#if 0 /* not used, kept for now to compare with util/translate */ #include "pipe/p_context.h" #include "pipe/p_state.h" #include "util/u_inlines.h" #include "util/u_format.h" #include "translate/translate.h" #include "nvc0_context.h" #include "nvc0_resource.h" #include "nvc0_3d.xml.h" struct push_context { struct nvc0_context *nvc0; uint vertex_size; void *idxbuf; uint idxsize; float edgeflag; int edgeflag_input; struct { void *map; void (*push)(struct nouveau_channel *, void *); uint32_t stride; uint32_t divisor; uint32_t step; } attr[32]; int num_attrs; }; static void emit_b32_1(struct nouveau_channel *chan, void *data) { uint32_t *v = data; OUT_RING(chan, v[0]); } static void emit_b32_2(struct nouveau_channel *chan, void *data) { uint32_t *v = data; OUT_RING(chan, v[0]); OUT_RING(chan, v[1]); } static void emit_b32_3(struct nouveau_channel *chan, void *data) { uint32_t *v = data; OUT_RING(chan, v[0]); OUT_RING(chan, v[1]); OUT_RING(chan, v[2]); } static void emit_b32_4(struct nouveau_channel *chan, void *data) { uint32_t *v = data; OUT_RING(chan, v[0]); OUT_RING(chan, v[1]); OUT_RING(chan, v[2]); OUT_RING(chan, v[3]); } static void emit_b16_1(struct nouveau_channel *chan, void *data) { uint16_t *v = data; OUT_RING(chan, v[0]); } static void emit_b16_3(struct nouveau_channel *chan, void *data) { uint16_t *v = data; OUT_RING(chan, (v[1] << 16) | v[0]); OUT_RING(chan, v[2]); } static void emit_b08_1(struct nouveau_channel *chan, void *data) { uint8_t *v = data; OUT_RING(chan, v[0]); } static void emit_b08_3(struct nouveau_channel *chan, void *data) { uint8_t *v = data; OUT_RING(chan, (v[2] << 16) | (v[1] << 8) | v[0]); } static void emit_b64_1(struct nouveau_channel *chan, void *data) { double *v = data; OUT_RINGf(chan, v[0]); } static void emit_b64_2(struct nouveau_channel *chan, void *data) { double *v = data; OUT_RINGf(chan, v[0]); OUT_RINGf(chan, v[1]); } static void emit_b64_3(struct nouveau_channel *chan, void *data) { double *v = data; OUT_RINGf(chan, v[0]); OUT_RINGf(chan, v[1]); OUT_RINGf(chan, v[2]); } static void emit_b64_4(struct nouveau_channel *chan, void *data) { double *v = data; OUT_RINGf(chan, v[0]); OUT_RINGf(chan, v[1]); OUT_RINGf(chan, v[2]); OUT_RINGf(chan, v[3]); } static INLINE void emit_vertex(struct push_context *ctx, unsigned n) { struct nouveau_channel *chan = ctx->nvc0->screen->base.channel; int i; if (ctx->edgeflag_input < 32) { /* TODO */ } BEGIN_RING_NI(chan, RING_3D(VERTEX_DATA), ctx->vertex_size); for (i = 0; i < ctx->num_attrs; ++i) ctx->attr[i].push(chan, (uint8_t *)ctx->attr[i].map + n * ctx->attr[i].stride); } static void emit_edgeflag(struct push_context *ctx, boolean enabled) { struct nouveau_channel *chan = ctx->nvc0->screen->base.channel; IMMED_RING(chan, RING_3D(EDGEFLAG_ENABLE), enabled); } static void emit_elt08(struct push_context *ctx, unsigned start, unsigned count) { uint8_t *idxbuf = ctx->idxbuf; while (count--) emit_vertex(ctx, idxbuf[start++]); } static void emit_elt16(struct push_context *ctx, unsigned start, unsigned count) { uint16_t *idxbuf = ctx->idxbuf; while (count--) emit_vertex(ctx, idxbuf[start++]); } static void emit_elt32(struct push_context *ctx, unsigned start, unsigned count) { uint32_t *idxbuf = ctx->idxbuf; while (count--) emit_vertex(ctx, idxbuf[start++]); } static void emit_seq(struct push_context *ctx, unsigned start, unsigned count) { while (count--) emit_vertex(ctx, start++); } #define