/* $Id: dosmesa.c,v 1.1 1999/08/19 00:55:41 jtg Exp $ */

 * Mesa 3-D graphics library
 * Version:  2.3
 * Copyright (C) 1995-1997  Brian Paul
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

 * $Log: dosmesa.c,v $
 * Revision 1.1  1999/08/19 00:55:41  jtg
 * Initial revision
 * Revision 1.2  1999/03/28 21:11:57  brianp
 * updated SetBuffer driver function
 * Revision 1.1  1999/02/24 03:56:31  brianp
 * initial check-in
 * Revision 1.5  1997/06/19  22:00:00  Brian Paul
 * Removed all ColorShift stuff
 * Revision 1.4  1997/06/03  19:00:00  Brian Paul
 * Replaced VB->Unclipped[] with VB->ClipMask[]
 * Revision 1.3  1997/05/28  07:00:00  Phil Frisbie, Jr.
 * Now pass red/green/blue/alpha bits to gl_create_visual()
 * Fixed DJGPP mode 13 support.
 * Revision 1.2  1996/12/08  16:13:45  Charlie
 * Added VESA support via Scitechs SVGA kit.
 * Revision 1.1  1996/12/08  16:09:52  Charlie
 * Initial revision

 * DOS VGA/VESA/MGL/Mesa interface.

 * TODO: (cw)
 *	 Improve the colour matcher for rgb non vesa modes, its pretty bad and incorrect
 *	 Keyboard interrupt.
 *  Comments and tidy up.
 *  Add support for VESA without SVGAKIT.
 *  DirectX Support.
 *  Better GLIDE Support.
 *  Clear up the #ifdef madness.

#ifdef DOSVGA

#if defined(DOSVGA) && !defined(GLIDE) && defined(DJGPP) && !defined(UNIVBE) && !defined(MGL)

/* Should help cut down on the crazy #if`s */
#define MODE13 1

#undef MODE13

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dos.h>

#ifdef DJGPP
#include <go32.h>

#ifdef MGL
#include <mgraph.h>

#include "GL/DOSmesa.h"
#include "context.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "types.h"

#ifdef GLIDE

static void glideshutdown( void );
#include "vb.h"
#include "glide.h"

/* the glide modes available, set one */

//#define GLIDE_MODE GR_RESOLUTION_640x480

static GrVertex gr_vtx,gr_vtx1,gr_vtx2;


#ifdef UNIVBE
/* You get this file from Scitechs VESA development kit */
#include "svga.h"

   Set these to the VESA mode you require, the first is for 256 colour modes,
   the other is High colour modes, they must both be the same XRes and YRes.

#define VESA_256COLOUR_MODE 0x11c
#define VESA_HICOLOUR_MODE 0x11f


struct DOSmesa_context {
   GLcontext *gl_ctx;			/* the core Mesa context */
   GLvisual *gl_vis;				/* describes the color buffer */
   GLframebuffer *gl_buffer;	/* the ancillary buffers */
   GLuint index;					/* current color index */
   GLint red, green, blue;		/* current rgb color */
   GLint width, height;			/* size of color buffer */
   GLint depth;					/* bits per pixel (8,16,24 or 32) */

static DOSMesaContext DOSMesa = NULL;    /* the current context */

#ifdef UNIVBE
SV_devCtx *DC=NULL;
int useLinear = TRUE;
SV_modeInfo *mi=NULL;
unsigned long modeNumber = 0;

int activePage = 0;
int visualPage = 1;


#if defined(MODE13)

/* DOSVGA With no UniVBE support */

unsigned char *video_buffer;

#define VID_BUF(x,y) *(video_buffer+x+(y*320))

#if defined(__WATCOMC__) && defined(__386__) && defined(__DOS__)

void setupcopy(void);
void copyscr(void);

/* Watcom C specfic, screen copy and clear */

#pragma aux setupcopy = \
	"push ebp" \
	"mov esi,video_buffer" \
	"mov edi,0xa0000" \
	"mov ecx,2000" \
	"xor ebp,ebp";

