# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="glu" - Package Owner=<4> # Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00 # ** DO NOT EDIT ** # TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library" 0x0102 CFG=glu - Win32 Debug !MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE, !MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run !MESSAGE !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "glu.mak". !MESSAGE !MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE !MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: !MESSAGE !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "glu.mak" CFG="glu - Win32 Debug" !MESSAGE !MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: !MESSAGE !MESSAGE "glu - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library") !MESSAGE "glu - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library") !MESSAGE # Begin Project # PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0 # PROP Scc_ProjName "" # PROP Scc_LocalPath "" CPP=cl.exe MTL=midl.exe RSC=rc.exe !IF "$(CFG)" == "glu - Win32 Release" # PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 # PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release" # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release" # PROP BASE Target_Dir "" # PROP Use_MFC 0 # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 # PROP Output_Dir "Release" # PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release" # PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 # PROP Target_Dir "" # ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "GLU_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /c # ADD CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /I "../../../include" /I "./include" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "GLU_EXPORTS" /D "BUILD_GL32" /YX /FD /c # ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 # ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" # ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" BSC32=bscmake.exe # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo # ADD BSC32 /nologo LINK32=link.exe # ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /machine:I386 # ADD LINK32 msvcrt.lib winmm.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib ../../../lib/OPENGL32.LIB Release/GLUCC.LIB /nologo /dll /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib /out:"Release/GLU32.DLL" # Begin Special Build Tool SOURCE="$(InputPath)" PreLink_Cmds=cl @ccRelease.txt LIB /OUT:Release/GLUCC.LIB @ccReleaseObj.txt PostBuild_Desc=Copy import lib and dll PostBuild_Cmds=if not exist ..\..\..\lib md ..\..\..\lib if not exist ..\..\..\libexec md ..\..\..\libexec copy Release\GLU32.LIB ..\..\..\lib copy Release\GLU32.DLL ..\..\..\libexec # End Special Build Tool !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "glu - Win32 Debug" # PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1 # PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug" # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug" # PROP BASE Target_Dir "" # PROP Use_MFC 0 # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1 # PROP Output_Dir "Debug" # PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug" # PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 # PROP Target_Dir "" # ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "GLU_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /GZ /c # ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /I "../../../include" /I "./include" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "GLU_EXPORTS" /D "BUILD_GL32" /YX /FD /GZ /c # ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 # ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" # ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" BSC32=bscmake.exe # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo # ADD BSC32 /nologo LINK32=link.exe # ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept # ADD LINK32 msvcrtd.lib winmm.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib ../../../lib/OPENGL32.LIB Debug/GLUCC.LIB /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib /out:"Debug/GLU32.DLL" /pdbtype:sept # Begin Special Build Tool SOURCE="$(InputPath)" PreLink_Desc=C++ compilations PreLink_Cmds=cl @ccDebug.txt LIB /OUT:Debug/GLUCC.LIB @ccDebugObj.txt PostBuild_Desc=Copy import lib and dll PostBuild_Cmds=if not exist ..\..\..\lib md ..\..\..\lib if not exist ..\..\..\libexec md ..\..\..\libexec copy Debug\GLU32.LIB ..\..\..\lib copy Debug\GLU32.DLL ..\..\..\libexec # End Special Build Tool !ENDIF # Begin Target # Name "glu - Win32 Release" # Name "glu - Win32 Debug" # Begin Group "Source Files" # PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat" # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\arc.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\arcsorter.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\arctess.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\backend.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\basiccrveval.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\basicsurfeval.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\interface\bezierEval.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\interface\bezierPatch.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\interface\bezierPatchMesh.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\bin.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\bufpool.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\cachingeval.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\ccw.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\coveandtiler.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\curve.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\curvelist.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\curvesub.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\dataTransform.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libtess\dict.c # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\directedLine.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\displaylist.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libutil\error.c # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\flist.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\flistsorter.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libtess\geom.c # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\interface\glcurveval.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\interface\glinterface.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\interface\glrenderer.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\interface\glsurfeval.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\glu.def # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libutil\glue.c # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\gridWrap.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\hull.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\interface\incurveeval.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\interface\insurfeval.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\intersect.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\knotvector.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\mapdesc.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\mapdescv.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\maplist.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libtess\memalloc.c # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libtess\mesh.c # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\mesher.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libutil\mipmap.c # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\monoChain.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\monoPolyPart.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\monotonizer.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\monoTriangulation.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\monoTriangulationBackend.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\mycode.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libtess\normal.c # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\nurbsinterfac.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\nurbstess.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\partitionX.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\partitionY.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\patch.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\patchlist.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\polyDBG.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\polyUtil.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\primitiveStream.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libtess\priorityq.c # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libutil\project.c # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libutil\quad.c # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\quicksort.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\quilt.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\reader.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\rectBlock.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libutil\registry.c # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libtess\render.c # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\renderhints.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\sampleComp.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\sampleCompBot.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\sampleCompRight.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\sampleCompTop.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\sampledLine.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\sampleMonoPoly.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\searchTree.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\slicer.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\sorter.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\splitarcs.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\subdivider.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libtess\sweep.c # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libtess\tess.c # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libtess\tessmono.c # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\tobezier.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\trimline.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\trimregion.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\trimvertpool.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\uarray.cc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\varray.cc # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "Header Files" # PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl" # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\arc.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\arcsorter.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\arctess.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\backend.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\basiccrveval.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\basicsurfeval.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\bezierarc.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\interface\bezierEval.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\interface\bezierPatch.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\interface\bezierPatchMesh.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\bin.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\bufpool.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\cachingeval.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\coveandtiler.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\curve.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\curvelist.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\dataTransform.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\defines.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\definitions.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\libtess\dict-list.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libtess\dict.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\directedLine.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\displaylist.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\displaymode.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\flist.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\flistsorter.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libtess\geom.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\interface\glcurveval.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\interface\glimports.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\glimports.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\interface\glrenderer.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\interface\glsurfeval.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libutil\gluint.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\include\gluos.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\gridline.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\gridtrimvertex.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\gridvertex.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\gridWrap.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\hull.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\jarcloc.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\knotvector.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\mapdesc.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\maplist.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libtess\memalloc.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libtess\mesh.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\mesher.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\monoChain.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\monoPolyPart.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\monotonizer.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\monoTriangulation.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\myassert.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\mymath.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\mysetjmp.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\interface\mystdio.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\mystdio.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\interface\mystdlib.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\mystdlib.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\mystring.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libtess\normal.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\nurbsconsts.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\nurbstess.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\partitionX.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\partitionY.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\patch.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\patchlist.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\polyDBG.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\polyUtil.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\primitiveStream.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\libtess\priorityq-sort.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libtess\priorityq.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\pwlarc.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\quicksort.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\quilt.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\reader.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\rectBlock.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libtess\render.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\renderhints.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\sampleComp.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\sampleCompBot.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\sampleCompRight.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\sampleCompTop.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\sampledLine.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\sampleMonoPoly.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\searchTree.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\simplemath.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\slicer.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\sorter.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\subdivider.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libtess\sweep.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libtess\tess.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libtess\tessmono.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\trimline.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\trimregion.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\trimvertex.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\trimvertpool.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\types.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\uarray.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\internals\varray.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\libnurbs\nurbtess\zlassert.h # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "Resource Files" # PROP Default_Filter "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe" # End Group # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\ccDebug.txt # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\ccDebugObj.txt # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\ccRelease.txt # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\ccReleaseObj.txt # End Source File # End Target # End Project