#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Generates dumpers for the i965 state strucutures using pygccxml. Run as PYTHONPATH=/path/to/pygccxml-1.0.0 python brw_structs_dump.py Jose Fonseca <jfonseca@vmware.com> ''' copyright = ''' /************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2009 VMware, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS, AUTHORS AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions * of the Software. * **************************************************************************/ ''' import os import sys import re from pygccxml import parser from pygccxml import declarations from pygccxml.declarations import algorithm from pygccxml.declarations import decl_visitor from pygccxml.declarations import type_traits from pygccxml.declarations import type_visitor enums = True def vars_filter(variable): name = variable.name return not re.match('^pad\d*', name) and name != 'dword' class decl_dumper_t(decl_visitor.decl_visitor_t): def __init__(self, stream, instance = '', decl = None): decl_visitor.decl_visitor_t.__init__(self) self.stream = stream self._instance = instance self.decl = decl def clone(self): return decl_dumper_t(self.stream, self._instance, self.decl) def visit_class(self): class_ = self.decl assert self.decl.class_type in ('struct', 'union') for variable in class_.variables(recursive = False): if vars_filter(variable): dump_type(self.stream, self._instance + '.' + variable.name, variable.type) def visit_enumeration(self): if enums: self.stream.write(' switch(%s) {\n' % ("(*ptr)" + self._instance,)) for name, value in self.decl.values: self.stream.write(' case %s:\n' % (name,)) self.stream.write(' debug_printf("\\t\\t%s = %s\\n");\n' % (self._instance, name)) self.stream.write(' break;\n') self.stream.write(' default:\n') self.stream.write(' debug_printf("\\t\\t%s = %%i\\n", %s);\n' % (self._instance, "(*ptr)" + self._instance)) self.stream.write(' break;\n') self.stream.write(' }\n') else: self.stream.write(' debug_printf("\\t\\t%s = %%i\\n", %s);\n' % (self._instance, "(*ptr)" + self._instance)) def dump_decl(stream, instance, decl): dumper = decl_dumper_t(stream, instance, decl) algorithm.apply_visitor(dumper, decl) class type_dumper_t(type_visitor.type_visitor_t): def __init__(self, stream, instance, type_): type_visitor.type_visitor_t.__init__(self) self.stream = stream self.instance = instance self.type = type_ def clone(self): return type_dumper_t(self.instance, self.type) def visit_bool(self): self.print_instance('%i') def visit_char(self): #self.print_instance('%i') self.print_instance('0x%x') def visit_unsigned_char(self): #self.print_instance('%u') self.print_instance('0x%x') def visit_signed_char(self): #self.print_instance('%i') self.print_instance('0x%x') def visit_wchar(self): self.print_instance('0x%x') def visit_short_int(self): #self.print_instance('%i') self.print_instance('0x%x') def visit_short_unsigned_int(self): #self.print_instance('%u') self.print_instance('0x%x') def visit_int(self): #self.print_instance('%i') self.print_instance('0x%x') def visit_unsigned_int(self): #self.print_instance('%u') self.print_instance('0x%x') def visit_long_int(self): #self.print_instance('%li') self.print_instance('0x%lx') def visit_long_unsigned_int(self): #self.print_instance('%lu') self.print_instance('%0xlx') def visit_long_long_int(self): #self.print_instance('%lli') self.print_instance('%0xllx') def visit_long_long_unsigned_int(self): #self.print_instance('%llu') self.print_instance('0x%llx') def visit_float(self): self.print_instance('%f') def visit_double(self): self.print_instance('%f') def visit_array(self): for i in range(type_traits.array_size(self.type)): dump_type(self.stream, self.instance + '[%i]' % i, type_traits.base_type(self.type)) def visit_pointer(self): self.print_instance('%p') def visit_declarated(self): #stream.write('decl = %r\n' % self.type.decl_string) decl = type_traits.remove_declarated(self.type) dump_decl(self.stream, self.instance, decl) def print_instance(self, format): self.stream.write(' debug_printf("\\t\\t%s = %s\\n", %s);\n' % (self.instance, format, "(*ptr)" + self.instance)) def dump_type(stream, instance, type_): type_ = type_traits.remove_alias(type_) visitor = type_dumper_t(stream, instance, type_) algorithm.apply_visitor(visitor, type_) def dump_struct_interface(stream, class_, suffix = ';'): name = class_.name assert name.startswith('brw_'); name = name[:4] + 'dump_' + name[4:] stream.write('void\n') stream.write('%s(const struct %s *ptr)%s\n' % (name, class_.name, suffix)) def dump_struct_implementation(stream, decls, class_): dump_struct_interface(stream, class_, suffix = '') stream.write('{\n') dump_decl(stream, '', class_) stream.write('}\n') stream.write('\n') def dump_header(stream): stream.write(copyright.strip() + '\n') stream.write('\n') stream.write('/**\n') stream.write(' * @file\n') stream.write(' * Dump i965 data structures.\n') stream.write(' *\n') stream.write(' * Generated automatically from brw_structs.h by brw_structs_dump.py.\n') stream.write(' */\n') stream.write('\n') def dump_interfaces(decls, global_ns, names): stream = open('brw_structs_dump.h', 'wt') dump_header(stream) stream.write('#ifndef BRW_STRUCTS_DUMP_H\n') stream.write('#define BRW_STRUCTS_DUMP_H\n') stream.write('\n') for name in names: stream.write('struct %s;\n' % (name,)) stream.write('\n') for name in names: (class_,) = global_ns.classes(name = name) dump_struct_interface(stream, class_) stream.write('\n') stream.write('\n') stream.write('#endif /* BRW_STRUCTS_DUMP_H */\n') def dump_implementations(decls, global_ns, names): stream = open('brw_structs_dump.c', 'wt') dump_header(stream) stream.write('#include "util/u_debug.h"\n') stream.write('\n') stream.write('#include "brw_types.h"\n') stream.write('#include "brw_structs.h"\n') stream.write('#include "brw_structs_dump.h"\n') stream.write('\n') for name in names: (class_,) = global_ns.classes(name = name) dump_struct_implementation(stream, decls, class_) def decl_filter(decl): '''Filter the declarations we're interested in''' name = decl.name return name.startswith('brw_') and name not in ('brw_instruction',) def main(): config = parser.config_t( include_paths = [ '../../include', ], compiler = 'gcc', ) headers = [ 'brw_types.h', 'brw_structs.h', ] decls = parser.parse(headers, config, parser.COMPILATION_MODE.ALL_AT_ONCE) global_ns = declarations.get_global_namespace(decls) names = [] for class_ in global_ns.classes(decl_filter): names.append(class_.name) names.sort() dump_interfaces(decls, global_ns, names) dump_implementations(decls, global_ns, names) if __name__ == '__main__': main()