** License Applicability. Except to the extent portions of this file are
** made subject to an alternative license as permitted in the SGI Free
** Software License B, Version 1.1 (the "License"), the contents of this
** file are subject only to the provisions of the License. You may not use
** this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
** of the License at Silicon Graphics, Inc., attn: Legal Services, 1600
** Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, or at:
** http://oss.sgi.com/projects/FreeB
** Note that, as provided in the License, the Software is distributed on an
** Original Code. The Original Code is: OpenGL Sample Implementation,
** Version 1.2.1, released January 26, 2000, developed by Silicon Graphics,
** Inc. The Original Code is Copyright (c) 1991-2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** Copyright in any portions created by third parties is as indicated
** elsewhere herein. All Rights Reserved.
** Additional Notice Provisions: The application programming interfaces
** established by SGI in conjunction with the Original Code are The
** OpenGL(R) Graphics System: A Specification (Version 1.2.1), released
** April 1, 1999; The OpenGL(R) Graphics System Utility Library (Version
** 1.3), released November 4, 1998; and OpenGL(R) Graphics with the X
** Window System(R) (Version 1.3), released October 19, 1998. This software
** was created using the OpenGL(R) version 1.2.1 Sample Implementation
** published by SGI, but has not been independently verified as being
** compliant with the OpenGL(R) version 1.2.1 Specification.
/* $XFree86: xc/lib/GL/glx/glxclient.h,v 1.21 2004/02/09 23:46:31 alanh Exp $ */

 * \file glxclient.h
 * Direct rendering support added by Precision Insight, Inc.
 * \author Kevin E. Martin <kevin@precisioninsight.com>

#ifndef _GLX_client_h_
#define _GLX_client_h_
#include <X11/Xproto.h>
#include <X11/Xlibint.h>
#include <GL/glx.h>
#include <GL/glxext.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <stdint.h>
#include "GL/glxint.h"
#include "GL/glxproto.h"
#include "GL/internal/glcore.h"
#include "glapitable.h"
#include "glxextensions.h"
#if defined( USE_XTHREADS )
# include <X11/Xthreads.h>
#elif defined( PTHREADS )
# include <pthread.h>

#define GLX_MAJOR_VERSION	1	/* current version numbers */


typedef struct __GLXcontextRec __GLXcontext;
typedef struct __GLXdisplayPrivateRec __GLXdisplayPrivate;
typedef struct _glapi_table __GLapi;



#include <GL/internal/dri_interface.h>

 * Display dependent methods.  This structure is initialized during the
 * \c driCreateDisplay call.
struct __DRIdisplayRec {
     * Method to destroy the private DRI display data.
    void (*destroyDisplay)(Display *dpy, void *displayPrivate);

     * Opaque pointer to private per display direct rendering data.
     * \c NULL if direct rendering is not supported on this display.
    struct __DRIdisplayPrivateRec *private;

     * Array of pointers to methods to create and initialize the private DRI
     * screen data.

** We keep a linked list of these structures, one per DRI device driver.
struct __DRIdriverRec {
   const char *name;
   void *handle;
   struct __DRIdriverRec *next;

** Function to create and DRI display data and initialize the display
** dependent methods.
extern void *driCreateDisplay(Display *dpy, __DRIdisplay *pdisp);

extern  __DRIdriver *driGetDriver(Display *dpy, int scrNum);

extern void DRI_glXUseXFont( Font font, int first, int count, int listbase );

** Functions to obtain driver configuration information from a direct
** rendering client application
extern const char *glXGetScreenDriver (Display *dpy, int scrNum);

extern const char *glXGetDriverConfig (const char *driverName);

extern Bool __glXWindowExists(Display *dpy, GLXDrawable draw);




typedef struct __GLXpixelStoreModeRec {
    GLboolean swapEndian;
    GLboolean lsbFirst;
    GLuint rowLength;
    GLuint imageHeight;
    GLuint imageDepth;
    GLuint skipRows;
    GLuint skipPixels;
    GLuint skipImages;
    GLuint alignment;
} __GLXpixelStoreMode;

typedef struct __GLXattributeRec {
    GLuint mask;

     * Pixel storage state.  Most of the pixel store mode state is kept
     * here and used by the client code to manage the packing and
     * unpacking of data sent to/received from the server.
    __GLXpixelStoreMode storePack, storeUnpack;

