/************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2008-2009 Vmware, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions * of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL VMWARE AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * **************************************************************************/ #include <windows.h> #include "main/context.h" #include "pipe/p_format.h" #include "pipe/p_screen.h" #include "util/u_format.h" #include "state_tracker/st_context.h" #include "state_tracker/st_public.h" #include "stw_icd.h" #include "stw_framebuffer.h" #include "stw_device.h" #include "stw_winsys.h" #include "stw_tls.h" /** * Search the framebuffer with the matching HWND while holding the * stw_dev::fb_mutex global lock. */ static INLINE struct stw_framebuffer * stw_framebuffer_from_hwnd_locked( HWND hwnd ) { struct stw_framebuffer *fb; for (fb = stw_dev->fb_head; fb != NULL; fb = fb->next) if (fb->hWnd == hwnd) { pipe_mutex_lock(fb->mutex); break; } return fb; } /** * Destroy this framebuffer. Both stw_dev::fb_mutex and stw_framebuffer::mutex * must be held, by this order. Obviously no further access to fb can be done * after this. */ static INLINE void stw_framebuffer_destroy_locked( struct stw_framebuffer *fb ) { struct stw_framebuffer **link; link = &stw_dev->fb_head; while (*link != fb) link = &(*link)->next; assert(*link); *link = fb->next; fb->next = NULL; if(fb->shared_surface) stw_dev->stw_winsys->shared_surface_close(stw_dev->screen, fb->shared_surface); st_unreference_framebuffer(fb->stfb); pipe_mutex_unlock( fb->mutex ); pipe_mutex_destroy( fb->mutex ); FREE( fb ); } void stw_framebuffer_release( struct stw_framebuffer *fb) { assert(fb); pipe_mutex_unlock( fb->mutex ); } static INLINE void stw_framebuffer_get_size( struct stw_framebuffer *fb ) { unsigned width, height; RECT client_rect; RECT window_rect; POINT client_pos; assert(fb->hWnd); /* Get the client area size. */ GetClientRect( fb->hWnd, &client_rect ); assert(client_rect.left == 0); assert(client_rect.top == 0); width = client_rect.right - client_rect.left; height = client_rect.bottom - client_rect.top; if(width < 1) width = 1; if(height < 1) height = 1; if(width != fb->width || height != fb->height) { fb->must_resize = TRUE; fb->width = width; fb->height = height; } client_pos.x = 0; client_pos.y = 0; ClientToScreen(fb->hWnd, &client_pos); GetWindowRect(fb->hWnd, &window_rect); fb->client_rect.left = client_pos.x - window_rect.left; fb->client_rect.top = client_pos.y - window_rect.top; fb->client_rect.right = fb->client_rect.left + fb->width; fb->client_rect.bottom = fb->client_rect.top + fb->height; #if 0 debug_printf("\n"); debug_printf("%s: client_position = (%i, %i)\n", __FUNCTION__, client_pos.x, client_pos.y); debug_printf("%s: window_rect = (%i, %i) - (%i, %i)\n", __FUNCTION__, window_rect.left, window_rect.top, window_rect.right, window_rect.bottom); debug_printf("%s: client_rect = (%i, %i) - (%i, %i)\n", __FUNCTION__, fb->client_rect.left, fb->client_rect.top, fb->client_rect.right, fb->client_rect.bottom); #endif } /** * @sa http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms644975(VS.85).aspx * @sa http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms644960(VS.85).aspx */ LRESULT CALLBACK stw_call_window_proc( int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { struct stw_tls_data *tls_data; PCWPSTRUCT pParams = (PCWPSTRUCT)lParam; struct stw_framebuffer *fb; tls_data = stw_tls_get_data(); if(!tls_data) return 0; if (nCode < 0 || !stw_dev) return CallNextHookEx(tls_data->hCallWndProcHook, nCode, wParam, lParam); if (pParams->message == WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED) { /* We handle WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED instead of WM_SIZE because according to * http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2008/01/15/7113860.aspx * WM_SIZE is generated from WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED by DefWindowProc so it * can be masked out by the application. */ LPWINDOWPOS lpWindowPos = (LPWINDOWPOS)pParams->lParam; if((lpWindowPos->flags & SWP_SHOWWINDOW) || !