/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Nicolai Haehnle. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial * portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER(S) AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ #include "radeon_dataflow.h" #include "radeon_compiler.h" struct updatemask_state { unsigned char Output[RC_REGISTER_MAX_INDEX]; unsigned char Temporary[RC_REGISTER_MAX_INDEX]; unsigned char Address; unsigned char Special[RC_NUM_SPECIAL_REGISTERS]; }; struct instruction_state { unsigned char WriteMask:4; unsigned char WriteALUResult:1; unsigned char SrcReg[3]; }; struct loopinfo { struct updatemask_state * Breaks; unsigned int BreakCount; unsigned int BreaksReserved; }; struct branchinfo { unsigned int HaveElse:1; struct updatemask_state StoreEndif; struct updatemask_state StoreElse; }; struct deadcode_state { struct radeon_compiler * C; struct instruction_state * Instructions; struct updatemask_state R; struct branchinfo * BranchStack; unsigned int BranchStackSize; unsigned int BranchStackReserved; struct loopinfo * LoopStack; unsigned int LoopStackSize; unsigned int LoopStackReserved; }; static void or_updatemasks( struct updatemask_state * dst, struct updatemask_state * a, struct updatemask_state * b) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < RC_REGISTER_MAX_INDEX; ++i) { dst->Output[i] = a->Output[i] | b->Output[i]; dst->Temporary[i] = a->Temporary[i] | b->Temporary[i]; } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < RC_NUM_SPECIAL_REGISTERS; ++i) dst->Special[i] = a->Special[i] | b->Special[i]; dst->Address = a->Address | b->Address; } static void push_break(struct deadcode_state *s) { struct loopinfo * loop = &s->LoopStack[s->LoopStackSize - 1]; memory_pool_array_reserve(&s->C->Pool, struct updatemask_state, loop->Breaks, loop->BreakCount, loop->BreaksReserved, 1); memcpy(&loop->Breaks[loop->BreakCount++], &s->R, sizeof(s->R)); } static void push_loop(struct deadcode_state * s) { memory_pool_array_reserve(&s->C->Pool, struct loopinfo, s->LoopStack, s->LoopStackSize, s->LoopStackReserved, 1); memset(&s->LoopStack[s->LoopStackSize++], 0, sizeof(struct loopinfo)); } static void push_branch(struct deadcode_state * s) { memory_pool_array_reserve(&s->C->Pool, struct branchinfo, s->BranchStack, s->BranchStackSize, s->BranchStackReserved, 1); struct branchinfo * branch = &s->BranchStack[s->BranchStackSize++]; branch->HaveElse = 0; memcpy(&branch->StoreEndif, &s->R, sizeof(s->R)); } static unsigned char * get_used_ptr(struct deadcode_state *s, rc_register_file file, unsigned int index) { if (file == RC_FILE_OUTPUT || file == RC_FILE_TEMPORARY) { if (index >= RC_REGISTER_MAX_INDEX) { rc_error(s->C, "%s: index %i is out of bounds for file %i\n", __FUNCTION__, index, file); return 0; } if (file == RC_FILE_OUTPUT) return &s->R.Output[index]; else return &s->R.Temporary[index]; } else if (file == RC_FILE_ADDRESS) { return &s->R.Address; } else if (file == RC_FILE_SPECIAL) { if (index >= RC_NUM_SPECIAL_REGISTERS) { rc_error(s->C, "%s: special file index %i out of bounds\n", __FUNCTION__, index); return 0; } return &s->R.Special[index]; } return 0; } static void mark_used(struct deadcode_state * s, rc_register_file file, unsigned int index, unsigned int mask) { unsigned char * pused = get_used_ptr(s, file, index); if (pused) *pused |= mask; } static void update_instruction(struct deadcode_state * s, struct rc_instruction * inst) { const struct rc_opcode_info * opcode = rc_get_opcode_info(inst->U.I.Opcode); struct instruction_state * insts = &s->Instructions[inst->IP]; unsigned int usedmask = 0; if (opcode->HasDstReg) { unsigned char * pused = get_used_ptr(s, inst->U.I.DstReg.File, inst->U.I.DstReg.Index); if (pused) { usedmask = *pused & inst->U.I.DstReg.WriteMask; *pused &= ~usedmask; } } insts->WriteMask |= usedmask; if (inst->U.I.WriteALUResult) { unsigned char * pused = get_used_ptr(s, RC_FILE_SPECIAL, RC_SPECIAL_ALU_RESULT); if (pused && *pused) { if (inst->U.I.WriteALUResult == RC_ALURESULT_X) usedmask |= RC_MASK_X; else if (inst->U.I.WriteALUResult == RC_ALURESULT_W) usedmask |= RC_MASK_W; *pused = 0; insts->WriteALUResult = 1; } } unsigned int srcmasks[3]; rc_compute_sources_for_writemask(inst, usedmask, srcmasks); for(unsigned