/* Copyright (c) Nate Robins, 1997. */ /* portions Copyright (c) Mark Kilgard, 1997, 1998. */ /* This program is freely distributable without licensing fees and is provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or implied. This program is -not- in the public domain. */ #include "glutint.h" #include <sys/timeb.h> #ifdef __MINGW32__ #include <ctype.h> #endif #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN32__) #include <mmsystem.h> /* Win32 Multimedia API header. */ #endif extern unsigned __glutMenuButton; extern GLUTidleCB __glutIdleFunc; extern GLUTtimer *__glutTimerList; extern GLUTmenuItem *__glutGetUniqueMenuItem(GLUTmenu * menu, int unique); static HMENU __glutHMenu; void updateWindowState(GLUTwindow *window, int visState) { GLUTwindow* child; /* XXX shownState and visState are the same in Win32. */ window->shownState = visState; if (visState != window->visState) { if (window->windowStatus) { window->visState = visState; __glutSetWindow(window); window->windowStatus(visState); } } /* Since Win32 only sends an activate for the toplevel window, update the visibility for all the child windows. */ child = window->children; while (child) { updateWindowState(child, visState); child = child->siblings; } } LONG WINAPI __glutWindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { POINT point; /* Point structure. */ PAINTSTRUCT ps; /* Paint structure. */ LPMINMAXINFO minmax; /* Minimum/maximum info structure. */ GLUTwindow* window; /* GLUT window associated with message. */ GLUTmenu* menu; /* GLUT menu associated with message. */ int x, y, width, height, key; int button = -1; switch(msg) { case WM_CREATE: return 0; case WM_CLOSE: if (__glutExitFunc) { __glutExitFunc(0); } exit(0); break; #if 0 case WM_DESTROY: /* XXX NVidia's NT OpenGL can have problems closing down its OpenGL internal data structures if we just allow the process to terminate without unbinding and deleting the windows context. Apparently, DirectDraw unloads before OPENGL32.DLL in the close down sequence, but NVidia's NT OpenGL needs DirectDraw to close down its data structures. */ window = __glutGetWindow(hwnd); if (window) { if (window->ctx) { wglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL); wglDeleteContext(window->ctx); } } return 0; #endif case WM_PAINT: window = __glutGetWindow(hwnd); if (window) { BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); /* Must have this for some Win32 reason. */ EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); if (window->win == hwnd) { __glutPostRedisplay(window, GLUT_REPAIR_WORK); } else if (window->overlay && window->overlay->win == hwnd) { __glutPostRedisplay(window, GLUT_OVERLAY_REPAIR_WORK); } } return 0; case WM_SYSKEYUP: case WM_KEYUP: window = __glutGetWindow(hwnd); if (!window) { break; } /* Win32 is dumb and sends these messages only to the parent window. Therefore, find out if we're in a child window and call the child windows keyboard callback if we are. */ if (window->parent) { GetCursorPos(&point); ScreenToClient(hwnd, &point); hwnd = ChildWindowFromPoint(hwnd, point); window = __glutGetWindow(hwnd); } if (window->specialUp || window->keyboardUp) { GetCursorPos(&point); ScreenToClient(window->win, &point); __glutSetWindow(window); __glutModifierMask = 0; if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) /* < 0 = high order bit is on */ __glutModifierMask |= ShiftMask; if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) /* < 0 = high order bit is on */ __glutModifierMask |= ControlMask; if (GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0) __glutModifierMask |= Mod1Mask; switch (wParam) { /* *INDENT-OFF* */ case VK_F1: key = GLUT_KEY_F1; break; case VK_F2: key = GLUT_KEY_F2; break; case VK_F3: key = GLUT_KEY_F3; break; case VK_F4: key = GLUT_KEY_F4; break; case VK_F5: key = GLUT_KEY_F5; break; case VK_F6: key = GLUT_KEY_F6; break; case VK_F7: key = GLUT_KEY_F7; break; case VK_F8: key = GLUT_KEY_F8; break; case VK_F9: key = GLUT_KEY_F9; break; case VK_F10: key = GLUT_KEY_F10; break; case VK_F11: key = GLUT_KEY_F11; break; case VK_F12: key = GLUT_KEY_F12; break; case VK_LEFT: key = GLUT_KEY_LEFT; break; case VK_UP: key = GLUT_KEY_UP; break; case VK_RIGHT: key = GLUT_KEY_RIGHT; break; case VK_DOWN: key = GLUT_KEY_DOWN; break; case VK_PRIOR: key = GLUT_KEY_PAGE_UP; break; case VK_NEXT: key = GLUT_KEY_PAGE_DOWN; break; case VK_HOME: key = GLUT_KEY_HOME; break; case VK_END: key = GLUT_KEY_END; break; case VK_INSERT: key = GLUT_KEY_INSERT; break; case VK_DELETE: /* Delete is an ASCII character. */ if (window->keyboardUp) { window->keyboardUp((unsigned char) 127, point.x, point.y); } return 0; /* *INDENT-ON* */ default: if (window->keyboardUp) { key = MapVirtualKey(wParam, 2); /* Map to ASCII. */ if (isascii(key) && (key != 0)) { /* XXX Attempt to determine modified ASCII character is quite incomplete. Digits, symbols, CapsLock, Ctrl, and numeric keypad are all ignored. Fix this. */ if (!