/* * Copyright 2008 Corbin Simpson * Joakim Sindholt * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub * license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom * the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHOR(S) AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "r300_surface.h" /* Provides pipe_context's "surface_fill". Commonly used for clearing * buffers. */ static void r300_surface_fill(struct pipe_context* pipe, struct pipe_surface* dest, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned w, unsigned h, unsigned color) { struct r300_context* r300 = r300_context(pipe); CS_LOCALS(r300); struct r300_capabilities* caps = r300_screen(pipe->screen)->caps; struct r300_texture* tex = (struct r300_texture*)dest->texture; int i; float r, g, b, a, depth; unsigned pixpitch = tex->stride / tex->tex.block.size; r = (float)((color >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0f; g = (float)((color >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0f; b = (float)((color >> 0) & 0xff) / 255.0f; debug_printf("r300: Filling surface %p at (%d,%d)," " dimensions %dx%d (pixel pitch %d), color 0x%x\n", dest, x, y, w, h, pixpitch, color); /* Fallback? */ if (tex->tex.format != PIPE_FORMAT_A8R8G8B8_UNORM) { debug_printf("r300: Falling back on surface clear..."); util_surface_fill(pipe, dest, x, y, w, h, color); return; } r300_emit_blend_state(r300, &blend_clear_state); r300_emit_blend_color_state(r300, &blend_color_clear_state); r300_emit_dsa_state(r300, &dsa_clear_state); r300_emit_rs_state(r300, &rs_clear_state); /* Fragment shader setup */ if (caps->is_r500) { r500_emit_fragment_shader(r300, &r500_passthrough_fragment_shader); r300_emit_rs_block_state(r300, &r500_rs_block_clear_state); } else { r300_emit_fragment_shader(r300, &r300_passthrough_fragment_shader); r300_emit_rs_block_state(r300, &r300_rs_block_clear_state); } BEGIN_CS(36); /* Viewport setup */ OUT_CS_REG_SEQ(R300_SE_VPORT_XSCALE, 6); OUT_CS_32F(1.0); OUT_CS_32F((float)x); OUT_CS_32F(1.0); OUT_CS_32F((float)y); OUT_CS_32F(1.0); OUT_CS_32F(0.0); /* Pixel scissors */ OUT_CS_REG_SEQ(R300_SC_SCISSORS_TL, 2); OUT_CS((x << R300_SCISSORS_X_SHIFT) | (y << R300_SCISSORS_Y_SHIFT)); OUT_CS((w << R300_SCISSORS_X_SHIFT) | (h << R300_SCISSORS_Y_SHIFT)); /* The size of the point we're about to draw, in sixths of pixels */ OUT_CS_REG(R300_GA_POINT_SIZE, ((h * 6) & R300_POINTSIZE_Y_MASK) | ((w * 6) << R300_POINTSIZE_X_SHIFT)); /* Flush colorbuffer and blend caches. */ OUT_CS_REG(R300_RB3D_DSTCACHE_CTLSTAT, R300_RB3D_DSTCACHE_CTLSTAT_DC_FLUSH_FLUSH_DIRTY_3D | R300_RB3D_DSTCACHE_CTLSTAT_DC_FINISH_SIGNAL); OUT_CS_REG(R300_ZB_ZCACHE_CTLSTAT, R300_ZB_ZCACHE_CTLSTAT_ZC_FLUSH_FLUSH_AND_FREE | R300_ZB_ZCACHE_CTLSTAT_ZC_FREE_FREE); OUT_CS_REG_SEQ(R300_RB3D_COLOROFFSET0, 1); OUT_CS_RELOC(tex->buffer, 0, 0, RADEON_GEM_DOMAIN_VRAM, 0); OUT_CS_REG(R300_RB3D_COLORPITCH0, pixpitch | r300_translate_colorformat(tex->tex.format)); OUT_CS_REG(RB3D_COLOR_CHANNEL_MASK, 0x0000000F); /* XXX Packet3 */ OUT_CS(CP_PACKET3(R200_3D_DRAW_IMMD_2, 8)); OUT_CS(R300_PRIM_TYPE_POINT | R300_PRIM_WALK_RING | (1 << R300_PRIM_NUM_VERTICES_SHIFT)); OUT_CS_32F(w / 2.0); OUT_CS_32F(h / 2.0); /* XXX this should be the depth value to clear to */ OUT_CS_32F(1.0); OUT_CS_32F(1.0); OUT_CS_32F(r); OUT_CS_32F(g); OUT_CS_32F(b); OUT_CS_32F(1.0); /* XXX figure out why this is 0xA and not 0x2 */ OUT_CS_REG(R300_RB3D_DSTCACHE_CTLSTAT, 0xA); /* XXX OUT_CS_REG(R300_ZB_ZCACHE_CTLSTAT, R300_ZB_ZCACHE_CTLSTAT_ZC_FLUSH_FLUSH_AND_FREE | R300_ZB_ZCACHE_CTLSTAT_ZC_FREE_FREE); */ END_CS; r300->dirty_hw++; } static void r300_surface_copy(struct pipe_context* pipe, struct pipe_surface* dest, unsigned destx, unsigned desty, struct pipe_surface* src, unsigned srcx, unsigned srcy, unsigned w, unsigned h) { struct r300_context* r300 = r300_context(pipe); CS_LOCALS(r300); struct r300_texture* srctex = (struct r300_texture*)src->texture; struct r300_texture* desttex = (struct r300_texture*)dest->texture; unsigned pixpitch = srctex->stride / srctex->tex.block.size; debug_printf("r300: Copying surface %p at (%d,%d) to %p at (%d, %d)," " dimensions %dx%d (pixel pitch %d)\n", src, srcx, srcy, dest, destx, desty, w, h, pixpitch); if (TRUE) { debug_printf("r300: Falling back on surface_copy\n"); return util_surface_copy(pipe, FALSE, dest, destx, desty, src, srcx, srcy, w, h); } #if 0 BEGIN_CS(); OUT_CS_REG(RADEON_DEFAULT_SC_BOTTOM_RIGHT,(RADEON_DEFAULT_SC_RIGHT_MAX | RADEON_DEFAULT_SC_BOTTOM_MAX)); OUT_ACCEL_REG(RADEON_DP_GUI_MASTER_CNTL, (RADEON_GMC_DST_PITCH_OFFSET_CNTL | RADEON_GMC_SRC_PITCH_OFFSET_CNTL | RADEON_GMC_BRUSH_NONE | (datatype << 8) | RADEON_GMC_SRC_DATATYPE_COLOR | RADEON_ROP[rop].rop | RADEON_DP_SRC_SOURCE_MEMORY | RADEON_GMC_CLR_CMP_CNTL_DIS)); OUT_CS_REG(RADEON_DP_BRUSH_FRGD_CLR, 0xffffffff); OUT_CS_REG(RADEON_DP_BRUSH_BKGD_CLR, 0x0); OUT_CS_REG(RADEON_DP_SRC_FRGD_CLR, 0xffffffff); OUT_CS_REG(RADEON_DP_SRC_BKGD_CLR, 0x0); OUT_ACCEL_REG(RADEON_DP_WRITE_MASK, planemask); OUT_ACCEL_REG(RADEON_DP_CNTL, ((info->accel_state->xdir >= 0 ? RADEON_DST_X_LEFT_TO_RIGHT : 0) | (info->accel_state->ydir >= 0 ? RADEON_DST_Y_TOP_TO_BOTTOM : 0)); ); OUT_CS_REG_SEQ(RADEON_DST_PITCH_OFFSET, 1); OUT_CS_RELOC(desttex->buffer, 0, 0, RADEON_GEM_DOMAIN_VRAM, 0); OUT_CS_REG_SEQ(RADEON_SRC_PITCH_OFFSET, 1); OUT_CS_RELOC(srctex->buffer, 0, RADEON_GEM_DOMAIN_GTT | RADEON_GEM_DOMAIN_VRAM, 0, 0); OUT_CS_REG(RADEON_SRC_Y_X, (srcy << 16) | srcx); OUT_CS_REG(RADEON_DST_Y_X, (desty << 16) | destx); OUT_CS_REG(RADEON_DST_HEIGHT_WIDTH, (h << 16) | w); OUT_CS_REG(RADEON_DSTCACHE_CTLSTAT, RADEON_RB2D_DC_FLUSH_ALL); OUT_CS_REG(RADEON_WAIT_UNTIL, RADEON_WAIT_2D_IDLECLEAN | RADEON_WAIT_DMA_GUI_IDLE); END_CS; #endif } void r300_init_surface_functions(struct r300_context* r300) { r300->context.surface_fill = r300_surface_fill; r300->context.surface_copy = r300_surface_copy; }