TGSI, Tungsten Graphics Shader Instructions, is an intermediate language for describing shaders. Since Gallium is inherently shaderful, shaders are an important part of the API. TGSI is the only intermediate representation used by all drivers.
ARL - Address Register Load
MOV - Move
LIT - Light Coefficients
RCP - Reciprocal
RSQ - Reciprocal Square Root
EXP - Approximate Exponential Base 2
LOG - Approximate Logarithm Base 2
MUL - Multiply
ADD - Add
DP3 - 3-component Dot Product
DP4 - 4-component Dot Product
DST - Distance Vector
MIN - Minimum
MAX - Maximum
SLT - Set On Less Than
SGE - Set On Greater Equal Than
MAD - Multiply And Add
SUB - Subtract
LRP - Linear Interpolate
CND - Condition
DP2A - 2-component Dot Product And Add
FRAC - Fraction
CLAMP - Clamp
FLR - Floor
This is identical to ARL.
ROUND - Round
EX2 - Exponential Base 2
LG2 - Logarithm Base 2
POW - Power
XPD - Cross Product
ABS - Absolute
RCC - Reciprocal Clamped
XXX cleanup on aisle three
DPH - Homogeneous Dot Product
COS - Cosine
DDX - Derivative Relative To X
DDY - Derivative Relative To Y
KILP - Predicated Discard
PK2H - Pack Two 16-bit Floats
PK2US - Pack Two Unsigned 16-bit Scalars
PK4B - Pack Four Signed 8-bit Scalars
PK4UB - Pack Four Unsigned 8-bit Scalars
RFL - Reflection Vector
Considered for removal.
SEQ - Set On Equal
SFL - Set On False
Considered for removal.
SGT - Set On Greater Than
SIN - Sine
SLE - Set On Less Equal Than
SNE - Set On Not Equal
STR - Set On True
TEX - Texture Lookup
TXD - Texture Lookup with Derivatives
TXP - Projective Texture Lookup
UP2H - Unpack Two 16-Bit Floats
Considered for removal.
UP2US - Unpack Two Unsigned 16-Bit Scalars
Considered for removal.
UP4B - Unpack Four Signed 8-Bit Values
Considered for removal.
UP4UB - Unpack Four Unsigned 8-Bit Scalars
Considered for removal.
X2D - 2D Coordinate Transformation
Considered for removal.
ARA - Address Register Add
Considered for removal.
ARR - Address Register Load With Round
BRA - Branch
pc = target
Considered for removal.
CAL - Subroutine Call
push(pc) pc = target
RET - Subroutine Call Return
pc = pop()
Potential restrictions: times Only occurs at end of function.
SSG - Set Sign
CMP - Compare
KIL - Conditional Discard
SCS - Sine Cosine
TXB - Texture Lookup With Bias
NRM - 3-component Vector Normalise
DIV - Divide
DP2 - 2-component Dot Product
TXL - Texture Lookup With LOD
BRK - Break
IF - If
BGNFOR - Begin a For-Loop
dst.x = floor(src.x) dst.y = floor(src.y) dst.z = floor(src.z)
- if (dst.y <= 0)
- pc = [matching ENDFOR] + 1
- Note: The destination must be a loop register.
- The source must be a constant register.
Considered for cleanup / removal.
REP - Repeat
ELSE - Else
ENDIF - End If
ENDFOR - End a For-Loop
dst.x = dst.x + dst.z dst.y = dst.y - 1.0
- if (dst.y > 0)
- pc = [matching BGNFOR instruction] + 1
Note: The destination must be a loop register.
Considered for cleanup / removal.
ENDREP - End Repeat
PUSHA - Push Address Register On Stack
push(src.x) push(src.y) push(src.z) push(src.w)
Considered for cleanup / removal.
POPA - Pop Address Register From Stack
dst.w = pop() dst.z = pop() dst.y = pop() dst.x = pop()
Considered for cleanup / removal.
Support for these opcodes indicated by a special pipe capability bit (TBD).
CEIL - Ceiling
I2F - Integer To Float
NOT - Bitwise Not
TRUNC - Truncate
XXX how is this different from floor?