(lpWindowPos->flags & SWP_NOMOVE) || !(lpWindowPos->flags & SWP_NOSIZE)) { fb = stw_framebuffer_from_hwnd( pParams->hwnd ); if(fb) { /* Size in WINDOWPOS includes the window frame, so get the size * of the client area via GetClientRect. */ stw_framebuffer_get_size(fb); stw_framebuffer_release(fb); } } } else if (pParams->message == WM_DESTROY) { pipe_mutex_lock( stw_dev->fb_mutex ); fb = stw_framebuffer_from_hwnd_locked( pParams->hwnd ); if(fb) stw_framebuffer_destroy_locked(fb); pipe_mutex_unlock( stw_dev->fb_mutex ); } return CallNextHookEx(tls_data->hCallWndProcHook, nCode, wParam, lParam); } struct stw_framebuffer * stw_framebuffer_create( HDC hdc, int iPixelFormat ) { HWND hWnd; struct stw_framebuffer *fb; const struct stw_pixelformat_info *pfi; /* We only support drawing to a window. */ hWnd = WindowFromDC( hdc ); if(!hWnd) return NULL; fb = CALLOC_STRUCT( stw_framebuffer ); if (fb == NULL) return NULL; fb->hDC = hdc; fb->hWnd = hWnd; fb->iPixelFormat = iPixelFormat; fb->pfi = pfi = stw_pixelformat_get_info( iPixelFormat - 1 ); stw_pixelformat_visual(&fb->visual, pfi); stw_framebuffer_get_size(fb); pipe_mutex_init( fb->mutex ); /* This is the only case where we lock the stw_framebuffer::mutex before * stw_dev::fb_mutex, since no other thread can know about this framebuffer * and we must prevent any other thread from destroying it before we return. */ pipe_mutex_lock( fb->mutex ); pipe_mutex_lock( stw_dev->fb_mutex ); fb->next = stw_dev->fb_head; stw_dev->fb_head = fb; pipe_mutex_unlock( stw_dev->fb_mutex ); return fb; } BOOL stw_framebuffer_allocate( struct stw_framebuffer *fb) { assert(fb); if(!fb->stfb) { const struct stw_pixelformat_info *pfi = fb->pfi; enum pipe_format colorFormat, depthFormat, stencilFormat; colorFormat = pfi->color_format; if(util_format_get_component_bits(pfi->depth_stencil_format, UTIL_FORMAT_COLORSPACE_ZS, 0)) depthFormat = pfi->depth_stencil_format; else depthFormat = PIPE_FORMAT_NONE; if(util_format_get_component_bits(pfi->depth_stencil_format, UTIL_FORMAT_COLORSPACE_ZS, 1)) stencilFormat = pfi->depth_stencil_format; else stencilFormat = PIPE_FORMAT_NONE; assert(fb->must_resize); assert(fb->width); assert(fb->height); fb->stfb = st_create_framebuffer( &fb->visual, colorFormat, depthFormat, stencilFormat, fb->width, fb->height, (void *) fb ); // to notify the context fb->must_resize = TRUE; } return fb->stfb ? TRUE : FALSE; } /** * Update the framebuffer's size if necessary. */ void stw_framebuffer_update( struct stw_framebuffer *fb) { assert(fb->stfb); assert(fb->height); assert(fb->width); /* XXX: It would be nice to avoid checking the size again -- in theory * stw_call_window_proc would have cought the resize and stored the right * size already, but unfortunately threads created before the DllMain is * called don't get a DLL_THREAD_ATTACH notification, and there is no way * to know of their existing without using the not very portable PSAPI. */ stw_framebuffer_get_size(fb); if(fb->must_resize) { st_resize_framebuffer(fb->stfb, fb->width, fb->height); fb->must_resize = FALSE; } } void stw_framebuffer_cleanup( void ) { struct stw_framebuffer *fb; struct stw_framebuffer *next; if (!stw_dev) return; pipe_mutex_lock( stw_dev->fb_mutex ); fb = stw_dev->fb_head; while (fb) { next = fb->next; pipe_mutex_lock(fb->mutex); stw_framebuffer_destroy_locked(fb); fb = next; } stw_dev->fb_head = NULL; pipe_mutex_unlock( stw_dev->fb_mutex ); } /** * Given an hdc, return the corresponding stw_framebuffer. */ static INLINE struct stw_framebuffer * stw_framebuffer_from_hdc_locked( HDC hdc ) { HWND hwnd; struct stw_framebuffer *fb; /* * Some applications create and use several HDCs for the same window, so * looking up the framebuffer by the HDC is not reliable. Use HWND whenever * possible. */ hwnd = WindowFromDC(hdc); if(hwnd) return stw_framebuffer_from_hwnd_locked(hwnd); for (fb = stw_dev->fb_head; fb != NULL; fb = fb->next) if (fb->hDC == hdc) { pipe_mutex_lock(fb->mutex); break; } return fb; } /** * Given an hdc, return the corresponding stw_framebuffer. */ struct stw_framebuffer * stw_framebuffer_from_hdc( HDC hdc ) { struct stw_framebuffer *fb; if (!stw_dev) return NULL; pipe_mutex_lock( stw_dev->fb_mutex ); fb = stw_framebuffer_from_hdc_locked(hdc); pipe_mutex_unlock( stw_dev->fb_mutex ); return fb; } /** * Given an hdc, return the corresponding stw_framebuffer. */ struct stw_framebuffer * stw_framebuffer_from_hwnd( HWND hwnd ) { struct stw_framebuffer *fb; pipe_mutex_lock( stw_dev->fb_mutex ); fb = stw_framebuffer_from_hwnd_locked(hwnd); pipe_mutex_unlock( stw_dev->fb_mutex ); return fb; } BOOL APIENTRY DrvSetPixelFormat( HDC hdc, LONG iPixelFormat ) { uint count; uint index; struct stw_framebuffer *fb; if (!stw_dev) return FALSE; index = (uint) iPixelFormat - 1; count = stw_pixelformat_get_extended_count(); if (index >= count) return FALSE; fb = stw_framebuffer_from_hdc_locked(hdc); if(fb) { /* SetPixelFormat must be called only once */ stw_framebuffer_release( fb ); return FALSE; } fb = stw_framebuffer_create(hdc, iPixelFormat); if(!fb) { return FALSE; } stw_framebuffer_release( fb ); /* Some applications mistakenly use the undocumented wglSetPixelFormat * function instead of SetPixelFormat, so we call SetPixelFormat here to * avoid opengl32.dll's wglCreateContext to fail */ if (GetPixelFormat(hdc) == 0) { SetPixelFormat(hdc, iPixelFormat, NULL); } return TRUE; } int stw_pixelformat_get( HDC hdc ) { int iPixelFormat = 0; struct stw_framebuffer *fb; fb = stw_framebuffer_from_hdc(hdc); if(fb) { iPixelFormat = fb->iPixelFormat; stw_framebuffer_release(fb); } return iPixelFormat; } BOOL APIENTRY DrvPresentBuffers(HDC hdc, PGLPRESENTBUFFERSDATA data) { struct stw_framebuffer *fb; struct pipe_screen *screen; struct pipe_surface *surface; if (!stw_dev) return FALSE; fb = stw_framebuffer_from_hdc( hdc ); if (fb == NULL) return FALSE; screen = stw_dev->screen; surface = (struct pipe_surface *)data->pPrivateData; if(data->hSharedSurface != fb->hSharedSurface) { if(fb->shared_surface) { stw_dev->stw_winsys->shared_surface_close(screen, fb->shared_surface); fb->shared_surface = NULL; } fb->hSharedSurface = data->hSharedSurface; if(data->hSharedSurface && stw_dev->stw_winsys->shared_surface_open) { fb->shared_surface = stw_dev->stw_winsys->shared_surface_open(screen, fb->hSharedSurface); } } if(fb->shared_surface) { stw_dev->stw_winsys->compose(screen, surface, fb->shared_surface, &fb->client_rect, data->PresentHistoryToken); } else { stw_dev->stw_winsys->present( screen, surface, hdc ); } stw_framebuffer_update(fb); stw_framebuffer_release(fb); return TRUE; } /** * Queue a composition. * * It will drop the lock on success. */ BOOL stw_framebuffer_present_locked(HDC hdc, struct stw_framebuffer *fb, struct pipe_surface *surface) { if(stw_dev->callbacks.wglCbPresentBuffers && stw_dev->stw_winsys->compose) { GLCBPRESENTBUFFERSDATA data; memset(&data, 0, sizeof data); data.magic1 = 2; data.magic2 = 0; data.AdapterLuid = stw_dev->AdapterLuid; data.rect = fb->client_rect; data.pPrivateData = (void *)surface; stw_framebuffer_release(fb); return stw_dev->callbacks.wglCbPresentBuffers(hdc, &data); } else { struct pipe_screen *screen = stw_dev->screen; stw_dev->stw_winsys->present( screen, surface, hdc ); stw_framebuffer_update(fb); stw_framebuffer_release(fb); return TRUE; } } BOOL APIENTRY DrvSwapBuffers( HDC hdc ) { struct stw_framebuffer *fb; struct pipe_surface *surface = NULL; if (!stw_dev) return FALSE; fb = stw_framebuffer_from_hdc( hdc ); if (fb == NULL) return FALSE; if (!(fb->pfi->pfd.dwFlags & PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER)) { stw_framebuffer_release(fb); return TRUE; } st_swapbuffers(fb->stfb, &surface, NULL); return stw_framebuffer_present_locked(hdc, fb, surface); } BOOL APIENTRY DrvSwapLayerBuffers( HDC hdc, UINT fuPlanes ) { if(fuPlanes & WGL_SWAP_MAIN_PLANE) return DrvSwapBuffers(hdc); return FALSE; }