/************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2009 VMware, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions * of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL TUNGSTEN GRAPHICS AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * **************************************************************************/ #include "os/os_thread.h" #include "util/u_format.h" #include "util/u_string.h" #include "util/u_memory.h" #include "util/u_simple_list.h" #include "util/u_network.h" #include "os/os_time.h" #include "tgsi/tgsi_parse.h" #include "tr_dump.h" #include "tr_state.h" #include "tr_buffer.h" #include "tr_texture.h" #include "rbug/rbug.h" #include <errno.h> #define U642VOID(x) ((void *)(unsigned long)(x)) #define VOID2U64(x) ((uint64_t)(unsigned long)(x)) struct trace_rbug { struct trace_screen *tr_scr; struct rbug_connection *con; pipe_thread thread; boolean running; }; PIPE_THREAD_ROUTINE(trace_rbug_thread, void_tr_rbug); /********************************************************** * Helper functions */ static struct trace_context * trace_rbug_get_context_locked(struct trace_screen *tr_scr, rbug_context_t ctx) { struct trace_context *tr_ctx = NULL; struct tr_list *ptr; foreach(ptr, &tr_scr->contexts) { tr_ctx = (struct trace_context *)((char*)ptr - offsetof(struct trace_context, list)); if (ctx == VOID2U64(tr_ctx)) break; tr_ctx = NULL; } return tr_ctx; } static struct trace_shader * trace_rbug_get_shader_locked(struct trace_context *tr_ctx, rbug_shader_t shdr) { struct trace_shader *tr_shdr = NULL; struct tr_list *ptr; foreach(ptr, &tr_ctx->shaders) { tr_shdr = (struct trace_shader *)((char*)ptr - offsetof(struct trace_shader, list)); if (shdr == VOID2U64(tr_shdr)) break; tr_shdr = NULL; } return tr_shdr; } static void * trace_shader_create_locked(struct pipe_context *pipe, struct trace_shader *tr_shdr, struct tgsi_token *tokens) { void *state = NULL; struct pipe_shader_state pss = { 0 }; pss.tokens = tokens; if (tr_shdr->type == TRACE_SHADER_FRAGMENT) { state = pipe->create_fs_state(pipe, &pss); } else if (tr_shdr->type == TRACE_SHADER_VERTEX) { state = pipe->create_vs_state(pipe, &pss); } else assert(0); return state; } static void trace_shader_bind_locked(struct pipe_context *pipe, struct trace_shader *tr_shdr, void *state) { if (tr_shdr->type == TRACE_SHADER_FRAGMENT) { pipe->bind_fs_state(pipe, state); } else if (tr_shdr->type == TRACE_SHADER_VERTEX) { pipe->bind_vs_state(pipe, state); } else assert(0); } static void trace_shader_delete_locked(struct pipe_context *pipe, struct trace_shader *tr_shdr, void *state) { if (tr_shdr->type == TRACE_SHADER_FRAGMENT) { pipe->delete_fs_state(pipe, state); } else if (tr_shdr->type == TRACE_SHADER_VERTEX) { pipe->delete_vs_state(pipe, state); } else assert(0); } /************************************************ * Request handler functions */ static int trace_rbug_texture_list(struct trace_rbug *tr_rbug, struct rbug_header *header, uint32_t serial) { struct trace_screen *tr_scr = tr_rbug->tr_scr; struct trace_texture *tr_tex = NULL; struct tr_list *ptr; rbug_texture_t *texs; int i = 0; pipe_mutex_lock(tr_scr->list_mutex); texs = MALLOC(tr_scr->num_textures * sizeof(rbug_texture_t)); foreach(ptr, &tr_scr->textures) { tr_tex = (struct trace_texture *)((char*)ptr - offsetof(struct trace_texture, list)); texs[i++] = VOID2U64(tr_tex); } pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); rbug_send_texture_list_reply(tr_rbug->con, serial, texs, i, NULL); FREE(texs); return 