SHL - Shift Left
SHR - Shift Right
AND - Bitwise And
OR - Bitwise Or
MOD - Modulus
XOR - Bitwise Xor
SAD - Sum Of Absolute Differences
TXF - Texel Fetch
TXQ - Texture Size Query
CONT - Continue
BGNLOOP - Begin a Loop
BGNSUB - Begin Subroutine
ENDLOOP - End a Loop
ENDSUB - End Subroutine
NOP - No Operation
Do nothing.
NRM4 - 4-component Vector Normalise
Absolute value of x.
Ceiling of x.
- clamp(x,y,z) Clamp x between y and z.
- (x < y) ? y : (x > z) ? z : x
Floor of x.
Logarithm of x, base 2.
- max(x,y) Maximum of x and y.
- (x > y) ? x : y
- min(x,y) Minimum of x and y.
- (x < y) ? x : y
partialx(x) Derivative of x relative to fragment’s X.
partialy(x) Derivative of x relative to fragment’s Y.
pop() Pop from stack.
x to the power y.
push(x) Push x on stack.
round(x) Round x.
trunc(x) Truncate x.
discard Discard fragment.
dst First destination register.
dst0 First destination register.
pc Program counter.
src First source register.
src0 First source register.
src1 Second source register.
src2 Third source register.
target Label of target instruction.
Follows Declaration token if Semantic bit is set.
Since its purpose is to link a shader with other stages of the pipeline, it is valid to follow only those Declaration tokens that declare a register either in INPUT or OUTPUT file.
SemanticName field contains the semantic name of the register being declared. There is no default value.
SemanticIndex is an optional subscript that can be used to distinguish different register declarations with the same semantic name. The default value is 0.
The meanings of the individual semantic names are explained in the following sections.
Position, sometimes known as HPOS or WPOS for historical reasons, is the location of the vertex in space, in (x, y, z, w) format. x, y, and z are the Cartesian coordinates, and w is the homogenous coordinate and used for the perspective divide, if enabled.
As a vertex shader output, position should be scaled to the viewport. When used in fragment shaders, position will —
XXX — wait a minute. Should position be in [0,1] for x and y?
XXX additionally, is there a way to configure the perspective divide? it’s accelerated on most chipsets AFAIK...
Position, if not specified, usually defaults to (0, 0, 0, 1), and can be partially specified as (x, y, 0, 1) or (x, y, z, 1).
XXX usually? can we solidify that?
Colors are used to, well, color the primitives. Colors are always in (r, g, b, a) format.
If alpha is not specified, it defaults to 1.
Back-facing colors are only used for back-facing polygons, and are only valid in vertex shader outputs. After rasterization, all polygons are front-facing and COLOR and BCOLOR end up occupying the same slots in the fragment, so all BCOLORs effectively become regular COLORs in the fragment shader.
The fog coordinate historically has been used to replace the depth coordinate for generation of fog in dedicated fog blocks. Gallium, however, does not use dedicated fog acceleration, placing it entirely in the fragment shader instead.
The fog coordinate should be written in (f, 0, 0, 1) format. Only the first component matters when writing from the vertex shader; the driver will ensure that the coordinate is in this format when used as a fragment shader input.
PSIZE, or point size, is used to specify point sizes per-vertex. It should be in (p, n, x, f) format, where p is the point size, n is the minimum size, x is the maximum size, and f is the fade threshold.
XXX this is arb_vp. is this what we actually do? should double-check...
When using this semantic, be sure to set the appropriate state in the Rasterizer first.
Generic semantics are nearly always used for texture coordinate attributes, in (s, t, r, q) format. t and r may be unused for certain kinds of lookups, and q is the level-of-detail bias for biased sampling.
These attributes are called “generic” because they may be used for anything else, including parameters, texture generation information, or anything that can be stored inside a four-component vector.
XXX no clue.
FACE is the facing bit, to store the facing information for the fragment shader. (f, 0, 0, 1) is the format. The first component will be positive when the fragment is front-facing, and negative when the component is back-facing.
XXX no clue