PIPE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS */ #ifdef DEBUG vfprintf(stderr, format, ap); #endif #endif } #ifdef DEBUG void debug_print_blob( const char *name, const void *blob, unsigned size ) { const unsigned *ublob = (const unsigned *)blob; unsigned i; debug_printf("%s (%d dwords%s)\n", name, size/4, size%4 ? "... plus a few bytes" : ""); for (i = 0; i < size/4; i++) { debug_printf("%d:\t%08x\n", i, ublob[i]); } } #endif void _debug_break(void) { #if defined(PIPE_ARCH_X86) && defined(PIPE_CC_GCC) __asm("int3"); #elif defined(PIPE_ARCH_X86) && defined(PIPE_CC_MSVC) _asm {int 3}; #elif defined(PIPE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_DISPLAY) EngDebugBreak(); #else abort(); #endif } #ifdef PIPE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_DISPLAY static const char * find(const char *start, const char *end, char c) { const char *p; for(p = start; !end || p != end; ++p) { if(*p == c) return p; if(*p < 32) break; } return NULL; } static int compare(const char *start, const char *end, const char *s) { const char *p, *q; for(p = start, q = s; p != end && *q != '\0'; ++p, ++q) { if(*p != *q) return 0; } return p == end && *q == '\0'; } static void copy(char *dst, const char *start, const char *end, size_t n) { const char *p; char *q; for(p = start, q = dst, n = n - 1; p != end && n; ++p, ++q, --n) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; } #endif static INLINE const char * _debug_get_option(const char *name) { #if defined(PIPE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_DISPLAY) /* EngMapFile creates the file if it does not exists, so it must either be * disabled on release versions (or put in a less conspicuous place). */ #ifdef DEBUG const char *result = NULL; ULONG_PTR iFile = 0; const void *pMap = NULL; const char *sol, *eol, *sep; static char output[1024]; pMap = EngMapFile(L"\\??\\c:\\gallium.cfg", 0, &iFile); if(pMap) { sol = (const char *)pMap; while(1) { /* TODO: handle LF line endings */ eol = find(sol, NULL, '\r'); if(!eol || eol == sol) break; sep = find(sol, eol, '='); if(!sep) break; if(compare(sol, sep, name)) { copy(output, sep + 1, eol, sizeof(output)); result = output; break; } sol = eol + 2; } EngUnmapFile(iFile); } return result; #else return NULL; #endif #elif defined(PIPE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CE) || defined(PIPE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_MINIPORT) /* TODO: implement */ return NULL; #else return getenv(name); #endif } const char * debug_get_option(const char *name, const char *dfault) { const char *result; result = _debug_get_option(name); if(!result) result = dfault; debug_printf("%s: %s = %s\n", __FUNCTION__, name, result ? result : "(null)"); return result; } boolean debug_get_bool_option(const char *name, boolean dfault) { const char *str = _debug_get_option(name); boolean result; if(str == NULL) result = dfault; else if(!util_strcmp(str, "n")) result = FALSE; else if(!util_strcmp(str, "no")) result = FALSE; else if(!util_strcmp(str, "0")) result = FALSE; else if(!util_strcmp(str, "f")) result = FALSE; else if(!util_strcmp(str, "false")) result = FALSE; else result = TRUE; debug_printf("%s: %s = %s\n", __FUNCTION__, name, result ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); return result; } long debug_get_num_option(const char *name, long dfault) { long result; const char *str; str = _debug_get_option(name); if(!str) result = dfault; else { long sign; char c; c = *str++; if(c == '-') { sign = -1; c = *str++; } else { sign = 1; } result = 0; while('0' <= c && c <= '9') { result = result*10 + (c - '0'); c = *str++; } result *= sign; } debug_printf("%s: %s = %li\n", __FUNCTION__, name, result); return result; } unsigned long debug_get_flags_option(const char *name, const struct debug_named_value *flags, unsigned long dfault) { unsigned long result; const char *str; str = _debug_get_option(name); if(!str) result = dfault; else if (!util_strcmp(str, "help")) { result = dfault; while (flags->name) { debug_printf("%s: help for %s: %s [0x%lx]\n", __FUNCTION__, name, flags->name, flags->value); flags++; } } else { result = 0; while( flags->name ) { if (!util_strcmp(str, "all") || util_strstr(str, flags->name )) result |= flags->value; ++flags; } } if (str) { debug_printf("%s: %s = 0x%lx (%s)\n", __FUNCTION__, name, result, str); } else { debug_printf("%s: %s = 0x%lx\n", __FUNCTION__, name, result); } return result; } void _debug_assert_fail(const char *expr, const char *file, unsigned line, const char *function) { _debug_printf("%s:%u:%s: Assertion `%s' failed.\n", file, line, function, expr); #if defined(PIPE_OS_WINDOWS) if (debug_get_bool_option("GALLIUM_ABORT_ON_ASSERT", FALSE)) #else if (debug_get_bool_option("GALLIUM_ABORT_ON_ASSERT", TRUE)) #endif debug_break(); else _debug_printf("continuing...