(__glutModifierMask & ShiftMask)) key = tolower(key); window->keyboardUp((unsigned char) key, point.x, point.y); } } __glutModifierMask = (unsigned int) ~0; return 0; } if (window->specialUp) { window->specialUp(key, point.x, point.y); } __glutModifierMask = (unsigned int) ~0; } return 0; case WM_SYSCHAR: case WM_CHAR: window = __glutGetWindow(hwnd); if (!window) { break; } /* Bit 30 of lParam is set if key already held down. If we are ignoring auto repeated key strokes for the window, bail. */ if (window->ignoreKeyRepeat && (lParam & (1 << 30)) ) { break; } /* Win32 is dumb and sends these messages only to the parent window. Therefore, find out if we're in a child window and call the child windows keyboard callback if we are. */ if (window->parent) { GetCursorPos(&point); ScreenToClient(hwnd, &point); hwnd = ChildWindowFromPoint(hwnd, point); window = __glutGetWindow(hwnd); } if (window->keyboard) { GetCursorPos(&point); ScreenToClient(window->win, &point); __glutSetWindow(window); __glutModifierMask = 0; if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) /* < 0 = high order bit is on */ __glutModifierMask |= ShiftMask; if (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0) __glutModifierMask |= ControlMask; if (GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0) __glutModifierMask |= Mod1Mask; window->keyboard((unsigned char)wParam, point.x, point.y); __glutModifierMask = (unsigned int) ~0; } return 0; case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: case WM_KEYDOWN: window = __glutGetWindow(hwnd); if (!window) { break; } /* Bit 30 of lParam is set if key already held down. If we are ignoring auto repeated key strokes for the window, bail. */ if (window->ignoreKeyRepeat && (lParam & (1 << 30)) ) { break; } /* Win32 is dumb and sends these messages only to the parent window. Therefore, find out if we're in a child window and call the child windows keyboard callback if we are. */ if (window->parent) { GetCursorPos(&point); ScreenToClient(hwnd, &point); hwnd = ChildWindowFromPoint(hwnd, point); window = __glutGetWindow(hwnd); } if (window->special) { switch (wParam) { /* *INDENT-OFF* */ /* function keys */ case VK_F1: key = GLUT_KEY_F1; break; case VK_F2: key = GLUT_KEY_F2; break; case VK_F3: key = GLUT_KEY_F3; break; case VK_F4: key = GLUT_KEY_F4; break; case VK_F5: key = GLUT_KEY_F5; break; case VK_F6: key = GLUT_KEY_F6; break; case VK_F7: key = GLUT_KEY_F7; break; case VK_F8: key = GLUT_KEY_F8; break; case VK_F9: key = GLUT_KEY_F9; break; case VK_F10: key = GLUT_KEY_F10; break; case VK_F11: key = GLUT_KEY_F11; break; case VK_F12: key = GLUT_KEY_F12; break; /* directional keys */ case VK_LEFT: key = GLUT_KEY_LEFT; break; case VK_UP: key = GLUT_KEY_UP; break; case VK_RIGHT: key = GLUT_KEY_RIGHT; break; case VK_DOWN: key = GLUT_KEY_DOWN; break; /* *INDENT-ON* */ case VK_PRIOR: /* VK_PRIOR is Win32's Page Up */ key = GLUT_KEY_PAGE_UP; break; case VK_NEXT: /* VK_NEXT is Win32's Page Down */ key = GLUT_KEY_PAGE_DOWN; break; case VK_HOME: key = GLUT_KEY_HOME; break; case VK_END: key = GLUT_KEY_END; break; case VK_INSERT: key = GLUT_KEY_INSERT; break; case VK_DELETE: goto handleDelete; default: goto defproc; } GetCursorPos(&point); ScreenToClient(window->win, &point); __glutSetWindow(window); __glutModifierMask = 0; if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) /* < 0 = high order bit is on */ __glutModifierMask |= ShiftMask; if (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0) __glutModifierMask |= ControlMask; if (GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0) __glutModifierMask |= Mod1Mask; window->special(key, point.x, point.y); __glutModifierMask = (unsigned int) ~0; } else if (window->keyboard) { /* Specially handle any keys that match ASCII values but do not generate Windows WM_SYSCHAR or WM_CHAR messages. */ switch (wParam) { case VK_DELETE: handleDelete: /* Delete is an ASCII character. */ GetCursorPos(&point); ScreenToClient(window->win, &point); __glutSetWindow(window); __glutModifierMask = 