NVC0_PRIM_GL_CASE(n) \ case PIPE_PRIM_##n: return NVC0_3D_VERTEX_BEGIN_GL_PRIMITIVE_##n static INLINE unsigned nvc0_prim_gl(unsigned prim) { switch (prim) { NVC0_PRIM_GL_CASE(POINTS); NVC0_PRIM_GL_CASE(LINES); NVC0_PRIM_GL_CASE(LINE_LOOP); NVC0_PRIM_GL_CASE(LINE_STRIP); NVC0_PRIM_GL_CASE(TRIANGLES); NVC0_PRIM_GL_CASE(TRIANGLE_STRIP); NVC0_PRIM_GL_CASE(TRIANGLE_FAN); NVC0_PRIM_GL_CASE(QUADS); NVC0_PRIM_GL_CASE(QUAD_STRIP); NVC0_PRIM_GL_CASE(POLYGON); NVC0_PRIM_GL_CASE(LINES_ADJACENCY); NVC0_PRIM_GL_CASE(LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY); NVC0_PRIM_GL_CASE(TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY); NVC0_PRIM_GL_CASE(TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY); /* NVC0_PRIM_GL_CASE(PATCHES); */ default: return NVC0_3D_VERTEX_BEGIN_GL_PRIMITIVE_POINTS; break; } } void nvc0_push_vbo2(struct nvc0_context *nvc0, const struct pipe_draw_info *info) { struct push_context ctx; unsigned i, n; unsigned inst = info->instance_count; unsigned prim = nvc0_prim_gl(info->mode); ctx.nvc0 = nvc0; ctx.vertex_size = nvc0->vertex->vtx_size; ctx.idxbuf = NULL; ctx.num_attrs = 0; ctx.edgeflag = 0.5f; ctx.edgeflag_input = 32; for (i = 0; i < nvc0->vertex->num_elements; ++i) { struct pipe_vertex_element *ve = &nvc0->vertex->element[i].pipe; struct pipe_vertex_buffer *vb = &nvc0->vtxbuf[ve->vertex_buffer_index]; struct nouveau_bo *bo = nvc0_resource(vb->buffer)->bo; unsigned nr_components; if (!(nvc0->vbo_fifo & (1 << i))) continue; n = ctx.num_attrs++; if (nouveau_bo_map(bo, NOUVEAU_BO_RD)) return; ctx.attr[n].map = (uint8_t *)bo->map + vb->buffer_offset + ve->src_offset; nouveau_bo_unmap(bo); ctx.attr[n].stride = vb->stride; ctx.attr[n].divisor = ve->instance_divisor; nr_components = util_format_get_nr_components(ve->src_format); switch (util_format_get_component_bits(ve->src_format, UTIL_FORMAT_COLORSPACE_RGB, 0)) { case 8: switch (nr_components) { case 1: ctx.attr[n].push = emit_b08_1; break; case 2: ctx.attr[n].push = emit_b16_1; break; case 3: ctx.attr[n].push = emit_b08_3; break; case 4: ctx.attr[n].push = emit_b32_1; break; } break; case 16: switch (nr_components) { case 1: ctx.attr[n].push = emit_b16_1; break; case 2: ctx.attr[n].push = emit_b32_1; break; case 3: ctx.attr[n].push = emit_b16_3; break; case 4: ctx.attr[n].push = emit_b32_2; break; } break; case 32: switch (nr_components) { case 1: ctx.attr[n].push = emit_b32_1; break; case 2: ctx.attr[n].push = emit_b32_2; break; case 3: ctx.attr[n].push = emit_b32_3; break; case 4: ctx.attr[n].push = emit_b32_4; break; } break; default: assert(0); break; } } if (info->indexed) { struct nvc0_resource *res = nvc0_resource(nvc0->idxbuf.buffer); if (!res || nouveau_bo_map(res->bo, NOUVEAU_BO_RD)) return; ctx.idxbuf = (uint8_t *)res->bo->map + nvc0->idxbuf.offset + res->offset; nouveau_bo_unmap(res->bo); ctx.idxsize = nvc0->idxbuf.index_size; } else { ctx.idxsize = 0; } while (inst--) { BEGIN_RING(nvc0->screen->base.channel, RING_3D(VERTEX_BEGIN_GL), 1); OUT_RING (nvc0->screen->base.channel, prim); switch (ctx.idxsize) { case 0: emit_seq(&ctx, info->start, info->count); break; case 1: emit_elt08(&ctx, info->start, info->count); break; case 2: emit_elt16(&ctx, info->start, info->count); break; case 4: emit_elt32(&ctx, info->start, info->count); break; } IMMED_RING(nvc0->screen->base.channel, RING_3D(VERTEX_END_GL), 0); prim |= NVC0_3D_VERTEX_BEGIN_GL_INSTANCE_NEXT; } } #endif