# Makefile for linux-solo (i.e. stand-alone DRI drivers for miniglx environment)
# We just generate a mesa.a file which is all the core Mesa sources.  This will
# get linked into the DRI hardware drivers (name *_dri.so).

TOP = ../..

include sources

# The objects we want to make:

##### RULES #####

	$(CC) -c $(INCLUDE_DIRS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@

	$(CC) -c $(INCLUDE_DIRS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@

x86/matypes.h: main/mtypes.h tnl/t_context.h x86/gen_matypes.c
	$(CC) $(INCLUDE_DIRS) $(CFLAGS) x86/gen_matypes.c -o x86/gen_matypes
	./x86/gen_matypes > x86/matypes.h
	rm -f x86/gen_matypes x86/*.o

x86/common_x86_asm.o: x86/matypes.h

##### TARGETS #####

	@echo "Specify a target configuration"

targets: mesa.a

# Make archive of core object files for linux-solo DRI drivers
mesa.a:	$(OBJECTS)
	rm -f $@
	ar rcv $@ $(OBJECTS)
	ranlib $@

# Run 'make -f Makefile.solo dep' to update the dependencies if you change
# what's included by any source file.
	makedepend -fdepend -Y $(INCLUDE_DIRS) $(CORE_SOURCES) $(ASM_SOURCES)

# Emacs tags
	etags `find . -name \*.[ch]` `find ../include`

# Remove .o and backup files
	-rm -f *.a
	-rm -f */*.o */*~ */*.o */*~
	-rm -f drivers/*/*.o drivers/*/*/*.o

include $(TOP)/Make-config

include depend