0; if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) /* < 0 = high order bit is on */ __glutModifierMask |= ShiftMask; if (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0) __glutModifierMask |= ControlMask; if (GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0) __glutModifierMask |= Mod1Mask; window->keyboard((unsigned char) 127, point.x, point.y); __glutModifierMask = (unsigned int) ~0; return 0; default: /* Let the following WM_SYSCHAR or WM_CHAR message generate the keyboard callback. */ break; } } return 0; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: button = GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON; case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: if (button < 0) button = GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON; case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: if (button < 0) button = GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON; /* finish the menu if we get a button down message (user must have cancelled the menu). */ if (__glutMappedMenu) { /* TODO: take this out once the menu on middle mouse stuff works properly. */ if (button == GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON) return 0; GetCursorPos(&point); ScreenToClient(hwnd, &point); __glutItemSelected = NULL; __glutFinishMenu(hwnd, point.x, point.y); return 0; } /* set the capture so we can get mouse events outside the window */ SetCapture(hwnd); /* Win32 doesn't return the same numbers as X does when the mouse goes beyond the upper or left side of the window. roll the Win32's 0..2^16 pointer co-ord range to 0 +/- 2^15. */ x = LOWORD(lParam); y = HIWORD(lParam); if(x & 1 << 15) x -= (1 << 16); if(y & 1 << 15) y -= (1 << 16); window = __glutGetWindow(hwnd); if (window) { menu = __glutGetMenuByNum(window->menu[button]); if (menu) { point.x = LOWORD(lParam); point.y = HIWORD(lParam); ClientToScreen(window->win, &point); __glutMenuButton = button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON ? TPM_RIGHTBUTTON : button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON ? TPM_LEFTBUTTON : 0x0001; __glutStartMenu(menu, window, point.x, point.y, x, y); } else if (window->mouse) { __glutSetWindow(window); __glutModifierMask = 0; if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) /* < 0 = high order bit is on. */ __glutModifierMask |= ShiftMask; if (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0) __glutModifierMask |= ControlMask; if (GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0) __glutModifierMask |= Mod1Mask; window->mouse(button, GLUT_DOWN, x, y); __glutModifierMask = (unsigned int)~0; } else { /* Stray mouse events. Ignore. */ } } return 0; case WM_LBUTTONUP: button = GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON; case WM_MBUTTONUP: if (button < 0) button = GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON; case WM_RBUTTONUP: if (button < 0) button = GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON; /* Bail out if we're processing a menu. */ if (__glutMappedMenu) { GetCursorPos(&point); ScreenToClient(hwnd, &point); /* if we're getting the middle button up signal, then something on the menu was selected. */ if (button == GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON) { return 0; /* For some reason, the code below always returns -1 even though the point IS IN THE ITEM! Therefore, just bail out if we get a middle mouse up. The user must select using the left mouse button. Stupid Win32. */ #if 0 int item = MenuItemFromPoint(hwnd, __glutHMenu, point); if (item != -1) __glutItemSelected = (GLUTmenuItem*)GetMenuItemID(__glutHMenu, item); else __glutItemSelected = NULL; __glutFinishMenu(hwnd, point.x, point.y); #endif } else { __glutItemSelected = NULL; __glutFinishMenu(hwnd, point.x, point.y); } return 0; } /* Release the mouse capture. */ ReleaseCapture(); window = __glutGetWindow(hwnd); if (window && window->mouse) { /* Win32 doesn't return the same numbers as X does when the mouse goes beyond the upper or left side of the window. roll the Win32's 0..2^16 pointer co-ord range to 0 +/- 2^15. */ x = LOWORD(lParam); y = HIWORD(lParam); if(x & 1 << 15) x -= (1 << 16); if(y & 1 << 15) y -= (1 << 16); __glutSetWindow(window); __glutModifierMask = 0; if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) /* < 0 = high order bit is on */ __glutModifierMask |= ShiftMask; if (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0) __glutModifierMask |= ControlMask; if (GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0) __glutModifierMask |= Mod1Mask; window->mouse(button, GLUT_UP, x, y); __glutModifierMask = (unsigned int)~0; } else { /* Window might have been destroyed and all the events for the window may not yet be received. */ } return 0; case WM_ENTERMENULOOP: /* KLUDGE: create a timer that fires every 100 ms when we start a menu so that we can still process the idle & timer events (that way, the timers will fire during a menu pick and so will the idle func. */ SetTimer(hwnd, 1, 1, NULL); return 0; case WM_TIMER: #if 0 /* If the timer id is 2, then this is the timer that is set up in the main glut message processing loop, and we don't want to do anything but acknowledge that we got it. It is used to prevent CPU spiking when an idle function is installed. */ if (wParam == 2) return 0; #endif /* only worry about the idle function and the timeouts, since these are the only events we expect to process during processing of a menu. */ /* we no longer process the idle functions (as outlined in the README), since drawing can't be done until the menu has finished...it's pretty lame when the animation goes on, but doesn't update, so you get this weird jerkiness. */ #if 0 if (__glutIdleFunc) __glutIdleFunc(); #endif if (__glutTimerList) handleTimeouts(); return 0; case WM_EXITMENULOOP: /* nuke the above created timer...we don't need it anymore, since the menu is gone now. */ KillTimer(hwnd, 1); return 0; case WM_MENUSELECT: if (lParam != 0) __glutHMenu = (HMENU)lParam; return 0; case WM_COMMAND: if (__glutMappedMenu) { if (GetSubMenu(__glutHMenu, LOWORD(wParam))) __glutItemSelected = NULL; else __glutItemSelected = __glutGetUniqueMenuItem(__glutMappedMenu, LOWORD(wParam)); GetCursorPos(&point); ScreenToClient(hwnd, &point); __glutFinishMenu(hwnd, point.x, point.y); } return 0; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: if (!__glutMappedMenu) { window = __glutGetWindow(hwnd); if (window) { /* If motion function registered _and_ buttons held * down, call motion function... */ x = LOWORD(lParam); y = HIWORD(lParam); /* Win32 doesn't return the same numbers as X does when the mouse goes beyond the upper or left side of the window. roll the Win32's 0..2^16 pointer co-ord range to 0..+/-2^15. */ if(x & 1 << 15) x -= (1 << 16); if(y & 1 << 15) y -= (1 << 16); if (window->motion && wParam & (MK_LBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON)) { __glutSetWindow(window); window->motion(x, y); } /* If passive motion function registered _and_ buttons not held down, call passive motion function... */ else if (window->passive && ((wParam & (MK_LBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON)) == 0)) { __glutSetWindow(window); window->passive(x, y); } } } else { /* Motion events are thrown away when a pop up menu is active. */ } return 0; case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: /* this voodoo is brought to you by Win32 (again). It allows the window to be bigger than the screen, and smaller than 100x100 (although it doesn't seem to help the y minimum). */ minmax = (LPMINMAXINFO)lParam; minmax->ptMaxSize.x = __glutScreenWidth; minmax->ptMaxSize.y = __glutScreenHeight; minmax->ptMinTrackSize.x = 0; minmax->ptMinTrackSize.y = 0; minmax->ptMaxTrackSize.x = __glutScreenWidth + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZE) * 2; minmax->ptMaxTrackSize.y = __glutScreenHeight + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZE) * 2 + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION); return 0; case WM_SIZE: window = __glutGetWindow(hwnd); if (window) { width = LOWORD(lParam); height = HIWORD(lParam); if (width != window->width || height != window->height) { #if 0 /* Win32 GLUT does not support overlays for now. */ if (window->overlay) { XResizeWindow(__glutDisplay, window->overlay->win, width, height); } #endif window->width = width; window->height = height; __glutSetWindow(window); /* Do not execute OpenGL out of sequence with respect to the SetWindowPos request! */ GdiFlush(); window->reshape(width, height); window->forceReshape = FALSE; /* A reshape should be considered like posting a repair request. */ __glutPostRedisplay(window, GLUT_REPAIR_WORK); } } return 0; case WM_SETCURSOR: /* If the cursor is not in the client area, then we want to send this message to the default window procedure ('cause its probably in the border or title, and we don't handle that cursor. otherwise, set our cursor. Win32 makes us set the cursor