/* -*- mode:C; coding: mult-utf-8-unix -*- * * !!! Important: This file is encoded in UTF-8 !!! * * Note (Emacs): You need Mule. In Debian the package is called * mule-ucs. * * Note (Emacs): You may have to enable multibyte characters in the * Mule customization group or by setting * default-enable-multibyte-characters to t in your .emacs: */ /* * XML DRI client-side driver configuration * Copyright (C) 2003 Felix Kuehling * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * FELIX KUEHLING, OR ANY OTHER CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE * OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ /** * \file xmlpool.h * \brief Pool of common options * \author Felix Kuehling * * This file defines macros that can be used to construct driConfigOptions * in the drivers. */ #ifndef __XMLPOOL_H #define __XMLPOOL_H /* * generic macros */ /** \brief Begin __driConfigOptions */ #define DRI_CONF_BEGIN \ "\n" /** \brief End __driConfigOptions */ #define DRI_CONF_END \ "\n" /** \brief Begin a section of related options */ #define DRI_CONF_SECTION_BEGIN \ "
\n" /** \brief End a section of related options */ #define DRI_CONF_SECTION_END \ "
\n" /** \brief Begin an option definition */ #define DRI_CONF_OPT_BEGIN(name,type,def) \ "\n" /** \brief A verbal description in a specified language (empty version) */ #define DRI_CONF_DESC(lang,text) \ "\n" /** \brief A verbal description in a specified language */ #define DRI_CONF_DESC_BEGIN(lang,text) \ "\n" /** \brief End a description */ #define DRI_CONF_DESC_END \ "\n" /** \brief A verbal description of an enum value */ #define DRI_CONF_ENUM(value,text) \ "\n" /* * predefined option sections and options with multi-lingual descriptions */ /** \brief Debugging options */ #define DRI_CONF_SECTION_DEBUG \ DRI_CONF_SECTION_BEGIN \ DRI_CONF_DESC(en,"Debugging") \ DRI_CONF_DESC(de,"Fehlersuche") #define DRI_CONF_NO_RAST(def) \ DRI_CONF_OPT_BEGIN(no_rast,bool,def) \ DRI_CONF_DESC(en,"Disable 3D acceleration") \ DRI_CONF_DESC(de,"3D-Beschleunigung abschalten") \ DRI_CONF_OPT_END #define DRI_CONF_PERFORMANCE_BOXES(def) \ DRI_CONF_OPT_BEGIN(performance_boxes,bool,def) \ DRI_CONF_DESC(en,"Show performance boxes") \ DRI_CONF_DESC(de,"Zeige Performanceboxen") \ DRI_CONF_OPT_END #define DRI_CONF_DEBUG_DMA(def) \ DRI_CONF_OPT_BEGIN(debug_dma,bool,def) \ DRI_CONF_DESC(en,"Debug DMA buffers") \ DRI_CONF_DESC(de,"DMA Puffer debuggen") \ DRI_CONF_OPT_END /** \brief Texture-related options */ #define DRI_CONF_SECTION_QUALITY \ DRI_CONF_SECTION_BEGIN \ DRI_CONF_DESC(en,"Image Quality") \ DRI_CONF_DESC(de,"Bildqualität") #define DRI_CONF_PREFERRED_BPT(def,valid) \ DRI_CONF_OPT_BEGIN_V(preferred_bpt,enum,def,valid) \ DRI_CONF_DESC_BEGIN(en,"Preferred texture color depth") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(0,"Same as frame buffer") \ DRI_CONF_DESC_END \ DRI_CONF_DESC_BEGIN(de,"Bevorzugte Textur Farbtiefe") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(0,"So wie der Framebuffer") \ DRI_CONF_DESC_END \ DRI_CONF_OPT_END /** \brief Performance-related options */ #define DRI_CONF_SECTION_PERFORMANCE \ DRI_CONF_SECTION_BEGIN \ DRI_CONF_DESC(en,"Performance") \ DRI_CONF_DESC(de,"Leistung") #define DRI_CONF_TCL_SW 0 #define DRI_CONF_TCL_PIPELINED 1 #define DRI_CONF_TCL_VTXFMT 2 #define DRI_CONF_TCL_CODEGEN 3 #define DRI_CONF_TCL_MODE(def) \ DRI_CONF_OPT_BEGIN_V(tcl_mode,enum,def,"0:3") \ DRI_CONF_DESC_BEGIN(en,"TCL mode (Transformation, Clipping, Lighting)") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(0,"Software") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(1,"TCL stage in MESA pipeline") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(2,"Bypass MESA's pipeline") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(3,"Bypass MESA's pipeline with state-based code generation") \ DRI_CONF_DESC_END \ DRI_CONF_DESC_BEGIN(de,"TCL Modus (Transformation, Clipping, Licht)") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(0,"Software") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(1,"TCL Stufe in MESA Pipeline") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(2,"Umgehe MESA's Pipeline") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(3,"Umgehe MESA's Pipeline mit zustandsbasierter Codegenerierung") \ DRI_CONF_DESC_END \ DRI_CONF_OPT_END #define DRI_CONF_FTHROTTLE_BUSY 0 #define DRI_CONF_FTHROTTLE_USLEEPS 1 #define DRI_CONF_FTHROTTLE_IRQS 2 #define DRI_CONF_FTHROTTLE_MODE(def) \ DRI_CONF_OPT_BEGIN_V(fthrottle_mode,enum,def,"0:2") \ DRI_CONF_DESC_BEGIN(en,"Frame throttling") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(0,"Busy waiting") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(1,"Usleeps") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(2,"Software interrupts") \ DRI_CONF_DESC_END \ DRI_CONF_DESC_BEGIN(de,"Framethrottling") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(0,"Aktives Warten") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(1,"Usleeps") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(2,"Sortware Interrutps") \ DRI_CONF_DESC_END \ DRI_CONF_OPT_END #define DRI_CONF_VBLANK_NEVER 0 #define DRI_CONF_VBLANK_DEF_INTERVAL_0 1 #define DRI_CONF_VBLANK_DEF_INTERVAL_1 2 #define DRI_CONF_VBLANK_ALWAYS_SYNC 3 #define DRI_CONF_VBLANK_MODE(def) \ DRI_CONF_OPT_BEGIN_V(vblank_mode,enum,def,"0:3") \ DRI_CONF_DESC_BEGIN(en,"Synchronization with vertical refresh (swap intervals)") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(0,"Never, FPS rulez!") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(1,"Application preference, default interval 0") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(2,"Application preference, default interval 1") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(3,"Application preference, always synchronize with refresh") \ DRI_CONF_DESC_END \ DRI_CONF_DESC_BEGIN(de,"Synchronisation mit dem vertikalen Bildaufbau (swap intervals)") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(0,"Niemals, immer die maximale Framerate") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(1,"Anwendung entscheidet, Standardinterval 0") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(2,"Anwendung entscheidet, Standardinterval 1") \ DRI_CONF_ENUM(3,"Anwendung entscheidet, immer mit Bildaufbau synchronisieren") \ DRI_CONF_DESC_END \ DRI_CONF_OPT_END #endif