/************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2007 Tungsten Graphics, Inc., Cedar Park, Texas. * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions * of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL TUNGSTEN GRAPHICS AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * **************************************************************************/ /* Authors: Keith Whitwell */ #include "draw/draw_context.h" #include "util/u_inlines.h" #include "util/u_math.h" #include "util/u_memory.h" #include "tgsi/tgsi_parse.h" #include "i915_context.h" #include "i915_reg.h" #include "i915_state_inlines.h" #include "i915_fpc.h" #include "i915_resource.h" /* The i915 (and related graphics cores) do not support GL_CLAMP. The * Intel drivers for "other operating systems" implement GL_CLAMP as * GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, so the same is done here. */ static unsigned translate_wrap_mode(unsigned wrap) { switch (wrap) { case PIPE_TEX_WRAP_REPEAT: return TEXCOORDMODE_WRAP; case PIPE_TEX_WRAP_CLAMP: return TEXCOORDMODE_CLAMP_EDGE; /* not quite correct */ case PIPE_TEX_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE: return TEXCOORDMODE_CLAMP_EDGE; case PIPE_TEX_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_BORDER: return TEXCOORDMODE_CLAMP_BORDER; /* case PIPE_TEX_WRAP_MIRRORED_REPEAT: return TEXCOORDMODE_MIRROR; */ default: return TEXCOORDMODE_WRAP; } } static unsigned translate_img_filter( unsigned filter ) { switch (filter) { case PIPE_TEX_FILTER_NEAREST: return FILTER_NEAREST; case PIPE_TEX_FILTER_LINEAR: return FILTER_LINEAR; default: assert(0); return FILTER_NEAREST; } } static unsigned translate_mip_filter( unsigned filter ) { switch (filter) { case PIPE_TEX_MIPFILTER_NONE: return MIPFILTER_NONE; case PIPE_TEX_MIPFILTER_NEAREST: return MIPFILTER_NEAREST; case PIPE_TEX_MIPFILTER_LINEAR: return MIPFILTER_LINEAR; default: assert(0); return MIPFILTER_NONE; } } /* None of this state is actually used for anything yet. */ static void * i915_create_blend_state(struct pipe_context *pipe, const struct pipe_blend_state *blend) { struct i915_blend_state *cso_data = CALLOC_STRUCT( i915_blend_state ); { unsigned eqRGB = blend->rt[0].rgb_func; unsigned srcRGB = blend->rt[0].rgb_src_factor; unsigned dstRGB = blend->rt[0].rgb_dst_factor; unsigned eqA = blend->rt[0].alpha_func; unsigned srcA = blend->rt[0].alpha_src_factor; unsigned dstA = blend->rt[0].alpha_dst_factor; /* Special handling for MIN/MAX filter modes handled at * state_tracker level. */ if (srcA != srcRGB || dstA != dstRGB || eqA != eqRGB) { cso_data->iab = (_3DSTATE_INDEPENDENT_ALPHA_BLEND_CMD | IAB_MODIFY_ENABLE | IAB_ENABLE | IAB_MODIFY_FUNC | IAB_MODIFY_SRC_FACTOR | IAB_MODIFY_DST_FACTOR | SRC_ABLND_FACT(i915_translate_blend_factor(srcA)) | DST_ABLND_FACT(i915_translate_blend_factor(dstA)) | (i915_translate_blend_func(eqA) << IAB_FUNC_SHIFT)); } else { cso_data->iab = (_3DSTATE_INDEPENDENT_ALPHA_BLEND_CMD | IAB_MODIFY_ENABLE | 0); } } cso_data->modes4 |= (_3DSTATE_MODES_4_CMD | ENABLE_LOGIC_OP_FUNC | LOGIC_OP_FUNC(i915_translate_logic_op(blend->logicop_func))); if (blend->logicop_enable) cso_data->LIS5 |= S5_LOGICOP_ENABLE; if (blend->dither) cso_data->LIS5 |= S5_COLOR_DITHER_ENABLE; if ((blend->rt[0].colormask & PIPE_MASK_R) == 0) cso_data->LIS5 |= S5_WRITEDISABLE_RED; if ((blend->rt[0].colormask & PIPE_MASK_G) == 0) cso_data->LIS5 |= S5_WRITEDISABLE_GREEN; if ((blend->rt[0].colormask & PIPE_MASK_B) == 0) cso_data->LIS5 |= S5_WRITEDISABLE_BLUE; if ((blend->rt[0].colormask & PIPE_MASK_A) == 0) cso_data->LIS5 |= S5_WRITEDISABLE_ALPHA; if (blend->rt[0].blend_enable) { unsigned funcRGB = blend->rt[0].rgb_func; unsigned srcRGB = blend->rt[0].rgb_src_factor; unsigned dstRGB = blend->rt[0].rgb_dst_factor; cso_data->LIS6 |= (S6_CBUF_BLEND_ENABLE | SRC_BLND_FACT(i915_translate_blend_factor(srcRGB)) | DST_BLND_FACT(i915_translate_blend_factor(dstRGB)) | (i915_translate_blend_func(funcRGB) << S6_CBUF_BLEND_FUNC_SHIFT)); } return cso_data; } static void i915_bind_blend_state(struct pipe_context *pipe, void *blend) { struct i915_context *i915 = i915_context(pipe); draw_flush(i915->draw); i915->blend = (struct i915_blend_state*)blend; i915->dirty |= I915_NEW_BLEND; } static void i915_delete_blend_state(struct pipe_context *pipe, void *blend) { FREE(blend); } static void i915_set_blend_color( struct pipe_context *pipe, const struct pipe_blend_color *blend_color ) { struct i915_context *i915 = i915_context(pipe); draw_flush(i915->draw); i915->blend_color = *blend_color; i915->dirty |= I915_NEW_BLEND; } static void i915_set_stencil_ref( struct pipe_context *pipe, const struct pipe_stencil_ref *stencil_ref ) { struct i915_context *i915 = i915_context(pipe); draw_flush(i915->draw); i915->stencil_ref = *stencil_ref; i915->dirty |= I915_NEW_DEPTH_STENCIL; } static void * i915_create_sampler_state(struct pipe_context *pipe, const struct pipe_sampler_state *sampler) { struct i915_sampler_state *cso = CALLOC_STRUCT( i915_sampler_state ); const unsigned ws = sampler->wrap_s; const unsigned wt = sampler->wrap_t; const unsigned wr = sampler->wrap_r; unsigned minFilt, magFilt; unsigned mipFilt; cso->templ = sampler; mipFilt = translate_mip_filter(sampler->min_mip_filter); minFilt = translate_img_filter( sampler->min_img_filter ); magFilt = translate_img_filter( sampler->mag_img_filter ); if (sampler->max_anisotropy > 1) minFilt = magFilt = FILTER_ANISOTROPIC; if (sampler->max_anisotropy > 2) { cso->state[0] |= SS2_MAX_ANISO_4; } { int b = (int) (sampler->lod_bias * 16.0); b = CLAMP(b, -256, 255); cso->state[0] |= ((b << SS2_LOD_BIAS_SHIFT) & SS2_LOD_BIAS_MASK); } /* Shadow: */ if (sampler->compare_mode == PIPE_TEX_COMPARE_R_TO_TEXTURE) { cso->state[0] |= (SS2_SHADOW_ENABLE | i915_translate_compare_func(sampler->compare_func)); minFilt = FILTER_4X4_FLAT; magFilt = FILTER_4X4_FLAT; } cso->state[0] |= ((minFilt << SS2_MIN_FILTER_SHIFT) | (mipFilt << SS2_MIP_FILTER_SHIFT) | (magFilt << SS2_MAG_FILTER_SHIFT)); cso->state[1] |= ((translate_wrap_mode(ws) << SS3_TCX_ADDR_MODE_SHIFT) | (translate_wrap_mode(wt) << SS3_TCY_ADDR_MODE_SHIFT) | (translate_wrap_mode(wr) << SS3_TCZ_ADDR_MODE_SHIFT)); if (sampler->normalized_coords) cso->state[1] |= SS3_NORMALIZED_COORDS; { int minlod = (int) (16.0 * sampler->min_lod); int maxlod = (int) (16.0 * sampler->max_lod); minlod = CLAMP(minlod, 0, 16 * 11); maxlod = CLAMP(maxlod, 0, 16 * 11); if (minlod > maxlod) maxlod = minlod; cso->minlod = minlod; cso->maxlod = maxlod; } { ubyte r = float_to_ubyte(sampler->border_color[0]); ubyte g = float_to_ubyte(sampler->border_color[1]); ubyte b = float_to_ubyte(sampler->border_color[2]); ubyte a = float_to_ubyte(sampler->border_color[3]); cso->state[2] = I915PACKCOLOR8888(r, g, b, a); } return cso; } static void i915_bind_sampler_states(struct pipe_context *pipe, unsigned num, void **sampler) { struct i915_context *i915 = i915_context(pipe); unsigned i; assert(num <= PIPE_MAX_SAMPLERS); /* Check for no-op */ if (num == i915->num_samplers && !memcmp(i915->sampler, sampler, num * sizeof(void *))) return; draw_flush(i915->draw); for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) i915->sampler[i] = sampler[i]; for (i = num; i < PIPE_MAX_SAMPLERS; ++i) i915->sampler[i] = NULL; i915->num_samplers = num; i915->dirty |= I915_NEW_SAMPLER; } static void i915_delete_sampler_state(struct pipe_context *pipe, void *sampler) { FREE(sampler); } /** XXX move someday? Or consolidate all these simple state setters * into one file. */ static void * i915_create_depth_stencil_state(struct pipe_context *pipe, const struct pipe_depth_stencil_alpha_state *depth_stencil) { struct i915_depth_stencil_state *cso = CALLOC_STRUCT( i915_depth_stencil_state ); { int testmask = depth_stencil->stencil[0].valuemask & 0xff; int writemask = depth_stencil->stencil[0].writemask & 0xff; cso->stencil_modes4 |= (_3DSTATE_MODES_4_CMD | ENABLE_STENCIL_TEST_MASK | STENCIL_TEST_MASK(testmask) | ENABLE_STENCIL_WRITE_MASK | STENCIL_WRITE_MASK(writemask)); } if (depth_stencil->stencil[0].enabled) { int test = i915_translate_compare_func(depth_stencil->stencil[0].func); int fop = i915_translate_stencil_op(depth_stencil->stencil[0].fail_op); int dfop = i915_translate_stencil_op(depth_stencil->stencil[0].zfail_op); int dpop = i915_translate_stencil_op(depth_stencil->stencil[0].zpass_op); cso->stencil_LIS5 |= (S5_STENCIL_TEST_ENABLE | S5_STENCIL_WRITE_ENABLE | (test << S5_STENCIL_TEST_FUNC_SHIFT) | (fop << S5_STENCIL_FAIL_SHIFT) | (dfop << S5_STENCIL_PASS_Z_FAIL_SHIFT) | (dpop << S5_STENCIL_PASS_Z_PASS_SHIFT)); } if (depth_stencil->stencil[1].enabled) { int test = i915_translate_compare_func(depth_stencil->stencil[1].func); int fop = i915_translate_stencil_op(depth_stencil->stencil[1].fail_op); int dfop = i915_translate_stencil_op(depth_stencil->stencil[1].zfail_op); int dpop = i915_translate_stencil_op(depth_stencil->stencil[1].zpass_op); int tmask = depth_stencil->stencil[1].valuemask & 0xff; int wmask = depth_stencil->stencil[1].writemask & 0xff; cso->bfo[0] = (_3DSTATE_BACKFACE_STENCIL_OPS | BFO_ENABLE_STENCIL_FUNCS | BFO_ENABLE_STENCIL_TWO_SIDE | BFO_ENABLE_STENCIL_REF | BFO_STENCIL_TWO_SIDE | (test << BFO_STENCIL_TEST_SHIFT) | (fop << BFO_STENCIL_FAIL_SHIFT) | (dfop << BFO_STENCIL_PASS_Z_FAIL_SHIFT) | (dpop << BFO_STENCIL_PASS_Z_PASS_SHIFT)); cso->bfo[1] = (_3DSTATE_BACKFACE_STENCIL_MASKS | BFM_ENABLE_STENCIL_TEST_MASK | BFM_ENABLE_STENCIL_WRITE_MASK | (tmask << BFM_STENCIL_TEST_MASK_SHIFT) | (wmask << BFM_STENCIL_WRITE_MASK_SHIFT)); } else { /* This actually disables two-side stencil: The bit set is a * modify-enable bit to indicate we are changing the two-side * setting. Then there is a symbolic zero to show that we are * setting the flag to zero/off. */ cso->bfo[0] = (_3DSTATE_BACKFACE_STENCIL_OPS | BFO_ENABLE_STENCIL_TWO_SIDE | 0); cso->bfo[1] = 0; } if (depth_stencil->depth.enabled) { int func = i915_translate_compare_func(depth_stencil->depth.func); cso->depth_LIS6 |= (S6_DEPTH_TEST_ENABLE | (func << S6_DEPTH_TEST_FUNC_SHIFT)); if (depth_stencil->depth.writemask) cso->depth_LIS6 |= S6_DEPTH_WRITE_ENABLE; } if (depth_stencil->alpha.enabled) { int test = i915_translate_compare_func(depth_stencil->alpha.func); ubyte refByte = float_to_ubyte(depth_stencil->alpha.ref_value); cso->depth_LIS6 |= (S6_ALPHA_TEST_ENABLE | (test << S6_ALPHA_TEST_FUNC_SHIFT) | (((unsigned) refByte) << S6_ALPHA_REF_SHIFT)); } return cso; } static void i915_bind_depth_stencil_state(struct pipe_context *pipe, void *depth_stencil) { struct i915_context *i915 = i915_context(pipe); draw_flush(i915->draw); i915->depth_stencil = (const struct i915_depth_stencil_state *)depth_stencil; i915->dirty |= I915_NEW_DEPTH_STENCIL; } static void i915_delete_depth_stencil_state(struct pipe_context *pipe, void *depth_stencil) { FREE(depth_stencil); } static void i915_set_scissor_state( struct pipe_context *pipe, const struct pipe_scissor_state *scissor ) { struct i915_context *i915 = i915_context(pipe); draw_flush(i915->draw); memcpy( &i915->scissor, scissor, sizeof(*scissor) ); i915->dirty |= I915_NEW_SCISSOR; } static void i915_set_polygon_stipple( struct pipe_context *pipe, const struct pipe_poly_stipple *stipple ) { } static void * i915_create_fs_state(struct pipe_context *pipe, const struct pipe_shader_state *templ) { struct i915_context *i915 = i915_context(pipe); struct i915_fragment_shader *ifs = CALLOC_STRUCT(i915_fragment_shader); if (!ifs) return NULL; ifs->state.tokens = tgsi_dup_tokens(templ->tokens); tgsi_scan_shader(templ->tokens, &ifs->info); /* The shader's compiled to i915 instructions here */ i915_translate_fragment_program(i915, ifs); return ifs; } static void i915_bind_fs_state(struct pipe_context *pipe, void *shader) { struct i915_context *i915 = i915_context(pipe); draw_flush(i915->draw); i915->fs = (struct i915_fragment_shader*) shader; i915->dirty |= I915_NEW_FS; } static void i915_delete_fs_state(struct pipe_context *pipe, void *shader) { struct i915_fragment_shader *ifs = (struct i915_fragment_shader *) shader; if (ifs->program) FREE(ifs->program); ifs->program_len = 0; FREE((struct tgsi_token *)ifs->state.tokens); FREE(ifs); } static void * i915_create_vs_state(struct pipe_context *pipe, const struct pipe_shader_state *templ) { struct i915_context *i915 = i915_context(pipe); /* just pass-through to draw module */ return draw_create_vertex_shader(i915->draw, templ); } static void i915_bind_vs_state(struct pipe_context *pipe, void *shader) { struct i915_context *i915 = i915_context(pipe); /* just pass-through to draw module */ draw_bind_vertex_shader(i915->draw, (struct draw_vertex_shader *) shader); i915->dirty |= I915_NEW_VS; } static void i915_delete_vs_state(struct pipe_context *pipe, void *shader) { struct i915_context *i915 = i915_context(pipe); /* just pass-through to draw module */ draw_delete_vertex_shader(i915->draw, (struct draw_vertex_shader *) shader); } static void i915_set_constant_buffer(struct pipe_context *pipe, uint shader, uint index, struct pipe_resource *buf) { struct i915_context *i915 = i915_context(pipe); struct i915_buffer *ir = i915_buffer(buf); draw_flush(i915->draw); assert(shader < PIPE_SHADER_TYPES); assert(index == 0); /* Make a copy of shader constants. * During fragment program translation we may add additional * constants to the array. * * We want to consider the situation where some user constants * (ex: a material color) may change frequently but the shader program * stays the same. In that case we should only be updating the first * N constants, leaving any extras from shader translation alone. */ if (buf) { memcpy(i915->current.constants[shader], ir->data, ir->b.b.width0); i915->current.num_user_constants[shader] = (ir->b.b.width0 / 4 * sizeof(float)); } else { i915->current.num_user_constants[shader] = 0; } i915->dirty |= I915_NEW_CONSTANTS; } static void i915_set_fragment_sampler_views(struct pipe_context *pipe, unsigned num, struct pipe_sampler_view **views) { struct i915_context *i915 = i915_context(pipe); uint i; assert(num <= PIPE_MAX_SAMPLERS); /* Check for no-op */ if (num == i915->num_fragment_sampler_views && !memcmp(i915->fragment_sampler_views, views, num * sizeof(struct pipe_sampler_view *))) return; /* Fixes wrong texture in texobj with VBUF */ draw_flush(i915->draw); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) pipe_sampler_view_reference(&i915->fragment_sampler_views[i], views[i]); for (i = num; i < i915->num_fragment_sampler_views; i++) pipe_sampler_view_reference(&i915->fragment_sampler_views[i], NULL); i915->num_fragment_sampler_views = num; i915->dirty |= I915_NEW_SAMPLER_VIEW; } static struct pipe_sampler_view * i915_create_sampler_view(struct pipe_context *pipe, struct pipe_resource *texture, const struct pipe_sampler_view *templ) { struct pipe_sampler_view *view = CALLOC_STRUCT(pipe_sampler_view); if (view) { *view = *templ; view->reference.count = 1; view->texture = NULL; pipe_resource_reference(&view->texture, texture); view->context = pipe; } return view; } static void i915_sampler_view_destroy(struct pipe_context *pipe, struct pipe_sampler_view *view) { pipe_resource_reference(&view->texture, NULL); FREE(view); } static void i915_set_framebuffer_state(struct pipe_context *pipe, const struct pipe_framebuffer_state *fb) { struct i915_context *i915 = i915_context(pipe); int i; draw_flush(i915->draw); i915->framebuffer.width = fb->width; i915->framebuffer.height = fb->height; i915->framebuffer.nr_cbufs = fb->nr_cbufs; for (i = 0; i < PIPE_MAX_COLOR_BUFS; i++) { pipe_surface_reference(&i915->framebuffer.cbufs[i], fb->cbufs[i]); } pipe_surface_reference(&i915->framebuffer.zsbuf, fb->zsbuf); i915->dirty |= I915_NEW_FRAMEBUFFER; } static void i915_set_clip_state( struct pipe_context *pipe, const struct pipe_clip_state *clip ) { struct i915_context *i915 = i915_context(pipe); draw_flush(i915->draw); draw_set_clip_state(i915->draw, clip); i915->dirty |= I915_NEW_CLIP; } /* Called when driver state tracker notices changes to the viewport * matrix: */ static void i915_set_viewport_state( struct pipe_context *pipe, const struct pipe_viewport_state *viewport ) { struct i915_context *i915 = i915_context(pipe); i915->viewport = *viewport; /* struct copy */ /* pass the viewport info to the draw module */ draw_set_viewport_state(i915->draw, &i915->viewport); i915->dirty |= I915_NEW_VIEWPORT; } static void * i915_create_rasterizer_state(struct pipe_context *pipe, const struct pipe_rasterizer_state *rasterizer) { struct i915_rasterizer_state *cso = CALLOC_STRUCT( i915_rasterizer_state ); cso->templ = rasterizer; cso->color_interp = rasterizer->flatshade ? INTERP_CONSTANT : INTERP_LINEAR; cso->light_twoside = rasterizer->light_twoside; cso->ds[0].u = _3DSTATE_DEPTH_OFFSET_SCALE; cso->ds[1].f = rasterizer->offset_scale; if (rasterizer->poly_stipple_enable) { cso->st |= ST1_ENABLE; } if (rasterizer->scissor) cso->sc[0] = _3DSTATE_SCISSOR_ENABLE_CMD | ENABLE_SCISSOR_RECT; else cso->sc[0] = _3DSTATE_SCISSOR_ENABLE_CMD | DISABLE_SCISSOR_RECT; switch (rasterizer->cull_mode) { case PIPE_WINDING_NONE: cso->LIS4 |= S4_CULLMODE_NONE; break; case PIPE_WINDING_CW: cso->LIS4 |= S4_CULLMODE_CW; break; case PIPE_WINDING_CCW: cso->LIS4 |= S4_CULLMODE_CCW; break; case PIPE_WINDING_BOTH: cso->LIS4 |= S4_CULLMODE_BOTH; break; } { int line_width = CLAMP((int)(rasterizer->line_width * 2), 1, 0xf); cso->LIS4 |= line_width << S4_LINE_WIDTH_SHIFT; if (rasterizer->line_smooth) cso->LIS4 |= S4_LINE_ANTIALIAS_ENABLE; } { int point_size = CLAMP((int) rasterizer->point_size, 1, 0xff); cso->LIS4 |= point_size << S4_POINT_WIDTH_SHIFT; } if (rasterizer->flatshade) { cso->LIS4 |= (S4_FLATSHADE_ALPHA | S4_FLATSHADE_COLOR | S4_FLATSHADE_SPECULAR); } cso->LIS7 = fui( rasterizer->offset_units ); return cso; } static void i915_bind_rasterizer_state( struct pipe_context *pipe, void *raster ) { struct i915_context *i915 = i915_context(pipe); i915->rasterizer = (struct i915_rasterizer_state *)raster; /* pass-through to draw module */ draw_set_rasterizer_state(i915->draw, (i915->rasterizer ? i915->rasterizer->templ : NULL)); i915->dirty |= I915_NEW_RASTERIZER; } static void