int src = 0; src < opcode->NumSrcRegs; ++src) { unsigned int refmask = 0; unsigned int newsrcmask = srcmasks[src] & ~insts->SrcReg[src]; insts->SrcReg[src] |= newsrcmask; for(unsigned int chan = 0; chan < 4; ++chan) { if (GET_BIT(newsrcmask, chan)) refmask |= 1 << GET_SWZ(inst->U.I.SrcReg[src].Swizzle, chan); } /* get rid of spurious bits from ZERO, ONE, etc. swizzles */ refmask &= RC_MASK_XYZW; if (!refmask) continue; mark_used(s, inst->U.I.SrcReg[src].File, inst->U.I.SrcReg[src].Index, refmask); if (inst->U.I.SrcReg[src].RelAddr) mark_used(s, RC_FILE_ADDRESS, 0, RC_MASK_X); } } static void mark_output_use(void * data, unsigned int index, unsigned int mask) { struct deadcode_state * s = data; mark_used(s, RC_FILE_OUTPUT, index, mask); } void rc_dataflow_deadcode(struct radeon_compiler * c, rc_dataflow_mark_outputs_fn dce, void * userdata) { struct deadcode_state s; unsigned int nr_instructions; memset(&s, 0, sizeof(s)); s.C = c; nr_instructions = rc_recompute_ips(c); s.Instructions = memory_pool_malloc(&c->Pool, sizeof(struct instruction_state)*nr_instructions); memset(s.Instructions, 0, sizeof(struct instruction_state)*nr_instructions); dce(userdata, &s, &mark_output_use); for(struct rc_instruction * inst = c->Program.Instructions.Prev; inst != &c->Program.Instructions; inst = inst->Prev) { const struct rc_opcode_info * opcode = rc_get_opcode_info(inst->U.I.Opcode); switch(opcode->Opcode){ /* Mark all sources in the loop body as used before doing * normal deadcode analysis. This is probably not optimal. */ case RC_OPCODE_ENDLOOP: { int endloops = 1; struct rc_instruction *ptr; for(ptr = inst->Prev; endloops > 0; ptr = ptr->Prev){ opcode = rc_get_opcode_info(ptr->U.I.Opcode); if(ptr->U.I.Opcode == RC_OPCODE_BGNLOOP){ endloops--; continue; } if(ptr->U.I.Opcode == RC_OPCODE_ENDLOOP){ endloops++; continue; } if(opcode->HasDstReg){ int src = 0; unsigned int srcmasks[3]; rc_compute_sources_for_writemask(ptr, ptr->U.I.DstReg.WriteMask, srcmasks); for(src=0; src < opcode->NumSrcRegs; src++){ mark_used(&s, ptr->U.I.SrcReg[src].File, ptr->U.I.SrcReg[src].Index, srcmasks[src]); } } } push_loop(&s); break; } case RC_OPCODE_BRK: push_break(&s); break; case RC_OPCODE_BGNLOOP: { unsigned int i; struct loopinfo * loop = &s.LoopStack[s.LoopStackSize-1]; for(i = 0; i < loop->BreakCount; i++) { or_updatemasks(&s.R, &s.R, &loop->Breaks[i]); } break; } case RC_OPCODE_CONT: break; case RC_OPCODE_ENDIF: push_branch(&s); break; default: if (opcode->IsFlowControl && s.BranchStackSize) { struct branchinfo * branch = &s.BranchStack[s.BranchStackSize-1]; if (opcode->Opcode == RC_OPCODE_IF) { or_updatemasks(&s.R, &s.R, branch->HaveElse ? &branch->StoreElse : &branch->StoreEndif); s.BranchStackSize--; } else if (opcode->Opcode == RC_OPCODE_ELSE) { if (branch->HaveElse) { rc_error(c, "%s: Multiple ELSE for one IF/ENDIF\n", __FUNCTION__); } else { memcpy(&branch->StoreElse, &s.R, sizeof(s.R)); memcpy(&s.R, &branch->StoreEndif, sizeof(s.R)); branch->HaveElse = 1; } } else { rc_error(c, "%s: Unhandled control flow instruction %s\n", __FUNCTION__, opcode->Name); } } } update_instruction(&s, inst); } unsigned int ip = 0; for(struct rc_instruction * inst = c->Program.Instructions.Next; inst != &c->Program.Instructions; inst = inst->Next, ++ip) { const struct rc_opcode_info * opcode = rc_get_opcode_info(inst->U.I.Opcode); int dead = 1; if (!opcode->HasDstReg) { dead = 0; } else { inst->U.I.DstReg.WriteMask = s.Instructions[ip].WriteMask; if (s.Instructions[ip].WriteMask) dead = 0; if (s.Instructions[ip].WriteALUResult) dead = 0; else inst->U.I.WriteALUResult = RC_ALURESULT_NONE; } if (dead) { struct rc_instruction * todelete = inst; inst = inst->Prev; rc_remove_instruction(todelete); continue; } unsigned int srcmasks[3]; unsigned int usemask = s.Instructions[ip].WriteMask; if (inst->U.I.WriteALUResult == RC_ALURESULT_X) usemask |= RC_MASK_X; else if (inst->U.I.WriteALUResult == RC_ALURESULT_W) usemask |= RC_MASK_W; rc_compute_sources_for_writemask(inst, usemask, srcmasks); for(unsigned int src = 0; src < 3; ++src) { for(unsigned int chan = 0; chan < 4; ++chan) { if (!GET_BIT(srcmasks[src], chan)) SET_SWZ(inst->U.I.SrcReg[src].Swizzle, chan, RC_SWIZZLE_UNUSED); } } } rc_calculate_inputs_outputs(c); }