/* * Copyright 2008 Corbin Simpson * Copyright 2010 Marek Olšák * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub * license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom * the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHOR(S) AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "r300_context.h" #include "r300_transfer.h" #include "r300_texture.h" #include "r300_screen.h" #include "r300_winsys.h" #include "util/u_memory.h" #include "util/u_format.h" struct r300_transfer { /* Parent class */ struct pipe_transfer transfer; /* Offset from start of buffer. */ unsigned offset; /* Detiled texture. */ struct r300_texture *detiled_texture; /* Transfer and format flags. */ unsigned render_target_usage; }; /* Convenience cast wrapper. */ static INLINE struct r300_transfer* r300_transfer(struct pipe_transfer* transfer) { return (struct r300_transfer*)transfer; } /* Copy from a tiled texture to a detiled one. */ static void r300_copy_from_tiled_texture(struct pipe_context *ctx, struct r300_transfer *r300transfer) { struct pipe_transfer *transfer = (struct pipe_transfer*)r300transfer; struct pipe_resource *tex = transfer->resource; struct pipe_subresource subdst; subdst.face = 0; subdst.level = 0; ctx->resource_copy_region(ctx, &r300transfer->detiled_texture->b.b, subdst, 0, 0, 0, tex, transfer->sr, transfer->box.x, transfer->box.y, transfer->box.z, transfer->box.width, transfer->box.height); } /* Copy a detiled texture to a tiled one. */ static void r300_copy_into_tiled_texture(struct pipe_context *ctx, struct r300_transfer *r300transfer) { struct pipe_transfer *transfer = (struct pipe_transfer*)r300transfer; struct pipe_resource *tex = transfer->resource; struct pipe_subresource subsrc; subsrc.face = 0; subsrc.level = 0; /* XXX this flush prevents the following DRM error from occuring: * [drm:radeon_cs_ioctl] *ERROR* Failed to parse relocation ! * Reproducible with perf/copytex. */ ctx->flush(ctx, 0, NULL); ctx->resource_copy_region(ctx, tex, transfer->sr, transfer->box.x, transfer->box.y, transfer->box.z, &r300transfer->detiled_texture->b.b, subsrc, 0, 0, 0, transfer->box.width, transfer->box.height); /* XXX this flush fixes a few piglit tests (e.g. glean/pixelFormats). */ ctx->flush(ctx, 0, NULL); } struct pipe_transfer* r300_texture_get_transfer(struct pipe_context *ctx, struct pipe_resource *texture, struct pipe_subresource sr, unsigned usage, const struct pipe_box *box) { struct r300_texture *tex = r300_texture(texture); struct r300_screen *r300screen = r300_screen(ctx->screen); struct r300_transfer *trans; struct pipe_resource base; trans = CALLOC_STRUCT(r300_transfer); if (trans) { /* Initialize the transfer object. */ pipe_resource_reference(&trans->transfer.resource, texture); trans->transfer.sr = sr; trans->transfer.usage = usage; trans->transfer.box = *box; /* If the texture is tiled, we must create a temporary detiled texture * for this transfer. */ if (tex->microtile || tex->macrotile) { trans->render_target_usage = util_format_is_depth_or_stencil(texture->format) ? PIPE_BIND_DEPTH_STENCIL : PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET; base.target = PIPE_TEXTURE_2D; base.format = texture->format; base.width0 = box->width; base.height0 = box->height; base.depth0 = 0; base.last_level = 0; base.nr_samples = 0; base.usage = PIPE_USAGE_DYNAMIC; base.bind = 0; base.flags = R300_RESOURCE_FLAG_TRANSFER; /* For texture reading, the temporary (detiled) texture is used as * a render target when blitting from a tiled texture. */ if (usage & PIPE_TRANSFER_READ) { base.bind |= trans->render_target_usage; } /* For texture writing, the temporary texture is used as a sampler * when blitting into a tiled texture. */ if (usage & PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE) { base.bind |= PIPE_BIND_SAMPLER_VIEW; } /* Create the temporary texture. */ trans->detiled_texture = r300_texture( ctx->screen->resource_create(ctx->screen, &base)); assert(!trans->detiled_texture->microtile && !trans->detiled_texture->macrotile); /* Set the stride. * * Even though we are using an internal texture for this, * the transfer sr, box and usage parameters still reflect * the arguments received to get_transfer. We just do the * right thing internally. */ trans->transfer.stride = r300_texture_get_stride(r300screen, trans->detiled_texture, 0); if (usage & PIPE_TRANSFER_READ) { /* We cannot map a tiled texture directly because the data is * in a different order, therefore we do detiling using a blit. */ r300_copy_from_tiled_texture(ctx, trans); } } else { trans->transfer.stride = r300_texture_get_stride(r300screen, tex, sr.level); trans->offset = r300_texture_get_offset(tex, sr.level, box->z, sr.face); } } return &trans->transfer; } void r300_texture_transfer_destroy(struct pipe_context *ctx, struct pipe_transfer *trans) { struct r300_transfer *r300transfer = r300_transfer(trans); if (r300transfer->detiled_texture) { if (trans->usage & PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE) { r300_copy_into_tiled_texture(ctx, r300transfer); } pipe_resource_reference( (struct pipe_resource**)&r300transfer->detiled_texture, NULL); } pipe_resource_reference(&trans->resource, NULL); FREE(trans); } void* r300_texture_transfer_map(struct pipe_context *ctx, struct pipe_transfer *transfer) { struct r300_winsys_screen *rws = (struct r300_winsys_screen *)ctx->winsys; struct r300_transfer *r300transfer = r300_transfer(transfer); struct r300_texture *tex = r300_texture(transfer->resource); char *map; enum pipe_format format = tex->b.b.format; if (r300transfer->detiled_texture) { /* The detiled texture is of the same size as the region being mapped * (no offset needed). */ return rws->buffer_map(rws, r300transfer->detiled_texture->buffer, transfer->usage); } else { /* Tiling is disabled. */ map = rws->buffer_map(rws, tex->buffer, transfer->usage); if (!map) { return NULL; } return map + r300_transfer(transfer)->offset + transfer->box.y / util_format_get_blockheight(format) * transfer->stride + transfer->box.x / util_format_get_blockwidth(format) * util_format_get_blocksize(format); } } void r300_texture_transfer_unmap(struct pipe_context *ctx, struct pipe_transfer *transfer) { struct r300_winsys_screen *rws = (struct r300_winsys_screen *)ctx->winsys; struct r300_transfer *r300transfer = r300_transfer(transfer); struct r300_texture *tex = r300_texture(transfer->resource); if (r300transfer->detiled_texture) { rws->buffer_unmap(rws, r300transfer->detiled_texture->buffer); } else { rws->buffer_unmap(rws, tex->buffer); } }