/* * Mesa 3-D graphics library * Version: 6.5 * Copyright (C) 1995-2006 Brian Paul * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* * Library for glut using mesa fbdev driver * * Written by Sean D'Epagnier (c) 2006 * * To improve on this library, maybe support subwindows or overlays, * I (sean at depagnier dot com) will do my best to help. */ #include <errno.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/kd.h> #include <linux/fb.h> #include <linux/vt.h> #include <GL/gl.h> #include <GL/glut.h> #include "internal.h" #define FBMODES "/etc/fb.modes" struct fb_fix_screeninfo FixedInfo; struct fb_var_screeninfo VarInfo; static struct fb_var_screeninfo OrigVarInfo; static int DesiredDepth = 0; int FrameBufferFD = -1; unsigned char *FrameBuffer; unsigned char *BackBuffer = NULL; int DisplayMode; struct GlutTimer *GlutTimers = NULL; struct timeval StartTime; /* per window data */ GLFBDevContextPtr Context; GLFBDevBufferPtr Buffer; GLFBDevVisualPtr Visual; int Redisplay; int Visible; int VisibleSwitch; int Active; /* we have to poll to see if we are visible on a framebuffer that is not active */ int VisiblePoll; int Swapping, VTSwitch; static int FramebufferIndex; static int Initialized; char exiterror[256]; /* test if the active console is attached to the same framebuffer */ void TestVisible(void) { struct fb_con2fbmap confb; struct vt_stat st; int ret; ioctl(ConsoleFD, VT_GETSTATE, &st); confb.console = st.v_active; ret = ioctl(FrameBufferFD, FBIOGET_CON2FBMAP, &confb); if(ret == -1 || confb.framebuffer == FramebufferIndex) { VisibleSwitch = 1; Visible = 0; VisiblePoll = 0; } } static void Cleanup(void) { if(GameMode) glutLeaveGameMode(); if(ConsoleFD != -1) RestoreVT(); /* close mouse */ CloseMouse(); if(Visual) glutDestroyWindow(1); /* restore original variable screen info */ if(FrameBufferFD != -1) { if (ioctl(FrameBufferFD, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, &OrigVarInfo)) fprintf(stderr, "ioctl(FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO failed): %s\n", strerror(errno)); munmap(FrameBuffer, FixedInfo.smem_len); close(FrameBufferFD); } /* free allocated back buffer */ if(DisplayMode & GLUT_DOUBLE) free(BackBuffer); /* free menu items */ FreeMenus(); if(exiterror[0]) fprintf(stderr, "[glfbdev glut] %s", exiterror); } static void CrashHandler(int sig) { sprintf(exiterror, "Caught signal %d, cleaning up\n", sig); exit(0); } static void removeArgs(int *argcp, char **argv, int num) { int i; for (i = 0; argv[i+num]; i++) argv[i] = argv[i+num]; argv[i] = NULL; *argcp -= num; } #define REQPARAM(PARAM) \ if (i >= *argcp - 1) { \ fprintf(stderr, PARAM" requires a parameter\n"); \ exit(0); \ } void glutInit (int *argcp, char **argv) { int i, nomouse = 0, nokeyboard = 0, usestdin = 0; int RequiredWidth = 0, RequiredHeight; char *fbdev; /* parse out args */ for (i = 1; i < *argcp;) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-geometry")) { REQPARAM("geometry"); if(sscanf(argv[i+1], "%dx%d", &RequiredWidth, &RequiredHeight) != 2) { fprintf(stderr,"Please specify geometry as widthxheight\n"); exit(0); } removeArgs(argcp, &argv[i], 2); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-bpp")) { REQPARAM("bpp"); if(sscanf(argv[i+1], "%d", &DesiredDepth) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Please specify a parameter for bpp\n"); exit(0); } removeArgs(argcp, &argv[i], 2); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-vt")) { REQPARAM("vt"); if(sscanf(argv[i+1], "%d", &CurrentVT) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Please specify a parameter for vt\n"); exit(0); } removeArgs(argcp, &argv[i], 2); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-mousespeed")) { REQPARAM("mousespeed"); if(sscanf(argv[i+1], "%lf", &MouseSpeed) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Please specify a mouse speed, eg: 2.5\n"); exit(0); } removeArgs(argcp, &argv[i], 2); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-nomouse")) { nomouse = 1; removeArgs(argcp, &argv[i], 1); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-nokeyboard")) { nokeyboard = 1; removeArgs(argcp, &argv[i], 1); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-stdin")) { usestdin = 1; removeArgs(argcp, &argv[i], 1); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-gpmmouse")) { #ifdef HAVE_GPM GpmMouse = 1; #else fprintf(stderr, "gpm support not compiled\n"); exit(0); #endif removeArgs(argcp, &argv[i], 1); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--")) { removeArgs(argcp, &argv[i], 1); break; } else i++; } gettimeofday(&StartTime, 0); atexit(Cleanup); signal(SIGSEGV, CrashHandler); signal(SIGINT, CrashHandler); signal(SIGTERM, CrashHandler); if(nomouse == 0) InitializeMouse(); if(nokeyboard == 0) InitializeVT(usestdin); fbdev = getenv("FRAMEBUFFER"); if(fbdev) { #ifdef MULTIHEAD if(!sscanf(fbdev, "/dev/fb%d", &FramebufferIndex)) if(!sscanf(fbdev, "/dev/fb/%d", &FramebufferIndex)) sprintf(exiterror, "Could not determine Framebuffer index!\n"); #endif } else { static char fb[128]; struct fb_con2fbmap confb; int fd = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR); FramebufferIndex = 0; confb.console = CurrentVT; if(ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_CON2FBMAP, &confb) != -1) FramebufferIndex = confb.framebuffer; sprintf(fb, "/dev/fb%d", FramebufferIndex); fbdev = fb; close(fd); } /* open the framebuffer device */ FrameBufferFD = open(fbdev, O_RDWR); if (FrameBufferFD < 0) { sprintf(exiterror, "Error opening %s: %s\n", fbdev, strerror(errno)); exit(0); } /* Get the fixed screen info */ if (ioctl(FrameBufferFD, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &FixedInfo)) { sprintf(exiterror, "error: ioctl(FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO) failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(0); } /* get the variable screen info */ if (ioctl(FrameBufferFD, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &OrigVarInfo)) { sprintf(exiterror, "error: ioctl(FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO) failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(0); } /* operate on a copy */ VarInfo = OrigVarInfo; /* set the depth, resolution, etc */ if(RequiredWidth) if(!ParseFBModes(RequiredWidth, RequiredWidth, RequiredHeight, RequiredHeight, 0, MAX_VSYNC)) { sprintf(exiterror, "No mode (%dx%d) found in "FBMODES"\n", RequiredWidth, RequiredHeight); exit(0); } Initialized = 1; } void glutInitDisplayMode (unsigned int mode) { DisplayMode = mode; } static const char *GetStrVal(const char *p, int *set, int min, int max) { char *endptr; int comp = *p, val; if(p[1] == '=') p++; if(*p == '\0') return p; val = strtol(p+1, &endptr, 10); if(endptr == p+1) return p; switch(comp) { case '!': if(val == min) val = max; else val = min; break; case '<': val = min; break; case '>': val = max; break; } if(val < min || val > max) { sprintf(exiterror, "display string value out of range\n"); exit(0); } *set = val; return endptr; } static void SetAttrib(int val, int attr) { if(val) DisplayMode |= attr; else DisplayMode &= ~attr; } void glutInitDisplayString(const char *string) { const char *p = string; int val; while(*p) { if(*p == ' ') p++; else if(memcmp(p, "acca", 4) == 0) { p = GetStrVal(p+4, &AccumSize, 1, 32); SetAttrib(AccumSize, GLUT_ACCUM); } else if(memcmp(p, "acc", 3) == 0) { p = GetStrVal(p+3, &AccumSize, 1, 32); SetAttrib(AccumSize, GLUT_ACCUM); } else if(memcmp(p, "depth", 5) == 0) { p = GetStrVal(p+5, &DepthSize, 12, 32); SetAttrib(DepthSize, GLUT_DEPTH); } else if(memcmp(p, "double", 6) == 0) { val = 1; p = GetStrVal(p+6, &val, 0, 1); SetAttrib(val, GLUT_DOUBLE); } else if(memcmp(p, "index", 5) == 0) { val = 1; p = GetStrVal(p+5, &val, 0, 1); SetAttrib(val, GLUT_INDEX); } else if(memcmp(p, "stencil", 7) == 0) { p = GetStrVal(p+7, &StencilSize, 0, 1); SetAttrib(StencilSize, GLUT_STENCIL); } else if(memcmp(p, "samples", 7) == 0) { NumSamples = 1; p = GetStrVal(p+7, &NumSamples, 0, 16); SetAttrib(NumSamples, GLUT_MULTISAMPLE); } else if(p = strchr(p, ' ')) p++; else break; } } void glutInitWindowPosition (int x, int y) { } void glutInitWindowSize (int width, int height) { } static void ProcessTimers(void) { if(GlutTimers && GlutTimers->time < glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME)) { struct GlutTimer *timer = GlutTimers; timer->func(timer->value); GlutTimers = timer->next; free(timer); } } void glutMainLoop(void) { if(ReshapeFunc) ReshapeFunc(VarInfo.xres, VarInfo.yres); if(!DisplayFunc) { sprintf(exiterror, "Fatal Error: No Display Function registered\n"); exit(0); } for(;;) { ProcessTimers(); if(Active) ReceiveInput(); else if(VisiblePoll) TestVisible(); else usleep(1); if(IdleFunc) IdleFunc(); if(VisibleSwitch) { VisibleSwitch = 0; if(VisibilityFunc) VisibilityFunc(Visible ? GLUT_VISIBLE : GLUT_NOT_VISIBLE); } if(Visible && Redisplay) { Redisplay = 0; if(MouseEnabled) EraseCursor(); DisplayFunc(); if(!(DisplayMode & GLUT_DOUBLE)) { if(ActiveMenu) DrawMenus(); if(MouseEnabled) DrawCursor(); } } } } int ParseFBModes(int minw, int maxw, int minh, int maxh, int minf, int maxf) { char buf[1024]; struct fb_var_screeninfo vi = VarInfo; FILE *fbmodes = fopen(FBMODES, "r"); if(!fbmodes) { sprintf(exiterror, "Warning: could not open "FBMODES"\n"); return 0; } while(fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fbmodes)) { char *c; int v, bpp, freq; if(!(c = strstr(buf, "geometry"))) continue; v = sscanf(c, "geometry %d %d %d %d %d", &vi.xres, &vi.yres, &vi.xres_virtual, &vi.yres_virtual, &bpp); if(v != 5) continue; if(maxw < minw) { if(maxw < vi.xres && minw > vi.xres) continue; } else if(maxw < vi.xres || minw > vi.xres) continue; if(maxh < minh) { if(maxh < vi.yres && minh > vi.yres) continue; } else if(maxh < vi.yres || minh > vi.yres) continue; fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fbmodes); if(!