i915_delete_rasterizer_state(struct pipe_context *pipe, void *raster) { FREE(raster); } static void i915_set_vertex_buffers(struct pipe_context *pipe, unsigned count, const struct pipe_vertex_buffer *buffers) { struct i915_context *i915 = i915_context(pipe); /* Because we change state before the draw_set_vertex_buffers call * we need a flush here, just to be sure. */ draw_flush(i915->draw); memcpy(i915->vertex_buffer, buffers, count * sizeof(buffers[0])); i915->num_vertex_buffers = count; /* pass-through to draw module */ draw_set_vertex_buffers(i915->draw, count, buffers); } static void * i915_create_vertex_elements_state(struct pipe_context *pipe, unsigned count, const struct pipe_vertex_element *attribs) { struct i915_velems_state *velems; assert(count <= PIPE_MAX_ATTRIBS); velems = (struct i915_velems_state *) MALLOC(sizeof(struct i915_velems_state)); if (velems) { velems->count = count; memcpy(velems->velem, attribs, sizeof(*attribs) * count); } return velems; } static void i915_bind_vertex_elements_state(struct pipe_context *pipe, void *velems) { struct i915_context *i915 = i915_context(pipe); struct i915_velems_state *i915_velems = (struct i915_velems_state *) velems; /* Because we change state before the draw_set_vertex_buffers call * we need a flush here, just to be sure. */ draw_flush(i915->draw); /* pass-through to draw module */ if (i915_velems) { draw_set_vertex_elements(i915->draw, i915_velems->count, i915_velems->velem); } } static void i915_delete_vertex_elements_state(struct pipe_context *pipe, void *velems) { FREE( velems ); } void i915_init_state_functions( struct i915_context *i915 ) { i915->base.create_blend_state = i915_create_blend_state; i915->base.bind_blend_state = i915_bind_blend_state; i915->base.delete_blend_state = i915_delete_blend_state; i915->base.create_sampler_state = i915_create_sampler_state; i915->base.bind_fragment_sampler_states = i915_bind_sampler_states; i915->base.delete_sampler_state = i915_delete_sampler_state; i915->base.create_depth_stencil_alpha_state = i915_create_depth_stencil_state; i915->base.bind_depth_stencil_alpha_state = i915_bind_depth_stencil_state; i915->base.delete_depth_stencil_alpha_state = i915_delete_depth_stencil_state; i915->base.create_rasterizer_state = i915_create_rasterizer_state; i915->base.bind_rasterizer_state = i915_bind_rasterizer_state; i915->base.delete_rasterizer_state = i915_delete_rasterizer_state; i915->base.create_fs_state = i915_create_fs_state; i915->base.bind_fs_state = i915_bind_fs_state; i915->base.delete_fs_state = i915_delete_fs_state; i915->base.create_vs_state = i915_create_vs_state; i915->base.bind_vs_state = i915_bind_vs_state; i915->base.delete_vs_state = i915_delete_vs_state; i915->base.create_vertex_elements_state = i915_create_vertex_elements_state; i915->base.bind_vertex_elements_state = i915_bind_vertex_elements_state; i915->base.delete_vertex_elements_state = i915_delete_vertex_elements_state; i915->base.set_blend_color = i915_set_blend_color; i915->base.set_stencil_ref = i915_set_stencil_ref; i915->base.set_clip_state = i915_set_clip_state; i915->base.set_constant_buffer = i915_set_constant_buffer; i915->base.set_framebuffer_state = i915_set_framebuffer_state; i915->base.set_polygon_stipple = i915_set_polygon_stipple; i915->base.set_scissor_state = i915_set_scissor_state; i915->base.set_fragment_sampler_views = i915_set_fragment_sampler_views; i915->base.create_sampler_view = i915_create_sampler_view; i915->base.sampler_view_destroy = i915_sampler_view_destroy; i915->base.set_viewport_state = i915_set_viewport_state; i915->base.set_vertex_buffers = i915_set_vertex_buffers; }