0; } static int trace_rbug_texture_info(struct trace_rbug *tr_rbug, struct rbug_header *header, uint32_t serial) { struct trace_screen *tr_scr = tr_rbug->tr_scr; struct trace_texture *tr_tex = NULL; struct rbug_proto_texture_info *gpti = (struct rbug_proto_texture_info *)header; struct tr_list *ptr; struct pipe_texture *t; pipe_mutex_lock(tr_scr->list_mutex); foreach(ptr, &tr_scr->textures) { tr_tex = (struct trace_texture *)((char*)ptr - offsetof(struct trace_texture, list)); if (gpti->texture == VOID2U64(tr_tex)) break; tr_tex = NULL; } if (!tr_tex) { pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return -ESRCH; } t = tr_tex->texture; rbug_send_texture_info_reply(tr_rbug->con, serial, t->target, t->format, &t->width0, 1, &t->height0, 1, &t->depth0, 1, util_format_get_blockwidth(t->format), util_format_get_blockheight(t->format), util_format_get_blocksize(t->format), t->last_level, t->nr_samples, t->tex_usage, NULL); pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return 0; } static int trace_rbug_texture_read(struct trace_rbug *tr_rbug, struct rbug_header *header, uint32_t serial) { struct rbug_proto_texture_read *gptr = (struct rbug_proto_texture_read *)header; struct trace_screen *tr_scr = tr_rbug->tr_scr; struct trace_texture *tr_tex = NULL; struct tr_list *ptr; struct pipe_context *context = tr_scr->private_context; struct pipe_texture *tex; struct pipe_transfer *t; void *map; pipe_mutex_lock(tr_scr->list_mutex); foreach(ptr, &tr_scr->textures) { tr_tex = (struct trace_texture *)((char*)ptr - offsetof(struct trace_texture, list)); if (gptr->texture == VOID2U64(tr_tex)) break; tr_tex = NULL; } if (!tr_tex) { pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return -ESRCH; } tex = tr_tex->texture; t = context->get_tex_transfer(context, tex, gptr->face, gptr->level, gptr->zslice, PIPE_TRANSFER_READ, gptr->x, gptr->y, gptr->w, gptr->h); map = context->transfer_map(context, t); rbug_send_texture_read_reply(tr_rbug->con, serial, t->texture->format, util_format_get_blockwidth(t->texture->format), util_format_get_blockheight(t->texture->format), util_format_get_blocksize(t->texture->format), (uint8_t*)map, t->stride * util_format_get_nblocksy(t->texture->format, t->height), t->stride, NULL); context->transfer_unmap(context, t); context->tex_transfer_destroy(context, t); pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return 0; } static int trace_rbug_context_list(struct trace_rbug *tr_rbug, struct rbug_header *header, uint32_t serial) { struct trace_screen *tr_scr = tr_rbug->tr_scr; struct tr_list *ptr; struct trace_context *tr_ctx = NULL; rbug_context_t *ctxs; int i = 0; pipe_mutex_lock(tr_scr->list_mutex); ctxs = MALLOC(tr_scr->num_contexts * sizeof(rbug_context_t)); foreach(ptr, &tr_scr->contexts) { tr_ctx = (struct trace_context *)((char*)ptr - offsetof(struct trace_context, list)); ctxs[i++] = VOID2U64(tr_ctx); } pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); rbug_send_context_list_reply(tr_rbug->con, serial, ctxs, i, NULL); FREE(ctxs); return 0; } static int trace_rbug_context_info(struct trace_rbug *tr_rbug, struct rbug_header *header, uint32_t serial) { struct rbug_proto_context_info *info = (struct rbug_proto_context_info *)header; struct trace_screen *tr_scr = tr_rbug->tr_scr; struct trace_context *tr_ctx = NULL; rbug_texture_t cbufs[PIPE_MAX_COLOR_BUFS]; rbug_texture_t texs[PIPE_MAX_SAMPLERS]; int i; pipe_mutex_lock(tr_scr->list_mutex); tr_ctx = trace_rbug_get_context_locked(tr_scr, info->context); if (!tr_ctx) { pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return -ESRCH; } /* protect the pipe context */ pipe_mutex_lock(tr_ctx->draw_mutex); trace_dump_call_lock(); for (i = 0; i < tr_ctx->curr.nr_cbufs; i++) cbufs[i] = VOID2U64(tr_ctx->curr.cbufs[i]); for (i = 0; i < tr_ctx->curr.num_sampler_views; i++) texs[i] = VOID2U64(tr_ctx->curr.sampler_views[i]); rbug_send_context_info_reply(tr_rbug->con, serial, VOID2U64(tr_ctx->curr.vs), VOID2U64(tr_ctx->curr.fs), texs, tr_ctx->curr.num_sampler_views, cbufs, tr_ctx->curr.nr_cbufs, VOID2U64(tr_ctx->curr.zsbuf), tr_ctx->draw_blocker, tr_ctx->draw_blocked, NULL); trace_dump_call_unlock(); pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_ctx->draw_mutex); pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return 0; } static int trace_rbug_context_draw_block(struct trace_rbug *tr_rbug, struct rbug_header *header, uint32_t serial) { struct rbug_proto_context_draw_block *block = (struct rbug_proto_context_draw_block *)header; struct trace_screen *tr_scr = tr_rbug->tr_scr; struct trace_context *tr_ctx = NULL; pipe_mutex_lock(tr_scr->list_mutex); tr_ctx = trace_rbug_get_context_locked(tr_scr, block->context); if (!tr_ctx) { pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return -ESRCH; } pipe_mutex_lock(tr_ctx->draw_mutex); tr_ctx->draw_blocker |= block->block; pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_ctx->draw_mutex); pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return 0; } static int trace_rbug_context_draw_step(struct trace_rbug *tr_rbug, struct rbug_header *header, uint32_t serial) { struct rbug_proto_context_draw_step *step = (struct rbug_proto_context_draw_step *)header; struct trace_screen *tr_scr = tr_rbug->tr_scr; struct trace_context *tr_ctx = NULL; pipe_mutex_lock(tr_scr->list_mutex); tr_ctx = trace_rbug_get_context_locked(tr_scr, step->context); if (!tr_ctx) { pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return -ESRCH; } pipe_mutex_lock(tr_ctx->draw_mutex); if (tr_ctx->draw_blocked & RBUG_BLOCK_RULE) { if (step->step & RBUG_BLOCK_RULE) tr_ctx->draw_blocked &= ~RBUG_BLOCK_MASK; } else { tr_ctx->draw_blocked &= ~step->step; } pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_ctx->draw_mutex); #ifdef PIPE_THREAD_HAVE_CONDVAR pipe_condvar_broadcast(tr_ctx->draw_cond); #endif pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return 0; } static int trace_rbug_context_draw_unblock(struct trace_rbug *tr_rbug, struct rbug_header *header, uint32_t serial) { struct rbug_proto_context_draw_unblock *unblock = (struct rbug_proto_context_draw_unblock *)header; struct trace_screen *tr_scr = tr_rbug->tr_scr; struct trace_context *tr_ctx = NULL; pipe_mutex_lock(tr_scr->list_mutex); tr_ctx = trace_rbug_get_context_locked(tr_scr, unblock->context); if (!tr_ctx) { pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return -ESRCH; } pipe_mutex_lock(tr_ctx->draw_mutex); if (tr_ctx->draw_blocked & RBUG_BLOCK_RULE) { if (unblock->unblock & RBUG_BLOCK_RULE) tr_ctx->draw_blocked &= ~RBUG_BLOCK_MASK; } else { tr_ctx->draw_blocked &= ~unblock->unblock; } tr_ctx->draw_blocker &= ~unblock->unblock; pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_ctx->draw_mutex); #ifdef PIPE_THREAD_HAVE_CONDVAR pipe_condvar_broadcast(tr_ctx->draw_cond); #endif pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return 0; } static int trace_rbug_context_draw_rule(struct trace_rbug *tr_rbug, struct rbug_header *header, uint32_t serial) { struct rbug_proto_context_draw_rule *rule = (struct