(c = strstr(buf, "timings"))) continue; v = sscanf(c, "timings %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", &vi.pixclock, &vi.left_margin, &vi.right_margin, &vi.upper_margin, &vi.lower_margin, &vi.hsync_len, &vi.vsync_len); if(v != 7) continue; freq = 1E12/vi.pixclock /(vi.left_margin + vi.xres + vi.right_margin + vi.hsync_len) /(vi.upper_margin + vi.yres + vi.lower_margin + vi.vsync_len); if(maxf < minf) { if(maxf < freq && minf > freq) continue; } else if(maxf < freq || minf > freq) continue; VarInfo = vi; fclose(fbmodes); return 1; } fclose(fbmodes); return 0; } /* ---------- Window Management ----------*/ void SetVideoMode(void) { /* set new variable screen info */ if (ioctl(FrameBufferFD, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, &VarInfo)) { sprintf(exiterror, "ioctl(FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO failed): %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(0); } /* reload the screen info to update offsets */ if (ioctl(FrameBufferFD, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &VarInfo)) { sprintf(exiterror, "error: ioctl(FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO) failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(0); } /* reload the fixed info to update color mode */ if (ioctl(FrameBufferFD, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &FixedInfo)) { sprintf(exiterror, "error: ioctl(FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO) failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(0); } if (DesiredDepth && DesiredDepth != VarInfo.bits_per_pixel) { sprintf(exiterror, "error: Could not set set %d bpp\n", DesiredDepth); exit(0); } if(DisplayMode & GLUT_INDEX && FixedInfo.visual == FB_VISUAL_DIRECTCOLOR) { sprintf(exiterror, "error: Could not set 8 bit color mode\n"); exit(0); } /* initialize colormap */ LoadColorMap(); } void CreateBuffer() { int size = VarInfo.xres_virtual * VarInfo.yres_virtual * VarInfo.bits_per_pixel / 8; /* mmap the framebuffer into our address space */ if(FrameBuffer) munmap(FrameBuffer, FixedInfo.smem_len); FrameBuffer = mmap(0, FixedInfo.smem_len, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, FrameBufferFD, 0); if (FrameBuffer == MAP_FAILED) { sprintf(exiterror, "error: unable to mmap framebuffer: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(0); } if(DisplayMode & GLUT_DOUBLE) { free(BackBuffer); if(!(BackBuffer = malloc(size))) { sprintf(exiterror, "Failed to allocate double buffer\n"); exit(0); } } else BackBuffer = FrameBuffer; if(Buffer) glFBDevDestroyBuffer(Buffer); if(!(Buffer = glFBDevCreateBuffer( &FixedInfo, &VarInfo, Visual, FrameBuffer, BackBuffer, size))) { sprintf(exiterror, "Failure to create Buffer\n"); exit(0); } } void CreateVisual(void) { int i, mask = DisplayMode; int attribs[20]; for(i=0; i<sizeof(attribs)/sizeof(*attribs) && mask; i++) { if(mask & GLUT_DOUBLE) { attribs[i] = GLFBDEV_DOUBLE_BUFFER; mask &= ~GLUT_DOUBLE; continue; } if(mask & GLUT_INDEX) { attribs[i] = GLFBDEV_COLOR_INDEX; mask &= ~GLUT_INDEX; continue; } if(mask & GLUT_DEPTH) { attribs[i] = GLFBDEV_DEPTH_SIZE; attribs[++i] = DepthSize; mask &= ~GLUT_DEPTH; continue; } if(mask & GLUT_STENCIL) { attribs[i] = GLFBDEV_STENCIL_SIZE; attribs[++i] = StencilSize; mask &= ~GLUT_STENCIL; continue; } if(mask & GLUT_ACCUM) { attribs[i] = GLFBDEV_ACCUM_SIZE; attribs[++i] = AccumSize; mask &= ~GLUT_ACCUM; continue; } if(mask & GLUT_ALPHA) if(!(DisplayMode & GLUT_INDEX)) { mask &= ~GLUT_ALPHA; i--; continue; } if(mask & GLUT_MULTISAMPLE) { attribs[i] = GLFBDEV_MULTISAMPLE; attribs[++i] = NumSamples; mask &= ~GLUT_MULTISAMPLE; continue; } sprintf(exiterror, "Invalid mode from glutInitDisplayMode\n"); exit(0); } attribs[i] = GLFBDEV_NONE; if(!