#pragma aux copyscr = \
	".386P" \
	"lop1: mov eax,[esi]"\
	"mov ebx,[esi+4]"\
	"mov edx,[esi+8]"\
	"mov [edi],eax"\
	"mov eax,[esi+12]"\
	"mov dword ptr [esi],ebp"\
	"mov dword ptr [esi+4],ebp"\
	"mov dword ptr [esi+8],ebp"\
	"mov dword ptr [esi+12],ebp"\
	"mov [edi+4],ebx"\
	"mov [edi+8],edx"\
	"mov [edi+12],eax"\
	"mov eax,[esi+16]"\
	"mov ebx,[esi+4+16]"\
	"mov edx,[esi+8+16]"\
	"mov [edi+16],eax"\
	"mov eax,[esi+12+16]"\
	"mov dword ptr [esi+16],ebp"\
	"mov dword ptr [esi+4+16],ebp"\
	"mov dword ptr [esi+8+16],ebp"\
	"mov dword ptr [esi+12+16],ebp"\
	"mov [edi+4+16],ebx"\
	"mov [edi+8+16],edx"\
	"mov [edi+12+16],eax"\
	"add esi,32"\
	"add edi,32"\
	"dec ecx"\
	"jnz lop1"\
	"pop ebp"\
	modify exact [edi esi eax ebx ecx] ;

#endif // WATCOM

#endif // MODE13

 * Convert Mesa window Y coordinate to VGA screen Y coordinate:
#define FLIP(Y)  (DOSMesa->height-(Y)-1)

unsigned short vga_cindex = 32768 ;

static points_func choose_points_function( void );
static line_func choose_line_function( void );
static triangle_func choose_polygon_function( void );
static void fast_tri(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv );

static points_func choose_points_function( void )
	return NULL;

static line_func choose_line_function( void )
	return NULL;

static triangle_func choose_triangle_function( void )
	#if defined(MODE13)
		return	NULL;

	#if defined(GLIDE)
		return fast_tri;

	return	NULL;

#if defined(MODE13)

void setgfxmode(void);
void settextmode(void);

#ifndef DJGPP
#pragma aux setgfxmode = \
	"mov	ax,13h" \
	"int	10h" \
	modify [eax];

#pragma aux settextmode = \
	"mov	ax,3h" \
	"int	10h" \
	modify [eax];
void setgfxmode(void)
	union REGS in_regs,out_regs;

	in_regs.x.ax = 0x13;

void settextmode(void)
	union REGS in_regs,out_regs;

	in_regs.x.ax = 0x3;


int set_video_mode(unsigned short x,unsigned short y,char mode)
	return 1;	/* likelyhood of this failing is very small */

void restore_video_mode(void)

int vga_getcolors(void)
	return vga_cindex;

int vga_getxdim(void)
	return 320;

int vga_getydim(void)
	return 200;

static unsigned short num_rgb_alloc = 1; /* start from 1, zero is black */

/* an unlikely colour */
static unsigned char last_r=1,last_g=255,last_b=99;

extern void set_onecolor(int index,int R,int G,int B);

static unsigned char rgbtable[64][64][64];

void vga_setrgbcolor(int r,int g,int b)

 * make this into a translation table

	DOSMesa->red = r;
	DOSMesa->green = g ;
	DOSMesa->blue = b ;

	r/=4; g/=4; b/=4;

	if( (r == last_r) && (g == last_g) && (b == last_b) ) return;

	last_r = r ;
	last_g = g ;
	last_b = b ;

	if(r+g+b == 0 ) {
		DOSMesa->index = 0 ;
		return ;

	if( rgbtable[r][g][b] == 0 ) {
		/* not allocated yet */
		if(num_rgb_alloc<256) {
			DOSMesa->index = num_rgb_alloc;
			rgbtable[r][g][b] = num_rgb_alloc;

		} else {
			/* need to search for a close colour */
				unsigned short pass ;

				for(pass=0;pass<64;pass++) {
					if(r-pass>0) {
						if( rgbtable[r-pass][g][b] !=0 ) {
							rgbtable[r][g][b] = rgbtable[r-pass][g][b];
							DOSMesa->index = rgbtable[r-pass][g][b];
					if(r+pass<64) {
						if( rgbtable[r+pass][g][b] !=0 ) {
							rgbtable[r][g][b] = rgbtable[r+pass][g][b];
							DOSMesa->index = rgbtable[r+pass][g][b];
			rgbtable[r][g][b] = rand()%255;
	DOSMesa->index = rgbtable[r][g][b];

