
The context object represents the purest, most directly accessible, abilities of the device’s 3D rendering pipeline.


CSO State

All CSO state is created, bound, and destroyed, with triplets of methods that all follow a specific naming scheme. For example, create_blend_state, bind_blend_state, and destroy_blend_state.

CSO objects handled by the context object:

  • Blend: *_blend_state
  • Sampler: These are special; they can be bound to either vertex or fragment samplers, and they are bound in groups. bind_fragment_sampler_states, bind_vertex_sampler_states
  • Rasterizer: *_rasterizer_state
  • Depth, Stencil, & Alpha: *_depth_stencil_alpha_state
  • Shader: These have two sets of methods. *_fs_state is for fragment shaders, and *_vs_state is for vertex shaders.

Non-CSO State

These pieces of state are too small, variable, and/or trivial to have CSO objects. They all follow simple, one-method binding calls, e.g. set_edgeflags.

  • set_edgeflags
  • set_blend_color
  • set_clip_state
  • set_constant_buffer
  • set_framebuffer_state
  • set_polygon_stipple
  • set_scissor_state
  • set_viewport_state
  • set_fragment_sampler_textures
  • set_vertex_sampler_textures
  • set_vertex_buffers
  • set_vertex_elements


Queries can be created with create_query and deleted with destroy_query. To enable a query, use begin_query, and when finished, use end_query to stop the query. Finally, get_query_result is used to retrieve the results.

VBO Drawing





Surface Drawing

These methods emulate classic blitter controls. They are not guaranteed to be available; if they are set to NULL, then they are not present.

surface_fill performs a fill operation on a section of a surface.

surface_copy blits a region of a surface to a region of another surface, provided that both surfaces are the same format. The source and destination may be the same surface, and overlapping blits are permitted.

clear initializes entire buffers to an RGBA, depth, or stencil value, depending on the formats of the buffers. Use set_framebuffer_state to specify the buffers to clear.

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