\n"); } const char * debug_dump_enum(const struct debug_named_value *names, unsigned long value) { static char rest[64]; while(names->name) { if(names->value == value) return names->name; ++names; } util_snprintf(rest, sizeof(rest), "0x%08lx", value); return rest; } const char * debug_dump_flags(const struct debug_named_value *names, unsigned long value) { static char output[4096]; static char rest[256]; int first = 1; output[0] = '\0'; while(names->name) { if((names->value & value) == names->value) { if (!first) util_strncat(output, "|", sizeof(output)); else first = 0; util_strncat(output, names->name, sizeof(output)); value &= ~names->value; } ++names; } if (value) { if (!first) util_strncat(output, "|", sizeof(output)); else first = 0; util_snprintf(rest, sizeof(rest), "0x%08lx", value); util_strncat(output, rest, sizeof(output)); } if(first) return "0"; return output; } static const struct debug_named_value pipe_format_names[] = { #ifdef DEBUG DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_NONE), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_A8R8G8B8_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_X8R8G8B8_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_A1R5G5B5_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_A4R4G4B4_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R5G6B5_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_L8_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_A8_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_I8_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_A8L8_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_L16_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_YCBCR), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_YCBCR_REV), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_Z16_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_Z32_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_Z32_FLOAT), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_S8Z24_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_Z24S8_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_X8Z24_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_Z24X8_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_S8_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R64_FLOAT), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R64G64_FLOAT), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R64G64B64_FLOAT), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R64G64B64A64_FLOAT), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32_FLOAT), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R32_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32B32_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R32_USCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32_USCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32B32_USCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_USCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R32_SNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32_SNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R32_SSCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32_SSCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SSCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SSCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R16_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R16G16_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R16G16B16_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R16_USCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R16G16_USCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R16G16B16_USCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_USCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R16_SNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R16G16_SNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R16G16B16_SNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R16_SSCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R16G16_SSCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R16G16B16_SSCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SSCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R8_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8B8_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8B8X8_UNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R8_USCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8_USCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8B8_USCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_USCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8B8X8_USCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R8_SNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8_SNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8B8_SNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8B8X8_SNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_B6G5R5_SNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_A8B8G8R8_SNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_X8B8G8R8_SNORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R8_SSCