/* ************************************************************************** * ggiglut.c * ************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 1998 Uwe Maurer - uwe_maurer@t-online.de * Copyright (C) 1999 James Simmons * Copyright (C) 1999 Jon Taylor * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * ************************************************************************** * To-do: * - Make everything use the portable ggi_* types * */ #define BUILDING_GGIGLUT #define WIDTH 640 #define HEIGHT 480 #define GRAPHTYPE_RGB GT_16BIT #define GRAPHTYPE_INDEX GT_8BIT /*************************************************************************/ #include <GL/gl.h> #include <GL/glu.h> #include <GL/glut.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> #include "GL/ggimesa.h" #include "debug.h" #include <ggi/ggi.h> #include <ggi/gii.h> int _ggiglutDebugSync = 0; uint32 _ggiglutDebugState = 0; char *__glutProgramName = "GGI"; static ggi_visual_t __glut_vis; static GGIMesaContext __glut_ctx; //static int __glut_width = WIDTH; //static int __glut_height = HEIGHT; //static ggi_graphtype __glut_gt_rgb = GRAPHTYPE_RGB; //static ggi_graphtype __glut_gt_index = GRAPHTYPE_INDEX; static int __glut_width = GGI_AUTO; static int __glut_height = GGI_AUTO; static ggi_graphtype __glut_gt_rgb = GT_AUTO; static ggi_graphtype __glut_gt_index = GT_8BIT; static int __glut_init = GL_FALSE; static int mousex = WIDTH / 2; static int mousey = HEIGHT / 2; static int mouse_moved = GL_FALSE; static int mouse_down = GL_FALSE; static int mouse_showcursor = GL_FALSE; static void (*__glut_reshape)(int, int); static void (*__glut_display)(void); static void (*__glut_idle)(void); static void (*__glut_keyboard)(unsigned char, int, int); static void (*__glut_special)(int, int, int); static void (*__glut_mouse)(int, int, int, int); static void (*__glut_motion)(int, int); static void (*__glut_passive_motion)(int, int); static void (*__glut_visibility)(int); static unsigned int __glut_mode = GLUT_RGB | GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_DEPTH; static int __glut_mod_keys = 0; static int __glut_redisplay = GL_FALSE; /* Menu */ static int __glut_menubutton = -1; static int __glut_menuactive = GL_FALSE; #define MAX_ENTRIES 64 typedef struct menu_s { char *label[MAX_ENTRIES]; int value[MAX_ENTRIES]; struct menu_s * submenu[MAX_ENTRIES]; void (*func)(int); int max_strlen; int num_entries; } menu_t; static menu_t *mainmenu; static menu_t *curmenu; static menu_t *activemenu; void glutInit(int *argc, char **argv) { ggi_graphtype gt; int i, k; char *str; GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutInit() called\n"); #define REMOVE {for (k=i;k<*argc-1;k++) argv[k]=argv[k+1]; \ (*argc)--; i--; } if (__glut_init) return; str = getenv("GGIGLUT_DEBUG"); if (str != NULL) { _ggiglutDebugState = atoi(str); fprintf(stderr, "Debugging=%d\n", _ggiglutDebugState); GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("Debugging=%d\n", _ggiglutDebugState); } str = getenv("GGIGLUT_DEBUGSYNC"); if (str != NULL) { _ggiglutDebugSync = 1; } if (argc && argv) { for (i = 1; i < *argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-mouse") == 0) { mouse_showcursor = GL_TRUE; REMOVE; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-bpp") == 0 && (i + 1) < (*argc)) { switch(atoi(argv[i + 1])) { case 4: gt = GT_4BIT; break; case 8: gt = GT_8BIT; break; case 15: gt = GT_15BIT; break; case 16: gt = GT_16BIT; break; case 24: gt = GT_24BIT; break; case 32: gt = GT_32BIT; break; default: ggiPanic("\"%s\" bits per pixel?\n", argv[i+1]); } __glut_gt_rgb = __glut_gt_index = gt; REMOVE; REMOVE; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-size") == 0 && (i + 2) < (*argc)) { __glut_width = atoi(argv[i + 1]); __glut_height = atoi(argv[i + 2]); REMOVE; REMOVE; REMOVE; } } } if (ggiInit() < 0) { ggiPanic("ggiInit() failed!