#if defined(DJGPP)
static int dos_seg;

void vga_clear(void)

/* Check if we`re using watcom and DOS */
#if defined(__WATCOMC__) && defined(__386__) && defined(__DOS__)

#if defined (DJGPP)

	asm ("
		pushw	%es

		movw	_dos_seg, %es

		movl	_video_buffer, %esi
		movl	$0xa0000, %edi

		movl	$64000, %ecx

		rep	; movsb

		popw	%es


	/* copy the RAM buffer to the Video memory */
	memcpy((unsigned char *)0xa0000,video_buffer, vga_getxdim()*vga_getydim() );

#endif //DJGPP

	/* clear the RAM buffer */
	memset(video_buffer,0, vga_getxdim()*vga_getydim() );

#endif //WATCOMC


#ifndef DEBUG
#define vga_drawpixel(x,y) { VID_BUF(x,y) = DOSMesa->index; }
void vga_drawpixel(x,y)
	VID_BUF(x,y) = DOSMesa->index;

int vga_getpixel(int x,int y)
	return 1;

void vga_flip(void)


void vga_setcolor(int index)
	/* does something, what i`ve no idea */
	DOSMesa->index = index;



#if defined(UNIVBE)

/* UniVBE VESA support */

void set_video_mode(unsigned short x,unsigned short y,char mode)
	if( setup_vesa_mode(x,y,mode) == FALSE ) {
		fprintf(stderr,"VESA: Set mode failed\n");

   This is problematic as we don`t know what resolution the user program
   wants when we reach here. This is why the 256 colour and HiColour modes
	should be the same resolution, perhaps i`ll make this an environment

void check_mi(void)
	if(mi!=0) return;

	if(DC==NULL) {
		DC = SV_init( TRUE );

	if(modeNumber == 0 ) {
		modeNumber = VESA_HICOLOUR_MODE;



int setup_vesa_mode(short height,short width,short depth)
	if(DC==NULL) {
		DC = SV_init( TRUE );
		/* how many bits per pixel */
		if( depth == 0)
			modeNumber = VESA_256COLOUR_MODE;
			modeNumber = VESA_HICOLOUR_MODE;

	/* Check if correct VESA Version is available */
	if( !DC || DC->VBEVersion < 0x0102) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Require a VESA VBE version 1.2 or higher\n");
		return FALSE;

	/* Check for LFB Supprt */
	if(DC->VBEVersion < 0x0200 ) {
		useLinear = FALSE;
	} else {
		useLinear = TRUE ;

 	/* Get desired mode info */
   if(!SV_getModeInfo( modeNumber, mi))
		return FALSE;

	/* Set VESA mode */
	if(!SV_setMode(modeNumber | svMultiBuffer, FALSE, TRUE, mi->NumberOfPages) )
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

void restore_video_mode(void)

void vga_clear(void)

void vga_flip(void)
	activePage = 1-activePage;
	visualPage = 1-activePage;


	   Change false to true if you`re getting flickering
	   even in double buffer mode, ( sets wait for Vertical retrace  )

int vga_getcolors(void)
	switch ( mi->BitsPerPixel ) {
		case 8:
			return 256;
		case 15:
		case 16:
			return 32768;
			return 64000;

int vga_getxdim(void)
	return mi->XResolution;

int vga_getydim(void)
	return mi->YResolution;

unsigned long current_color = 255;

void vga_setrgbcolor(int r,int g,int b)
	DOSMesa->red = r;
	DOSMesa->green = g ;
	DOSMesa->blue = b ;
	current_color = SV_rgbColor(r,g,b);

void vga_setcolor(int index)
	DOSMesa->index = index;
	current_color = index;

void vga_drawpixel(x,y)

/* TODO: */
int vga_getpixel(x,y)
/*	return (int)SV_getPixel(x,y); */
	fprintf(stderr,"vga_getpixel: Not implemented yet\n");
	return 1;

