/* * Copyright 2008 Tungsten Graphics, Inc., Cedar Park, Texas. * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions * of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL TUNGSTEN GRAPHICS AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * * Author: Alan Hourihane <alanh@tungstengraphics.com> * Author: Jakob Bornecrantz <wallbraker@gmail.com> * */ #include "xorg-server.h" #include "xf86.h" #include "xf86_OSproc.h" #include "xorg_tracker.h" #include "xorg_exa.h" #include "dri2.h" #include "pipe/p_state.h" #include "pipe/p_inlines.h" #include "util/u_rect.h" typedef struct { PixmapPtr pPixmap; struct pipe_texture *tex; struct pipe_fence_handle *fence; } *BufferPrivatePtr; static Bool driDoCreateBuffer(DrawablePtr pDraw, DRI2BufferPtr buffer, unsigned int format) { struct pipe_texture *tex = NULL; ScreenPtr pScreen = pDraw->pScreen; ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum]; modesettingPtr ms = modesettingPTR(pScrn); struct exa_pixmap_priv *exa_priv; BufferPrivatePtr private = buffer->driverPrivate; PixmapPtr pPixmap; unsigned stride, handle; if (pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP) pPixmap = (PixmapPtr) pDraw; else pPixmap = (*pScreen->GetWindowPixmap)((WindowPtr) pDraw); exa_priv = exaGetPixmapDriverPrivate(pPixmap); switch (buffer->attachment) { default: if (buffer->attachment != DRI2BufferFakeFrontLeft || pDraw->type != DRAWABLE_PIXMAP) { private->pPixmap = (*pScreen->CreatePixmap)(pScreen, pDraw->width, pDraw->height, pDraw->depth, 0); } break; case DRI2BufferFrontLeft: break; case DRI2BufferStencil: #if defined(DRI2INFOREC_VERSION) && DRI2INFOREC_VERSION > 2 case DRI2BufferDepthStencil: if (exa_priv->depth_stencil_tex && !pf_is_depth_stencil(exa_priv->depth_stencil_tex->format)) exa_priv->depth_stencil_tex = NULL; /* Fall through */ #endif case DRI2BufferDepth: if (exa_priv->depth_stencil_tex) pipe_texture_reference(&tex, exa_priv->depth_stencil_tex); else { struct pipe_texture template; memset(&template, 0, sizeof(template)); template.target = PIPE_TEXTURE_2D; if (buffer->attachment == DRI2BufferDepth) template.format = ms->ds_depth_bits_last ? PIPE_FORMAT_X8Z24_UNORM : PIPE_FORMAT_Z24X8_UNORM; else template.format = ms->ds_depth_bits_last ? PIPE_FORMAT_S8Z24_UNORM : PIPE_FORMAT_Z24S8_UNORM; pf_get_block(template.format, &template.block); template.width[0] = pDraw->width; template.height[0] = pDraw->height; template.depth[0] = 1; template.last_level = 0; template.tex_usage = PIPE_TEXTURE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL | PIPE_TEXTURE_USAGE_DISPLAY_TARGET; tex = ms->screen->texture_create(ms->screen, &template); pipe_texture_reference(&exa_priv->depth_stencil_tex, tex); } break; } if (!private->pPixmap) { private->pPixmap = pPixmap; pPixmap->refcnt++; } if (!tex) { exaMoveInPixmap(private->pPixmap); xorg_exa_set_shared_usage(private->pPixmap); pScreen->ModifyPixmapHeader(private->pPixmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL); tex = xorg_exa_get_texture(private->pPixmap); } if (!tex) FatalError("NO TEXTURE IN DRI2\n"); ms->api->shared_handle_from_texture(ms->api, ms->screen, tex, &stride, &handle); buffer->name = handle; buffer->pitch = stride; buffer->cpp = 4; buffer->driverPrivate = private; buffer->flags = 0; /* not tiled */ private->tex = tex; return TRUE; } static void driDoDestroyBuffer(DrawablePtr pDraw, DRI2BufferPtr buffer) { ScreenPtr pScreen = pDraw->pScreen; ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum]; modesettingPtr ms = modesettingPTR(pScrn); BufferPrivatePtr private = buffer->driverPrivate; struct exa_pixmap_priv *exa_priv = exaGetPixmapDriverPrivate(private->pPixmap); pipe_texture_reference(&private->tex, NULL); ms->screen->fence_reference(ms->screen, &private->fence, NULL); pipe_texture_reference(&exa_priv->depth_stencil_tex, NULL); (*pScreen->DestroyPixmap)(private->pPixmap); } #if defined(DRI2INFOREC_VERSION) && DRI2INFOREC_VERSION > 2 static DRI2BufferPtr driCreateBuffer(DrawablePtr pDraw, unsigned int attachment, unsigned int format) { DRI2BufferPtr buffer; BufferPrivatePtr private; buffer = xcalloc(1, sizeof *buffer); if (!buffer) return NULL; private = xcalloc(1, sizeof *private); if (!private) { goto fail; } buffer->attachment = attachment; buffer->driverPrivate = private; if (driDoCreateBuffer(pDraw, buffer, format)) return buffer; xfree(private); fail: xfree(buffer); return NULL; } static void driDestroyBuffer(DrawablePtr pDraw, DRI2BufferPtr buffer) { driDoDestroyBuffer(pDraw, buffer); xfree(buffer->driverPrivate); xfree(buffer); } #else /* DRI2INFOREC_VERSION <= 2 */ static DRI2BufferPtr driCreateBuffers(DrawablePtr pDraw, unsigned int *attachments, int count) { BufferPrivatePtr privates; DRI2BufferPtr buffers; int i; buffers = xcalloc(count, sizeof *buffers); if (!buffers) goto fail_buffers; privates = xcalloc(count, sizeof *privates); if (!privates) goto fail_privates; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { buffers[i].attachment = attachments[i]; buffers[i].driverPrivate = &privates[i]; if (!driDoCreateBuffer(pDraw, &buffers[i], 0)) goto fail; } return buffers; fail: xfree(privates); fail_privates: xfree(buffers); fail_buffers: return NULL; } static void driDestroyBuffers(DrawablePtr pDraw, DRI2BufferPtr buffers, int count) { int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { driDoDestroyBuffer(pDraw, &buffers[i]); } if (buffers) { xfree(buffers[0].driverPrivate); xfree(buffers); } } #endif /* DRI2INFOREC_VERSION */ static void driCopyRegion(DrawablePtr pDraw, RegionPtr pRegion, DRI2BufferPtr pDestBuffer, DRI2BufferPtr pSrcBuffer) { ScreenPtr pScreen = pDraw->pScreen; ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum]; modesettingPtr ms = modesettingPTR(pScrn); BufferPrivatePtr dst_priv = pDestBuffer->driverPrivate; BufferPrivatePtr src_priv = pSrcBuffer->driverPrivate; PixmapPtr src_pixmap; PixmapPtr dst_pixmap; GCPtr gc; RegionPtr copy_clip; /* * In driCreateBuffers we dewrap windows into the * backing pixmaps in order to get to the texture. * We need to use the real drawable in CopyArea * so that cliprects and offsets are correct. */ src_pixmap = src_priv->pPixmap; dst_pixmap = dst_priv->pPixmap; if (pSrcBuffer->attachment == DRI2BufferFrontLeft) src_pixmap = (PixmapPtr)pDraw; if (pDestBuffer->attachment == DRI2BufferFrontLeft) dst_pixmap = (PixmapPtr)pDraw; /* * The clients implements glXWaitX with a copy front to fake and then * waiting on the server to signal its completion of it. While * glXWaitGL is a client