\n"); } __glut_init = GL_TRUE; #undef REMOVE } void glutInitWindowPosition(int x, int y) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutInitWindowPosition() called\n"); } void glutInitWindowSize(int x, int y) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutInitWindowsSize() called\n"); } void glutFullScreen(void) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutFullScreen() called\n"); } void glutInitDisplayMode(unsigned int mode) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutInitDisplayMode() called\n"); __glut_mode = mode; } void glutInitDisplayString(const char *string) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutInitDisplayString(%s) called\n", string); } int glutCreateWindow(const char *title) { ggi_graphtype gt; ggi_mode mode = { 1, { GGI_AUTO, GGI_AUTO }, { GGI_AUTO, GGI_AUTO }, { 0, 0 }, GT_AUTO, { GGI_AUTO, GGI_AUTO } }; int frames; int rgb; int err; GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutCreateWindow() called\n"); if (!__glut_init) glutInit(NULL, NULL); GGIGLUTDPRINT("GGIGLUT: %s\n", title); rgb = !(__glut_mode & GLUT_INDEX); frames = (__glut_mode & GLUT_DOUBLE) ? 2 : 1; gt = (rgb) ? __glut_gt_rgb : __glut_gt_index; __glut_ctx = GGIMesaCreateContext(); if (__glut_ctx == NULL) ggiPanic("Can't create mesa-context\n"); __glut_vis = ggiOpen(NULL); if (__glut_vis == NULL) { ggiPanic("ggiOpen() failed!\n"); /* return GL_FALSE; */ } ggiSetFlags(__glut_vis, GGIFLAG_ASYNC); ggiCheckMode(__glut_vis, &mode); err = ggiSetMode(__glut_vis, &mode); if (err < 0) { ggiPanic("Can't set graphic mode!\n"); /* return GL_FALSE; */ } ggiGetMode(__glut_vis, &mode); if (GGIMesaSetVisual(__glut_ctx, __glut_vis, rgb, frames > 1) < 0) { ggiPanic("GGIMesaSetVisual failed!\n"); } __glut_width = mode.visible.x; __glut_height = mode.visible.y; mousex = mode.visible.x / 2; mousey = mode.visible.y / 2; GGIMesaMakeCurrent(__glut_ctx); if (__glut_reshape) __glut_reshape(__glut_width, __glut_height); return GL_TRUE; } void glutReshapeFunc(void (*func)(int, int)) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutReshapeFunc() called\n"); __glut_reshape = func; if (__glut_vis && __glut_reshape) __glut_reshape(__glut_width, __glut_height); } void glutKeyboardFunc(void (*keyboard)(unsigned char key, int x, int y)) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutKeyBoardFunc() called\n"); __glut_keyboard = keyboard; } int glutGetModifiers(void) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutGetModifiers() called\n"); return __glut_mod_keys; } void glutEntryFunc(void (*func)(int state)) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutEntryFunc() called\n"); } void glutVisibilitFunc(void (*func)(int state)) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutVisibilityFunc() called\n"); } void glutTimerFunc(unsigned int millis, void (*func)(int value), int value) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutTimerFunc() called\n"); } void glutMenuStateFunc(void (*func)(int state)) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutMenuStateFunc() called\n"); } int glutGet(GLenum type) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutGet() called\n"); switch(type) { case GLUT_WINDOW_X: return 0; case GLUT_WINDOW_Y: return 0; case GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH: return __glut_width; case GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT: return __glut_height; case GLUT_MENU_NUM_ITEMS: if (curmenu) return curmenu->num_entries; else return 0; default: GGIGLUTDPRINT("glutGet: unknown type %i\n", type); } return 0; } void glutSpecialFunc(void (*special)(int key, int x, int y)) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutSpecialFunc() called\n"); __glut_special=special; } void glutDisplayFunc(void (*disp)(void)) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutDisplayFunc() called\n"); __glut_display=disp; } void glutSetColor(int index, GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue) { ggi_color c; GLfloat max; GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutSetColor() called\n"); if (red > 1.0) red = 1.0; if (red < 0.0) red = 0.0; if (green > 1.0) green = 1.0; if (green < 0.0) green = 0.0; if (blue > 1.0) blue = 1.0; if (blue < 0.0) blue = 0.0; max = (float)((1 << GGI_COLOR_PRECISION) - 1); c.r = (int)(max * red); c.g = (int)(max * green); c.b = (int)(max * blue); ggiSetPalette(__glut_vis, index, 1, &c); } void