/* End of UNIVBE section */

/* Scitechs MegaGraphicsLibrary http://www.scitechsoft.com/ */

#if defined(MGL)

/* MGL support */
struct MI {
	unsigned short BitsPerPixel;
	unsigned long XResolution;
	unsigned long YResolution;

struct MI*mi;

static MGLDC*DC;
static int activePage = 0;
static int visualPage = 1;
static int modeNumber = 0;

void set_video_mode(unsigned short xres,unsigned short yres,char mode)
    int     i,driver = grDETECT,dmode = grDETECT;
    event_t evt;

	/* Start the MGL with only the SVGA 16m driver active */
	if (!MGL_init(&driver,&dmode,"..\\..\\"))
	if ((DC = MGL_createDisplayDC(false)) == NULL)

   This is problematic as we don`t know what resolution the user program
   wants when we reach here. This is why the 256 colour and HiColour modes
	should be the same resolution, perhaps i`ll make this an environment


void check_mi(void)
	if(mi!=0) return;

	if(DC==NULL) {
//		DC = SV_init( TRUE );

	if(modeNumber == 0 ) {
		modeNumber = MGL_HICOLOUR_MODE;

//	SV_getModeInfo(modeNumber,mi);


void restore_video_mode(void)

void vga_clear(void)

void vga_flip(void)
	activePage = 1-activePage;
	visualPage = 1-activePage;

//	SV_setActivePage(activePage);

	   Change false to true if you`re getting flickering
	   even in double buffer mode, ( sets wait for Vertical retrace  )
//	SV_setVisualPage(visualPage,false);

int vga_getcolors(void)
	switch ( mi->BitsPerPixel ) {
		case 8:
			return 256;
		case 15:
		case 16:
			return 32768;
			return 64000;

int vga_getxdim(void)
	return mi->XResolution;

int vga_getydim(void)
	return mi->YResolution;

unsigned long current_color = 255;

void vga_setrgbcolor(int r,int g,int b)
	DOSMesa->red = r;
	DOSMesa->green = g ;
	DOSMesa->blue = b ;
	current_color = MGL_rgbColor(DC,r,g,b);

void vga_setcolor(int index)
	DOSMesa->index = index;
	current_color = index;

void vga_drawpixel(x,y)

/* TODO: */
int vga_getpixel(x,y)
/*	return (int)SV_getPixel(x,y); */
	fprintf(stderr,"vga_getpixel: Not implemented yet\n");
	return 1;

/* End of UNIVBE section */

#ifdef GLIDE

/* GLIDE support */

static GrHwConfiguration hwconfig;

void set_video_mode(unsigned short x,unsigned short y,char mode)
	if( grSstQueryHardware( &hwconfig ) ) {
		grSstSelect( 0 ) ;
		if( !grSstOpen( GLIDE_MODE,
							2 ) ) {
			fprintf(stderr,"Detected 3DFX board, but couldn`t initialize!");

		grBufferClear( 0, 0, GR_WDEPTHVALUE_FARTHEST);

		atexit( glideshutdown );

//		guColorCombineFunction( GR_COLORCOMBINE_ITRGB );
//		grTexCombineFunction( GR_TMU0, GR_TEXTURECOMBINE_ZERO);

void restore_video_mode(void)

static void glideshutdown( void )
	grGlideShutdown() ;

void vga_clear(void)
	grBufferClear( 0, 0, GR_WDEPTHVALUE_FARTHEST);

void vga_flip(void)

int vga_getcolors(void)
	return 32768;

int vga_getxdim(void)
		return 800;
		return 640;

int vga_getydim(void)
		return 600;
		return 480;

unsigned long current_color = 255;

void vga_setrgbcolor(int r,int g,int b)
	DOSMesa->red = r;
	DOSMesa->green = g ;
	DOSMesa->blue = b ;

void vga_setcolor(int index)
	DOSMesa->index = index;

void vga_drawpixel(x,y)

	gr_vtx.x = x;
	gr_vtx.y = y;
	gr_vtx.z = 0;
	gr_vtx.r	= DOSMesa->red;
	gr_vtx.g	= DOSMesa->green;
	gr_vtx.b	= DOSMesa->blue;