rbug_proto_context_draw_rule *)header; struct trace_screen *tr_scr = tr_rbug->tr_scr; struct trace_context *tr_ctx = NULL; pipe_mutex_lock(tr_scr->list_mutex); tr_ctx = trace_rbug_get_context_locked(tr_scr, rule->context); if (!tr_ctx) { pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return -ESRCH; } pipe_mutex_lock(tr_ctx->draw_mutex); tr_ctx->draw_rule.vs = U642VOID(rule->vertex); tr_ctx->draw_rule.fs = U642VOID(rule->fragment); tr_ctx->draw_rule.sampler_view = U642VOID(rule->texture); tr_ctx->draw_rule.surf = U642VOID(rule->surface); tr_ctx->draw_rule.blocker = rule->block; tr_ctx->draw_blocker |= RBUG_BLOCK_RULE; pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_ctx->draw_mutex); #ifdef PIPE_THREAD_HAVE_CONDVAR pipe_condvar_broadcast(tr_ctx->draw_cond); #endif pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return 0; } static int trace_rbug_context_flush(struct trace_rbug *tr_rbug, struct rbug_header *header, uint32_t serial) { struct rbug_proto_context_flush *flush = (struct rbug_proto_context_flush *)header; struct trace_screen *tr_scr = tr_rbug->tr_scr; struct trace_context *tr_ctx = NULL; pipe_mutex_lock(tr_scr->list_mutex); tr_ctx = trace_rbug_get_context_locked(tr_scr, flush->context); if (!tr_ctx) { pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return -ESRCH; } /* protect the pipe context */ trace_dump_call_lock(); tr_ctx->pipe->flush(tr_ctx->pipe, flush->flags, NULL); trace_dump_call_unlock(); pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return 0; } static int trace_rbug_shader_list(struct trace_rbug *tr_rbug, struct rbug_header *header, uint32_t serial) { struct rbug_proto_shader_list *list = (struct rbug_proto_shader_list *)header; struct trace_screen *tr_scr = tr_rbug->tr_scr; struct trace_context *tr_ctx = NULL; struct trace_shader *tr_shdr = NULL; struct tr_list *ptr; rbug_shader_t *shdrs; int i = 0; pipe_mutex_lock(tr_scr->list_mutex); tr_ctx = trace_rbug_get_context_locked(tr_scr, list->context); if (!tr_ctx) { pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return -ESRCH; } pipe_mutex_lock(tr_ctx->list_mutex); shdrs = MALLOC(tr_ctx->num_shaders * sizeof(rbug_shader_t)); foreach(ptr, &tr_ctx->shaders) { tr_shdr = (struct trace_shader *)((char*)ptr - offsetof(struct trace_shader, list)); shdrs[i++] = VOID2U64(tr_shdr); } pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_ctx->list_mutex); pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); rbug_send_shader_list_reply(tr_rbug->con, serial, shdrs, i, NULL); FREE(shdrs); return 0; } static int trace_rbug_shader_info(struct trace_rbug *tr_rbug, struct rbug_header *header, uint32_t serial) { struct rbug_proto_shader_info *info = (struct rbug_proto_shader_info *)header; struct trace_screen *tr_scr = tr_rbug->tr_scr; struct trace_context *tr_ctx = NULL; struct trace_shader *tr_shdr = NULL; unsigned original_len; unsigned replaced_len; pipe_mutex_lock(tr_scr->list_mutex); tr_ctx = trace_rbug_get_context_locked(tr_scr, info->context); if (!tr_ctx) { pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return -ESRCH; } pipe_mutex_lock(tr_ctx->list_mutex); tr_shdr = trace_rbug_get_shader_locked(tr_ctx, info->shader); if (!tr_shdr) { pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_ctx->list_mutex); pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return -ESRCH; } /* just in case */ assert(sizeof(struct tgsi_token) == 4); original_len = tgsi_num_tokens(tr_shdr->tokens); if (tr_shdr->replaced_tokens) replaced_len = tgsi_num_tokens(tr_shdr->replaced_tokens); else