#!/usr/bin/python def gen(x, y): origtype = "mat" + str(x) trantype = "mat" + str(y) if x != y: origtype = origtype + "x" + str(y) trantype = trantype + "x" + str(x) print trantype + " transpose(" + origtype + " m)\n{" print " " + trantype + " t;" # The obvious implementation of transpose for i in range(x): for j in range(y): print " t[" + str(j) + "][" + str(i) + "] =", print "m[" + str(i) + "][" + str(j) + "];" print " return t;\n}" print "#version 120" gen(2,2) gen(2,3) # mat2x3 means 2 columns, 3 rows gen(2,4) gen(3,2) gen(3,3) gen(3,4) gen(4,2) gen(4,3) gen(4,4)