     * Is EXT_vertex_array / GL 1.1 DrawArrays protocol specifically
     * disabled?
    GLboolean NoDrawArraysProtocol;
     * Vertex Array storage state.  The vertex array component
     * state is stored here and is used to manage the packing of
     * DrawArrays data sent to the server.
    struct array_state_vector * array_state;
} __GLXattribute;

typedef struct __GLXattributeMachineRec {
	__GLXattribute *stack[__GL_CLIENT_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH];
	__GLXattribute **stackPointer;
} __GLXattributeMachine;

 * GLX state that needs to be kept on the client.  One of these records
 * exist for each context that has been made current by this client.
struct __GLXcontextRec {
     * \name Drawing command buffer.
     * Drawing commands are packed into this buffer before being sent as a
     * single GLX protocol request.  The buffer is sent when it overflows or
     * is flushed by \c __glXFlushRenderBuffer.  \c pc is the next location
     * in the buffer to be filled.  \c limit is described above in the buffer
     * slop discussion.
     * Commands that require large amounts of data to be transfered will
     * also use this buffer to hold a header that describes the large
     * command.
     * These must be the first 6 fields since they are static initialized
     * in the dummy context in glxext.c
    GLubyte *buf;
    GLubyte *pc;
    GLubyte *limit;
    GLubyte *bufEnd;
    GLint bufSize;

     * The XID of this rendering context.  When the context is created a
     * new XID is allocated.  This is set to None when the context is
     * destroyed but is still current to some thread. In this case the
     * context will be freed on next MakeCurrent.
    XID xid;

     * The XID of the \c shareList context.
    XID share_xid;

     * Visual id.
     * \deprecated
     * This filed has been largely been replaced by the \c mode field, but
     * the work is not quite done.
    VisualID vid;

     * Screen number.
    GLint screen;

     * \c GL_TRUE if the context was created with ImportContext, which
     * means the server-side context was created by another X client.
    GLboolean imported;

     * The context tag returned by MakeCurrent when this context is made
     * current. This tag is used to identify the context that a thread has
     * current so that proper server context management can be done.  It is
     * used for all context specific commands (i.e., \c Render, \c RenderLarge,
     * \c WaitX, \c WaitGL, \c UseXFont, and \c MakeCurrent (for the old
     * context)).
    GLXContextTag currentContextTag;

     * \name Rendering mode
     * The rendering mode is kept on the client as well as the server.
     * When \c glRenderMode is called, the buffer associated with the
     * previous rendering mode (feedback or select) is filled.
    GLenum renderMode;
    GLfloat *feedbackBuf;
    GLuint *selectBuf;

     * This is \c GL_TRUE if the pixel unpack modes are such that an image
     * can be unpacked from the clients memory by just copying.  It may
     * still be true that the server will have to do some work.  This
     * just promises that a straight copy will fetch the correct bytes.
    GLboolean fastImageUnpack;

     * Fill newImage with the unpacked form of \c oldImage getting it
     * ready for transport to the server.
    void (*fillImage)(__GLXcontext*, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLenum,
		      GLenum, const GLvoid*, GLubyte*, GLubyte*);

     * Client side attribs.
    __GLXattributeMachine attributes;

     * Client side error code.  This is set when client side gl API
     * routines need to set an error because of a bad enumerant or
     * running out of memory, etc.
    GLenum error;

     * Whether this context does direct rendering.
    Bool isDirect;

     * \c dpy of current display for this context.  Will be \c NULL if not
     * current to any display, or if this is the "dummy context".
    Display *currentDpy;

     * The current drawable for this context.  Will be None if this
     * context is not current to any drawable.  currentReadable is below.
    GLXDrawable currentDrawable;

     * \name GL Constant Strings
     * Constant strings that describe the server implementation
     * These pertain to GL attributes, not to be confused with
     * GLX versioning attributes.
    GLubyte *vendor;
    GLubyte *renderer;
    GLubyte *version;
    GLubyte *extensions;

     * Record the dpy this context was created on for later freeing
    Display *createDpy;

     * Maximum small render command size.  This is the smaller of 64k and
     * the size of the above buffer.
    GLint maxSmallRenderCommandSize;

     * Major opcode for the extension.  Copied here so a lookup isn't
     * needed.
    GLint majorOpcode;

