# German translations for DRI driver options. # Copyright (C) 2005 Felix Kuehling # This file is distributed under the same license as the Mesa package. # Felix Kuehling <fxkuehl@gmx.de>, 2005. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Mesa 6.3\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2005-04-11 23:19+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2005-04-11 01:34+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Felix Kuehling <fxkuehl@gmx.de>\n" "Language-Team: German <de@li.org>\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: t_options.h:53 msgid "Debugging" msgstr "Fehlersuche" #: t_options.h:57 msgid "Disable 3D acceleration" msgstr "3D-Beschleunigung abschalten" #: t_options.h:62 msgid "Show performance boxes" msgstr "Zeige Performanceboxen" #: t_options.h:69 msgid "Image Quality" msgstr "Bildqualität" #: t_options.h:77 msgid "Texture color depth" msgstr "Texturfarbtiefe" #: t_options.h:78 msgid "Prefer frame buffer color depth" msgstr "Bevorzuge Farbtiefe des Framebuffers" #: t_options.h:79 msgid "Prefer 32 bits per texel" msgstr "Bevorzuge 32 bits pro Texel" #: t_options.h:80 msgid "Prefer 16 bits per texel" msgstr "Bevorzuge 16 bits pro Texel" #: t_options.h:81 msgid "Force 16 bits per texel" msgstr "Erzwinge 16 bits pro Texel" #: t_options.h:87 msgid "Initial maximum value for anisotropic texture filtering" msgstr "Initialer Maximalwert für anisotropische Texturfilterung" #: t_options.h:92 msgid "Forbid negative texture LOD bias" msgstr "Verbiete negative Textur-Detailgradverschiebung" #: t_options.h:97 msgid "" "Enable S3TC texture compression even if software support is not available" msgstr "" "Aktiviere S3TC Texturkomprimierung auch wenn die nötige " "Softwareunterstützung fehlt" #: t_options.h:104 msgid "Initial color reduction method" msgstr "Initiale Farbreduktionsmethode" #: t_options.h:105 msgid "Round colors" msgstr "Farben runden" #: t_options.h:106 msgid "Dither colors" msgstr "Farben rastern" #: t_options.h:114 msgid "Color rounding method" msgstr "Farbrundungsmethode" #: t_options.h:115 msgid "Round color components downward" msgstr "Farbkomponenten abrunden" #: t_options.h:116 msgid "Round to nearest color" msgstr "Zur ähnlichsten Farbe runden" #: t_options.h:125 msgid "Color dithering method" msgstr "Farbrasterungsmethode" #: t_options.h:126 msgid "Horizontal error diffusion" msgstr "Horizontale Fehlerstreuung" #: t_options.h:127 msgid "Horizontal error diffusion, reset error at line start" msgstr "Horizontale Fehlerstreuung, Fehler am Zeilenanfang zurücksetzen" #: t_options.h:128 msgid "Ordered 2D color dithering" msgstr "Geordnete 2D Farbrasterung" #: t_options.h:134 msgid "Floating point depth buffer" msgstr "Fließkomma z-Puffer" #: t_options.h:140 msgid "Performance" msgstr "Leistung" #: t_options.h:148 msgid "TCL mode (Transformation, Clipping, Lighting)" msgstr "TCL-Modus (Transformation, Clipping, Licht)" #: t_options.h:149 msgid "Use software TCL pipeline" msgstr "Benutze die Software-TCL-Pipeline" #: t_options.h:150 msgid "Use hardware TCL as first TCL pipeline stage" msgstr "Benutze Hardware TCL als erste Stufe der TCL-Pipeline" #: t_options.h:151 msgid "Bypass the TCL pipeline" msgstr "Umgehe die TCL-Pipeline" #: t_options.h:152 msgid "" "Bypass the TCL pipeline with state-based machine code generated on-the-fly" msgstr "" "Umgehe die TCL-Pipeline mit zur Laufzeit erzeugtem, zustandsbasiertem " "Maschinencode" #: t_options.h:161 msgid "Method to limit rendering latency" msgstr "Methode zur Begrenzung der Bildverzögerung" #: t_options.h:162 msgid "Busy waiting for the graphics hardware" msgstr "Aktives Warten auf die Grafikhardware" #: t_options.h:163 msgid "Sleep for brief intervals while waiting for the graphics hardware" msgstr "Kurze Schlafintervalle beim Warten auf die Grafikhardware" #: t_options.h:164 msgid "Let the graphics hardware emit a software interrupt and sleep" msgstr "" "Die Grafikhardware eine Softwareunterbrechnung erzeugen lassen und schlafen" #: t_options.h:174 msgid "Synchronization with vertical refresh (swap intervals)" msgstr "Synchronisation mit der vertikalen Bildwiederholung" #: t_options.h:175 msgid "Never synchronize with vertical refresh, ignore application's choice" msgstr "" "Niemals mit der Bildwiederholung synchronisieren, Anweisungen der Anwendung " "ignorieren" #: t_options.h:176 msgid "Initial swap interval 0, obey application's choice" msgstr "Initiales Bildinterval 0, Anweisungen der Anwendung gehorchen" #: t_options.h:177 msgid "Initial swap interval 1, obey application's choice" msgstr "Initiales Bildinterval 1, Anweisungen der Anwendung gehorchen" #: t_options.h:178 msgid "" "Always synchronize with vertical refresh, application chooses the minimum " "swap interval" msgstr "" "Immer mit der Bildwiederholung synchronisieren, Anwendung wählt das minimale " "Bildintervall" #: t_options.h:186 msgid "Use HyperZ to boost performance" msgstr "HyperZ zur Leistungssteigerung verwenden" #: t_options.h:191 msgid "Number of texture units used" msgstr "Anzahl der benutzten Textureinheiten" #: t_options.h:196 msgid "Support larger textures not guaranteed to fit into graphics memory" msgstr "Unterstütze grosse Texturen die evtl. nicht in den Grafikspeicher passen" #: t_options.h:197 msgid "No" msgstr "Nein" #: t_options.h:198 msgid "At least 1 texture must fit under worst-case assumptions" msgstr "Mindestens 1 Textur muss auch im schlechtesten Fall Platz haben" #: t_options.h:199 msgid "Announce hardware limits" msgstr "Benutze Hardware-Limits" #: t_options.h:205 msgid "Texture filtering quality vs. speed, AKA “brilinear” texture filtering" msgstr "" "Texturfilterqualität versus -geschwindigkeit, auch bekannt als „brilineare“ " "Texturfilterung" #: t_options.h:213 msgid "Used types of texture memory" msgstr "Benutzte Arten von Texturspeicher" #: t_options.h:214 msgid "All available memory" msgstr "Aller verfügbarer Speicher" #: t_options.h:215 msgid "Only card memory (if available)" msgstr "Nur Grafikspeicher (falls verfügbar)" #: t_options.h:216 msgid "Only GART (AGP/PCIE) memory (if available)" msgstr "Nur GART-Speicher (AGP/PCIE) (falls verfügbar)" #: t_options.h:224 msgid "Features that are not hardware-accelerated" msgstr "Funktionalität, die nicht hardwarebeschleunigt ist" #: t_options.h:228 msgid "Enable extension GL_ARB_vertex_program" msgstr "Erweiterung GL_ARB_vertex_program aktivieren" #: t_options.h:233 msgid "Enable extension GL_NV_vertex_program" msgstr "Erweiterung GL_NV_vertex_program aktivieren"