/* Copyright (c) Mark J. Kilgard, 1994, 1997, 1998. */ /* This program is freely distributable without licensing fees and is provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or implied. This program is -not- in the public domain. */ #ifdef __VMS #include <GL/vms_x_fix.h> #endif #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #if !defined(_WIN32) #include <X11/Xlib.h> #if defined(__vms) #include <X11/XInput.h> #else #include <X11/extensions/XInput.h> #endif #include <X11/Xutil.h> #else #ifdef __MINGW32__ #include <GL/gl.h> #endif #include <windows.h> #ifndef __CYGWIN32__ #include <mmsystem.h> /* Win32 Multimedia API header. */ #endif #endif /* !_WIN32 */ #include "glutint.h" int __glutNumDials = 0; int __glutNumSpaceballButtons = 0; int __glutNumButtonBoxButtons = 0; int __glutNumTabletButtons = 0; int __glutNumMouseButtons = 3; /* Good guess. */ XDevice *__glutTablet = NULL; XDevice *__glutDials = NULL; XDevice *__glutSpaceball = NULL; int __glutHasJoystick = 0; int __glutNumJoystickButtons = 0; int __glutNumJoystickAxes = 0; #if !defined(_WIN32) typedef struct _Range { int min; int range; } Range; #define NUM_SPACEBALL_AXIS 6 #define NUM_TABLET_AXIS 2 #define NUM_DIALS_AXIS 8 Range __glutSpaceballRange[NUM_SPACEBALL_AXIS]; Range __glutTabletRange[NUM_TABLET_AXIS]; int *__glutDialsResolution; /* Safely assumes 0 is an illegal event type for X Input extension events. */ int __glutDeviceMotionNotify = 0; int __glutDeviceButtonPress = 0; int __glutDeviceButtonPressGrab = 0; int __glutDeviceButtonRelease = 0; int __glutDeviceStateNotify = 0; static int normalizeTabletPos(int axis, int rawValue) { assert(rawValue >= __glutTabletRange[axis].min); assert(rawValue <= __glutTabletRange[axis].min + __glutTabletRange[axis].range); /* Normalize rawValue to between 0 and 4000. */ return ((rawValue - __glutTabletRange[axis].min) * 4000) / __glutTabletRange[axis].range; } static int normalizeDialAngle(int axis, int rawValue) { /* XXX Assumption made that the resolution of the device is number of clicks for one complete dial revolution. This is true for SGI's dial & button box. */ return (rawValue * 360.0) / __glutDialsResolution[axis]; } static int normalizeSpaceballAngle(int axis, int rawValue) { assert(rawValue >= __glutSpaceballRange[axis].min); assert(rawValue <= __glutSpaceballRange[axis].min + __glutSpaceballRange[axis].range); /* Normalize rawValue to between -1800 and 1800. */ return ((rawValue - __glutSpaceballRange[axis].min) * 3600) / __glutSpaceballRange[axis].range - 1800; } static int normalizeSpaceballDelta(int axis, int rawValue) { assert(rawValue >= __glutSpaceballRange[axis].min); assert(rawValue <= __glutSpaceballRange[axis].min + __glutSpaceballRange[axis].range); /* Normalize rawValue to between -1000 and 1000. */ return ((rawValue - __glutSpaceballRange[axis].min) * 2000) / __glutSpaceballRange[axis].range - 1000; } static void queryTabletPos(GLUTwindow * window) { XDeviceState *state; XInputClass *any; XValuatorState *v; int i; state = XQueryDeviceState(__glutDisplay, __glutTablet); any = state->data; for (i = 0; i < state->num_classes; i++) { #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) switch (any->c_class) { #else switch (any->class) { #endif case ValuatorClass: v = (XValuatorState *) any; if (v->num_valuators < 2) goto end; if (window->tabletPos[0] == -1) window->tabletPos[0] = normalizeTabletPos(0, v->valuators[0]); if (window->tabletPos[1] == -1) window->tabletPos[1] = normalizeTabletPos(1, v->valuators[1]); } any = (XInputClass *) ((char *) any + any->length); } end: XFreeDeviceState(state); } static void tabletPosChange(GLUTwindow * window, int first, int count, int *data) { int i, value, genEvent = 0; for (i = first; i < first + count; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: /* X axis */ case 1: /* Y axis */ value = normalizeTabletPos(i, data[i - first]); if (value != window->tabletPos[i]) { window->tabletPos[i] = value; genEvent = 1; } break; } } if (window->tabletPos[0] == -1 || window->tabletPos[1] == -1) queryTabletPos(window); if (genEvent) window->tabletMotion(window->tabletPos[0], window->tabletPos[1]); } #endif /* !_WIN32 */ static int __glutProcessDeviceEvents(XEvent * event) { #if !defined(_WIN32) GLUTwindow *window; /* XXX Ugly code fan out. */ /* Can't use switch/case since X Input event types are dynamic. */ if (__glutDeviceMotionNotify && event->type == __glutDeviceMotionNotify) { XDeviceMotionEvent *devmot = (XDeviceMotionEvent *) event; window = __glutGetWindow(devmot->window); if (window) { if (__glutTablet && devmot->deviceid == __glutTablet->device_id && window->tabletMotion) { tabletPosChange(window, devmot->first_axis, devmot->axes_count, devmot->axis_data); } else if (__glutDials && devmot->deviceid == __glutDials->device_id && window->dials) { int i, first = devmot->first_axis, count = devmot->axes_count; for (i = first; i < first + count; i++) window->dials(i + 1, normalizeDialAngle(i, devmot->axis_data[i - first])); } else if (__glutSpaceball && devmot->deviceid == __glutSpaceball->device_id) { /* XXX Assume that space ball motion events come in as all the first 6 axes. Assume first 3 axes are XYZ translations; second 3 axes are XYZ rotations. */ if (devmot->first_axis == 0 && devmot->axes_count == 6) { if (window->spaceMotion) window->spaceMotion( normalizeSpaceballDelta(0, devmot->axis_data[0]), normalizeSpaceballDelta(1, devmot->axis_data[1]), normalizeSpaceballDelta(2, devmot->axis_data[2])); if (window->spaceRotate) window->spaceRotate( normalizeSpaceballAngle(3, devmot->axis_data[3]), normalizeSpaceballAngle(4, devmot->axis_data[4]), normalizeSpaceballAngle(5, devmot->axis_data[5])); } } return 1; } } else if (__glutDeviceButtonPress && event->type == __glutDeviceButtonPress) { XDeviceButtonEvent *devbtn = (XDeviceButtonEvent *) event; window = __glutGetWindow(devbtn->window); if (window) { if (__glutTablet && devbtn->deviceid == __glutTablet->device_id && window->tabletButton && devbtn->first_axis == 0 && devbtn->axes_count == 2) { tabletPosChange(window, devbtn->first_axis, devbtn->axes_count, devbtn->axis_data); window->tabletButton(devbtn->button, GLUT_DOWN, window->tabletPos[0], window->tabletPos[1]); } else if (__glutDials && devbtn->deviceid == __glutDials->device_id && window->buttonBox) { window->buttonBox(devbtn->button, GLUT_DOWN); } else if (__glutSpaceball && devbtn->deviceid == __glutSpaceball->device_id && window->spaceButton) { window->spaceButton(devbtn->button, GLUT_DOWN); } return 1; } } else if (__glutDeviceButtonRelease && event->type == __glutDeviceButtonRelease) { XDeviceButtonEvent *devbtn = (XDeviceButtonEvent *) event; window = __glutGetWindow(devbtn->window); if (window) { if (__glutTablet && devbtn->deviceid == __glutTablet->device_id && window->tabletButton && devbtn->first_axis == 0 && devbtn->axes_count == 2) { tabletPosChange(window, devbtn->first_axis, devbtn->axes_count, devbtn->axis_data); window->tabletButton(devbtn->button, GLUT_UP, window->tabletPos[0], window->tabletPos[1]); } else if (__glutDials && devbtn->deviceid == __glutDials->device_id && window->buttonBox) { window->buttonBox(devbtn->button, GLUT_UP); } else if (__glutSpaceball && devbtn->deviceid == __glutSpaceball->device_id && window->spaceButton) { window->spaceButton(devbtn->button, GLUT_UP); } return 1; } } #else { JOYINFOEX info; JOYCAPS joyCaps; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(JOYINFOEX)); info.dwSize = sizeof(JOYINFOEX); info.dwFlags = JOY_RETURNALL; if (joyGetPosEx(JOYSTICKID1,&info) != JOYERR_NOERROR) { __glutHasJoystick = 1; joyGetDevCaps(JOYSTICKID1, &joyCaps, sizeof(joyCaps)); __glutNumJoystickButtons = joyCaps.wNumButtons; __glutNumJoystickAxes = joyCaps.wNumAxes; } else { __glutHasJoystick = 0; __glutNumJoystickButtons = 0; __glutNumJoystickAxes = 0; } } #endif /* !_WIN32 */ return 0; } #if !defined(_WIN32) static GLUTeventParser eventParser = {__glutProcessDeviceEvents, NULL}; static void addDeviceEventParser(void) { static Bool been_here = False; if (been_here) return; been_here = True; __glutRegisterEventParser(&eventParser); } #endif static int probeDevices(void) { static Bool been_here = False; static int support; #if !defined(_WIN32) XExtensionVersion *version; XDeviceInfoPtr device_info, device; XAnyClassPtr any; XButtonInfoPtr b; XValuatorInfoPtr v; XAxisInfoPtr a; int num_dev = 0, btns = 0, dials = 0; int i, j, k; #endif /* !_WIN32 */ if (been_here) { return support; } been_here = True; #if !defined(_WIN32) version = XGetExtensionVersion(__glutDisplay, "XInputExtension"); /* Ugh. XInput extension API forces annoying cast of a pointer to a long so it can be compared with the NoSuchExtension value (#defined to 1). */ if (version == NULL || ((long) version) == NoSuchExtension) { support = 0; return support; } XFree(version); device_info = XListInputDevices(__glutDisplay, &num_dev); if (device_info) { for (i = 0; i < num_dev; i++) { /* XXX These are SGI names for these devices; unfortunately, no good standard exists for standard types of X input extension devices. */ device = &device_info[i]; any = (XAnyClassPtr) device->inputclassinfo; if (!__glutSpaceball && !strcmp(device->name, "spaceball")) { v = NULL; b = NULL; for (j = 0; j < device->num_classes; j++) { #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) switch (any->c_class) { #else switch (any->class) { #endif case ButtonClass: b = (XButtonInfoPtr) any; btns = b->num_buttons; break; case ValuatorClass: v = (XValuatorInfoPtr) any; /* Sanity check: at least 6 valuators? */ if (v->num_axes < NUM_SPACEBALL_AXIS) goto skip_device; a = (XAxisInfoPtr) ((char *) v + sizeof(XValuatorInfo)); for (k = 0; k < NUM_SPACEBALL_AXIS; k++, a++) { __glutSpaceballRange[k].min = a->min_value; __glutSpaceballRange[k].range = a->max_value - a->min_value; } break; } any = (XAnyClassPtr) ((char *) any + any->length); } if (v) { __glutSpaceball = XOpenDevice(__glutDisplay, device->id); if (__glutSpaceball) { __glutNumSpaceballButtons = btns; addDeviceEventParser(); } } } else if (!