     * Per context direct rendering interface functions and data.
    __DRIcontext driContext;
     * \c GLXFBConfigID used to create this context.  May be \c None.  This
     * field has been replaced by the \c mode field.
     * \since Internal API version 20030317.
     * \deprecated
     * This filed has been largely been replaced by the \c mode field, but
     * the work is not quite done.
    GLXFBConfigID  fbconfigID;

     * The current read-drawable for this context.  Will be None if this
     * context is not current to any drawable.
     * \since Internal API version 20030606.
    GLXDrawable currentReadable;

    * Pointer to client-state data that is private to libGL.  This is only
    * used for indirect rendering contexts.
    * No internal API version change was made for this change.  Client-side
    * drivers should NEVER use this data or even care that it exists.
   void * client_state_private;

    * Stored value for \c glXQueryContext attribute \c GLX_RENDER_TYPE.
   int renderType;
    * \name Raw server GL version
    * True core GL version supported by the server.  This is the raw value
    * returned by the server, and it may not reflect what is actually
    * supported (or reported) by the client-side library.
   int server_major;        /**< Major version number. */
   int server_minor;        /**< Minor version number. */

    char gl_extension_bits[ __GL_EXT_BYTES ];

#define __glXSetError(gc,code) \
    if (!(gc)->error) {	       \
	(gc)->error = code;    \

extern void __glFreeAttributeState(__GLXcontext *);


 * The size of the largest drawing command known to the implementation
 * that will use the GLXRender GLX command.  In this case it is
 * \c glPolygonStipple.

 * To keep the implementation fast, the code uses a "limit" pointer
 * to determine when the drawing command buffer is too full to hold
 * another fixed size command.  This constant defines the amount of
 * space that must always be available in the drawing command buffer
 * at all times for the implementation to work.  It is important that
 * the number be just large enough, but not so large as to reduce the
 * efficacy of the buffer.  The "+32" is just to keep the code working
 * in case somebody counts wrong.

 * This implementation uses a smaller threshold for switching
 * to the RenderLarge protocol than the protcol requires so that
 * large copies don't occur.

 * One of these records exists per screen of the display.  It contains
 * a pointer to the config data for that screen (if the screen supports GL).
typedef struct __GLXscreenConfigsRec {
     * GLX extension string reported by the X-server.
    const char *serverGLXexts;

     * GLX extension string to be reported to applications.  This is the
     * set of extensions that the application can actually use.
    char *effectiveGLXexts;

     * Per screen direct rendering interface functions and data.
    __DRIscreen driScreen;

     * Linked list of configurations for this screen.
    __GLcontextModes *configs;

     * Per-screen dynamic GLX extension tracking.  The \c direct_support
     * field only contains enough bits for 64 extensions.  Should libGL
     * ever need to track more than 64 GLX extensions, we can safely grow
     * this field.  The \c __GLXscreenConfigs structure is not used outside
     * libGL.
    unsigned char direct_support[8];
    GLboolean ext_list_first_time;

} __GLXscreenConfigs;

 * Per display private data.  One of these records exists for each display
 * that is using the OpenGL (GLX) extension.
struct __GLXdisplayPrivateRec {
     * Back pointer to the display
    Display *dpy;

     * The \c majorOpcode is common to all connections to the same server.
     * It is also copied into the context structure.
    int majorOpcode;

     * \name Server Version
     * Major and minor version returned by the server during initialization.
    int majorVersion, minorVersion;

     * \name Storage for the servers GLX vendor and versions strings.
     * These are the same for all screens on this display. These fields will
     * be filled in on demand.
    const char *serverGLXvendor;
    const char *serverGLXversion;

     * Configurations of visuals for all screens on this display.
     * Also, per screen data which now includes the server \c GLX_EXTENSION
     * string.
    __GLXscreenConfigs *screenConfigs;

     * Per display direct rendering interface functions and data.
    __DRIdisplay driDisplay;

void __glXFreeContext(__GLXcontext*);

extern GLubyte *__glXFlushRenderBuffer(__GLXcontext*, GLubyte*);

extern void __glXSendLargeChunk(__GLXcontext *gc, GLint requestNumber, 
				GLint totalRequests,
				const GLvoid * data, GLint dataLen);

extern void __glXSendLargeCommand(__GLXcontext *, const GLvoid *, GLint,
				  const GLvoid *, GLint);

/* Initialize the GLX extension for dpy */
extern __GLXdisplayPrivate *__glXInitialize(Display*);


extern int __glXDebug;

/* This is per-thread storage in an MT environment */
#if defined( USE_XTHREADS ) || defined( PTHREADS )

extern void __glXSetCurrentContext(__GLXcontext *c);