glutPostRedisplay(void) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutPostRedisplay() called\n"); __glut_redisplay = GL_TRUE; } void glutPostWindowRedisplay(int win) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutPostWindowRedisplay() called\n"); __glut_redisplay = GL_TRUE; } void glutSwapBuffers(void) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutSwapBuffers() called\n"); GGIMesaSwapBuffers(); } void glutIdleFunc(void (*idle)(void)) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutIdleFunc() called\n"); __glut_idle = idle; } static void keyboard(ggi_event *ev) { int sym; int modifer = 0, key = 0; GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("keyboard() called\n"); sym = ev->key.sym; modifer = ev->key.modifiers; if (modifer == GII_KM_SHIFT) __glut_mod_keys |= GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT; if (modifer == GII_KM_CTRL) __glut_mod_keys |= GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL; if (modifer == GII_KM_ALT) __glut_mod_keys |= GLUT_ACTIVE_ALT; /* if (__glut_special && key) __glut_special(GII_KTYP(key),0,0); */ if (__glut_keyboard) // __glut_keyboard(GII_UNICODE(sym), 0, 0); __glut_keyboard(sym, 0, 0); } static void mouseabs(ggi_event *ev) { int oldx = mousex; int oldy = mousey; mousex = ev->pmove.x; mousey = ev->pmove.y; if (mousex < 0) mousex = 0; if (mousey < 0) mousey = 0; if (mousex >= __glut_width) mousex = __glut_width - 1; if (mousey >= __glut_height) mousey = __glut_height - 1; if (mousex != oldx || mousey != oldy) mouse_moved = GL_TRUE; } static void mouse(ggi_event *ev) { int oldx = mousex; int oldy = mousey; GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("mouse() called\n"); mousex += ev->pmove.x >> 1; mousey += ev->pmove.y >> 1; if (mousex < 0) mousex = 0; if (mousey < 0) mousey = 0; if (mousex >= __glut_width) mousex = __glut_width - 1; if (mousey >= __glut_height) mousey = __glut_height - 1; if (mousex != oldx || mousey != oldy) mouse_moved = GL_TRUE; } static void showmenu(void); static int clickmenu(void); static void updatemouse(void); static void drawmouse(void); static void mousemove(void) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("mousemove() called\n"); if (mouse_moved) { if (__glut_motion && mouse_down) { __glut_motion(mousex,mousey); } if (__glut_passive_motion && (!mouse_down)) { __glut_passive_motion(mousex,mousey); } if (__glut_menuactive) updatemouse(); mouse_moved=GL_FALSE; } } static void button(ggi_event *ev) { int i; int btn[4] = { 0, GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON, GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON, GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON }; GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("button() called\n"); mousemove(); if (ev->pbutton.button <= 3) { /* GGI can have >3 buttons ! */ char state = ev->any.type == evPtrButtonPress ? GLUT_DOWN : GLUT_UP; if (__glut_menuactive) { if (state == GLUT_UP && clickmenu()) { glutPostRedisplay(); __glut_menuactive = GL_FALSE; } } else if (btn[ev->pbutton.button] == __glut_menubutton) { __glut_menuactive = GL_TRUE; activemenu = mainmenu; showmenu(); } else if (__glut_mouse) { __glut_mouse(btn[ev->pbutton.button], state, mousex, mousey); } if (state == GLUT_DOWN) { mouse_down |= (1 << (ev->pbutton.button - 1)); } else mouse_down &= ~( 1 << (ev->pbutton.button - 1)); } } void glutMainLoop(void) { ggi_event ev; ggi_event_mask evmask = (emKeyPress | emKeyRepeat | emPtrMove | emPtrButton); GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutMainLoop() called\n"); ggiSetEventMask(__glut_vis, evmask); glutPostRedisplay(); if (__glut_visibility) __glut_visibility(GLUT_VISIBLE); while (1) { if (!