	grDrawPoint( &gr_vtx );

static void fast_tri(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
   struct vertex_buffer *VB = ctx->VB;

	gr_vtx.z = 0;
	gr_vtx1.z = 0;
	gr_vtx2.z = 0;

   if (VB->MonoColor) {
	  	gr_vtx.r = DOSMesa->red;
   	gr_vtx.g = DOSMesa->green;
   	gr_vtx.b = DOSMesa->blue;
   	gr_vtx1.r = DOSMesa->red;
   	gr_vtx1.g = DOSMesa->green;
   	gr_vtx1.b = DOSMesa->blue;
   	gr_vtx2.r = DOSMesa->red;
   	gr_vtx2.g = DOSMesa->green;
   	gr_vtx2.b = DOSMesa->blue;
   } else {
		if(ctx->Light.ShadeModel == GL_SMOOTH ) {
		  	gr_vtx.r  = FixedToInt( VB->Color[v0][0] );
		  	gr_vtx.g  = FixedToInt( VB->Color[v0][1] );
		  	gr_vtx.b  = FixedToInt( VB->Color[v0][2] );

		  	gr_vtx1.r = FixedToInt( VB->Color[v1][0] );
		  	gr_vtx1.g = FixedToInt( VB->Color[v1][1] );
		  	gr_vtx1.b = FixedToInt( VB->Color[v1][2] );

		  	gr_vtx2.r = FixedToInt( VB->Color[v2][0] );
		  	gr_vtx2.g = FixedToInt( VB->Color[v2][1] );
		  	gr_vtx2.b = FixedToInt( VB->Color[v2][2] );
		} else {
		  	gr_vtx.r  = VB->Color[pv][0];
		  	gr_vtx.g  = VB->Color[pv][1];
		  	gr_vtx.b  = VB->Color[pv][2];

		  	gr_vtx1.r = VB->Color[pv][0];
		  	gr_vtx1.g = VB->Color[pv][1];
		  	gr_vtx1.b = VB->Color[pv][2];

		  	gr_vtx2.r = VB->Color[pv][0];
		  	gr_vtx2.g = VB->Color[pv][1];
		  	gr_vtx2.b = VB->Color[pv][2];

   gr_vtx.x  =       (VB->Win[v0][0] );
   gr_vtx.y  = FLIP( (VB->Win[v0][1] ) );
   gr_vtx1.x =       (VB->Win[v1][0] );
   gr_vtx1.y = FLIP( (VB->Win[v1][1] ) );
   gr_vtx2.x =       (VB->Win[v2][0] );
   gr_vtx2.y = FLIP( (VB->Win[v2][1] ) );

	if(gr_vtx.x <0 || gr_vtx.x > 639 )
	if(gr_vtx1.x <0 || gr_vtx1.x > 639 )
	if(gr_vtx2.x <0 || gr_vtx2.x > 639 )

	if(gr_vtx.y <0 || gr_vtx.y > 479 )
	if(gr_vtx1.y <0 || gr_vtx1.y > 479 )
	if(gr_vtx2.y <0 || gr_vtx2.y > 479 )

	grDrawTriangle( &gr_vtx,&gr_vtx1,&gr_vtx2);

void fast_plot(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint first,GLuint last )
	struct vertex_buffer *VB = ctx->VB;
	register GLuint i;

	if(VB->MonoColor) {
		/* all same color */

		gr_vtx.r = DOSMesa->red;
		gr_vtx.g = DOSMesa->green;
		gr_vtx.b = DOSMesa->blue;

		for(i=first;i<last;i++) {
			if(VB->ClipMask[i]==0) {
				gr_vtx.x = VB->Win[i][0];
				gr_vtx.y = FLIP(VB->Win[i][1]);

/* TODO: */
int vga_getpixel(x,y)
/*	return (int)SV_getPixel(x,y); */
	fprintf(stderr,"vga_getpixel: Not implemented yet\n");
	return 1;

/* End of GLIDE section */

#endif // GLIDE
/*****                 Miscellaneous functions                    *****/

static void get_buffer_size( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint *width, GLuint *height )
   *width = DOSMesa->width = vga_getxdim();
   *height = DOSMesa->height = vga_getydim();

