/* * Copyright (C) 2006 Claudio Ciccani <klan@users.sf.net> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "internal.h" /*****************************************************************************/ static __GlutWindow *g_stack = NULL; /*****************************************************************************/ __GlutWindow* __glutCreateWindow( GLboolean fullscreen ) { __GlutWindow *new; DFBResult ret; static int curid = 1; new = calloc( 1, sizeof(__GlutWindow) ); if (!new) __glutFatalError( "out of memory" ); new->id = curid++; if (fullscreen) { DFBDisplayLayerConfig config; DFBDisplayLayerConfigFlags fail = 0; config.flags = DLCONF_WIDTH | DLCONF_HEIGHT | DLCONF_BUFFERMODE; config.width = g_width; config.height = g_height; if (g_display_mode & GLUT_DOUBLE) config.buffermode = DLBM_BACKVIDEO; else config.buffermode = DLBM_FRONTONLY; if (g_bpp) { config.flags |= DLCONF_PIXELFORMAT; switch (g_bpp) { case 8: config.pixelformat = DSPF_RGB332; break; case 15: config.pixelformat = DSPF_ARGB1555; break; case 16: config.pixelformat = DSPF_RGB16; break; case 24: case 32: config.pixelformat = DSPF_RGB32; break; default: config.flags &= ~DLCONF_PIXELFORMAT; break; } } primary->TestConfiguration( primary, &config, &fail ); config.flags &= ~fail; primary->SetConfiguration( primary, &config ); ret = primary->GetSurface( primary, &new->surface ); if (ret) { DirectFBError( "IDirectFBDisplayLayer::GetSurface()", ret ); free( new ); return NULL; } ret = new->surface->GetGL( new->surface, &new->gl ); if (ret) { DirectFBError( "IDirectFBSurface::GetGL()", ret ); new->surface->Release( new->surface ); free( new ); return NULL; } events->Reset( events ); if (keyboard) keyboard->AttachEventBuffer( keyboard, events ); if (mouse) mouse->AttachEventBuffer( mouse, events ); if (joystick) joystick->AttachEventBuffer( joystick, events ); new->visible = GL_TRUE; } else { DFBWindowDescription dsc; dsc.flags = DWDESC_CAPS | DWDESC_POSX | DWDESC_POSY | DWDESC_WIDTH | DWDESC_HEIGHT; dsc.caps = DWCAPS_NONE; dsc.posx = g_xpos; dsc.posy = g_ypos; dsc.width = g_width; dsc.height = g_height; if (g_display_mode & GLUT_DOUBLE) dsc.caps |= DWCAPS_DOUBLEBUFFER; if (g_display_mode & GLUT_ALPHA) dsc.caps |= DWCAPS_ALPHACHANNEL; ret = primary->CreateWindow( primary, &dsc, &new->window ); if (ret) { DirectFBError( "IDirectFBDisplayLayer::CreateWindow()", ret ); free( new ); return NULL; } new->window->GetID( new->window, &new->wid ); ret = new->window->GetSurface( new->window, &new->surface ); if (ret) { DirectFBError( "IDirectFBWindow::GetSurface()", ret ); new->window->Release( new->window ); free( new ); return NULL; } ret = new->surface->GetGL( new->surface, &new->gl ); if (ret) { DirectFBError( "IDirectFBSurface::GetGl()", ret ); new->surface->Release( new->surface ); new->window->Release( new->window ); free( new ); return NULL; } new->window->AttachEventBuffer( new->window, events ); /* enable only handled events */ new->window->DisableEvents( new->window, DWET_ALL ); new->window->EnableEvents( new->window, DWET_KEYDOWN | DWET_KEYUP | DWET_BUTTONDOWN | DWET_BUTTONUP | DWET_ENTER | DWET_LEAVE | DWET_MOTION | DWET_SIZE ); new->req.flags |= WINDOW_REQUEST_SHOW; } new->reshape = GL_TRUE; new->visibility = GL_TRUE; new->redisplay = GL_TRUE; if (g_stack) { new->prev = g_stack->prev; g_stack->prev->next = new; g_stack->prev = new; } else { new->prev = new; g_stack = new; } return new; } __GlutWindow* __glutFindWindow( DFBWindowID id ) { __GlutWindow *cur; for (cur = g_stack; cur; cur = cur->next) { if (cur->wid == id) return cur; } __glutFatalError( "Window %d not found", id ); return NULL; } void __glutSetWindow( __GlutWindow *window ) { if (g_current) { if (g_current == window) return; g_current->gl->Unlock( g_current->gl ); } if (window) window->gl->Lock( window->gl ); g_current = window; } void __glutHandleWindows( void ) { __GlutWindow *cur = g_stack; while (cur) { __GlutWindow *next = cur->next; if (cur->window && cur->req.flags) { if (cur == g_current) cur->gl->Unlock( cur->gl ); if (cur->req.flags & WINDOW_REQUEST_DESTROY) { __glutDestroyWindow( cur ); cur = next; continue; } if (cur->req.flags & WINDOW_REQUEST_POSITION) { cur->window->MoveTo( cur->window, cur->req.x, cur->req.y ); } if (cur->req.flags & WINDOW_REQUEST_RESIZE) { cur->window->Resize( cur->window, cur->req.w, cur->req.h ); cur->reshape = GL_TRUE; cur->redisplay = GL_TRUE; } if (cur->req.flags & WINDOW_REQUEST_RESTACK) { while (cur->req.z > 0) { if (cur->req.z >= +1000) { cur->window->RaiseToTop( cur->window ); cur->req.z = 0; break; } cur->window->Raise( cur->window ); cur->req.z--; } while (cur->req.z < 0) { if (cur->req.z <= -1000) { cur->window->LowerToBottom( cur->window ); cur->req.z = 0; break; } cur->window->Lower( cur->window ); cur->req.z++; } } if (cur->req.flags & WINDOW_REQUEST_SHOW) { cur->window->SetOpacity( cur->window, 0xff ); cur->visible = GL_TRUE; cur->visibility = GL_TRUE; } else if (cur->req.flags & WINDOW_REQUEST_HIDE) { cur->window->SetOpacity( cur->window, 0x00 ); cur->visible = GL_FALSE; cur->visibility = GL_TRUE; } cur->req.flags = 0; if (cur == g_current) cur->gl->Lock( cur->gl ); } if (cur->reshape && reshape_func) { int w, h; g_idle = GL_FALSE; cur->surface->GetSize( cur->surface, &w, &h ); __glutSetWindow( cur ); reshape_func( w, h ); } if (cur->visibility && visibility_func) { g_idle = GL_FALSE; __glutSetWindow( cur ); visibility_func( cur->visible ? GLUT_VISIBLE : GLUT_NOT_VISIBLE ); } if (cur->redisplay && display_func) { g_idle = GL_FALSE; __glutSetWindow( cur ); display_func(); } cur->reshape = GL_FALSE; cur->visibility = GL_FALSE; cur->redisplay = GL_FALSE; cur = next; } } void __glutDestroyWindow( __GlutWindow *window ) { __GlutWindow *next = window->next; __GlutWindow *prev = window->prev; __glutAssert( window != NULL ); if (window == g_current) g_current = NULL; if (window == g_game) g_game = NULL; window->gl->Unlock( window->gl ); window->gl->Release( window->gl ); window->surface->Release( window->surface ); if (window->window) { #if DIRECTFB_VERSION_CODE >= VERSION_CODE(0,9,26) window->window->DetachEventBuffer( window->window, events ); #else window->window->Destroy( window->window ); #endif window->window->Release( window->window ); } else { #if DIRECTFB_VERSION_CODE >= VERSION_CODE(0,9,26) if (joystick) joystick->DetachEventBuffer( joystick, events ); if (mouse) mouse->DetachEventBuffer( mouse, events ); if (keyboard) keyboard->DetachEventBuffer( keyboard, events ); #endif events->Reset( events ); } free( window ); if (next) next->prev = prev; else g_stack->prev = prev; if (window == g_stack) g_stack = next; else prev->next = next; } void __glutDestroyWindows( void ) { __GlutWindow *cur = g_stack; while (cur) { __GlutWindow *next = cur->next; __glutDestroyWindow( cur ); cur = next; } } int GLUTAPIENTRY glutCreateWindow( const char *title ) { __GlutWindow *window; if (getenv( "__GLUT_GAME_MODE" )) return glutEnterGameMode(); glutInit( NULL, NULL ); window = __glutCreateWindow( GL_FALSE ); if (!window) return 0; __glutSetWindow( window ); glutSetCursor( GLUT_CURSOR_INHERIT ); return window->id; } int GLUTAPIENTRY glutCreateSubWindow( int win, int x, int y, int width, int height ) { return GL_FALSE; } void GLUTAPIENTRY glutDestroyWindow( int win ) { __GlutWindow *cur; for (cur = g_stack; cur; cur = cur->next) { if (cur->id == win) { if (cur->window) cur->window->Destroy( cur->window ); cur->req.flags |= WINDOW_REQUEST_DESTROY; break; } } } void GLUTAPIENTRY glutPostRedisplay( void ) { if (g_current) g_current->redisplay = GL_TRUE; } void GLUTAPIENTRY glutPostWindowRedisplay( int win ) { __GlutWindow *cur; for (cur = g_stack; cur; cur = cur->next) { if (cur->id == win) { cur->redisplay = GL_TRUE; break; } } } void GLUTAPIENTRY glutSwapBuffers( void ) { if (g_current) { g_current->gl->Unlock( g_current->gl ); g_current->surface->Flip( g_current->surface, NULL, 0 ); g_current->gl->Lock( g_current->gl ); } } int GLUTAPIENTRY glutGetWindow( void ) { return (g_current) ? g_current->id : 0; } void GLUTAPIENTRY glutSetWindow( int win ) { __GlutWindow *cur; if (g_current && g_current->id == win) return; for (cur = g_stack; cur; cur = cur->next) { if (cur->id == win) { __glutSetWindow( cur ); break; } } } void GLUTAPIENTRY glutSetWindowTitle( const char *title ) { } void GLUTAPIENTRY glutSetIconTitle( const char *title ) { } void GLUTAPIENTRY glutFullScreen( void ) { if (g_current && !g_game) { DFBDisplayLayerConfig config; primary->GetConfiguration( primary, &config ); g_current->req.flags |= WINDOW_REQUEST_POSITION | WINDOW_REQUEST_RESIZE | WINDOW_REQUEST_RESTACK; g_current->req.x = 0; g_current->req.y = 0; g_current->req.w = config.width; g_current->req.h = config.height; g_current->req.z = 1000; } } void GLUTAPIENTRY glutPositionWindow( int x, int y ) { if (g_current && !g_game) { g_current->req.flags |= WINDOW_REQUEST_POSITION; g_current->req.x = x; g_current->req.y = y; } } void GLUTAPIENTRY glutReshapeWindow( int width, int height ) { if (g_current && !g_game) { g_current->req.flags |= WINDOW_REQUEST_RESIZE; g_current->req.w = width; g_current->req.h = height; } } void GLUTAPIENTRY glutPopWindow( void ) { if (g_current && !g_game) { g_current->req.flags |= WINDOW_REQUEST_RESTACK; g_current->req.z--; } } void GLUTAPIENTRY glutPushWindow( void ) { if (g_current && !g_game) { g_current->req.flags |= WINDOW_REQUEST_RESTACK; g_current->req.z++; } } void GLUTAPIENTRY glutIconifyWindow( void ) { } void GLUTAPIENTRY glutShowWindow( void ) { if (g_current && !g_game) { g_current->req.flags |= WINDOW_REQUEST_SHOW; g_current->req.flags &= ~WINDOW_REQUEST_HIDE; } } void GLUTAPIENTRY glutHideWindow( void ) { if (g_current && !g_game) { g_current->req.flags |= WINDOW_REQUEST_HIDE; g_current->req.flags &= ~WINDOW_REQUEST_SHOW; } }