__glut_menuactive) { if (__glut_idle) __glut_idle(); if (__glut_redisplay && __glut_display) { __glut_redisplay = GL_FALSE; __glut_display(); } } while (1) { struct timeval t = {0, 0}; if (ggiEventPoll(__glut_vis, evmask, &t) == 0) break; ggiEventRead(__glut_vis, &ev, evmask); switch (ev.any.type) { case evKeyPress: case evKeyRepeat: keyboard(&ev); break; case evPtrAbsolute: mouseabs(&ev); break; case evPtrRelative: mouse(&ev); break; case evPtrButtonPress: case evPtrButtonRelease: button(&ev); break; } } mousemove(); } } static void showmenu() { int y,i; ggi_color col = { 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff }; GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("showmenu() called\n"); ggiSetGCForeground(__glut_vis,ggiMapColor(__glut_vis,&col)); ggiSetOrigin(__glut_vis,0,0); for (y = i = 0; i < activemenu->num_entries; i++, y += 8) { ggiPuts(__glut_vis, 0, y, activemenu->label[i]); } drawmouse(); } static int clickmenu(void) { int i; int w, h; GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("clickmenu() called\n"); i = mousey / 8; if (i >= activemenu->num_entries) return GL_TRUE; if (mousex >= 8 * strlen(activemenu->label[i])) return GL_TRUE; if (activemenu->submenu[i]) { ggi_color col={0,0,0}; ggiSetGCForeground(__glut_vis,ggiMapColor(__glut_vis,&col)); h=activemenu->num_entries*8; w=activemenu->max_strlen*8; ggiDrawBox(__glut_vis,0,0,w,h); activemenu=activemenu->submenu[i]; showmenu(); return GL_FALSE; } curmenu=activemenu; activemenu->func(activemenu->value[i]); return GL_TRUE; } static int oldx=-1; static int oldy=-1; static char buffer[16*16*4]; static void updatemouse() { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("updatemouse() called\n"); ggiPutBox(__glut_vis,oldx,oldy,16,16,buffer); drawmouse(); } static void drawmouse() { int x,y; GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("drawmouse() called\n"); x=mousex-8; if (x<0) x=0; y=mousey-8; if (y<0) y=0; ggiGetBox(__glut_vis,x,y,16,16,buffer); ggiDrawLine(__glut_vis,mousex-2,mousey,mousex+2,mousey); ggiDrawLine(__glut_vis,mousex,mousey-2,mousex,mousey+2); oldx=x; oldy=y; } int glutCreateMenu(void(*func)(int)) { menu_t *m; GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutCreateMenu() called\n"); m=malloc(sizeof(menu_t)); memset(m,0,sizeof(menu_t)); curmenu=m; curmenu->func=func; return (int)curmenu; } static void addEntry(const char *label,int value,menu_t *submenu) { int i=curmenu->num_entries; GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("addEntry() called\n"); /* printf("%i %i %s %p\n",i,value,label,submenu); */ if (i<MAX_ENTRIES) { curmenu->label[i]=strdup(label); curmenu->value[i]=value; curmenu->submenu[i]=submenu; if (strlen(label)>curmenu->max_strlen) curmenu->max_strlen=strlen(label); curmenu->num_entries++; } } void glutAddMenuEntry(const char *label,int value) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutAddMenuEntry() called\n"); addEntry(label,value,NULL); } void glutAddSubMenu(const char *label,int submenu) { char text[100]; GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutAddSubMenu() called\n"); if (!curmenu) return; strncpy(text,label,98); text[98]=0; text[strlen(text)+1]=0; text[strlen(text)]='>'; addEntry(text,0,(menu_t *) submenu); } void glutAttachMenu(int button) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutAttachMenu() called\n"); mainmenu=curmenu; __glut_menubutton=button; } void glutDetachMenu(int button) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutDetachMenu() called\n"); } void glutVisibilityFunc(void (*func)(int state)) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutVisibilityFunc() called\n"); __glut_visibility=func; } void glutMouseFunc(void (*mouse)(int, int, int, int)) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutMouseFunc() called\n"); __glut_mouse=mouse; } void glutMotionFunc(void (*motion)(int,int)) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutMotionFunc() called\n"); __glut_motion=motion; } void glutPassiveMotionFunc(void (*motion)(int,int)) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutPassiveMotionFunc() called\n"); __glut_passive_motion=motion; } void glutSetWindowTitle(const char *title) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutSetWindowTitle() called\n"); } void glutSetIconTitle(const char *title) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutSetIconTitle() called\n"); } void glutChangeToMenuEntry(int item,const char *label,int value) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutChangeToMenuEntry() called\n"); if (item>0 && item<=curmenu->num_entries) { item--; free(curmenu->label[item]); curmenu->label[item]=strdup(label); curmenu->value[item]=value; curmenu->submenu[item]=NULL; } } void glutChangeToSubMenu(int item,const char *label,int submenu) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutChengeToSubMenu() called\n"); if (item>0 && item<=curmenu->num_entries) { item--; free(curmenu->label[item]); curmenu->label[item]=strdup(label); curmenu->value[item]=0; curmenu->submenu[item]=(menu_t *)submenu; } } void glutDestroyMenu(int menu) { menu_t *m=(menu_t *)menu; int i; GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutDestroyMenu() called\n"); for (i=0;i<m->num_entries;i++) { free(m->label[i]); } free(m); } int glutCreateSubWindow(int win,int x,int y,int w,int h) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutCreateSubWindow() called\n"); return 0; } void glutDestroyWindow(int win) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutDestroyWindow() called\n"); } int glutGetWindow(void) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutGetWindow() called\n"); return 0; } void glutSetWindow(int win) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutSetWindow() called\n"); } void glutPositionWindow(int x,int y) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutPositionWindow() called\n"); } void glutReshapeWindow(int x,int y) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutReshapeWindow() called\n"); } void glutPushWindow(void) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutPushWindow() called\n"); } void glutPopWindow(void) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutPopWindow() called\n"); } void glutIconifyWindow(void) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutIconifyWindow() called\n"); } void glutShowWindow() { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutShowWindow() called\n"); } void glutHideWindow() { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutHideWindow() called\n"); } void glutSetCursor(int cursor) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutSetCursor() called\n"); } void glutWarpPointer(int x,int y) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutWarpPointer() called\n"); } void glutEstablishOverlay(void) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutEstablishOverlay() called\n"); } void glutRemoveOverlay(void) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutRemoveOverlay() called\n"); } void glutUseLayer(GLenum layer) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutUseLayer() called\n"); } int glutLayerGet(GLenum type) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutLayerGet() called\n"); return 0; } void glutPostOverlayRedisplay(void) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutPostOverlayRedisplay() called\n"); } void glutPostWindowOverlayRedisplay(int w) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutPostWindowOverlayRedisplay() called\n"); } void glutShowOverlay(void) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutShowOverlay() called\n"); } void glutHideOverlay(void) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutHideOverlay() called\n"); } int glutGetMenu(void) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutGetMenu() called\n"); return 0; } void glutSetMenu(int menu) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutSetMenu() called\n"); } void glutRemoveMenuItem(int item) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutRemoveMenuItem() called\n"); } void glutSpaceBallMotionFunc(void (*func)(int key,int x,int y)) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutSpaceBallMotionFunc() called\n"); } void glutSpaceBallRotateFunc(void (*func)(int x,int y,int z)) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutSpaceBallRotateFunc() called\n"); } void glutSpaceBallButtonFunc(void (*func)(int button,int state)) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutSpaceBallButtonFunc() called\n"); } void glutCopyColormap(int win) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutCopyColormap() called\n"); } int glutDeviceGet(GLenum param) { GGIGLUTDPRINT_CORE("glutDeviceGet() called\n"); return 0; }