/************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2009 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions * of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL VMWARE AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * **************************************************************************/ #include "bezier.h" #include "matrix.h" #include "polygon.h" #include "pipe/p_compiler.h" #include "util/u_debug.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> #include <math.h> static const float flatness = 0.5; static INLINE void split_left(struct bezier *bez, VGfloat t, struct bezier* left) { left->x1 = bez->x1; left->y1 = bez->y1; left->x2 = bez->x1 + t * (bez->x2 - bez->x1); left->y2 = bez->y1 + t * (bez->y2 - bez->y1); left->x3 = bez->x2 + t * (bez->x3 - bez->x2); left->y3 = bez->y2 + t * (bez->y3 - bez->y2); bez->x3 = bez->x3 + t * (bez->x4 - bez->x3); bez->y3 = bez->y3 + t * (bez->y4 - bez->y3); bez->x2 = left->x3 + t * (bez->x3 - left->x3); bez->y2 = left->y3 + t * (bez->y3 - left->y3); left->x3 = left->x2 + t * (left->x3 - left->x2); left->y3 = left->y2 + t * (left->y3 - left->y2); left->x4 = bez->x1 = left->x3 + t * (bez->x2 - left->x3); left->y4 = bez->y1 = left->y3 + t * (bez->y2 - left->y3); } static INLINE void split(struct bezier *bez, struct bezier *first_half, struct bezier *second_half) { double c = (bez->x2 + bez->x3) * 0.5; first_half->x2 = (bez->x1 + bez->x2) * 0.5; second_half->x3 = (bez->x3 + bez->x4) * 0.5; first_half->x1 = bez->x1; second_half->x4 = bez->x4; first_half->x3 = (first_half->x2 + c) * 0.5; second_half->x2 = (second_half->x3 + c) * 0.5; first_half->x4 = second_half->x1 = (first_half->x3 + second_half->x2) * 0.5; c = (bez->y2 + bez->y3) / 2; first_half->y2 = (bez->y1 + bez->y2) * 0.5; second_half->y3 = (bez->y3 + bez->y4) * 0.5; first_half->y1 = bez->y1; second_half->y4 = bez->y4; first_half->y3 = (first_half->y2 + c) * 0.5; second_half->y2 = (second_half->y3 + c) * 0.5; first_half->y4 = second_half->y1 = (first_half->y3 + second_half->y2) * 0.5; } struct polygon * bezier_to_polygon(struct bezier *bez) { struct polygon *poly = polygon_create(64); polygon_vertex_append(poly, bez->x1, bez->y1); bezier_add_to_polygon(bez, poly); return poly; } void bezier_add_to_polygon(const struct bezier *bez, struct polygon *poly) { struct bezier beziers[32]; struct bezier *b; beziers[0] = *bez; b = beziers; while (b >= beziers) { double y4y1 = b->y4 - b->y1; double x4x1 = b->x4 - b->x1; double l = ABS(x4x1) + ABS(y4y1); double d; if (l > 1.f) { d = ABS((x4x1)*(b->y1 - b->y2) - (y4y1)*(b->x1 - b->x2)) + ABS((x4x1)*(b->y1 - b->y3) - (y4y1)*(b->x1 - b->x3)); } else { d = ABS(b->x1 - b->x2) + ABS(b->y1 - b->y2) + ABS(b->x1 - b->x3) + ABS(b->y1 - b->y3); l = 1.; } if (d < flatness*l || b == beziers + 31) { /* good enough, we pop it off and add the endpoint */ polygon_vertex_append(poly, b->x4, b->y4); --b; } else { /* split, second half of the bezier goes lower into the stack */ split(b, b+1, b); ++b; } } } static void add_if_close(struct bezier *bez, VGfloat *length, VGfloat error) { struct bezier left, right; /* bez poly splits */ VGfloat len = 0.0; /* arc length */ VGfloat chord; /* chord length */ len = len + line_length(bez->x1, bez->y1, bez->x2, bez->y2); len = len + line_length(bez->x2, bez->y2, bez->x3, bez->y3); len = len + line_length(bez->x3, bez->y3, bez->x4, bez->y4); chord = line_length(bez->x1, bez->y1, bez->x4, bez->y4); if ((len-chord) > error) { split(bez, &left, &right); /* split in two */ add_if_close(&left, length, error); /* try left side */ add_if_close(&right, length, error); /* try right side */ return; } *length = *length + len; return; } float bezier_length(struct bezier *bez, float error) { VGfloat length = 0.f; add_if_close(bez, &length, error); return length; } void bezier_init(struct bezier *bez, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, float x4, float y4) { bez->x1 = x1; bez->y1 = y1; bez->x2 = x2; bez->y2 = y2; bez->x3 = x3; bez->y3 = y3; bez->x4 = x4; bez->y4 = y4; #if 0 debug_printf("bezier in [%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f]\n", x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4); #endif } static INLINE void bezier_init2v(struct bezier *bez, float *pt1, float *pt2, float *pt3, float *pt4) { bez->x1 = pt1[0]; bez->y1 = pt1[1]; bez->x2 = pt2[0]; bez->y2 = pt2[1]; bez->x3 = pt3[0]; bez->y3 = pt3[1]; bez->x4 = pt4[0]; bez->y4 = pt4[1]; } void bezier_transform(struct bezier *bez, struct matrix *matrix) { assert(matrix_is_affine(matrix)); matrix_map_point(matrix, bez->x1, bez->y1, &bez->x1, &bez->y1); matrix_map_point(matrix, bez->x2, bez->y2, &bez->x2, &bez->y2); matrix_map_point(matrix, bez->x3, bez->y3, &bez->x3, &bez->y3); matrix_map_point(matrix, bez->x4, bez->y4, &bez->x4, &bez->y4); } static INLINE void bezier_point_at(const struct bezier *bez, float t, float *pt) { float a, b, c, d; float m_t; m_t = 1. - t; b = m_t * m_t; c = t * t; d = c * t; a = b * m_t; b *= 3. * t; c *= 3. * m_t; pt[0] = a*bez->x1 + b*bez->x2 + c*bez->x3 + d*bez->x4; pt[1] = a*bez->y1 + b*bez->y2 + c*bez->y3 + d*bez->y4; } static INLINE void bezier_normal_at(const struct bezier *bez, float t, float *norm) { float m_t = 1. - t; float a = m_t * m_t; float b = t * m_t; float c = t * t; norm[0] = (bez->y2-bez->y1) * a + (bez->y3-bez->y2) * b + (bez->y4-bez->y3) * c; norm[1] = -(bez->x2-bez->x1) * a - (bez->x3-bez->x2) * b - (bez->x4-bez->x3) * c; } enum shift_result { Ok, Discard, Split, Circle }; static enum shift_result good_offset(const struct bezier *b1, const struct bezier *b2, float offset, float threshold) { const float o2 = offset*offset; const float max_dist_line = threshold*offset*offset; const float max_dist_normal = threshold*offset; const float spacing = 0.25; for (float i = spacing; i < 0.99; i += spacing) { float p1[2],p2[2], d, l; float normal[2]; bezier_point_at(b1, i, p1); bezier_point_at(b2, i, p2); d = (p1[0] - p2[0])*(p1[0] - p2[0]) + (p1[1] - p2[1])*(p1[1] - p2[1]); if (ABS(d - o2) > max_dist_line) return Split; bezier_normal_at(b1, i, normal); l = ABS(normal[0]) + ABS(normal[1]); if (l != 0.) { d = ABS(normal[0]*(p1[1] - p2[1]) - normal[1]*(p1[0] - p2[0]) ) / l; if (d > max_dist_normal) return Split; } } return Ok; } static INLINE void shift_line_by_normal(float *l, float offset) { float norm[4]; float tx, ty; line_normal(l, norm); line_normalize(norm); tx = (norm[2] - norm[0]) * offset; ty = (norm[3] - norm[1]) * offset; l[0] += tx; l[1] += ty; l[2] += tx; l[3] += ty; } static INLINE VGboolean is_bezier_line(float (*points)[2], int count) { float dx13 = points[2][0] - points[0][0]; float dy13 = points[2][1] - points[0][1]; float dx12 = points[1][0] - points[0][0]; float dy12 = points[1][1] - points[0][1]; debug_assert(count > 2); if (count == 3) { return floatsEqual(dx12 * dy13, dx13 * dy12); } else if (count == 4) { float dx14 = points[3][0] - points[0][0]; float dy14 = points[3][1] - points[0][1]; return (floatsEqual(dx12 * dy13, dx13 * dy12) && floatsEqual(dx12 * dy14, dx14 * dy12)); } return VG_FALSE; } static INLINE void compute_pt_normal(float *pt1, float *pt2, float *res) { float line[4]; float normal[4]; line[0] = 0.f; line[1] = 0.f; line[2] = pt2[0] - pt1[0]; line[3] = pt2[1] - pt1[1]; line_normal(line, normal); line_normalize(normal); res[0] = normal[2]; res[1] = normal[3]; } static enum shift_result shift(const struct bezier *orig, struct bezier *shifted, float offset, float threshold) { int map[4]; VGboolean p1_p2_equal = (orig->x1 == orig->x2 && orig->y1 == orig->y2); VGboolean p2_p3_equal = (orig->x2 == orig->x3 && orig->y2 == orig->y3); VGboolean p3_p4_equal = (orig->x3 == orig->x4 && orig->y3 == orig->y4); float points[4][2]; int np = 0; float bounds[4]; float points_shifted[4][2]; float prev_normal[2]; points[np][0] = orig->x1; points[np][1] = orig->y1; map[0] = 0; ++np; if (!p1_p2_equal) { points[np][0] = orig->x2; points[np][1] = orig->y2; ++np; } map[1] = np - 1; if (!p2_p3_equal) { points[np][0] = orig->x3; points[np][1] = orig->y3; ++np; } map[2] = np - 1; if (!p3_p4_equal) { points[np][0] = orig->x4; points[np][1] = orig->y4; ++np; } map[3] = np - 1; if (np == 1) return Discard; /* We need to specialcase lines of 3 or 4 points due to numerical instability in intersection code below */ if (np > 2 && is_bezier_line(points, np)) { float l[4] = { points[0][0], points[0][1], points[np-1][0], points[np-1][1] }; float ctrl1[2], ctrl2[2]; if (floatsEqual(points[0][0], points[np-1][0]) && floatsEqual(points[0][1], points[np-1][1])) return Discard; shift_line_by_normal(l, offset); line_point_at(l, 0.33, ctrl1); line_point_at(l, 0.66, ctrl2); bezier_init(shifted, l[0], l[1], ctrl1[0], ctrl1[1], ctrl2[0], ctrl2[1], l[2], l[3]); return Ok; } bezier_bounds(orig, bounds); if (np == 4 && bounds[2] < .1*offset && bounds[3] < .1*offset) { float l = (orig->x1 - orig->x2)*(orig->x1 - orig->x2) + (orig->y1 - orig->y2)*(orig->y1 - orig->y1) * (orig->x3 - orig->x4)*(orig->x3 - orig->x4) + (orig->y3 - orig->y4)*(orig->y3 - orig->y4); float dot = (orig->x1 - orig->x2)*(orig->x3 - orig->x4) + (orig->y1 - orig->y2)*(orig->y3 - orig->y4); if (dot < 0 && dot*dot < 0.8*l) /* the points are close and reverse dirction. Approximate the whole thing by a semi circle */ return Circle; } compute_pt_normal(points[0], points[1], prev_normal); points_shifted[0][0] = points[0][0] + offset * prev_normal[0]; points_shifted[0][1] = points[0][1] + offset * prev_normal[1]; for (int i = 1; i < np - 1; ++i) { float normal_sum[2], r; float next_normal[2]; compute_pt_normal(points[i], points[i + 1], next_normal); normal_sum[0] = prev_normal[0] + next_normal[0]; normal_sum[1] = prev_normal[1] + next_normal[1]; r = 1.0 + prev_normal[0] * next_normal[0] + prev_normal[1] * next_normal[1]; if (floatsEqual(r + 1, 1)) { points_shifted[i][0] = points[i][0] + offset * prev_normal[0]; points_shifted[i][1] = points[i][1] + offset * prev_normal[1]; } else { float k = offset / r; points_shifted[i][0] = points[i][0] + k * normal_sum[0]; points_shifted[i][1] = points[i][1] + k * normal_sum[1]; } prev_normal[0] = next_normal[0]; prev_normal[1] = next_normal[1]; } points_shifted[np - 1][0] = points[np - 1][0] + offset * prev_normal[0]; points_shifted[np - 1][1] = points[np - 1][1] + offset * prev_normal[1]; bezier_init2v(shifted, points_shifted[map[0]], points_shifted[map[1]], points_shifted[map[2]], points_shifted[map[3]]); return good_offset(orig, shifted, offset, threshold); } static VGboolean make_circle(const struct bezier *b, float offset, struct bezier *o) { float normals[3][2]; float dist; float angles[2]; float sign = 1.f; int i; float circle[3][2]; normals[0][0] = b->y2 - b->y1; normals[0][1] = b->x1 - b->x2; dist = sqrt(normals[0][0]*normals[0][0] + normals[0][1]*normals[0][1]); if (floatsEqual(dist + 1, 1.f)) return VG_FALSE; normals[0][0] /= dist; normals[0][1] /= dist; normals[2][0] = b->y4 - b->y3; normals[2][1] = b->x3 - b->x4; dist = sqrt(normals[2][0]*normals[2][0] + normals[2][1]*normals[2][1]); if (floatsEqual(dist + 1, 1.f)) return VG_FALSE; normals[2][0] /= dist; normals[2][1] /= dist; normals[1][0] = b->x1 - b->x2 - b->x3 + b->x4; normals[1][1] = b->y1 - b->y2 - b->y3 + b->y4; dist = -1*sqrt(normals[1][0]*normals[1][0] + normals[1][1]*normals[1][1]); normals[1][0] /= dist; normals[1][1] /= dist; for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { float cos_a = normals[i][0]*normals[i+1][0] + normals[i][1]*normals[i+1][1]; if (cos_a > 1.) cos_a = 1.; if (cos_a < -1.) cos_a = -1; angles[i] = acos(cos_a)/M_PI; } if (angles[0] + angles[1] > 1.) { /* more than 180 degrees */ normals[1][0] = -normals[1][0]; normals[1][1] = -normals[1][1]; angles[0] = 1. - angles[0]; angles[1] = 1. - angles[1]; sign = -1.; } circle[0][0] = b->x1 + normals[0][0]*offset; circle[0][1] = b->y1 + normals[0][1]*offset; circle[1][0] = 0.5*(b->x1 + b->x4) + normals[1][0]*offset; circle[1][1] = 0.5*(b->y1 + b->y4) + normals[1][1]*offset; circle[2][0] = b->x4 + normals[2][0]*offset; circle[2][1] = b->y4 + normals[2][1]*offset; for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { float kappa = 2.*KAPPA * sign * offset * angles[i]; o->x1 = circle[i][0]; o->y1 = circle[i][1]; o->x2 = circle[i][0] - normals[i][1]*kappa; o->y2 = circle[i][1] + normals[i][0]*kappa; o->x3 = circle[i+1][0] + normals[i+1][1]*kappa; o->y3 = circle[i+1][1] - normals[i+1][0]*kappa; o->x4 = circle[i+1][0]; o->y4 = circle[i+1][1]; ++o; } return VG_TRUE; } int bezier_translate_by_normal(struct bezier *bez, struct bezier *curves, int max_curves, float normal_len, float threshold) { struct bezier beziers[10]; struct bezier *b, *o; /* fixme: this should really be floatsEqual */ if (bez->x1 == bez->x2 && bez->x1 == bez->x3 && bez->x1 == bez->x4 && bez->y1 == bez->y2 && bez->y1 == bez->y3 && bez->y1 == bez->y4) return 0; --max_curves; redo: beziers[0] = *bez; b = beziers; o = curves; while (b >= beziers) { int stack_segments = b - beziers + 1; enum shift_result res; if ((stack_segments == 10) || (o - curves == max_curves - stack_segments)) { threshold *= 1.5; if (threshold > 2.) goto give_up; goto redo; } res = shift(b, o, normal_len, threshold); if (res == Discard) { --b; } else if (res == Ok) { ++o; --b; continue; } else if (res == Circle && max_curves - (o - curves) >= 2) { /* add semi circle */ if (make_circle(b, normal_len, o)) o += 2; --b; } else { split(b, b+1, b); ++b; } } give_up: while (b >= beziers) { enum shift_result res = shift(b, o, normal_len, threshold); /* if res isn't Ok or Split then *o is undefined */ if (res == Ok || res == Split) ++o; --b; } debug_assert(o - curves <= max_curves); return o - curves; } void bezier_bounds(const struct bezier *bez, float *bounds/*x/y/width/height*/) { float xmin = bez->x1; float xmax = bez->x1; float ymin = bez->y1; float ymax = bez->y1; if (bez->x2 < xmin) xmin = bez->x2; else if (bez->x2 > xmax) xmax = bez->x2; if (bez->x3 < xmin) xmin = bez->x3; else if (bez->x3 > xmax) xmax = bez->x3; if (bez->x4 < xmin) xmin = bez->x4; else if (bez->x4 > xmax) xmax = bez->x4; if (bez->y2 < ymin) ymin = bez->y2; else if (bez->y2 > ymax) ymax = bez->y2; if (bez->y3 < ymin) ymin = bez->y3; else if (bez->y3 > ymax) ymax = bez->y3; if (bez->y4 < ymin) ymin = bez->y4; else if (bez->y4 > ymax) ymax = bez->y4; bounds[0] = xmin; /* x */ bounds[1] = ymin; /* y */ bounds[2] = xmax - xmin; /* width */ bounds[3] = ymax - ymin; /* height */ } void bezier_start_tangent(const struct bezier *bez, float *tangent) { tangent[0] = bez->x1; tangent[1] = bez->y1; tangent[2] = bez->x2; tangent[3] = bez->y2; if (null_line(tangent)) { tangent[0] = bez->x1; tangent[1] = bez->y1; tangent[2] = bez->x3; tangent[3] = bez->y3; } if (null_line(tangent)) { tangent[0] = bez->x1; tangent[1] = bez->y1; tangent[2] = bez->x4; tangent[3] = bez->y4; } } static INLINE VGfloat bezier_t_at_length(struct bezier *bez, VGfloat at_length, VGfloat error) { VGfloat len = bezier_length(bez, error); VGfloat t = 1.0; VGfloat last_bigger = 1.; if (at_length > len || floatsEqual(at_length, len)) return t; if (floatIsZero(at_length)) return 0.f; t *= 0.5; while (1) { struct bezier right = *bez; struct bezier left; VGfloat tmp_len; split_left(&right, t, &left); tmp_len = bezier_length(&left, error); if (ABS(tmp_len - at_length) < error) break; if (tmp_len < at_length) { t += (last_bigger - t)*.5; } else { last_bigger = t; t -= t*.5; } } return t; } void bezier_point_at_length(struct bezier *bez, float length, float *point, float *normal) { /* ~0.000001 seems to be required to pass G2080x tests */ VGfloat t = bezier_t_at_length(bez, length, 0.000001); bezier_point_at(bez, t, point); bezier_normal_at(bez, t, normal); vector_unit(normal); } void bezier_point_at_t(struct bezier *bez, float t, float *point, float *normal) { bezier_point_at(bez, t, point); bezier_normal_at(bez, t, normal); vector_unit(normal); } void bezier_exact_bounds(const struct bezier *bez, float *bounds/*x/y/width/height*/) { struct polygon *poly = polygon_create(64); polygon_vertex_append(poly, bez->x1, bez->y1); bezier_add_to_polygon(bez, poly); polygon_bounding_rect(poly, bounds); polygon_destroy(poly); }