The rasterizer is the main chunk of state controlling how vertices are
interpolated into fragments.
XXX undocumented light_twoside, front_winding, cull_mode, fill_cw, fill_ccw, offset_cw, offset_ccw
XXX moar undocumented poly_smooth, line_stipple_factor, line_last_pixel, offset_units, offset_scale
XXX sprite_coord_mode
- flatshade
- If set, the provoking vertex of each polygon is used to determine the
color of the entire polygon. If not set, the color fragments will be
interpolated from each vertex’s color.
- scissor
- Whether the scissor test is enabled.
- poly_stipple_enable
- Whether polygon stippling is enabled.
- point_smooth
- Whether points should be smoothed. Point smoothing turns rectangular
points into circles or ovals.
- point_sprite
- Whether point sprites are enabled.
- point_size_per_vertex
- Whether vertices have a point size element.
- multisample
- Whether MSAA is enabled.
- line_smooth
- Whether lines should be smoothed. Line smoothing is simply anti-aliasing.
- line_stipple_enable
- Whether line stippling is enabled.
- line_stipple_pattern
- 16-bit bitfield of on/off flags, used to pattern the line stipple.
- bypass_vs_clip_and_viewport
- Whether the entire TCL pipeline should be bypassed. This implies that
vertices are pre-transformed for the viewport, and will not be run
through the vertex shader. Note that implementations may still clip away
vertices that are not in the viewport.
- flatshade_first
- Whether the first vertex should be the provoking vertex, for most
primitives. If not set, the last vertex is the provoking vertex.
- gl_rasterization_rules
- Whether the rasterizer should use (0.5, 0.5) pixel centers. When not set,
the rasterizer will use (0, 0) for pixel centers.
- line_width
- The width of lines.
- point_size
- The size of points, if not specified per-vertex.
- point_size_min
- The minimum size of points.
- point_size_max
- The maximum size of points.
The actual interpolated shading algorithm is obviously
implementation-dependent, but will usually be Gourard for most hardware.
When set, this implies that vertices are pre-transformed for the viewport, and
will not be run through the vertex shader. Note that implementations may still
clip away vertices that are not visible.
There are several important exceptions to the specification of this rule.
- PIPE_PRIMITIVE_POLYGON: The provoking vertex is always the first vertex.
If the caller wishes to change the provoking vertex, they merely need to
rotate the vertices themselves.
- PIPE_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_FAN: When set, the provoking vertex is the second
vertex, not the first. This permits each segment of the fan to have a
different color.