side flush and a copy from fake to front. * This is how it is done in the DRI2 protocol, how ever depending * which type of drawables the server does things a bit differently * then what the protocol says as the fake and front are the same. * * for pixmaps glXWaitX is a server flush. * for pixmaps glXWaitGL is a client flush. * for windows glXWaitX is a copy from front to fake then a server flush. * for windows glXWaitGL is a client flush then a copy from fake to front. * * XXX in the windows case this code always flushes but that isn't a * must in the glXWaitGL case but we don't know if this is a glXWaitGL * or a glFlush/glFinish call. */ if (dst_pixmap == src_pixmap) { /* pixmap glXWaitX */ if (pSrcBuffer->attachment == DRI2BufferFrontLeft && pDestBuffer->attachment == DRI2BufferFakeFrontLeft) { ms->ctx->flush(ms->ctx, PIPE_FLUSH_SWAPBUFFERS, NULL); return; } /* pixmap glXWaitGL */ if (pDestBuffer->attachment == DRI2BufferFrontLeft && pSrcBuffer->attachment == DRI2BufferFakeFrontLeft) { return; } else { xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_WARNING, "copying between the same pixmap\n"); } } gc = GetScratchGC(pDraw->depth, pScreen); copy_clip = REGION_CREATE(pScreen, NULL, 0); REGION_COPY(pScreen, copy_clip, pRegion); (*gc->funcs->ChangeClip) (gc, CT_REGION, copy_clip, 0); ValidateGC(&dst_pixmap->drawable, gc); /* If this is a full buffer swap, throttle on the previous one */ if (dst_priv->fence && REGION_NUM_RECTS(pRegion) == 1) { BoxPtr extents = REGION_EXTENTS(pScreen, pRegion); if (extents->x1 == 0 && extents->y1 == 0 && extents->x2 == pDraw->width && extents->y2 == pDraw->height) { ms->screen->fence_finish(ms->screen, dst_priv->fence, 0); ms->screen->fence_reference(ms->screen, &dst_priv->fence, NULL); } } (*gc->ops->CopyArea)(&src_pixmap->drawable, &dst_pixmap->drawable, gc, 0, 0, pDraw->width, pDraw->height, 0, 0); FreeScratchGC(gc); ms->ctx->flush(ms->ctx, PIPE_FLUSH_SWAPBUFFERS, pDestBuffer->attachment == DRI2BufferFrontLeft ? &dst_priv->fence : NULL); } Bool driScreenInit(ScreenPtr pScreen) { ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum]; modesettingPtr ms = modesettingPTR(pScrn); DRI2InfoRec dri2info; #if defined(DRI2INFOREC_VERSION) dri2info.version = DRI2INFOREC_VERSION; #else dri2info.version = 1; #endif dri2info.fd = ms->fd; dri2info.driverName = pScrn->driverName; dri2info.deviceName = "/dev/dri/card0"; /* FIXME */ #if defined(DRI2INFOREC_VERSION) && DRI2INFOREC_VERSION > 2 dri2info.CreateBuffer = driCreateBuffer; dri2info.DestroyBuffer = driDestroyBuffer; #else dri2info.CreateBuffers = driCreateBuffers; dri2info.DestroyBuffers = driDestroyBuffers; #endif dri2info.CopyRegion = driCopyRegion; dri2info.Wait = NULL; ms->d_depth_bits_last = ms->screen->is_format_supported(ms->screen, PIPE_FORMAT_X8Z24_UNORM, PIPE_TEXTURE_2D, PIPE_TEXTURE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL, 0); ms->ds_depth_bits_last = ms->screen->is_format_supported(ms->screen, PIPE_FORMAT_S8Z24_UNORM, PIPE_TEXTURE_2D, PIPE_TEXTURE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL, 0); return DRI2ScreenInit(pScreen, &dri2info); } void driCloseScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen) { DRI2CloseScreen(pScreen); } /* vim: set sw=4 ts=8 sts=4: */