__glutDials && !strcmp(device->name, "dial+buttons")) { v = NULL; b = NULL; for (j = 0; j < device->num_classes; j++) { #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) switch (any->c_class) { #else switch (any->class) { #endif case ButtonClass: b = (XButtonInfoPtr) any; btns = b->num_buttons; break; case ValuatorClass: v = (XValuatorInfoPtr) any; /* Sanity check: at least 8 valuators? */ if (v->num_axes < NUM_DIALS_AXIS) goto skip_device; dials = v->num_axes; __glutDialsResolution = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * dials); a = (XAxisInfoPtr) ((char *) v + sizeof(XValuatorInfo)); for (k = 0; k < dials; k++, a++) { __glutDialsResolution[k] = a->resolution; } break; } any = (XAnyClassPtr) ((char *) any + any->length); } if (v) { __glutDials = XOpenDevice(__glutDisplay, device->id); if (__glutDials) { __glutNumButtonBoxButtons = btns; __glutNumDials = dials; addDeviceEventParser(); } } } else if (!__glutTablet && !strcmp(device->name, "tablet")) { v = NULL; b = NULL; for (j = 0; j < device->num_classes; j++) { #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) switch (any->c_class) { #else switch (any->class) { #endif case ButtonClass: b = (XButtonInfoPtr) any; btns = b->num_buttons; break; case ValuatorClass: v = (XValuatorInfoPtr) any; /* Sanity check: exactly 2 valuators? */ if (v->num_axes != NUM_TABLET_AXIS) goto skip_device; a = (XAxisInfoPtr) ((char *) v + sizeof(XValuatorInfo)); for (k = 0; k < NUM_TABLET_AXIS; k++, a++) { __glutTabletRange[k].min = a->min_value; __glutTabletRange[k].range = a->max_value - a->min_value; } break; } any = (XAnyClassPtr) ((char *) any + any->length); } if (v) { __glutTablet = XOpenDevice(__glutDisplay, device->id); if (__glutTablet) { __glutNumTabletButtons = btns; addDeviceEventParser(); } } } else if (!strcmp(device->name, "mouse")) { for (j = 0; j < device->num_classes; j++) { #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) if (any->c_class == ButtonClass) { #else if (any->class == ButtonClass) { #endif b = (XButtonInfoPtr) any; __glutNumMouseButtons = b->num_buttons; } any = (XAnyClassPtr) ((char *) any + any->length); } } skip_device:; } XFreeDeviceList(device_info); } #else /* _WIN32 */ __glutNumMouseButtons = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CMOUSEBUTTONS); #endif /* !_WIN32 */ /* X Input extension might be supported, but only if there is a tablet, dials, or spaceball do we claim devices are supported. */ support = __glutTablet || __glutDials || __glutSpaceball; return support; } void __glutUpdateInputDeviceMask(GLUTwindow * window) { #if !defined(_WIN32) /* 5 (dial and buttons) + 5 (tablet locator and buttons) + 5 (Spaceball buttons and axis) = 15 */ XEventClass eventList[15]; int rc, numEvents; rc = probeDevices(); if (rc) { numEvents = 0; if (__glutTablet) { if (window->tabletMotion) { DeviceMotionNotify(__glutTablet, __glutDeviceMotionNotify, eventList[numEvents]); numEvents++; } if (window->tabletButton) { DeviceButtonPress(__glutTablet, __glutDeviceButtonPress, eventList[numEvents]); numEvents++; DeviceButtonPressGrab(__glutTablet, __glutDeviceButtonPressGrab, eventList[numEvents]); numEvents++; DeviceButtonRelease(__glutTablet, __glutDeviceButtonRelease, eventList[numEvents]); numEvents++; } if (window->tabletMotion || window->tabletButton) { DeviceStateNotify(__glutTablet, __glutDeviceStateNotify, eventList[numEvents]); numEvents++; } } if (__glutDials) { if (window->dials) { DeviceMotionNotify(__glutDials, __glutDeviceMotionNotify, eventList[numEvents]); numEvents++; } if (window->buttonBox) { DeviceButtonPress(__glutDials, __glutDeviceButtonPress, eventList[numEvents]); numEvents++; DeviceButtonPressGrab(__glutDials, __glutDeviceButtonPressGrab, eventList[numEvents]); numEvents++; DeviceButtonRelease(__glutDials, __glutDeviceButtonRelease, eventList[numEvents]); numEvents++; } if (window->dials || window->buttonBox) { DeviceStateNotify(__glutDials, __glutDeviceStateNotify, eventList[numEvents]); numEvents++; } } if (__glutSpaceball) { if (window->spaceMotion || window->spaceRotate) { DeviceMotionNotify(__glutSpaceball, __glutDeviceMotionNotify, eventList[numEvents]); numEvents++; } if (window->spaceButton) { DeviceButtonPress(__glutSpaceball, __glutDeviceButtonPress, eventList[numEvents]); numEvents++; DeviceButtonPressGrab(__glutSpaceball, __glutDeviceButtonPressGrab, eventList[numEvents]); numEvents++; DeviceButtonRelease(__glutSpaceball, __glutDeviceButtonRelease, eventList[numEvents]); numEvents++; } if (window->spaceMotion || window->spaceRotate || window->spaceButton) { DeviceStateNotify(__glutSpaceball, __glutDeviceStateNotify, eventList[numEvents]); numEvents++; } } #if 0 if (window->children) { GLUTwindow *child = window->children; do { XChangeDeviceDontPropagateList(__glutDisplay, child->win, numEvents, eventList, AddToList); child = child->siblings; } while (child); } #endif XSelectExtensionEvent(__glutDisplay, window->win, eventList, numEvents); if (window->overlay) { XSelectExtensionEvent(__glutDisplay, window->overlay->win, eventList, numEvents); } } else { /* X Input extension not supported; no chance for exotic input devices. */ } #endif /* !_WIN32 */ } /* CENTRY */ int GLUTAPIENTRY glutDeviceGet(GLenum param) { probeDevices(); switch (param) { case GLUT_HAS_KEYBOARD: case GLUT_HAS_MOUSE: /* Assume window system always has mouse and keyboard. */ return 1; case GLUT_HAS_SPACEBALL: return __glutSpaceball != NULL; case GLUT_HAS_DIAL_AND_BUTTON_BOX: return __glutDials != NULL; case GLUT_HAS_TABLET: return __glutTablet != NULL; case GLUT_NUM_MOUSE_BUTTONS: return __glutNumMouseButtons; case GLUT_NUM_SPACEBALL_BUTTONS: return __glutNumSpaceballButtons; case GLUT_NUM_BUTTON_BOX_BUTTONS: return __glutNumButtonBoxButtons; case GLUT_NUM_DIALS: return __glutNumDials; case GLUT_NUM_TABLET_BUTTONS: return __glutNumTabletButtons; case GLUT_DEVICE_IGNORE_KEY_REPEAT: return __glutCurrentWindow->ignoreKeyRepeat; #ifndef _WIN32 case GLUT_DEVICE_KEY_REPEAT: { XKeyboardState state; XGetKeyboardControl(__glutDisplay, &state); return state.global_auto_repeat; } case GLUT_JOYSTICK_POLL_RATE: return 0; #else case GLUT_DEVICE_KEY_REPEAT: /* Win32 cannot globally disable key repeat. */ return GLUT_KEY_REPEAT_ON; case GLUT_JOYSTICK_POLL_RATE: return __glutCurrentWindow->joyPollInterval; #endif case GLUT_HAS_JOYSTICK: return __glutHasJoystick; case GLUT_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS: return __glutNumJoystickButtons; case GLUT_JOYSTICK_AXES: return __glutNumJoystickAxes; default: __glutWarning("invalid glutDeviceGet parameter: %d", param); return -1; } } /* ENDCENTRY */