(Visual = glFBDevCreateVisual( &FixedInfo, &VarInfo, attribs ))) { sprintf(exiterror, "Failure to create Visual\n"); exit(0); } } int glutCreateWindow (const char *title) { if(Initialized == 0) { int argc = 0; char *argv[] = {NULL}; glutInit(&argc, argv); } if(Context) return 0; if(DisplayMode & GLUT_INDEX) VarInfo.bits_per_pixel = 8; else if(VarInfo.bits_per_pixel == 8) VarInfo.bits_per_pixel = 32; if (DesiredDepth) VarInfo.bits_per_pixel = DesiredDepth; VarInfo.xoffset = 0; VarInfo.yoffset = 0; VarInfo.nonstd = 0; VarInfo.vmode &= ~FB_VMODE_YWRAP; /* turn off scrolling */ SetVideoMode(); CreateVisual(); CreateBuffer(); if(!(Context = glFBDevCreateContext(Visual, NULL))) { sprintf(exiterror, "Failure to create Context\n"); exit(0); } if(!glFBDevMakeCurrent( Context, Buffer, Buffer )) { sprintf(exiterror, "Failure to Make Current\n"); exit(0); } InitializeCursor(); InitializeMenus(); glutSetWindowTitle(title); Visible = 1; VisibleSwitch = 1; Redisplay = 1; return 1; } int glutCreateSubWindow(int win, int x, int y, int width, int height) { return 0; } void glutSetWindow(int win) { } int glutGetWindow(void) { return 1; } void glutDestroyWindow(int win) { glFBDevMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL, NULL); glFBDevDestroyContext(Context); glFBDevDestroyBuffer(Buffer); glFBDevDestroyVisual(Visual); Visual = NULL; } void glutPostRedisplay(void) { Redisplay = 1; } void glutPostWindowRedisplay(int win) { Redisplay = 1; } void glutSwapBuffers(void) { glFlush(); if(ActiveMenu) DrawMenus(); if(MouseEnabled) DrawCursor(); if(DisplayMode & GLUT_DOUBLE && Visible) { Swapping = 1; glFBDevSwapBuffers(Buffer); Swapping = 0; } /* if there was a vt switch while swapping, switch now */ if(VTSwitch) { if(ioctl(ConsoleFD, VT_ACTIVATE, VTSwitch) < 0) sprintf(exiterror, "Error switching console\n"); VTSwitch = 0; } } void glutPositionWindow(int x, int y) { } void glutReshapeWindow(int width, int height) { if(GameMode) return; if(!ParseFBModes(width, width, height, height, 0, MAX_VSYNC)) return; SetVideoMode(); CreateBuffer(); if(!glFBDevMakeCurrent( Context, Buffer, Buffer )) { sprintf(exiterror, "Failure to Make Current\n"); exit(0); } InitializeMenus(); if(ReshapeFunc) ReshapeFunc(VarInfo.xres, VarInfo.yres); Redisplay = 1; } void glutFullScreen(void) { } void glutPopWindow(void) { } void glutPushWindow(void) { } void glutShowWindow(void) { Visible = 1; } void glutHideWindow(void) { Visible = 0; } static void UnIconifyWindow(int sig) { if(ConsoleFD == 0) InitializeVT(1); else if(ConsoleFD > 0) InitializeVT(0); if (ioctl(FrameBufferFD, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, &VarInfo)) { sprintf(exiterror, "ioctl(FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO failed): %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(0); } Redisplay = 1; VisibleSwitch = 1; Visible = 1; } void glutIconifyWindow(void) { RestoreVT(); signal(SIGCONT, UnIconifyWindow); if (ioctl(FrameBufferFD, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, &OrigVarInfo)) fprintf(stderr, "ioctl(FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO failed): %s\n", strerror(errno)); raise(SIGSTOP); } void glutSetWindowTitle(const char *name) { /* escape code to set title in screen */ if(getenv("TERM") && memcmp(getenv("TERM"), "screen", 6) == 0) printf("\033k%s\033\\", name); } void glutSetIconTitle(const char *name) { }