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8_SSCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8B8_SSCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SSCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8B8X8_SSCALED), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_L8_SRGB), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_A8_L8_SRGB), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8B8_SRGB), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8B8X8_SRGB), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_X8UB8UG8SR8S_NORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_B6UG5SR5S_NORM), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_DXT1_RGB), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_DXT1_RGBA), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_DXT3_RGBA), DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE(PIPE_FORMAT_DXT5_RGBA), #endif DEBUG_NAMED_VALUE_END }; #ifdef DEBUG void debug_print_format(const char *msg, unsigned fmt ) { debug_printf("%s: %s\n", msg, debug_dump_enum(pipe_format_names, fmt)); } #endif const char *pf_name( enum pipe_format format ) { return debug_dump_enum(pipe_format_names, format); } #ifdef DEBUG void debug_dump_image(const char *prefix, unsigned format, unsigned cpp, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned stride, const void *data) { #ifdef PIPE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_DISPLAY static unsigned no = 0; char filename[256]; WCHAR wfilename[sizeof(filename)]; ULONG_PTR iFile = 0; struct { unsigned format; unsigned cpp; unsigned width; unsigned height; } header; unsigned char *pMap = NULL; unsigned i; util_snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "\\??\\c:\\%03u%s.raw", ++no, prefix); for(i = 0; i < sizeof(filename); ++i) wfilename[i] = (WCHAR)filename[i]; pMap = (unsigned char *)EngMapFile(wfilename, sizeof(header) + height*width*cpp, &iFile); if(!pMap) return; header.format = format; header.cpp = cpp; header.width = width; header.height = height; memcpy(pMap, &header, sizeof(header)); pMap += sizeof(header); for(i = 0; i < height; ++i) { memcpy(pMap, (unsigned char *)data + stride*i, cpp*width); pMap += cpp*width; } EngUnmapFile(iFile); #endif } void debug_dump_surface(const char *prefix, struct pipe_surface *surface) { unsigned surface_usage; void *data; if (!surface) goto error1; /* XXX: force mappable surface */ surface_usage = surface->usage; surface->usage |= PIPE_BUFFER_USAGE_CPU_READ; data = pipe_surface_map(surface, PIPE_BUFFER_USAGE_CPU_READ); if(!data) goto error2; debug_dump_image(prefix, surface->format, surface->block.size, surface->nblocksx, surface->nblocksy, surface->stride, data); pipe_surface_unmap(surface); error2: surface->usage = surface_usage; error1: ; } #pragma pack(push,2) struct bmp_file_header { uint16_t bfType; uint32_t bfSize; uint16_t bfReserved1; uint16_t bfReserved2; uint32_t bfOffBits; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct bmp_info_header { uint32_t biSize; int32_t biWidth; int32_t biHeight; uint16_t biPlanes; uint16_t biBitCount; uint32_t biCompression; uint32_t biSizeImage; int32_t biXPelsPerMeter; int32_t biYPelsPerMeter; uint32_t biClrUsed; uint32_t biClrImportant; }; struct bmp_rgb_quad { uint8_t rgbBlue; uint8_t rgbGreen; uint8_t rgbRed; uint8_t rgbAlpha; }; void debug_dump_surface_bmp(const char *filename, struct pipe_surface *surface) { #ifndef PIPE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_MINIPORT struct util_stream *stream; unsigned surface_usage; struct bmp_file_header bmfh; struct bmp_info_header bmih; float *rgba; unsigned x, y; if (!surface) goto error1; rgba = MALLOC(surface->width*4*sizeof(float)); if(!rgba) goto error1; bmfh.bfType = 0x4d42; bmfh.bfSize = 14 + 40 + surface->height*surface->width*4; bmfh.bfReserved1 = 0; bmfh.bfReserved2 = 0; bmfh.bfOffBits = 14 + 40; bmih.biSize = 40; bmih.biWidth = surface->width; bmih.biHeight = surface->height; bmih.biPlanes = 1; bmih.biBitCount = 32; bmih.biCompression = 0; bmih.biSizeImage = surface->height*surface->width*4; bmih.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; bmih.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; bmih.biClrUsed = 0; bmih.biClrImportant = 0; stream = util_stream_create(filename, bmfh.bfSize); if(!stream) goto error2; util_stream_write(stream, &bmfh, 14); util_stream_write(stream, &bmih, 40); /* XXX: force mappable surface */ surface_usage = surface->usage; surface->usage |= PIPE_BUFFER_USAGE_CPU_READ; y = surface->height; while(y--) { pipe_get_tile_rgba(surface, 0, y, surface->width, 1, rgba); for(x = 0; x < surface->width; ++x) { struct bmp_rgb_quad pixel; pixel.rgbRed = float_to_ubyte(rgba[x*4 + 0]); pixel.rgbGreen = float_to_ubyte(rgba[x*4 + 1]); pixel.rgbBlue = float_to_ubyte(rgba[x*4 + 2]); pixel.rgbAlpha = float_to_ubyte(rgba[x*4 + 3]); util_stream_write(stream, &pixel, 4); } } surface->usage = surface_usage; util_stream_close(stream); error2: FREE(rgba); error1: ; #endif } #endif