replaced_len = 0; rbug_send_shader_info_reply(tr_rbug->con, serial, (uint32_t*)tr_shdr->tokens, original_len, (uint32_t*)tr_shdr->replaced_tokens, replaced_len, tr_shdr->disabled, NULL); pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_ctx->list_mutex); pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return 0; } static int trace_rbug_shader_disable(struct trace_rbug *tr_rbug, struct rbug_header *header) { struct rbug_proto_shader_disable *dis = (struct rbug_proto_shader_disable *)header; struct trace_screen *tr_scr = tr_rbug->tr_scr; struct trace_context *tr_ctx = NULL; struct trace_shader *tr_shdr = NULL; pipe_mutex_lock(tr_scr->list_mutex); tr_ctx = trace_rbug_get_context_locked(tr_scr, dis->context); if (!tr_ctx) { pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return -ESRCH; } pipe_mutex_lock(tr_ctx->list_mutex); tr_shdr = trace_rbug_get_shader_locked(tr_ctx, dis->shader); if (!tr_shdr) { pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_ctx->list_mutex); pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return -ESRCH; } tr_shdr->disabled = dis->disable; pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_ctx->list_mutex); pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return 0; } static int trace_rbug_shader_replace(struct trace_rbug *tr_rbug, struct rbug_header *header) { struct rbug_proto_shader_replace *rep = (struct rbug_proto_shader_replace *)header; struct trace_screen *tr_scr = tr_rbug->tr_scr; struct trace_context *tr_ctx = NULL; struct trace_shader *tr_shdr = NULL; struct pipe_context *pipe = NULL; void *state; pipe_mutex_lock(tr_scr->list_mutex); tr_ctx = trace_rbug_get_context_locked(tr_scr, rep->context); if (!tr_ctx) { pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return -ESRCH; } pipe_mutex_lock(tr_ctx->list_mutex); tr_shdr = trace_rbug_get_shader_locked(tr_ctx, rep->shader); if (!tr_shdr) { pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_ctx->list_mutex); pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return -ESRCH; } /* protect the pipe context */ trace_dump_call_lock(); pipe = tr_ctx->pipe; /* remove old replaced shader */ if (tr_shdr->replaced) { if (tr_ctx->curr.fs == tr_shdr || tr_ctx->curr.vs == tr_shdr) trace_shader_bind_locked(pipe, tr_shdr, tr_shdr->state); FREE(tr_shdr->replaced_tokens); trace_shader_delete_locked(pipe, tr_shdr, tr_shdr->replaced); tr_shdr->replaced = NULL; tr_shdr->replaced_tokens = NULL; } /* empty inputs means restore old which we did above */ if (rep->tokens_len == 0) goto out; tr_shdr->replaced_tokens = tgsi_dup_tokens((struct tgsi_token *)rep->tokens); if (!tr_shdr->replaced_tokens) goto err; state = trace_shader_create_locked(pipe, tr_shdr, tr_shdr->replaced_tokens); if (!state) goto err; /* bind new shader if the shader is currently a bound */ if (tr_ctx->curr.fs == tr_shdr || tr_ctx->curr.vs == tr_shdr) trace_shader_bind_locked(pipe, tr_shdr, state); /* save state */ tr_shdr->replaced = state; out: trace_dump_call_unlock(); pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_ctx->list_mutex); pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return 0; err: FREE(tr_shdr->replaced_tokens); tr_shdr->replaced = NULL; tr_shdr->replaced_tokens = NULL; trace_dump_call_unlock(); pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_ctx->list_mutex); pipe_mutex_unlock(tr_scr->list_mutex); return -EINVAL; } static boolean trace_rbug_header(struct trace_rbug *tr_rbug, struct rbug_header *header, uint32_t serial) { int