# if defined( GLX_USE_TLS )

extern __thread void * __glX_tls_Context

#  define __glXGetCurrentContext()	__glX_tls_Context

# else

extern __GLXcontext *__glXGetCurrentContext(void);

# endif /* defined( GLX_USE_TLS ) */


extern __GLXcontext *__glXcurrentContext;
#define __glXGetCurrentContext()	__glXcurrentContext
#define __glXSetCurrentContext(gc)	__glXcurrentContext = gc

#endif /* defined( USE_XTHREADS ) || defined( PTHREADS ) */

** Global lock for all threads in this address space using the GLX
** extension
#if defined( USE_XTHREADS )
extern xmutex_rec __glXmutex;
#define __glXLock()    xmutex_lock(&__glXmutex)
#define __glXUnlock()  xmutex_unlock(&__glXmutex)
#elif defined( PTHREADS )
extern pthread_mutex_t __glXmutex;
#define __glXLock()    pthread_mutex_lock(&__glXmutex)
#define __glXUnlock()  pthread_mutex_unlock(&__glXmutex)
#define __glXLock()
#define __glXUnlock()

** Setup for a command.  Initialize the extension for dpy if necessary.
extern CARD8 __glXSetupForCommand(Display *dpy);


** Data conversion and packing support.

extern const GLuint __glXDefaultPixelStore[9];

/* Send an image to the server using RenderLarge. */
extern void __glXSendLargeImage(__GLXcontext *gc, GLint compsize, GLint dim,
    GLint width, GLint height, GLint depth, GLenum format, GLenum type,
    const GLvoid *src, GLubyte *pc, GLubyte *modes);

/* Return the size, in bytes, of some pixel data */
extern GLint __glImageSize(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLenum, GLenum, GLenum);

/* Return the number of elements per group of a specified format*/
extern GLint __glElementsPerGroup(GLenum format, GLenum type);

/* Return the number of bytes per element, based on the element type (other
** than GL_BITMAP).
extern GLint __glBytesPerElement(GLenum type);

** Fill the transport buffer with the data from the users buffer,
** applying some of the pixel store modes (unpack modes) to the data
** first.  As a side effect of this call, the "modes" field is
** updated to contain the modes needed by the server to decode the
** sent data.
extern void __glFillImage(__GLXcontext*, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLenum,
			  GLenum, const GLvoid*, GLubyte*, GLubyte*);

/* Copy map data with a stride into a packed buffer */
extern void __glFillMap1f(GLint, GLint, GLint, const GLfloat *, GLubyte *);
extern void __glFillMap1d(GLint, GLint, GLint, const GLdouble *, GLubyte *);
extern void __glFillMap2f(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint,
			  const GLfloat *, GLfloat *);
extern void __glFillMap2d(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint,
			  const GLdouble *, GLdouble *);

** Empty an image out of the reply buffer into the clients memory applying
** the pack modes to pack back into the clients requested format.
extern void __glEmptyImage(__GLXcontext*, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLenum,
		           GLenum, const GLubyte *, GLvoid *);

** Allocate and Initialize Vertex Array client state 
extern void __glXInitVertexArrayState(__GLXcontext*);

** Inform the Server of the major and minor numbers and of the client
** libraries extension string.
extern void __glXClientInfo (  Display *dpy, int opcode );


** Declarations that should be in Xlib
extern void _XFlush(Display*);
extern Status _XReply(Display*, xReply*, int, Bool);
extern void _XRead(Display*, void*, long);
extern void _XSend(Display*, const void*, long);

extern void __glXInitializeVisualConfigFromTags( __GLcontextModes *config,
    int count, const INT32 *bp, Bool tagged_only, Bool fbconfig_style_tags );

extern char * __glXGetStringFromServer( Display * dpy, int opcode,
    CARD32 glxCode, CARD32 for_whom, CARD32 name );

extern char *__glXstrdup(const char *str);

extern const char __glXGLClientVersion[];
extern const char __glXGLClientExtensions[];

/* Determine the internal API version */
extern int __glXGetInternalVersion(void);

/* Get the unadjusted system time */
extern int __glXGetUST( int64_t * ust );

extern Bool __glXGetMscRateOML(Display * dpy, GLXDrawable drawable,
    int32_t * numerator, int32_t * denominator);

#endif /* !__GLX_client_h__ */