/* * Mesa 3-D graphics library * Version: 4.1 * * Copyright (C) 1999 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * BRIAN PAUL BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* * DOS/DJGPP device driver v1.6 for Mesa * * Copyright (C) 2002 - Borca Daniel * Email : dborca@users.sourceforge.net * Web : http://www.geocities.com/dborca */ #include <dpmi.h> #include <pc.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stubinfo.h> #include <sys/exceptn.h> #include <sys/segments.h> #include <sys/farptr.h> #include <sys/movedata.h> #include "video.h" #include "vesa.h" static vl_mode modes[128]; static word16 vesa_ver; static int banked_selector, linear_selector; static int oldmode = -1; static int vesa_color_precision = 6; static word16 *vesa_pmcode; unsigned int vesa_gran_mask, vesa_gran_shift; /* * VESA info */ #define V_SIGN 0 #define V_MINOR 4 #define V_MAJOR 5 #define V_OEM_OFS 6 #define V_OEM_SEG 8 #define V_MODE_OFS 14 #define V_MODE_SEG 16 #define V_MEMORY 18 /* * mode info */ #define M_ATTR 0 #define M_GRAN 4 #define M_SCANLEN 16 #define M_XRES 18 #define M_YRES 20 #define M_BPP 25 #define M_RED 31 #define M_GREEN 33 #define M_BLUE 35 #define M_PHYS_PTR 40 /* * VESA 3.0 CRTC timings structure */ typedef struct CRTCInfoBlock { unsigned short HorizontalTotal; unsigned short HorizontalSyncStart; unsigned short HorizontalSyncEnd; unsigned short VerticalTotal; unsigned short VerticalSyncStart; unsigned short VerticalSyncEnd; unsigned char Flags; unsigned long PixelClock; /* units of Hz */ unsigned short RefreshRate; /* units of 0.01 Hz */ unsigned char reserved[40]; } __PACKED__ CRTCInfoBlock; #define HNEG (1 << 2) #define VNEG (1 << 3) #define DOUBLESCAN (1 << 0) /* Desc: Attempts to detect VESA, check video modes and create selectors. * * In : - * Out : mode array * * Note: - */ static vl_mode * vesa_init (void) { __dpmi_regs r; word16 *p; vl_mode *q; char vesa_info[512], tmp[512]; int maxsize = 0; word32 linearfb = 0; if (vesa_ver) { return modes; } _farpokel(_stubinfo->ds_selector, 0, 0x32454256); r.x.ax = 0x4f00; r.x.di = 0; r.x.es = _stubinfo->ds_segment; __dpmi_int(0x10, &r); movedata(_stubinfo->ds_selector, 0, _my_ds(), (unsigned)vesa_info, 512); if ((r.x.ax != 0x004f) || ((_32_ vesa_info[V_SIGN]) != 0x41534556)) { return NULL; } p = (word16 *)(((_16_ vesa_info[V_MODE_SEG])<<4) + (_16_ vesa_info[V_MODE_OFS])); q = modes; do { if ((q->mode=_farpeekw(__djgpp_dos_sel, (unsigned long)(p++))) == 0xffff) { break; } r.x.ax = 0x4f01; r.x.cx = q->mode; r.x.di = 512; r.x.es = _stubinfo->ds_segment; __dpmi_int(0x10, &r); movedata(_stubinfo->ds_selector, 512, _my_ds(), (unsigned)tmp, 256); switch (tmp[M_BPP]) { case 16: q->bpp = tmp[M_RED] + tmp[M_GREEN] + tmp[M_BLUE]; break; case 8: case 15: case 24: case 32: q->bpp = tmp[M_BPP]; break; default: q->bpp = 0; } if ((r.x.ax == 0x004f) && ((tmp[M_ATTR] & 0x11) == 0x11) && q->bpp) { q->xres = _16_ tmp[M_XRES]; q->yres = _16_ tmp[M_YRES]; q->scanlen = _16_ tmp[M_SCANLEN]; q->gran = (_16_ tmp[M_GRAN])<<10; if (tmp[M_ATTR] & 0x80) { vl_mode *q1 = q + 1; *q1 = *q++; linearfb = _32_ tmp[M_PHYS_PTR]; q->mode |= 0x4000; } if (maxsize < (q->scanlen * q->yres)) { maxsize = q->scanlen * q->yres; } q++; } } while (TRUE); if (q == modes) { return NULL; } if (linearfb) { maxsize = (maxsize + 0xfffUL) & ~0xfffUL; if (_create_selector(&linear_selector, linearfb, maxsize)) { return NULL; } } if (_create_selector(&banked_selector, 0xa0000, modes[0].gran)) { _remove_selector(&linear_selector); return NULL; } for (q = modes; q->mode != 0xffff; q++) { q->sel = (q->mode & 0x4000) ? linear_selector : banked_selector; } if (vesa_info[V_MAJOR] >= 2) { r.x.ax = 0x4f0a; r.x.bx = 0; __dpmi_int(0x10, &r); if (r.x.ax == 0x004f) { vesa_pmcode = (word16 *)malloc(r.x.cx); if (vesa_pmcode != NULL) { movedata(__djgpp_dos_sel, (r.x.es << 4) + r.x.di, _my_ds(), (unsigned)vesa_pmcode, r.x.cx); if (vesa_pmcode[3]) { p = (word16 *)((long)vesa_pmcode + vesa_pmcode[3]); while (*p++ != 0xffff) { } } else { p = NULL; } if (p && (*p != 0xffff)) { free(vesa_pmcode); vesa_pmcode = NULL; } else { vesa_swbank = (void *)((long)vesa_pmcode + vesa_pmcode[0]); } } } } vesa_ver = _16_ vesa_info[V_MINOR]; return modes; } /* Desc: Frees all resources allocated by VESA init code. * * In : - * Out : - * * Note: - */ static void vesa_fini (void) { if (vesa_ver) { _remove_selector(&linear_selector); _remove_selector(&banked_selector); if (vesa_pmcode != NULL) { free(vesa_pmcode); vesa_pmcode = NULL; } } } /* Desc: Uses VESA 3.0 function 0x4F0B to find the closest pixel clock to the requested value. * * In : mode, clock * Out : desired clock * * Note: - */ static unsigned long _closest_pixclk (int mode_no, unsigned long vclk) { __dpmi_regs r; r.x.ax = 0x4F0B; r.h.bl = 0; r.d.ecx = vclk; r.x.dx = mode_no; __dpmi_int(0x10, &r); return (r.x.ax == 0x004f) ? r.d.ecx : 0; } /* Desc: Calculates CRTC mode timings. * * In : crtc block, geometry, adjust * Out : * * Note: */ static void _crtc_timing (CRTCInfoBlock *crtc, int xres, int yres, int xadjust, int yadjust) { int HTotal, VTotal; int HDisp, VDisp; int HSS, VSS; int HSE, VSE; int HSWidth, VSWidth; int SS, SE; int doublescan = FALSE; if (yres < 400) { doublescan = TRUE; yres *= 2; } HDisp = xres; HTotal = (int)(HDisp * 1.27) & ~0x7; HSWidth = (int)((HTotal - HDisp) / 5) & ~0x7; HSS = HDisp + 16; HSE = HSS + HSWidth; VDisp = yres; VTotal = VDisp * 1.07; VSWidth = (VTotal / 100) + 1; VSS = VDisp + ((int)(VTotal - VDisp) / 5) + 1; VSE = VSS + VSWidth; SS = HSS + xadjust; SE = HSE + xadjust; if (xadjust < 0) { if (SS < (HDisp + 8)) { SS = HDisp + 8; SE = SS + HSWidth; } } else { if ((HTotal - 24) < SE) { SE = HTotal - 24; SS = SE - HSWidth; } } HSS = SS; HSE = SE; SS = VSS + yadjust; SE = VSE + yadjust; if (yadjust < 0) { if (SS < (VDisp + 3)) { SS = VDisp + 3; SE = SS + VSWidth; } } else { if ((VTotal - 4) < SE) { SE = VTotal - 4; SS = SE - VSWidth; } } VSS = SS; VSE = SE; crtc->HorizontalTotal = HTotal; crtc->HorizontalSyncStart = HSS; crtc->HorizontalSyncEnd = HSE; crtc->VerticalTotal = VTotal; crtc->VerticalSyncStart = VSS; crtc->VerticalSyncEnd = VSE; crtc->Flags = HNEG | VNEG; if (doublescan) { crtc->Flags |= DOUBLESCAN; } } /* Desc: Attempts to enter specified video mode. * * In : ptr to mode structure, refresh rate * Out : 0 if success * * Note: - */ static int vesa_entermode (vl_mode *p, int refresh) { __dpmi_regs r; if (p->mode & 0x4000) { VESA.blit = _can_mmx() ? vesa_l_dump_virtual_mmx : vesa_l_dump_virtual; } else { VESA.blit = vesa_b_dump_virtual; { int n; for (vesa_gran_shift=0, n=p->gran; n; vesa_gran_shift++, n>>=1) ; } vesa_gran_mask = (1 << (--vesa_gran_shift)) - 1; if ((unsigned)p->gran != (vesa_gran_mask+1)) { return !0; } } if (oldmode == -1) { r.x.ax = 0x4f03; __dpmi_int(0x10, &r); oldmode = r.x.bx; } r.x.ax = 0x4f02; r.x.bx = p->mode; if (refresh && ((vesa_ver>>8) >= 3)) { /* VESA 3.0 stuff for controlling the refresh rate */ CRTCInfoBlock crtc; unsigned long vclk; double f0; _crtc_timing(&crtc, p->xres, p->yres, 0, 0); vclk = (double)crtc.HorizontalTotal * crtc.VerticalTotal * refresh; vclk = _closest_pixclk(p->mode, vclk); if (vclk != 0) { f0 = (double)vclk / (crtc.HorizontalTotal * crtc.VerticalTotal); /*_current_refresh_rate = (int)(f0 + 0.5);*/ crtc.PixelClock = vclk; crtc.RefreshRate = refresh * 100; movedata(_my_ds(), (unsigned)&crtc, _stubinfo->ds_selector, 0, sizeof(crtc)); r.x.di = 0; r.x.es = _stubinfo->ds_segment; r.x.bx |= 0x0800; } } __dpmi_int(0x10, &r); if (r.x.ax != 0x004f) { return !0; } if (p->bpp == 8) { r.x.ax = 0x4f08; r.x.bx = 0x0800; __dpmi_int(0x10, &r); if (r.x.ax == 0x004f) { r.x.ax = 0x4f08; r.h.bl = 0x01; __dpmi_int(0x10, &r); vesa_color_precision = r.h.bh; } } return 0; } /* Desc: Restores to the mode prior to first call to vesa_entermode. * * In : - * Out : - * * Note: - */ static void vesa_restore (void) { __dpmi_regs r; if (oldmode != -1) { r.x.ax = 0x4f02; r.x.bx = oldmode; __dpmi_int(0x10, &r); oldmode = -1; } } /* Desc: set one palette entry * * In : color index, R, G, B * Out : - * * Note: uses integer values */ static void vesa_setCI_i (int index, int red, int green, int blue) { #if 0 __asm("\n\ movw $0x1010, %%ax \n\ movb %1, %%dh \n\ movb %2, %%ch \n\ int $0x10 \n\ "::"b"(index), "m"(red), "m"(green), "c"(blue):"%eax", "%edx"); #else outportb(0x03C8, index); outportb(0x03C9, red); outportb(0x03C9, green); outportb(0x03C9, blue); #endif } /* Desc: set one palette entry * * In : color index, R, G, B * Out : - * * Note: uses normalized values */ static void vesa_setCI_f (int index, float red, float green, float blue) { float max = (1 << vesa_color_precision) - 1; vesa_setCI_i(index, (int)(red * max), (int)(green * max), (int)(blue * max)); } /* Desc: state retrieval * * In : parameter name, ptr to storage * Out : 0 if request successfully processed * * Note: - */ static int vesa_get (int pname, int *params) { switch (pname) { case VL_GET_CI_PREC: params[0] = vesa_color_precision; break; default: return -1; } return 0; } /* * the driver */ vl_driver VESA = { vesa_init, vesa_entermode, NULL, vesa_setCI_f, vesa_setCI_i, vesa_get, vesa_restore, vesa_fini };