/* Set current color index */
static void set_index( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint index )
   DOSMesa->index = index;
   /*vga_setcolor( index );*/

/* Set current drawing color */
static void set_color( GLcontext *ctx,
                       GLubyte red, GLubyte green,
                       GLubyte blue, GLubyte alpha )
   DOSMesa->red = red;
   DOSMesa->green = green;
   DOSMesa->blue = blue;
   vga_setrgbcolor( red, green, blue );

static void clear_index( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint index )
   /* TODO: Implements glClearIndex() */

static void clear_color( GLcontext *ctx,
                         GLubyte red, GLubyte green,
                         GLubyte blue, GLubyte alpha )
   /* TODO: Implements glClearColor() */

static void clear( GLcontext *ctx,
                   GLboolean all,
                   GLint x, GLint y, GLint width, GLint height )

static GLboolean set_buffer( GLcontext *ctx,
                             GLenum mode )
   /* TODO: implement double buffering and use this function to select */
   /* between front and back buffers. */
   if (buffer == GL_FRONT_LEFT)
      return GL_TRUE;
   else if (buffer == GL_BACK_LEFT)
      return GL_TRUE;
      return GL_FALSE;

/*****            Write spans of pixels                           *****/

static void write_index_span( GLcontext *ctx,
                              GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
                              const GLuint index[],
                              const GLubyte mask[] )
   int i;
   y = FLIP(y);
#ifdef UNIVBE
   for (i=0;i<n;i++,x++) {
      if (mask[i]) {
#ifdef UNIVBE
         vga_setcolor( index[i] );
         vga_drawpixel( x, y );

#ifdef UNIVBE


static void write_monoindex_span( GLcontext *ctx,
                                  GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
                                  const GLubyte mask[] )
   int i;
   y = FLIP(y);
   /* use current color index */
   vga_setcolor( DOSMesa->index );
#ifdef UNIVBE
   for (i=0;i<n;i++,x++) {
      if (mask[i]) {
#ifdef UNIVBE
         vga_drawpixel( x, y );
#ifdef UNIVBE

static void write_color_span( GLcontext *ctx,
                              GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
                              const GLubyte red[], const GLubyte green[],
                              const GLubyte blue[], const GLubyte alpha[],
                              const GLubyte mask[] )
   int i;
#ifdef UNIVBE
   if (mask) {
      /* draw some pixels */
      for (i=0; i<n; i++, x++) {
         if (mask[i]) {
#ifdef UNIVBE
				SV_putPixelFast(x,y,SV_rgbColor(red[i], green[i], blue[i]) );
            vga_setrgbcolor( red[i], green[i], blue[i] );
            vga_drawpixel( x, y );
   else {
      /* draw all pixels */
      for (i=0; i<n; i++, x++) {
#ifdef UNIVBE
			SV_putPixelFast(x,y,SV_rgbColor(red[i], green[i], blue[i]) );
         vga_setrgbcolor( red[i], green[i], blue[i] );
         vga_drawpixel( x, y );
#ifdef UNIVBE

static void write_monocolor_span( GLcontext *ctx,
                                  GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
                                  const GLubyte mask[])
   int i;
#ifdef UNIVBE
   /* use current rgb color */
   vga_setrgbcolor( DOSMesa->red, DOSMesa->green, DOSMesa->blue );
   for (i=0; i<n; i++, x++) {
      if (mask[i]) {
#ifdef UNIVBE
         vga_drawpixel( x, y );
#ifdef UNIVBE

/*****                 Read spans of pixels                       *****/

static void read_index_span( GLcontext *ctx,
                             GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y, GLuint index[])
   int i;
   y = FLIP(y);
   for (i=0; i<n; i++,x++) {
      index[i] = vga_getpixel( x, y );

static void read_color_span( GLcontext *ctx,
                             GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
                             GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],
                             GLubyte blue[], GLubyte alpha[] )
   int i;
   for (i=0; i<n; i++, x++) {
      /* TODO */