every time the mouse moves (DUMB!). */ if(LOWORD(lParam) != HTCLIENT) { goto defproc; } window = __glutGetWindow(hwnd); if (window) { __glutSetCursor(window); } /* TODO: check out the info in DevStudio on WM_SETCURSOR in the DefaultAction section. */ return 1; case WM_SETFOCUS: window = __glutGetWindow(hwnd); if (window) { window->entryState = WM_SETFOCUS; if (window->entry) { __glutSetWindow(window); window->entry(GLUT_ENTERED); /* XXX Generation of fake passive notify? See how much work the X11 code does to support fake passive notify callbacks. */ } if (window->joystick && __glutCurrentWindow) { if (__glutCurrentWindow->joyPollInterval > 0) { MMRESULT result; /* Because Win32 will only let one window capture the joystick at a time, we must capture it when we get the focus and release it when we lose the focus. */ result = joySetCapture(__glutCurrentWindow->win, JOYSTICKID1, 0, TRUE); if (result != JOYERR_NOERROR) { return 0; } (void) joySetThreshold(JOYSTICKID1, __glutCurrentWindow->joyPollInterval); } } } return 0; case WM_KILLFOCUS: window = __glutGetWindow(hwnd); if (window) { window->entryState = WM_KILLFOCUS; if (window->entry) { __glutSetWindow(window); window->entry(GLUT_LEFT); } if (window->joystick && __glutCurrentWindow) { if (__glutCurrentWindow->joyPollInterval > 0) { /* Because Win32 will only let one window capture the joystick at a time, we must capture it when we get the focus and release it when we lose the focus. */ (void) joyReleaseCapture(JOYSTICKID1); } } } return 0; case WM_ACTIVATE: window = __glutGetWindow(hwnd); /* Make sure we re-select the correct palette if needed. */ if (LOWORD(wParam)) { PostMessage(hwnd, WM_PALETTECHANGED, 0, 0); } if (window) { int visState; /* HIWORD(wParam) is the minimized flag. */ visState = !HIWORD(wParam); updateWindowState(window, visState); } return 0; /* Colour Palette Management */ case WM_PALETTECHANGED: if (hwnd == (HWND)wParam) { /* Don't respond to the message that we sent! */ break; } /* fall through to WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE */ case WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE: window = __glutGetWindow(hwnd); if (window && window->colormap) { UnrealizeObject(window->colormap->cmap); SelectPalette(window->hdc, window->colormap->cmap, FALSE); RealizePalette(window->hdc); return TRUE; } return FALSE; case MM_JOY1MOVE: case MM_JOY1ZMOVE: window = __glutGetWindow(hwnd); if (window->joystick) { JOYINFOEX jix; int x, y, z; /* Because WIN32 only supports messages for X, Y, and Z translations, we must poll for the rest */ jix.dwSize = sizeof(jix); jix.dwFlags = JOY_RETURNALL; joyGetPosEx(JOYSTICKID1,&jix); #define SCALE(v) ((int) ((v - 32767)/32.768)) /* Convert to integer for scaling. */ x = jix.dwXpos; y = jix.dwYpos; z = jix.dwZpos; window->joystick(jix.dwButtons, SCALE(x), SCALE(y), SCALE(z)); return TRUE; } return FALSE; case MM_JOY1BUTTONDOWN: case MM_JOY1BUTTONUP: window = __glutGetWindow(hwnd); if (window->joystick) { JOYINFOEX jix; /* Because WIN32 only supports messages for X, Y, and Z translations, we must poll for the rest */ jix.dwSize = sizeof(jix); jix.dwFlags = JOY_RETURNALL; joyGetPosEx(JOYSTICKID1,&jix); return TRUE; } return FALSE; #if 0 /* Miscellaneous messages (don't really need to enumerate them, but it's good to know what you're not getting sometimes). */ case WM_DISPLAYCHANGE: break; case WM_NCHITTEST: /* This event is generated by every mouse move event. */ goto defproc; case WM_NCMOUSEMOVE: goto defproc; case WM_NCACTIVATE: goto defproc; case WM_NCPAINT: goto defproc; case WM_NCCALCSIZE: goto defproc; case WM_NCCREATE: goto defproc; case WM_NCDESTROY: goto defproc; case WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN: goto defproc; case WM_SETTEXT: goto defproc; case WM_GETTEXT: goto defproc; case WM_ACTIVATEAPP: goto defproc; case WM_GETICON: goto defproc; case WM_ERASEBKGND: goto defproc; case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: goto defproc; case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: goto defproc; case WM_MOUSEACTIVATE: goto defproc; case WM_SHOWWINDOW: goto defproc; case WM_MOVING: goto defproc; case WM_MOVE: goto defproc; case WM_KEYUP: goto defproc; case WM_CAPTURECHANGED: goto defproc; case WM_SYSCOMMAND: goto defproc; case WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE: goto defproc; case WM_ENTERIDLE: goto defproc; #endif default: goto defproc; } defproc: return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); }