ret = 0; switch(header->opcode) { case RBUG_OP_PING: rbug_send_ping_reply(tr_rbug->con, serial, NULL); break; case RBUG_OP_TEXTURE_LIST: ret = trace_rbug_texture_list(tr_rbug, header, serial); break; case RBUG_OP_TEXTURE_INFO: ret = trace_rbug_texture_info(tr_rbug, header, serial); break; case RBUG_OP_TEXTURE_READ: ret = trace_rbug_texture_read(tr_rbug, header, serial); break; case RBUG_OP_CONTEXT_LIST: ret = trace_rbug_context_list(tr_rbug, header, serial); break; case RBUG_OP_CONTEXT_INFO: ret = trace_rbug_context_info(tr_rbug, header, serial); break; case RBUG_OP_CONTEXT_DRAW_BLOCK: ret = trace_rbug_context_draw_block(tr_rbug, header, serial); break; case RBUG_OP_CONTEXT_DRAW_STEP: ret = trace_rbug_context_draw_step(tr_rbug, header, serial); break; case RBUG_OP_CONTEXT_DRAW_UNBLOCK: ret = trace_rbug_context_draw_unblock(tr_rbug, header, serial); break; case RBUG_OP_CONTEXT_DRAW_RULE: ret = trace_rbug_context_draw_rule(tr_rbug, header, serial); break; case RBUG_OP_CONTEXT_FLUSH: ret = trace_rbug_context_flush(tr_rbug, header, serial); break; case RBUG_OP_SHADER_LIST: ret = trace_rbug_shader_list(tr_rbug, header, serial); break; case RBUG_OP_SHADER_INFO: ret = trace_rbug_shader_info(tr_rbug, header, serial); break; case RBUG_OP_SHADER_DISABLE: ret = trace_rbug_shader_disable(tr_rbug, header); break; case RBUG_OP_SHADER_REPLACE: ret = trace_rbug_shader_replace(tr_rbug, header); break; default: debug_printf("%s - unsupported opcode %u\n", __FUNCTION__, header->opcode); ret = -ENOSYS; break; } rbug_free_header(header); if (ret) rbug_send_error_reply(tr_rbug->con, serial, ret, NULL); return TRUE; } static void trace_rbug_con(struct trace_rbug *tr_rbug) { struct rbug_header *header; uint32_t serial; debug_printf("%s - connection received\n", __FUNCTION__); while(tr_rbug->running) { header = rbug_get_message(tr_rbug->con, &serial); if (!header) break; if (!trace_rbug_header(tr_rbug, header, serial)) break; } debug_printf("%s - connection closed\n", __FUNCTION__); rbug_disconnect(tr_rbug->con); tr_rbug->con = NULL; } PIPE_THREAD_ROUTINE(trace_rbug_thread, void_tr_rbug) { struct trace_rbug *tr_rbug = void_tr_rbug; uint16_t port = 13370; int s = -1; int c; u_socket_init(); for (;port <= 13379 && s < 0; port++) s = u_socket_listen_on_port(port); if (s < 0) { debug_printf("trace_rbug - failed to listen\n"); return NULL; } u_socket_block(s, false); debug_printf("trace_rbug - remote debugging listening on port %u\n", --port); while(tr_rbug->running) { os_time_sleep(1); c = u_socket_accept(s); if (c < 0) continue; u_socket_block(c, true); tr_rbug->con = rbug_from_socket(c); trace_rbug_con(tr_rbug); u_socket_close(c); } u_socket_close(s); u_socket_stop(); return NULL; } /********************************************************** * */ struct trace_rbug * trace_rbug_start(struct trace_screen *tr_scr) { struct trace_rbug *tr_rbug = CALLOC_STRUCT(trace_rbug); if (!tr_rbug) return NULL; tr_rbug->tr_scr = tr_scr; tr_rbug->running = TRUE; tr_rbug->thread = pipe_thread_create(trace_rbug_thread, tr_rbug); return tr_rbug; } void trace_rbug_stop(struct trace_rbug *tr_rbug) { if (!tr_rbug) return; tr_rbug->running = false; pipe_thread_wait(tr_rbug->thread); FREE(tr_rbug); return; } void trace_rbug_notify_draw_blocked(struct trace_context *tr_ctx) { struct trace_screen *tr_scr = trace_screen(tr_ctx->base.screen); struct trace_rbug *tr_rbug = tr_scr->rbug; if (tr_rbug && tr_rbug->con) rbug_send_context_draw_blocked(tr_rbug->con, VOID2U64(tr_ctx), tr_ctx->draw_blocked, NULL); }