/*****                  Write arrays of pixels                    *****/

static void write_index_pixels( GLcontext *ctx,
                                GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
                                const GLuint index[], const GLubyte mask[] )
   int i;
#ifdef UNIVBE
   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
      if (mask[i]) {
#ifdef UNIVBE
			SV_putPixelFast(x[i], FLIP(y[i]), index[i] );
         vga_setcolor( index[i] );
         vga_drawpixel( x[i], FLIP(y[i]) );
#ifdef UNIVBE

static void write_monoindex_pixels( GLcontext *ctx,
                                    GLuint n,
                                    const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
                                    const GLubyte mask[] )
   int i;
   /* use current color index */
   vga_setcolor( DOSMesa->index );
#ifdef UNIVBE
   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
      if (mask[i]) {
#ifdef UNIVBE
			SV_putPixelFast(x[i], FLIP(y[i]), DOSMesa->index);
         vga_drawpixel( x[i], FLIP(y[i]) );
#ifdef UNIVBE

static void write_color_pixels( GLcontext *ctx,
                                GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
                                const GLubyte r[], const GLubyte g[],
                                const GLubyte b[], const GLubyte a[],
                                const GLubyte mask[] )
   int i;
#ifdef UNIVBE
   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
      if (mask[i]) {
#ifdef UNIVBE
			SV_putPixelFast(x[i], FLIP(y[i]), SV_rgbColor(r[i], g[i], b[i]) );
         vga_setrgbcolor( r[i], g[i], b[i] );
         vga_drawpixel( x[i], FLIP(y[i]) );
#ifdef UNIVBE

static void write_monocolor_pixels( GLcontext *ctx,
                                    GLuint n,
                                    const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
                                    const GLubyte mask[] )
   int i;
   /* use current rgb color */
   vga_setrgbcolor( DOSMesa->red, DOSMesa->green, DOSMesa->blue );
#ifdef UNIVBE
   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
      if (mask[i]) {
#ifdef UNIVBE
			SV_putPixelFast(x[i], FLIP(y[i]), current_color );
         vga_drawpixel( x[i], FLIP(y[i]) );
#ifdef UNIVBE

/*****                   Read arrays of pixels                    *****/

/* Read an array of color index pixels. */
static void read_index_pixels( GLcontext *ctx,
                               GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
                               GLuint index[], const GLubyte mask[] )
   int i;
   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
      index[i] = vga_getpixel( x[i], FLIP(y[i]) );

static void read_color_pixels( GLcontext *ctx,
                               GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
                               GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],
                               GLubyte blue[], GLubyte alpha[],
                               const GLubyte mask[] )
   /* TODO */

static void DOSmesa_setup_DD_pointers( GLcontext *ctx )
   /* Initialize all the pointers in the DD struct.  Do this whenever */
   /* a new context is made current or we change buffers via set_buffer! */

   ctx->Driver.UpdateState = DOSmesa_setup_DD_pointers;

   ctx->Driver.ClearIndex = clear_index;
   ctx->Driver.ClearColor = clear_color;
   ctx->Driver.Clear = clear;

   ctx->Driver.Index = set_index;
   ctx->Driver.Color = set_color;

   ctx->Driver.SetBuffer = set_buffer;
   ctx->Driver.GetBufferSize = get_buffer_size;

   ctx->Driver.PointsFunc = choose_points_function();
   ctx->Driver.LineFunc = choose_line_function();
   ctx->Driver.TriangleFunc = choose_triangle_function();

   /* Pixel/span writing functions: */
   /* TODO: use different funcs for 8, 16, 32-bit depths */
   ctx->Driver.WriteColorSpan       = write_color_span;
   ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorSpan   = write_monocolor_span;
   ctx->Driver.WriteColorPixels     = write_color_pixels;
   ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorPixels = write_monocolor_pixels;
   ctx->Driver.WriteIndexSpan       = write_index_span;
   ctx->Driver.WriteMonoindexSpan   = write_monoindex_span;
   ctx->Driver.WriteIndexPixels     = write_index_pixels;
   ctx->Driver.WriteMonoindexPixels = write_monoindex_pixels;

   /* Pixel/span reading functions: */
   /* TODO: use different funcs for 8, 16, 32-bit depths */
   ctx->Driver.ReadIndexSpan = read_index_span;
   ctx->Driver.ReadColorSpan = read_color_span;
   ctx->Driver.ReadIndexPixels = read_index_pixels;
   ctx->Driver.ReadColorPixels = read_color_pixels;

 * Create a new VGA/Mesa context and return a handle to it.
DOSMesaContext DOSMesaCreateContext( void )
   DOSMesaContext ctx;
   GLboolean rgb_flag;
   GLfloat redscale, greenscale, bluescale, alphascale;
   GLboolean db_flag = GL_FALSE;
   GLboolean alpha_flag = GL_FALSE;
   int colors;
   GLint index_bits;
   GLint redbits, greenbits, bluebits, alphabits;

#if !defined(UNIVBE) && !defined(GLIDE) && !defined(MGL)
	video_buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc( vga_getxdim() * vga_getydim() );

	memset(video_buffer,0, vga_getxdim() * vga_getydim() );

	memset(rgbtable,0,sizeof( rgbtable ) );

#if defined( DJGPP ) && !defined(UNIVBE) && !defined(GLIDE)
	dos_seg = _go32_conventional_mem_selector();

   /* determine if we're in RGB or color index mode */
   colors = vga_getcolors();
   if (colors==32768) {
      rgb_flag = GL_TRUE;
      redscale = greenscale = bluescale = alphascale = 255.0;
      redbits = greenbits = bluebits = 8;
      alphabits = 0;
      index_bits = 0;
   else if (colors==256) {
      rgb_flag = GL_FALSE;
      redscale = greenscale = bluescale = alphascale = 0.0;
      redbits = greenbits = bluebits = alphabits = 0;
      index_bits = 8;
   else {
      fprintf(stderr,"[%d] >16 bit color not implemented yet!\n",colors);
      return NULL;

   ctx = (DOSMesaContext) calloc( 1, sizeof(struct DOSmesa_context) );
   if (!ctx) {
      return NULL;

   ctx->gl_vis = gl_create_visual( rgb_flag,
                                   16,   /* depth_size */
                                   8,    /* stencil_size */
                                   16,   /* accum_size */
                                   redbits, greenbits,
                                   bluebits, alphabits);

   ctx->gl_ctx = gl_create_context( ctx->gl_vis,
                                    NULL,  /* share list context */
                                    (void *) ctx

   ctx->gl_buffer = gl_create_framebuffer( ctx->gl_vis );

   ctx->index = 1;
   ctx->red = ctx->green = ctx->blue = 255;

   ctx->width = ctx->height = 0;  /* temporary until first "make-current" */

   return ctx;

 * Destroy the given VGA/Mesa context.
void DOSMesaDestroyContext( DOSMesaContext ctx )
   if (ctx) {
      gl_destroy_visual( ctx->gl_vis );
      gl_destroy_context( ctx->gl_ctx );
      gl_destroy_framebuffer( ctx->gl_buffer );
      free( ctx );
      if (ctx==DOSMesa) {
         DOSMesa = NULL;

 * Make the specified VGA/Mesa context the current one.
void DOSMesaMakeCurrent( DOSMesaContext ctx )
   DOSMesa = ctx;
   gl_make_current( ctx->gl_ctx, ctx->gl_buffer );
   DOSmesa_setup_DD_pointers( ctx->gl_ctx );

   if (ctx->width==0 || ctx->height==0) {
      /* setup initial viewport */
      ctx->width = vga_getxdim();
      ctx->height = vga_getydim();
      gl_Viewport( ctx->gl_ctx, 0, 0, ctx->width, ctx->height );

 * Return a handle to the current VGA/Mesa context.
DOSMesaContext DOSMesaGetCurrentContext( void )
   return DOSMesa;

 * Swap front/back buffers for current context if double buffered.
void DOSMesaSwapBuffers( void )
#if !defined(UNIVBE)
/* Assume double buffering is available if in UNIVBE,
   if it isn`t its taken care of anyway */
//   if (DOSMesa->gl_vis->DBflag)


 * Need this to provide at least one external definition when DOS is
 * not defined on the compiler command line.

int gl_DOS_dummy_function(void)
   return 0;

#endif  /*DOS*/